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Occupy Wall St - Occupy Everywhere, Occupy Together!

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People have already told me they would show up "when it was time to be there", which...take that for whatever it could mean. People are watching and waiting in the balance. Lots of people want to see action taken and change made, but don't feel that occupying a block for an extended amount of time will do it, yet still support the concept and aims, just not this particular method.

The problem is this public demonstration is only one tool, and I liken it to a wooden club in it's simplicity. They need even more instruments, and it's being worked on. And I believe that once things under works are revealed, even more supporters will step in, but to a lot of people, and this is partially the fault of the media and partially OWS, many see this entire thing starting and stopping at the sit-ins and the amount of numbers out there. And as a result, some are withholding support or waiting to see what comes next. Since we know there WILL be a next, I can say with confidence that I only see this thing getting bigger.

I think what we see right now is the proverbial tip of the iceberg.


Honestly, I'm starting to think this isn't going to go over well with moderates, and they are the folks who are needed the most.

Then again, it could scare the moderates into fearing that if change doesn't happen, things will get worse.
alstein said:
Honestly, I'm starting to think this isn't going to go over well with moderates, and they are the folks who are needed the most.

Then again, it could scare the moderates into fearing that if change doesn't happen, things will get worse

Oh that they want a decisive end to violence and criminal behavior. It swings both ways.

Angry Fork

akira28 said:
People have already told me they would show up "when it was time to be there", which...take that for whatever it could mean. People are watching and waiting in the balance. Lots of people want to see action taken and change made, but don't feel that occupying a block for an extended amount of time will do it, yet still support the concept and aims, just not this particular method.
I'm of this opinion right now. However if things turned violent I would show up, then I knew shit was going down and I'd feel obligated to help. But right now they just seem to be wandering around aimlessly without a charismatic, (someone in their 30s) leader to funnel all the arguments through (absolutely necessary but they still don't have one). I can't afford to spend time down there if I feel like it's going to be wasted time.

If they do decide to seriously stop/delay the morning stock shit then police would inevitably be called upon to commit violence. Then I'd know it's time for everyone to show up and fight back.


Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Oh that they want a decisive end to violence and criminal behavior. It swings both ways.

It could. I think the mood in this country is that white-collar crime/unethical behavior is the bigger problem right now though.



Update (11:43 a.m. EST): Earlier Thursday, as police were arresting people en masse near Wall Street, reports came over Twitter that a woman in a wheelchair had been arrested. Now, UK Observer reporter Paul Harris tweets that the police wanted to arrest her but couldn't figure out how to transport her, so they ticketed her instead. He shares this photo:
Man, the wheel-chair bound get all the breaks.

lo escondido

Apartheid is, in fact, not institutional racism
Schattenjagger said:
You people need to learn to distinguish which posts of Manos are serious and which to take with a grain of salt
I think the best part of this thread is all the anger at Manos. He keeps pulling the same shtick and they keep falling for it.


eznark said:
Yeah. Read an interesting op-ed a week or so ago arguing that OWS has been successful in generating dialog about income inequality. While the author used google search results to back up his claim (which is foolish) I think the argument is probably valid.

I think had they marched consistently and in numbers (and foregone the "occupying" aspect) they would have been considerably more successful in garnering sympathy. But that's Monday morning quarterbacking.

I find it almost impossible to claim the demonstrations haven't been a success.

They were successful, two months ago. Any economic message has long been lost and the protests have become about whether they have the right to play Sim Commune in the parks and the clashes with police to defend those 'rights'.

lo escondido

Apartheid is, in fact, not institutional racism
Mortrialus said:
I can't believe how much better the daily show is at criticizing and satirizing OWS than Fox News.
I think it has to do with the way the daily show never "hates" the people they make fun of. Be it conservative or liberal they have a love hate relationship theirs usually Bo venom. Its not mean spirited (save for johns recent and well deserved shots at Penn state).

Fox on the other hand has an anger towards these people who it sees a dispicable human beings. The daily show just sees them as hippy college kids who they can make fun of.
lawblob said:
I would also hope tort reform is never a part of a Congressional legislative discussion because: (i) any conservative with a shred of dignity should believe it is overwhelmingly a State issue, (ii) tort costs are a minimal factor in total healthcare costs, and (iii) most states have already passed comprehensive tort reform legislation over the last 25 years.

Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Agreed. NY's Constitution specifically prohibits tort limits.

Two lawyers against tort reform... how... surprising... ...
Something Wicked said:
Two lawyers against tort reform... how... surprising... ...
Hey, when the nurse gave my grandfather the wrong drugs and paralyzed his body (and was only noticed because my mom observed his condition and check the charts and pills) and eventually killed him, the nurse should be happy the only thing we went after was money.

lo escondido

Apartheid is, in fact, not institutional racism
sangreal said:
They were successful, two months ago. Any economic message has long been lost and the protests have become about whether they have the right to play Sim Commune in the parks and the clashes with police to defend those 'rights'.
A hit and run type approach would have been much better. The occupations have just made them seem like lazy bums IMO. People keep wanting to compare this to the civil rights movement (which i think is stupid btw) but that movement did things. Organized boycotts, did marches (not sit in drum circles for two months)

Things like them trying to get people to move their money and stuff like that i feel is more effective. But they also have to be careful not to have to many police confrontations because those back up the assertion they are antigovernment radicals and turns the public off even if they agree with the message.
Protesters should keep going back.

