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Occupy Wall St - Occupy Everywhere, Occupy Together!

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ToxicAdam said:
I think this relevant to this thread.

There is truth in that. Movements historically don't have to be big in absolute terms (in terms of the percentage of the population involved in them) to be politically effective. No matter how "political" any given era is (e.g., the US 1960's), the overwhelming majority of people will remain completely apolitical. That even goes for something as politically raw as war, about which the majority of the population, even during something like a civil war, will more or less remain neutral.
magicstop said:
NeoGAF™: Making That Shit Happen
Get out there, Flight, and let us know what you find! If you get involved or plan on it, let me know, and I'll add you to Occupy-GAF on the OP!

I'll go, but there's something weird about the date. It's talking about Thursday, Oct. 5th... but Oct. 5th is TOMORROW.

I have a midterm :( If it's on Thursday, though, I'll make every effort to go.

Or I'll just finish early, so perhaps Wednesday might be better... either way, that needs to be cleared up.


dave is ok said:
I know the Occupy Wall Street people are probably pretty hesitant to get into politics seeing what happened with the Tea Party, but they really need to get Elizabeth Warren elected to Senate. She's not some long shot underdog, and may get elected without their support - but it'd be a nice irony if Scott Brown got unelected the same way he got elected, by an upstart group of angry citizens.

You mean they actually need to do something substantive? Nah...

That's a great idea, if they can oust Brown and get Warren in it would basically be a high-profile political example of what they stand for.
dave is ok said:
I know the Occupy Wall Street people are probably pretty hesitant to get into politics seeing what happened with the Tea Party, but they really need to get Elizabeth Warren elected to Senate. She's not some long shot underdog, and may get elected without their support - but it'd be a nice irony if Scott Brown got unelected the same way he got elected, by an upstart group of angry citizens.

Brown winning had as much to do with Martha Coakley running a god awful campaign as it did him or tea parties.

The Dems acted like she had won when she won the primary and then, she talked shit about Fenway Park.


x Power Pad Death Stomp x said:
Brown winning had as much to do with Martha Coakley running a god awful campaign as it did him or tea parties.

The Dems acted like she had won when she won the primary and then, she talked shit about Fenway Park.

But if the Occupy Wall Street movement can be seen as a major back of Warren and she gets elected, then it would be seen as a victory. And it would put the movement on par with angry groups like the Tea Party.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
x Power Pad Death Stomp x said:
Brown winning had as much to do with Martha Coakley running a god awful campaign as it did him or tea parties.

The Dems acted like she had won when she won the primary and then, she talked shit about Fenway Park.
Yeah, Coakley ran a horrible campaign. Still, they GOP acted like winning Ted Kennedy's old seat meant they had reached the promised land.
I really like this movement but I wish they would establish a handful of goals, protest outside buildings that are actually relevant, like the Goldman Sachs location or any of the massive firms in midtown, and organize a march on Washington.

The movement's big enough and has the backing to actually accomplish something--it just hasn't realized its potential yet.
dave is ok said:
Yeah, Coakley ran a horrible campaign. Still, they GOP acted like winning Ted Kennedy's old seat meant they had reached the promised land.

Well.....the seat had been D for what 30 years? MA being the bluest of blue states......it was kind of a big deal.


Of course it was a big deal, it was such a big deal that it dramatically changed the tone and reach of our current President.


empty vessel said:

SolKane said:

Fantastic! That's big. It feels good, too; having a sense of solidarity and global involvement (even if simply through observation) is really important and gives me the chills.

SolKane, thanks for the heads up. I'm going to do a little research, and I'll update the OP with any applicable info I find.

Bob, thanks for the link! I'm familiar with the Stop the Machine movement, but I've been considering how to include it. It is a separate but similar movement, and it deserves attention.


As a former hacker/phreaker from way back, I am appalled that many from Anonymous are twenty somethings. You're supposed to do all that shit when you are under 18 and then pass the knowledge on to another 16 year old. Once you hit 18, you have to retire.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Polari said:
buy two made in the United States or somewhere else where they pay their workers an acceptable wage.

Problem with this is that those China shirts cost less than US shirts. So most people are going to buy the China shirts.

