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Occupy Wall St - Occupy Everywhere, Occupy Together!

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Misanthropy said:
I see that the right to protest part of the first amendment doesn't really hold up anymore. I love how we get mad at the federal government for not protecting our privileges when the local government/police is what influences our privileges the most. And right now it doesn't really seem like they care about any freedoms.

Its not even local politicians, it's local PD departments that think theyre above the law.

They deploy as many cops/helicopters/special forces as they want, and bill the taxpayer later. Theres no accountability.

Someone needs to stand up and say "You want to deploy 500 men against 200 people sitting peacefully in the park? Fine, do it on your dime, not the taxpayer money"

Im pretty damn sure there are more important things Oakland PD needs to focus on besides "sitting in park past hours"

Do they arrest the hundreds of homeless people that sleep in parks every night?

The good news about Oakland is that the courts will side with the protesters.

Oakland citizens, enjoy 10 years of massive legal payouts due to your corrupt police force.


Joe said:
i watched Inside Job last night and after watching it i don't get how anyone would be opposed to these protests. is the film valid or is it biased and distorted?

are any other films suggested?

seen the international? that's another good movie.
Corporate shills exist in both parties, which is why this movement can never be hijacked by either one

Democratic Congressman-Turned BOA Exec Harold Ford Warns Obama Not To Listen To Occupy Wall Street

Former Rep. Harold Ford (D-TN) joined Bank of America (via its Merrill Lynch subsidiary) after losing his Senate race. A recent Bank of America conference listed Ford as an “Executive Vice Chairman” of the company.


Ford suggested that Obama tone down his supposedly anti-business rhetoric, and instead implement policies like a tax repatriation holiday (a tax holiday for corporations bringing profits made overseas to the United States). Such a bailout to already profitable companies does not even create jobs. Before Ford could go on, MSNBC host Andrea Mitchell interrupted him to ask about the growing Occupy Wall Street movement.

" We Democrats can’t criticize Republicans for catering to the tea party and not be–and not say to our Democratic Party you got to look beyond Occupy and be willing to do what’s in the best interest of the country."



I heard reports of rubber bullets being used in Oakland. Any one else hear that?

and Harold Ford was a DLC corporatist southern style Democrat in a generally red state. We supported him in TN, because they used race (commercials about him talking to white women, being handsome and popular on the club scene, etc) against him, but he's no leftist, and he's no progressive. He's a conservative, business oriented Dem.


Misanthropy said:
when the local government/police is what influences our privileges the most. And right now it doesn't really seem like they care about any freedoms.
vote ron paul for more states rights!
empty vessel said:
Pretty despicable. According to one report, the citizens were told that if they did not disperse, they would be arrested for "unlawful assembly." Nevermind this: "Congress shall make no law ... abridging ... the right of the people peaceably to assemble." But apparently instead of unconstitutionally arresting them, the police decided to violently attack them instead.

LOL Oh EV you hilariously inept interpretation of the Constitution and your militant anti-police view is a source of humor for us all.

Good job by the Oakland PD in properly handling this matter and not letting the squatters commit violence and property damage.


is now taking requests
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
LOL Oh EV you hilariously inept interpretation of the Constitution and your militant anti-police view is a source of humor for us all.

What was inept about it, Hans? I know you're a us lawyer (this is a source of humour for all of the euros on gaf), so you should be able to explain.


I'm really wanting to wait and see why the Oakland PD attacked. I don't think the oligarchs wanted the police to do that, as it's causing a shit-storm and will probably raise protest numbers- that's why Bloomberg hasn't cracked heads.

I'm at least open to the possibility that they got violent in Oakland, I want to hear an unbiased account if I can find one- all I'm seeing right now is leftist and rightist reports.

I looked at the local OWS- it's too mcuh emphasis leftist causes, not enough anti-corruption and anti-crony capitalism . That's not what I want.


I'm looking at the bar, i think it's still at 35%. Please add disk #2.

