Al-ibn Kermit said:
There are already public demonstrations of disapproval. All over the country, you don't think politicians keep track of how much support/opposition Occupy has had so far? You think they never knew that this organization existed before it crashed their speeches?
What does going and interrupting somebody's speech accomplish for your cause? How does it convince anybody to agree with you?
Obviously violent revolution is the most extreme way to cause political change and so that's why I used it as an exaggeration.
It demonstrates numbers. They had enough people with enough organisation to provide more volume than one man with an amplified microphone. It's so symbolic to see that. If you listen to what the protestors actually say they argue
Majority Leader Eric Cantor is not representing the people. He has control of that mic because he has the interests of money supporting him. Not the interests of the people who elected him.
You can brush it aside with Occupy Wall St as meaningless, but put all of the protests together and people are talking all over the world. From that comes a greater understanding and it becomes undeniable, there are real problems with the way America is doing business. The sheer number of people protesting not just in city parks, but also online, is an incredibly strong indicator that something is extremely wrong.
If you agree with that, then the protests are achieving their goals.