The wage and payment of US items should be 1:1 or slightly more toward the pay-out to where "buying American" and the like isn't going to hurt the bottom line of some peoples budgets. But this will never happen.
ErasureAcer said:
Dude's post was saying this is run by white men. Dude obviously hasn't checked out any of the coverage on youtube, live streams or anything else for that matter. I stand by my comment. Dude was a troll and got a response given to trolls.

Way to double-down.

One only needs to take a good look around to see that the leadership and the core group—which has managed to attract enormous national and international media attention—is overwhelmingly white (and largely male), and as a result the voices and perspectives of #OccupyWallStreet reflect that reality more generally.

You should read more closely before you dismiss someone as a troll - a bizarre assumption given that the letter is politely written and only asking for more perspectives to be included in an inclusive movement.


kame-sennin said:
ErasureAcer said:
Dude's post was saying this is run by white men. Dude obviously hasn't checked out any of the coverage on youtube, live streams or anything else for that matter. I stand by my comment. Dude was a troll and got a response given to trolls.
Way to double-down.
One only needs to take a good look around to see that the leadership and the core group—which has managed to attract enormous national and international media attention—is overwhelmingly white (and largely male), and as a result the voices and perspectives of #OccupyWallStreet reflect that reality more generally.
You should read more closely before you dismiss someone as a troll - a bizarre assumption given that the letter is politely written and only asking for more perspectives to be included in an inclusive movement.
Why didn't you bold the part in red?


Put your snobby liquids into my mouth!
This is very heart warming, but I feel like it's going to cool down in a while. Then we'll have a handful of years of social regressions following the current trend where we will keep getting robbed of everything bit by bit, until we are left with nothing; modern slaves. That's when the shit's going to hit the fan. I wish my country had something like your second amendment.
Protesters should start right fucking now declaring current governments illegal, but people that can still order pizza from their smartphones lack enough motivation to do what needs to be done. See you in a few years.


marrec said:
But if the Occupy Wall Street movement can be seen as a major back of Warren and she gets elected, then it would be seen as a victory. And it would put the movement on par with angry groups like the Tea Party.

The OCCUPY movement would have to be sufficiently large enough in Mass. and so far it isn't even close.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Enron said:
The OCCUPY movement would have to be sufficiently large enough in Mass. and so far it isn't even close.
She has a good chance of winning anyway, this would just give them a boost by endorsing someone who wins a Senate seat
Enron said:
The OCCUPY movement would have to be sufficiently large enough in Mass. and so far it isn't even close.

There's people planning on occupying Amherst....not sure how occupying one of the most liberal places on earth in a state with a Democrat supermajority on all levels of government helps, but by god, they're trying!


dave is ok said:
She has a good chance of winning anyway, this would just give them a boost by endorsing someone who wins a Senate seat

I think her prospects are a bit less optimistic than that recent poll would suggest - she's trailing him by 3 or 4 points (which is a statistical tie) but....consider that once the campaign is on, she's going to get virtually no corporate money and Scott Brown's coffers will overflow with it. Brown also has a huge lead on her amongst independents. Neither of those bode well for her chances to unseat him.


I do not avoid women, GAF, but I do deny them my essence.
Bloodbeard said:
Christ that's silly. DDoS? Come on.

Drop the fucking Guy Fawkes masks, you guys look juvenile. And frankly, your political opinions probably are juvenile if you actually like that sack of shit movie.

And the explanation for the video is just... horrible. Horrible. These guys sound like they're 18.

I'd prefer Anonymous stay out of this. It's just a bad image.

@hereticnasom Bitch, anonymous is under 7 proxies, let's see the government track that!
JujuN19 3 hours ago 13


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
BobsRevenge said:
Drop the fucking Guy Fawkes masks, you guys look juvenile. And frankly, your political opinions probably are juvenile if you actually like that sack of shit movie.
Thank you. I hate that shit.


I can't watch the video.

So the big Oct 10th takedown is going to be DDOS on the NYSE website? What's the damn point of taking a website down for a few hours.
Evlar said:
Why didn't you bold the part in red?