These guys need some new ideas, how to give the movement a fist. Unified acts of economic protest? Like the Thanksgiving and Christmas shopping boycotts some keep mentioning? What about 'buy small shop, buy American' pledges? Or some kind of online moderated polling to show numbers and attitudes and start splitting off issues, make sure the basic pillars of trade reform and election reform, and reviving the American economy are represented well. Then send some open letters to politicians, etc, the news media would eat it up. Disparate actions toward a particular set of goals. Warnings to politicians about intent to primary and showing enough registered numbers if possible to back it up. I mean lots of these 99%rs have computers, they could do some online electorate muscle flexing and get other 'one vote-one voicers' to join in. People would do these if they were deemed good ideas and word was spread.

Some people expect the next level to include either the roughing up some kids or broken windows of some sort.


Yeah, but nobody would know they were doing it. The whole idea of disruption is so the rest of the country can't ignore them.


Fusebox said:
Yeah, but nobody would know they were doing it. The whole idea of disruption is so the rest of the country can't ignore them.

Well about that, each facet would have to be publicized, I mean each protest could have it's own website, boycottbestbuy.com is probably only 10 bucks from godaddy. Social media forums for the protest where each registered 99%r gives their statement of intent to vote this way or that, or to take X action in their area, and to request X thing from their representative. Something that the press and politicians can look at to see that there are a large number of people acting on their own, besides the protests, that will have actual results, etc. Sort of like a 3rd wave of actors on a different front.

I mean if there was a huge push of 'buy American or don't buy at all' protests before and on black Friday, that certainly would fall in line with the greater movement.
alstein said:
I'm really wanting to wait and see why the Oakland PD attacked. I don't think the oligarchs wanted the police to do that, as it's causing a shit-storm and will probably raise protest numbers- that's why Bloomberg hasn't cracked heads.

I'm at least open to the possibility that they got violent in Oakland, I want to hear an unbiased account if I can find one- all I'm seeing right now is leftist and rightist reports.

I looked at the local OWS- it's too mcuh emphasis leftist causes, not enough anti-corruption and anti-crony capitalism . That's not what I want.
NY Times The Ledge blog had coverage last night.

I'll post a link when I get into work, but you should be able to find it by then.
JambiBum said:
The Atlanta mayor has said multiple times that they were going to do something on the 7th. Apparently he decided to go back on his word. Someone else can correct me here though. I can't remember exactly what he was going to do.

he issued an 'executive order' a while back saying they had until after the monthly city meeting on the 7th to clear out, etc.

then this weekend a hip-hop concert was planned for the protest, without the proper permits for a stage construction/POLICE PROTECTION PLAN/etc.

mayor Reed did not like this. the big hip hop radio station advertised it, and said ludacris's work would be honored. Reed took this to mean they were promising he'd be there. being an ex music dude, he called ludacris, who was like 'nope'. stage built, 600 people showed up, some performance, then it stopped. they brought a generator in to power it, which was against fire codes, then formed a human chain around it to stop it from being taken away.

he cited 'false promotion of ludacris', 'fire code violations/unsafe to put people around combustable liquids', 'no plan/permit/used a check to pay for the permit when checks aren't allowed' -- the occupyATL guys said the check thing was a lie, and they never promised ludacris.

anyways, shit hit the fan on saturday when the mayor said no concert, they did it anyways, then he said he'd be shutting them down at a time of his choosing. 11:45 last night they went and said it was coming, and like at 12:45 the arrests happen.

(gotta love the AJC and local news sometimes)
PezDispenser said:
This absolutely needs to be seen (wait for the end)


Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Good job by the Oakland PD in properly handling this matter and not letting the squatters commit violence and property damage.

People were peacefully protesting, not "squatting" when these pigs started attacking them. When a small group of protesters went to help a person who was down, the pigs shot tear gas right at them. I don't know how any reasonable person could see the "police" who did that as anything other than complete scum.
Mercury Fred said:


People were peacefully protesting, not "squatting" when these pigs started attacking them. When a small group of protesters went to help a person who was down, the pigs shot tear gas right at them. I don't know how any reasonable person could see the "police" who did that as anything other than complete scum.

