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Occupy Wall St - Occupy Everywhere, Occupy Together!

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marrec said:
But if the Occupy Wall Street movement can be seen as a major back of Warren and she gets elected, then it would be seen as a victory. And it would put the movement on par with angry groups like the Tea Party.

It'd probably be more meaningful if OWS ousted a conservative senator. Brown is a populist, is very popular, and it'd be ridiculous if OWS took it as some sort of victory for a mainstream Democrat to win a Massachusetts senate seat.
magicstop said:
To be specific, what was being referred to is the New York City General Assembly, which initially consisted largely of white males. The group has diversified somewhat from the sounds of it, and is always open to fluctuation. But as confirmed by members of it, as well as people interacting with them, this movement had a largely white male group acting as the General Assembly, the group that organizes the movement in NY.

Doesn't matter who you happen to see, doesn't matter what the cameras show, and it wasn't intentional or secretive anyway. It happened to be (well, I say happened, but existing cultural dynamics and structures aren't chance, and they are most likely responsible for it) that the General Assembly consisted of mostly white guys.

The call from people is to recognize that POC, LGBTQ, and females have all been experiencing disenfranchisement, economic suffering, and abuses from the system for a lot longer than white middle class guys have. It is important to hear their voices, to insure that the systemic and cultural embedded power dynamics are brought out into broad daylight and then dismantled and re-arranged, and that everyone have a fair voice, an opinion that can be heard, and an access to power and decision making equal to their neighbor, regardless of their color, sexual orientation, or gender.

It's pretty simple, and there just isn't that much to argue about. This movement seeks to address the problems that the "99%" are experiencing, and that would include gays, women, black people, and other social groups that are on the bad-end of an uneven power dynamic.

Oh, and the reason the "leader" vs "group" vs "committee" vs whatever else is so tricky is because this movement specifically seeks to avoid overly concrete power hierarchies that are traditionally used for organizing people. Why? Because those systems tend to reflect the society in which they were designed and are so often used. Instead, there is no big "spokesperson" or "leader," and while there are people who "take the lead" to get stuff done and to achieve goals, they aren't leaders of the movement per se. They are leaders of specific actions, goals, or committees seeking to get concrete stuff done (like how to handle gathering and disposing of trash and recycling, how to insure restrooms are available, how to access legal help, etc.). So there's not great terminology for a leaderless yet led group, and thus there is some confusion in the language.
Don't get too hung up by it :D

Great post.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
The Albatross said:
It'd probably be more meaningful if OWS ousted a conservative senator. Brown is a populist, is very popular, and it'd be ridiculous if OWS took it as some sort of victory for a mainstream Democrat to win a Massachusetts senate seat.
Elizabeth Warren would be the most anti-Wall Street senator since Carl Levin or Bernie Sanders


While looking for an article talking about SolKane's news that the Transit Union is going to rally and join with the OWS tomorrow, I found this news:

The Amalgamated Transit Union pledges its support to OWS. That's pretty big news, as they are another really large union (almost 200k).

SolKane, was that the news you were referring to, or is there word of the TWU or ATU actually rallying and joining OWS in person?


time to take my meds
So occupy greensboro had a "planning meeting" saturday, sunday, and yesterday. My GF attended the one yesterday at a public library.

some things she told me

-60+ showed up, in a conference room type environment
-all walks of life; old, middle aged, young, all races, all occupations (lawyers, teachers, students, labor workers, etc)
-2 hour discussion on what should happen
-hard to get organization going, so many people putting in different ideas on what should happen, where it should happen, and how it should happen, people would talk and then go on and get off topic
-meeting again thursday at a bookstore/coffee shop
-next on agenda is gaining awareness, forming demands, and figuring out a location/date to start the protest.

i would attend but i have to work at 5pm, and their meetings were at 6pm. but I think this weekend me and the gf will make small paper flyers, mainly for people to visit various occupy website channels (youtube/twitter/facebook, occupy together, occupy greensboro, etc). we'll probably pass these out and hang them up around downtown and the college campuses. if we don't have a protest date yet, we can at least gain awareness for whats going on.