Because it doesn't change my point? The leadership and the core group - going by the videos and photos I've seen - are mostly white. There's certainly a lot of diversity in the large protest groups, but if you look at the media center, which is what the writer of that letter was talking about, it's a mostly white male group. Having said that, this is NOT an accusation against the people who are running this protest. If you are a white man, and most of your friends are white men, and you start a protest, it's not your wrong that the movement will be predominantly white. What people are trying to say is; be aware that this has happened and please make an effort to include more women/glbt/people of color as those groups filter in, make an effort to include their viewpoints within the movement. That's all. The guy who wrote the letter is totally walking on eggshells trying not to piss people off, and people are still reacting with hostility even though his message can be summed up as, "hey, don't forget about black people, okthx".

magicstop said:
This is going OP as well. A beautiful bit of writing there, and one that gives us all hope. It's incredibly important to have the narrative and of all people expressed, respected, and taken into consideration, and while it is still a fight to do so, even in a group like the Occupy movement that seeks equality much more fiercely than does our general society, I'm glad to see that it can be done, and that the General Assembly and Portland model can achieve what they envision: people led, people run organization that allows for, even requires the inclusion of all, the respect of all, and the input of all. Thanks again, Bloodbeard!

Exactly. It's not about being perfect, it's about being willing to listen to each others perspectives and work toward a movement that reflects the entire 99%.


ced said:
I can't watch the video.

So the big Oct 10th takedown is going to be DDOS on the NYSE website? What's the damn point of taking a website down for a few hours.
Who even uses it? Looks like NYSE barely does.


Anon declared themselves as part of the Occupy movement early on when Adbusters announced. They "officially" dropped out after about a week, but said they "keep their eyes on it."
I wouldn't worry yourself about it one way or the other. They can do as they like, just as politicians can, etc. The movement appears to have to intention of being co-opted (which, by the way, means they will NOT be supporting a political candidate, liberal or conservative) and will carry on with its business whatever else people try to do with it.
If Anon wants to target NYSE, it doesn't matter. If Anon people get arrested, it doesn't matter. The Occupy movement will be out and about in the streets, firming up demands, planning their actions, and ultimately occupying until satisfied.

And that's about all there is to say about that.


Enron said:
Anon is now part of OCCUPY?


This isn't a new development, they've been promoting OWS since the beginning. But they're a "part" just as much as anyone involved.
Just to update the OP... http://www.facebook.com/#!/event.php?eid=286272314717778 is the REAL group for Occupy Minneapolis which is being called OccupyMN. Seems to have more people and activity and that's the FB page I'm a part of. As for pictures...I don't own a camera...but I can write down my adventures here every week or so when I make a pit stop home to collect the mail/shower/shave/etc...


ErasureAcer said:
Just to update the OP... http://www.facebook.com/#!/event.php?eid=286272314717778 is the REAL group for Occupy Minneapolis which is being called OccupyMN. Seems to have more people and activity and that's the FB page I'm a part of. As for pictures...I don't own a camera...but I can write down my adventures here every week or so when I make a pit stop home to collect the mail/shower/shave/etc...

Cool! Thanks for the update on the site, and I look forward to hearing about it. You should pose w/ a NeoGAF logo at the event to represent Occupy-GAF ;)


kame-sennin said:
Because it doesn't change my point? The leadership and the core group - going by the videos and photos I've seen - are mostly white. There's certainly a lot of diversity in the large protest groups, but if you look at the media center, which is what the writer of that letter was talking about, it's a mostly white male group. Having said that, this is NOT an accusation against the people who are running this protest. If you are a white man, and most of your friends are white men, and you start a protest, it's not your wrong that the movement will be predominantly white. What people are trying to say is; be aware that this has happened and please make an effort to include more women/glbt/people of color as those groups filter in, make an effort to include their viewpoints within the movement. That's all. The guy who wrote the letter is totally walking on eggshells trying not to piss people off, and people are still reacting with hostility even though his message can be summed up as, "hey, don't forget about black people, okthx".
I simply disagree; I look at these crowds and see quite a few females, to start with. Furthermore, "leadership" is undoubtedly a smaller set than "core group", so de-emphasizing the second part softens the original critical statement.

El Sloth

ced said:
I can't watch the video.

So the big Oct 10th takedown is going to be DDOS on the NYSE website? What's the damn point of taking a website down for a few hours.
Press, Get an article in the papers, etc.


Enron said:
The OCCUPY movement would have to be sufficiently large enough in Mass. and so far it isn't even close.

Oh I don't think it will actually happen and I do believe Warren will be elected regardless, but it would be a good idea to move towards those type of political actions. If they can be seen as a rival to the Tea Party movement then people will join/donate to the cause based on that alone.