And I hope more people keep coming.

NYPD keeps gumming up the works; eventually, the people are gonna get pissed!
Did today's Occupy Wall Street shenanigans outside the Stock Exchange affect the markets? Larry McShane reports:

It was business as usual on Wall Street despite the glut of noisy protesters on the streets outside.

The New York Stock Exchange opened without any problems Thursday as hundreds of Occupy Wall Street demonstrators protested nearby.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average was up about 27 points to 11,933 about two hours into the demonstration in the Financial District. And Bank of America Corp. _ one of the government bailout beneficiaries _ was up 1.4% as the 99% marched in lower Manhattan.

The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index was about the same, as was the Nasdaq.

Read more: http://live.nydailynews.com/Event/S..._raid_on_Occupy_Wall_Street_NYC#ixzz1dz1QXOlI

Gothamist said:
Update 11:50 a.m.: Okay, enough dancing. We're told many of the protesters are marching out of the park to Wall Street. Yes, again.
Here we go again!


Something Wicked said:
Two lawyers against tort reform... how... surprising... ...
I'm not a lawyer, I don't like lawyers, I want to punch Manos in the face (though I want to punch a lot of people in the face, he's not so special) and I'm vehemently against tort reform.

So now that we got that out of the way, feel free to post why you support tort reform.


Chichikov said:
I'm not a lawyer, I don't like lawyers, I want to punch Manos in the face (though I want to punch a lot of people in the face, he's not so special) and I'm vehemently against tort reform.

So now that we got that out of the way, feel free to post why you support tort reform.
i wanna punch you in the dick

but with a open hand

and softly
captmcblack said:
Protesters should keep going back.

And I hope more people keep coming.

NYPD keeps gumming up the works; eventually, the people are gonna get pissed!

eh, I just got back from a NYC visit. Had a great time. Didn't see anything out of the ordinary or disruption of normal life. It's really limited to a very small area.


teruterubozu said:
eh, I just got back from a NYC visit. Had a great time. Didn't see anything out of the ordinary or disruption of normal life. It's really limited to a very small area.
honestly when I watch footage of the actual group and read the posts in this thread gaf generally treats this like a modern civil rights movement when the actual thing looks so much more...relaxed and generally non-threatening

at least in NYC
Gothamist said:
Update 12 p.m.: A rough estimate of the march to Wall Street puts the crowd at 1,000. Bethany O'Grady tells us they were turned back by barricades and "no one knows where they're going they're just being herded like sheep. I've asked at least 20 protesters if they know where they're marching and they don't know. Mic check is saying if you have an unlimited Metrocard to use it and enter the subway at Wall Street."
We just got off the phone with the NYPD press office; they told us they have no official count of arrests so far. But police sources tell City Room at least 75 were arrested.
Nice organizing skills!
Jenga said:
honestly when I watch footage of the actual group and read the posts in this thread gaf generally treats this like a modern civil rights movement when the actual thing looks so much more...relaxed and generally non-threatening

at least in NYC

It's funny cuz the occupiers make it sound like a humungous movement and the conservative radio hosts make it sound like a vast shantytown, and everyone else is like what protesters?
I live in NYC.

Of course it's not that disruptive.

Of course it's confined to a small area.

That's why it should keep going, and growing.

That's why it's absurd to argue against the movement from the "inconvenience" standpoint - because really, it's not all that inconvenient, and if it is...tough shit, it's a protest, it's not supposed to be convenient or approved by people or whatever.

That's why it's stupid for the mayor and cops and whathaveyou to make martyrs and heroes out of harmless people by shooting them and beating them and pushing them and barricading them and whatever. Let them go where they're going.

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Unconfirmed Member
teruterubozu said:
eh, I just got back from a NYC visit. Had a great time. Didn't see anything out of the ordinary or disruption of normal life. It's really limited to a very small area.

Even in that area it's incredibly localized. I go by that area on a daily basis as I commute. I'm maybe a street over from there when I get on the subway and I don't hear or see them.

There have been a lot of helicopters over the city station over that area though... those are probably the loudest thing in that area.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
The Occupy Portland people just took over Steel Bridge, which caused a bunch of buses to shut down and traffic to come to a crawl in a high traffic area.

They have successfully prevented the 99% from getting into work on time.

I work near the Steel Bridge and I have several co-workers that are being prevented from getting into work right now. Several bus routes also take that bridge to get into downtown Portland and those have been shut off at the moment. Good job, idiots.


Jenga said:
honestly when I watch footage of the actual group and read the posts in this thread gaf generally treats this like a modern civil rights movement when the actual thing looks so much more...relaxed and generally non-threatening

at least in NYC

Pretty much. When you walk around at Zucotti, it's a few hundred people milling around a park, surrounded by 200 people taking pictures of them, and 200 cops watching the people take pictures of the protestors. In a city of millions where many parts of town are crushed with foot traffic every day, it's not a very big deal in terms of the spectacle.