Bad_Boy said:
So occupy greensboro had a "planning meeting" saturday, sunday, and yesterday. My GF attended the one yesterday at a public library.

some things she told me

-60+ showed up, in a conference room type environment
-all walks of life; old, middle aged, young, all races, all occupations (lawyers, teachers, students, labor workers, etc)
-2 hour discussion on what should happen
-hard to get organization going, so many people putting in different ideas on what should happen, where it should happen, and how it should happen, people would talk and then go on and get off topic
-meeting again thursday at a bookstore/coffee shop
-next on agenda is gaining awareness, forming demands, and figuring out a location/date to start the protest.

i would attend but i have to work at 5pm, and their meetings were at 6pm. but I think this weekend me and the gf will make small paper flyers, mainly for people to visit various occupy website channels (youtube/twitter/facebook, occupy together, occupy greensboro, etc). we'll probably pass these out and hang them up around downtown and the college campuses. if we don't have a protest date yet, we can at least gain awareness for whats going on.

That's awesome! Good for you guys. You may mention to your girlfriend that she could bring this article about the Portal Model for organizing, as well as this article about group dynamics in people's assemblies. All these various Occupy movements should be modeling after OWS, I believe, as they're been doing it for awhile and are making head way, and have also succeeded in organizing and providing for a huge number of people in a public, occupied space. Very impressive.
Keep us up to date!


Junior Member
Holy shit;

Coulter: Wall Street Protests Start of 'Totalitarianism'

Conservative iconoclast Ann Coulter has equated protesters in the Occupy Wall Street Movement with Nazis and likens their anti-capitalistic rhetoric to the “beginning of totalitarianism.”

Speaking with Fox Business’ Eric Bolling on Monday about the protests in Lower Manhattan, which have sparked similar demonstrations in cities across the country, Coulter referred to the demonstrators’ use of the phrases “demolition of capitalism” and “if we can learn to share we can all live in prosperity.”

She said: “All of those quotes could have been said in 1789 in France before the French Revolution, or the Russian Revolution, or with only slight modifications when the Nazis were coming to power, in Cuba under Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez in Venezuela. This is always the beginning of totalitarianism.”


Glenn Beck agress...

Beck: Occupy Wall Street Is "Only Interested In Destruction," Which "Leads To Gas Chambers," "Guillotines," "Mao"


Absolute insanity from the right.


time to take my meds
magicstop said:
That's awesome! Good for you guys. You may mention to your girlfriend that she could bring this article about the Portal Model for organizing, as well as this article about group dynamics in people's assemblies. All these various Occupy movements should be modeling after OWS, I believe, as they're been doing it for awhile and are making head way, and have also succeeded in organizing and providing for a huge number of people in a public, occupied space. Very impressive.
Keep us up to date!
Thanks, I will definitively pass these links along to her.


Bad_Boy said:
So occupy greensboro had a "planning meeting" saturday, sunday, and yesterday. My GF attended the one yesterday at a public library.

some things she told me

-60+ showed up, in a conference room type environment
-all walks of life; old, middle aged, young, all races, all occupations (lawyers, teachers, students, labor workers, etc)
-2 hour discussion on what should happen
-hard to get organization going, so many people putting in different ideas on what should happen, where it should happen, and how it should happen, people would talk and then go on and get off topic
-meeting again thursday at a bookstore/coffee shop
-next on agenda is gaining awareness, forming demands, and figuring out a location/date to start the protest.

i would attend but i have to work at 5pm, and their meetings were at 6pm. but I think this weekend me and the gf will make small paper flyers, mainly for people to visit various occupy website channels (youtube/twitter/facebook, occupy together, occupy greensboro, etc). we'll probably pass these out and hang them up around downtown and the college campuses. if we don't have a protest date yet, we can at least gain awareness for whats going on.

So there is one around Greensboro? That's good to hear.


time to take my meds
alstein said:
So there is one around Greensboro? That's good to hear.
Seems like it. From the way she sounded, there is a lot of debate on when it should happen. Sounds very unorganized at the moment. Some people wanted to wait to build their numbers and supplies, and others want to strike now while the fire is hot in new york.