Mercury Fred said:
Yes, abuse of power is just hysterical. I'm sure it was a laugh riot for the people who were illegally attacked by the "police."
Well besides no one being illegally attacked except in your mind.

More so using the term pigs is pretty funny too red. It makes you sounds like you stereotypical leftist from the 1960s/70s.

dave is ok said:
Fascism makes Manos hard.


akira28 said:
I'm looking at the bar, i think it's still at 35%. Please add disk #2.

These guys need some new ideas, how to give the movement a fist. Unified acts of economic protest? Like the Thanksgiving and Christmas shopping boycotts some keep mentioning? What about 'buy small shop, buy American' pledges? Or some kind of online moderated polling to show numbers and attitudes and start splitting off issues, make sure the basic pillars of trade reform and election reform, and reviving the American economy are represented well. Then send some open letters to politicians, etc, the news media would eat it up. Disparate actions toward a particular set of goals. Warnings to politicians about intent to primary and showing enough registered numbers if possible to back it up. I mean lots of these 99%rs have computers, they could do some online electorate muscle flexing and get other 'one vote-one voicers' to join in. People would do these if they were deemed good ideas and word was spread.

Some people expect the next level to include either the roughing up some kids or broken windows of some sort.

Good ideas, but probably fatal to the protests as they will already come off my hypocritical than already do. Remember the earlier criticism about how a lot of the hipsters had designer clothing and rich kid accessories?

They're all made overseas.

They should either align with the Democrats for 2012 or focus more intently on the generational inequities which can include college tuition stuff we've been discussing by proxy without focusing the discussion just on 'free' post-secondary and other far-left fringe issues.


Alpha-Bromega said:
Manos you must resent each day that you were born 10 years too late to live in Franco Spain and bask in its glory

Manos is a good debater. I don't think resorting to calling him or anyone a fascit as the frustrated Fortified Concept has done multiple times enhances your position. It makes you look, well, frustrated.
Deku said:
Manos is a good debater. I don't think resorting to calling him or anyone a fascit as the frustrated Fortified Concept has done multiple times enhances your position. It makes you look, well, frustrated.

This is not credibility-enhancing for you.


Deku said:
In what way?
Manos hasn't been doing anything but responding with snide one liners for as long as I've been reading the thread. It's mocking/trolling not engaging in debate.

Edit: Calling the dude fascist was completely pointless though as well as out of line.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
To be fair, I didn't even call him a fascist. I said fascism makes him hard.

Taibbi had a good point on the cops vs. protestors angle, though it's a bit of a stretch.

Millions of people have been foreclosed upon in the last three years. In most all of those foreclosures, a regional law enforcement office -- typically a sheriff's office -- was awarded fees by the court as part of the foreclosure settlement, settlements which of course were often rubber-stamped by a judge despite mountains of perjurious robosigned evidence.

That means that every single time a bank kicked someone out of his home, a local police department got a cut. Local sheriff's offices also get cuts of almost all credit card judgments, and other bank settlements. If you're wondering how it is that so many regional police departments have the money for fancy new vehicles and SWAT teams and other accoutrements, this is one of your answers.

What this amounts to is the banks having, as allies, a massive armed police force who are always on call, ready to help them evict homeowners and safeguard the repossession of property. But just see what happens when you try to call the police to prevent an improper foreclosure. Then, suddenly, the police will not get involved. It will be a "civil matter" and they won't intervene.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
LOL Oh EV you hilariously inept interpretation of the Constitution and your militant anti-police view is a source of humor for us all.

Good job by the Oakland PD in properly handling this matter and not letting the squatters commit violence and property damage.

And we are back in full circle!! Manos you began the conversation in the first thread about the protests, a month ago, by claiming there would be violence and property damage by protestors. Can you point me to any articles about that.