Aside from a few Wall Street people not being able to eat their lunch on their favorite bench in Zucotti, it's ludicrous to say the park occupation is actually inconveniencing anybody in an egregious manner, when you consider the occupation is purely an exercise of political speech.
reilo said:
The Occupy Portland people just took over Steel Bridge, which caused a bunch of buses to shut down and traffic to come to a crawl in a high traffic area.

They have successfully prevented the 99% from getting into work on time.

I work near the Steel Bridge and I have several co-workers that are being prevented from getting into work right now. Several bus routes also take that bridge to get into downtown Portland and those have been shut off at the moment. Good job, idiots.

What a bunch of morons. Oh well much like the people who own businesses in the area or who need to get to work, they're just collateral damage to Occupy and nothing more.

Angry Fork

Jenga said:
honestly when I watch footage of the actual group and read the posts in this thread gaf generally treats this like a modern civil rights movement when the actual thing looks so much more...relaxed and generally non-threatening

at least in NYC
Protest turns violent - Fucking assholes they should be killed or thrown in jail.

Protest is peaceful - hmm, seems relaxed and non threatening, don't listen to them. Just some small thing.

captmcblack said:
That's why it's absurd to argue against the movement from the "inconvenience" standpoint - because really, it's not all that inconvenient, and if it is...tough shit, it's a protest, it's not supposed to be convenient or approved by people or whatever.
This seems to be going over everybody's heads in here. It's like everyone hates the protests because the protests are becoming inconvenient and 'ruining people's day' its like what do you expect? Do you want police to make some little playground area and have the protesters stay there all day? So that nothing changes? It's just ridiculous. People should be able to go where they want when protesting even if it fucks up traffic, other people's daily routines etc. Deal with it.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
What a bunch of morons. Oh well much like the people who own businesses in the area or who need to get to work, they're just collateral damage to Occupy and nothing more.
If they wanted to make a statement, they should go occupy Jeld-Wen field, where the Portland Timbers play... which are owned by Henry Paulson's son. But they don't because they like the Timbers. How about that?


Thought Emoji Movie was good. Take that as you will.
reilo said:
If they wanted to make a statement, they should go occupy Jeld-Wen field, where the Portland Timbers play... which are owned by Henry Paulson's son. But they don't because they like the Timbers. How about that?

No shit, occupy Jeld-Wen.. the Timbers aren't really good anyhow.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
NervousXtian said:
No shit, occupy Jeld-Wen.. the Timbers aren't really good anyhow.
It's not like they're using the field right now anyhow!


Angry Fork said:
Protest turns violent - Fucking assholes they should be killed or thrown in jail.

Protest is peaceful - hmm, seems relaxed and non threatening, don't listen to them. Just some small thing.

This seems to be going over everybody's heads in here. It's like everyone hates the protests because the protests are becoming inconvenient and 'ruining people's day' its like what do you expect? Do you want police to make some little playground area and have the protesters stay there all day? So that nothing changes? It's just ridiculous. People should be able to go where they want when protesting even if it fucks up traffic, other people's daily routines etc. Deal with it.

Maybe the protestors should "deal with it."
Alucrid said:
Maybe the protestors should "deal with it."


They've been doing that.
It hasn't been working. The politicians are corrupt, the banks and hedge funds and debtors and corporations have been bailed out with their money, the jobs keep disappearing, costs keep rising, and they keep losing while being told to deal with it.

So they're doing something else...legally.

Angry Fork

Alucrid said:
Maybe the protestors should "deal with it."
Being continually disfranchised in favor of the wealthy, robbed through student loans, unable to find a job that can pay NYC rent + food + travel etc., a political process that is completely broken and favors the rich.


Being inconvenienced for 10-15 minutes and have to find another way to work/home.

Who has more to lose? You really think the top group should deal with it?
Breaking911 Breaking911
#BREAKING Heavy Clashing Between #NYPD & #OWS Protesters #OWS #N17 #OccupyWallStreet #NYC yfrog.com/nx4tpmuj
9 minutes ago

Breaking911 Breaking911
#BREAKING Large Group East Bound on Park Place near Broadway Req Additional Units #OWS #N17 #OccupyWallStreet #NYC #NYPD
11 minutes ago

Breaking911 Breaking911
#BREAKING Large Group Marching West Bound on Exchange Place Between Broadway & Lliberty Street #OWS #N17 #OccupyWallStreet #NYC #NYPD
14 minutes ago

Breaking911 Breaking911
#BREAKING #NYPD Units Req a Prisoner Wagon at Exchange Pl & Broadway #OWS #N17 #OccupyWallStreet #NYC
17 minutes ago

Breaking911 Breaking911
#BREAKING Aided Protester in Active Seizures at Liberty St & Church St #EMS Enroute #OWS #OccupyWallStreet #N17 #NYC
59 minutes ago

Breaking911 Breaking911
#BREAKING Aided Protester going into Diabetic Shock at Trinity Pl & Liberty St #EMS Enroute #OWS #OccupyWallStreet #N17
1 hour ago

Picked this twitter account up from the NY Daily News stream
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