There are also planned protests 1+hr away in Charlotte, Durham and Raleigh.

And smh at fox news.


theBishop said:
My new favorite poster on GAF.

Every time I think of a way to respond to this post, I see the next word.
Dude Obama just drone striked an American citizen without a trial for just saying propaganda never killed a soul and gaf says Repubs are murderers, lol.

Again, hope your guy's "organized" meetings on Facebook go well. I wish you no harm.


JaskoX1 said:
Dude Obama just drone striked an American citizen without a trial for just saying propaganda never killed a soul and gaf says Repubs are murderers, lol.

Again, hope your guy's "organized" meetings on Facebook go well. I wish you no harm.

On Facebook? These meetings are in public squares, plazas, and parks. Facebook is a means of organizing them beforehand. Just wanted to make sure you were clear in case you ever wished to scope out an event in person rather than speculating on them.
Also, Obama is a corporatist and he's a huge part of an even huger problem. There's no push to keep him around or to support him. He's in Sach's sack, so to speak, and that's a no go. Again, this movement is striving and succeeding thus far in being nonpartisan, apolitical, and free of being co-opted.

riceckr said:
Someone handed me a flier for occupy Tampa while I was on campus today, Looks like Tampa is in too.

Nice . . . Would you mind sharing the details if you didn't already trash the flyer?


Neo Member
Here it is verbatim:

Starting Thursday, October 6th 2011 at 9am and continuing Indefinitely,

Occupy Tampa will commence!

Occupy Tampa is part of a nation wide movement called " Occupy Together" which are protesting the corrupt, greedy, and immoral acts of corporations and the public officials who allow these acts.

We are teachers, Doctors, sales persons, Fire Fighters, labor Unions, Small business owners, Local Farmers, the unemployed, the non violent offender who has no voice and no chance, and lastly, 99% of Americans.

This is your call to action!!! if you want to have a future that is sustainable, profitable, valuable, and peaceful for everyone, join your fellow citizens and stand with them...

Lykes Gaslight Square Park
401 Franklin ST
Tampa, FL 33602

(bring food, water, signs, sleeping bags, video cameras, and friends/family)


A buddy of mine is there and just posted on Facebook that he wants people to contribute to his paypal so he can stay a few more days. Really???

magicstop said:
On Facebook? These meetings are in public squares, plazas, and parks. Facebook is a means of organizing them beforehand. Just wanted to make sure you were clear in case you ever wished to scope out an event in person rather than speculating on them.


JaskoX1 said:
They don't even know what they're protesting. For Christ sakes, they had to have a Facebook poll in order to figure out what exactly they're protesting.
“if we can learn to share we can all live in prosperity.”

LOL. Socialism attack incoming.

Edited: I thought it was something Ann Coulter said, but it was something she was citing that the protests were saying.


magicstop said:
While looking for an article talking about SolKane's news that the Transit Union is going to rally and join with the OWS tomorrow, I found this news:

The Amalgamated Transit Union pledges its support to OWS. That's pretty big news, as they are another really large union (almost 200k).

SolKane, was that the news you were referring to, or is there word of the TWU or ATU actually rallying and joining OWS in person?

I was actually referring to the TWU joining the protest, but it's good see that other organizations are pledging their support as well. TWU is scheduled to join the main OWS at Liberty Plaza tomorrow at 4:30.

yellow submarine said:
“if we can learn to share we can all live in prosperity.”

LOL. Socialism attack incoming.

Edited: I thought it was something Ann Coulter said, but it was something she was citing that the protests were saying.
The two groups sort of feed off each others wacky statments, its like some weird form of symbiotic behavior.
What's this talk about a global event on October 15? I've heard it mentioned on the livefeed a couple times and I would like to know details. If there is a global Occupy solidarity event being planned for that day (a friday), then I will be attending the nearest occupation. What up MPLS?
Got a poster board...30 X 40 inches and a magic marker today.

My messages:


on one side...and most likely...


on the other.


Plans have been underway in Minneapolis for a few days now. Occupy MN will begin this Friday at Government Plaza in Minneapolis.

Details at http://www.occupymn.org/

I'm out of town until the 9th, but I definitely plan on dropping in after I get back into town.