Hell, the Tea Party got to host a freaking GOP debate this year... that kind of exposure doesn't come from grassroots.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
marrec said:
Oh I don't think it will actually happen and I do believe Warren will be elected regardless, but it would be a good idea to move towards those type of political actions. If they can be seen as a rival to the Tea Party movement then people will join/donate to the cause based on that alone.

Hell, the Tea Party got to host a freaking GOP debate this year... that kind of exposure doesn't come from grassroots.

The Tea Party was only very briefly a grassroots movement.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
magicstop said:
The movement appears to have no intention of being co-opted (which, by the way, means they will NOT be supporting a political candidate, liberal or conservative)
I hope they enjoy their irrelevancy.

It's one thing to not let astro-turf take you over like it did the Tea Party (to be fair, the Tea Party was already astro-turfed by the time 90% of people even heard of it).

It's another thing to be such a goddamned hipster that you get angry when MoveOn mentions you in a newsletter or a union sides with you, as I'm seeing many of them do.


DOO13ER said:
The Tea Party was only very briefly a grassroots movement.

dave is ok said:
I hope they enjoy their irrelevancy.

It's one thing to not let astro-turf take you over like it did the Tea Party (to be fair, the Tea Party was already astro-turfed by the time 90% of people even heard of it).

It's another thing to be such a goddamned hipster that you get angry when MoveOn mentions you in a newsletter or a union sides with you, as I'm seeing many of them do.

Yep and Yep.

If Occupy wants to affect actual change, start talking politics and specific races. Accept donations from 'anonymous' donors, and distance yourselves from the stupidity of Anonymous.

The media would LOVE to stick Anon in with the OWS movement even though Anon has, if you can believe it, even less relavance than OWS.


Evlar said:
I simply disagree; I look at these crowds and see quite a few females, to start with. Furthermore, "leadership" is undoubtedly a smaller set than "core group", so de-emphasizing the second part softens the original critical statement.

To be specific, what was being referred to is the New York City General Assembly, which initially consisted largely of white males. The group has diversified somewhat from the sounds of it, and is always open to fluctuation. But as confirmed by members of it, as well as people interacting with them, this movement had a largely white male group acting as the General Assembly, the group that organizes the movement in NY.

Doesn't matter who you happen to see, doesn't matter what the cameras show, and it wasn't intentional or secretive anyway. It happened to be (well, I say happened, but existing cultural dynamics and structures aren't chance, and they are most likely responsible for it) that the General Assembly consisted of mostly white guys.

The call from people is to recognize that POC, LGBTQ, and females have all been experiencing disenfranchisement, economic suffering, and abuses from the system for a lot longer than white middle class guys have. It is important to hear their voices, to insure that the systemic and cultural embedded power dynamics are brought out into broad daylight and then dismantled and re-arranged, and that everyone have a fair voice, an opinion that can be heard, and an access to power and decision making equal to their neighbor, regardless of their color, sexual orientation, or gender.

It's pretty simple, and there just isn't that much to argue about. This movement seeks to address the problems that the "99%" are experiencing, and that would include gays, women, black people, and other social groups that are on the bad-end of an uneven power dynamic.

Oh, and the reason the "leader" vs "group" vs "committee" vs whatever else is so tricky is because this movement specifically seeks to avoid overly concrete power hierarchies that are traditionally used for organizing people. Why? Because those systems tend to reflect the society in which they were designed and are so often used. Instead, there is no big "spokesperson" or "leader," and while there are people who "take the lead" to get stuff done and to achieve goals, they aren't leaders of the movement per se. They are leaders of specific actions, goals, or committees seeking to get concrete stuff done (like how to handle gathering and disposing of trash and recycling, how to insure restrooms are available, how to access legal help, etc.). So there's not great terminology for a leaderless yet led group, and thus there is some confusion in the language.
Don't get too hung up by it :D
El Sloth said:
Press, Get an article in the papers, etc.
Give the Feds some more freebie arrests from people who use LOC, think their proxies are better than the US Governments, or use the same handle all over the place (thought that's more Lulzsec).

I mean how many Anon members have the Feds arrested in 2011 only for DDoS related matters? You'd think people would figure DDoS'ing things might not be a smart idea considering what you get charged with.
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