Azih said:
Manos hasn't been doing anything but responding with snide one liners for as long as I've been reading the thread. It's mocking/trolling not engaging in debate.

Edit: Calling the dude fascist was completely pointless though as well as out of line.

It's also so old, the 'fascist' thing has been thrown around by lefties since the idea of a teenager was invented.

also it's not my job to defend another poster on every point, but from what I've seen, there are points and counterpoints and he doesn't go on full on rage mode and instead have a little fun.

This is totally OT; you can PM me if you want.
travisbickle said:
And we are back in full circle!! Manos you began the conversation in the first thread about the protests, a month age, by claiming there would be violence and property damage by protestors. Can you point me to any articles about that.

At a late-night news conference, the city’s acting police chief, Howard Jordan, said officers needed to use tear gas after protesters threw rocks and bottles at them.
The police denied firing flash grenades or rubber bullets at protesters. “The loud noises that were heard originated from M-80 explosives thrown at Police by protesters,” the police said in a statement. “In addition, Police fired approximately four bean bag rounds at protesters to stop them from throwing dangerous objects at the officers.”

The police also explained their use of tear gas:

The Police used a limited amount of tear gas for a small area as a defense against protesters who were throwing various objects at Police Officers as they approached the area. The objects included glass bottles, rocks, pots, pans, kitchen utensils and plates at Police Officers. In addition, the protesters sprayed a Fire Extinguisher on Police Officers.

The San Francisco Chronicle reported on the early hours of the protest Tuesday night:

Early on, the scene outside City Hall was largely peaceful, but it was a different story a few blocks west on Washington Street. Officers in riot gear hemmed in protesters around 6 p.m. and tried to arrest one person, as about 50 more surrounded them shouting, “Let him go, let him go.”

Protesters threw turquoise and red paint at the riot police officers’ faces and helmets. Some led the crowd in chanting, “This is why we call you pigs.”

Others pleaded with the agitators to be peaceful and return to the march, yet some protesters tried to fight with the police and were clubbed and kicked in return.


Dude Abides

This is the same Oakland PD that just can't seem to comply with a consent decree after they were caught beating and framing people, so I'd take whatever they say with a mountain of salt.
Dude Abides said:
This is the same Oakland PD that just can't seem to comply with a consent decree after they were caught beating and framing people, so I'd take whatever they say with a mountain of salt.

That is your right, but you don't have any direct counter evidence to it, correct?

Angry Fork

Deku said:
also it's not my job to defend another poster on every point, but from what I've seen, there are points and counterpoints and he doesn't go on full on rage mode and instead have a little fun.
Except it isn't funny. Manos is a loathsome cunt that trolls any way he can because he can't stand the sight of liberals or anyone who isn't a gun toting conservative. There is no counter point to the bullshit that's been going on in this country.

Mano's "counter points" amount to "lol hippies, lol get a job, bootstraps, damn protestors are blocking traffic they should be shot, WHY AREN'T THEY BOWING TO AUTHORITY LIKE THEY SHOULD, oh god these protestors they should be thanking police every waking moment of the day for not beating them, these people have no clue about the real world damn losers, look at these peaceful protestors they're exactly the same as the london riots i'm going to find whatever possible negative story about them and try to equate them, these youngsters don't know how good they have it, back in my day I started up my own company at the age of 9 and hired 12 workers under my belt anyone can do the same just work hard, stop being lazy these protestors are a bunch of lazy smelly assholes they want handouts, everyone wants free money shit if you get sick you should die shouldn't have gotten sick next time don't go near sick people be responsible" BLA BLA BLA

Then he grabs any possible negative string he can find against protestors and tries to put up false equivalency between them and some other much worse event that's happened (equating 9/11 truth movement to holocaust deniers as one example). He's neogaf's own Rush Limbaugh. Not only that but the poster child for totalitarianism as far as I'm concerned and fuck anyone who defends him and his shallow, baseless, retarded, one liner 'haha' arguments.
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