[edit] Whoops, looks like this has been posted before. Oh well, you can update the link (since occupymn.org doesn't require Facebook) and add me to the list of GAFers attending. [/edit]


ErasureAcer said:
Got a poster board...30 X 40 inches and a magic marker today.

My messages:


on one side...and most likely...


on the other.

Seeing as how this movement is explicitly avoiding endorsing politicians and political groups, I'd avoid the NADER sign. I'd pick a message that you like from Nadar and that lines up with OWS well, and I'd go with that instead.
I'm interested to hear your thoughts on it as it goes along. Good luck :D


SolKane said:
I was actually referring to the TWU joining the protest, but it's good see that other organizations are pledging their support as well. TWU is scheduled to join the main OWS at Liberty Plaza tomorrow at 4:30.


Nice! Thanks for the link.

Bloodbeard said:
What's this talk about a global event on October 15? I've heard it mentioned on the livefeed a couple times and I would like to know details. If there is a global Occupy solidarity event being planned for that day (a friday), then I will be attending the nearest occupation. What up MPLS?

I'm not sure . . . I'll start doing a little research to see what I can come up with.
magicstop said:
Seeing as how this movement is explicitly avoiding endorsing politicians and political groups, I'd avoid the NADER sign. I'd pick a message that you like from Nadar and that lines up with OWS well, and I'd go with that instead.
I'm interested to hear your thoughts on it as it goes along. Good luck :D

Nah...I'm sticking with NADER NADER NADER. Free speech bro. He's been talking about Corporate Crooks for ages. What is the protest mainly about? CORPORATE CROOKS!!!
Bloodbeard said:
What's this talk about a global event on October 15? I've heard it mentioned on the livefeed a couple times and I would like to know details. If there is a global Occupy solidarity event being planned for that day (a friday), then I will be attending the nearest occupation. What up MPLS?

As far as I can tell the October 15 thing started was started by a spanish group http://www.democraciarealya.es/ (that participated in the 15M protests in Spain). It seems like the organization are linking up. The Spanish press keeps referring to the OccupyWallStreet people by the same names (los indignados) as the Spanish protestors as well.


Bloodbeard said:

Not to fracture this thread into unrelated territory but I hope this movement doesnt end up getting fractured in half between the more pragmatic protestors asking for relatively pragmatic demands and the gold bugs/Randians wanting to turn this movement into a "Every problem in the world is the FED's fault" tripe.

I know its a protest movement born out of emotion and its to be expected, but I hope the crazies are kept to a minimum so as not to poison the well.

Hari Seldon

Jonm1010 said:
Not to fracture this thread into unrelated territory but I hope this movement doesnt end up getting fractured in half between the more pragmatic protestors asking for relatively pragmatic demands and the gold bugs/Randians wanting to turn this movement into a "Every problem in the world is the FED's fault" tripe.

I know its a protest movement born out of emotion and its to be expected, but I hope the crazies are kept to a minimum.

Meh bring on the crazies imo. This country is fucked beyond belief and because of that everyone has an idea of how to fix it. But no one in washington is even acknowledging that there is a problem (because they get their money from the oligarchy), so if the protests can at least get the country talking about the oligarchy then that is a good thing.


It's happening in NJ.

The "Occupy Wall Street" movement is coming to Wall Street West.

Demonstrators are planning to gather Thursday afternoon in front of the Goldman Sachs offices in Jersey City, in the heart of the city's financial district.


Hari Seldon said:
Meh bring on the crazies imo. This country is fucked beyond belief and because of that everyone has an idea of how to fix it. But no one in washington is even acknowledging that there is a problem (because they get their money from the oligarchy), so if the protests can at least get the country talking about the oligarchy then that is a good thing.

I dont mind differing opinions but if the crazies hijack the movement then I would fear it could turn back into a laughing stock and just get marginalized. With too many crazies it becomes harder to get new protestors that are intelligent and articulate to join and I would suspect you would get some of the more rational protestors to start to go home.
Chichikov said:
How does a smaller federal government, lower taxation and a return for the gold standard supposed to help income inequality or the poor?

I don't think it does, I just thought the video would spark some discussion.


Chichikov said:
How does a smaller federal government, lower taxation and a return for the gold standard supposed to help income inequality or the poor?

Because large corporations and shareholders and regulatory protected to the point where obscene amounts of initial investment and rent are required for an descent return on investment.

SolKane said:
I was actually referring to the TWU joining the protest, but it's good see that other organizations are pledging their support as well. TWU is scheduled to join the main OWS at Liberty Plaza tomorrow at 4:30.


Overpaid fuckheads are one of the significant contributors to NYC's high cost of living.


Bloodbeard said:
I don't think it does, I just thought the video would spark some discussion.

Eh, Its not really practical to end the Fed and jump back on the gold standard. Besides all the problems a gold standard has, it would also require a transition period that would be highly disruptive to the global economy. Not to mention you would ideally need most other developed nations to sign onto the idea as well. So there is the logistical problems as well.

I think there are plenty of problems with the federal reserve system. Some that could probably be changed for the better.

However I am not convinced than there are any alternative systems out there that are better and have less consequences than the one in existence today. Im including the past gold standard systems in that statement.


Bloodbeard said:
I don't think it does, I just thought the video would spark some discussion.
Have you seen many cases in the internet where introducing Ron Paul had helped the discussion?

Gallbaro said:
Because large corporations and shareholders and regulatory protected to the point where obscene amounts of initial investment and rent are required for an descent return on investment.
I don't really agree with your analysis of the cost of starting a business, but this is a moot point for the vast majority of Americans who wouldn't have enough capital to start their own business even in a libertarian heaven with zero regulations.


time to take my meds
I'm not too big on politics, and I don't want this thread to veer off track into a political discussion. But why is Ron Paul always considered a 'crazy'?

Most of the things I've heard him say were pretty sound.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Went to the first Occupy New Hampshire meeting tonight. Nice group of folks from varying demographics, albeit most under 30. Thirteen people plus a child attended. First general assembly is set for Thursday and the second Sunday. I was assigned to help assist teaching non-violent conduct. I have lots of reading to do. Excited.
A Human Becoming said:
Went to the first Occupy New Hampshire meeting tonight. Nice group of folks from varying demographics, albeit most under 30. Thirteen people plus a child attended. First general assembly is set for Thursday and the second Sunday. I was assigned to help assist teaching non-violent conduct. I have lots of reading to do. Excited.

Gonna try and make it to the Thursday General Assembly in Minneapolis, so I'm not completely out of the loop come Friday.

In other news I'm 2/3 done with one side of my sign. I got...


so far. Just one more NADER to go until I work on the flip side.


Bad_Boy said:
I'm not too big on politics, and I don't want this thread to veer off track into a political discussion. But why is Ron Paul always considered a 'crazy'?

Most of the things I've heard him say were pretty sound.

If you dont want to veer it off track, maybe you should have asked that in the poliGAF thread.


Bad_Boy said:
I'm not too big on politics, and I don't want this thread to veer off track into a political discussion. But why is Ron Paul always considered a 'crazy'?

Most of the things I've heard him say were pretty sound.

My take on him is he isn't terrible as a Conservative but just because he has a list of good ideas doesn't make him a good total package. His ideas of "Freedom" are a little too much like "let em hang" than most people are used to. He's not my kind of radical even though I agree with him on some things. People like him because he would cut spending and do a lot of military draw downs, but he would also cut a lot of the support structure that people rely on, without being to worried about a proper replacement.

Plus I wouldn't want to be a medical patient of his. Or be on his health plan.

---I think it's somewhat relevant because a lot of the people out there are Obama supporters and holdouts but some are Ron Paul possible supporters.
Bad_Boy said:
I'm not too big on politics, and I don't want this thread to veer off track into a political discussion. But why is Ron Paul always considered a 'crazy'?

Most of the things I've heard him say were pretty sound.

He wants to get rid of the department of education.


time to take my meds
Ah ok. Thanks for the summary guys. I'll leave the political discussion alone.

this thread is now about OCCUPY WALL ST / EVERYWHERE / TOGETHER. :)
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