Alucrid said:It was the lizardmen.
I think it was a bodysnatched protester. It has begun.
Alucrid said:It was the lizardmen.
Aren't you a NLG member?Dude Abides said:In yesterday's thread about the old lady and the pregnant woman I learned that if you put yourself in a situation where violence may break out you deserve what you get.
Manhattan: A/C/1 station at 168th and Broadway-- Carmen Perez, single mother living with her brother because lack of affordable housing
Manhattan: A/B/C/D station at 125th Street and St. Nicholas Avenue; 4/5/6 station at Union Square-- Monnie Callan, retired hospital worker caring for elderly sister
Brooklyn: A/C/L/J/Z station at Broadway Junction-- Edgar Andrade, small business owner struggling to support family through layoffs
Brooklyn: 4/5 station at Borough Hall-- Valerie Peterson, underemployed healthcare worker relying on children to make ends meet, struggles with diabetes
Bronx: 4 train station at Fordham Road-- Wanda Fuentes, underemployed home care worker caring for mother with Alzheimers
Bronx: 4/D station at 161st St - Yankee Stadium-- Minerva Morales, unemployed single mother and Christine DeLeon, evicted tenant
Bronx: 6 station at Hunts Point Avenue-- Rosa Balbuena, unemployed mother of 4
Queens: E station at Jackson Heights/Roosevelt Avenue-- William Berry, veteran and small business owner
Queens: E/J/Z station at Jamaica Center Parsons/Archer-- Juan Pelaez, lost job after workplace injury, facing eviction
Staten Island: St. George/State Island Ferry Terminal-- Zaida Moreno, fired due to budget cuts and hasn't found stable work for 2 years, now suffering medically due to stres
Sunflower said:What is with "you people" and having no concept of both sides being wrong? Seriously.
I know what you mean by this. It's a lose lose situation though. If you have a leader than what you said can happen, but if you don't then everyone keeps saying it's unorganized, they're just there to cause trouble etc. and so on.captmcblack said:Finally, absolutely not re: a leader for OWS. A leader is not just a leader - it's a target. The second someone becomes a figurehead for this thing, they can attack and discredit the movement based on that person, and not based on the topics. I'd hate to see this peter out because the guy who is the face of the movement is some guy who didn't pay some tax, or had some conviction, or some other thing that is unrelated to the points being made.
So how many beatings is too much? When do people fight back? Honest question.Alienshogun said:Actually, it's not. Getting beat in the face with violence while demonstrating non violence is the power behind civil disobedience.
captmcblack said:What are the protesters wrong about?
Angry Fork said:I don't understand how people can have sympathy towards the 1% AT ALL. It's shocking really. But I'm not a fan of capitalism in general so I don't know, maybe people think all of the 1% worked hard and made billions out of pulling their own bootstraps. They all deserve their money and deserve to continue taking it from people they deem to be worth less.
And the police are okay with this too. Clearly sleeping in tents in a park is much worse than all of that. It's inexcusable. They should take off their uniforms and join.
Rocco Parascandola reports that there have been more than 100 Occupy Wall Street-related arrests so far today in New York City.
To update our earlier report about a copy with a hand injury: a cop was cut on the left hand by a thrown glass object.
A DCPI official told Jennifer Cunningham, "The officer who was injured was responding to a call for help inside the park. The cop responded inside. One of the protesters threw something. It was an object that had glass in it. I can't even describe it because I haven't seen it. It was something that was being held that was thrown at the officer. He's got a nasty cut on his left hand. Its probably going to take a about 20 stitches."
Cops are looking for the attacker.
Another cop was doused in the face with an unknown liquid earlier.
Four cops who were doused with a liquid earlier went to New York Downtown hospital.
Early this morning, police recovered - from doorways of Financial District buildings and from a truck stopped of the Manhattan side of the Brooklyn-Battery tunnel - about a dozen locking devices
Because one is harmless and one isn't?Sunflower said:What is with "you people" and having no concept of both sides being wrong? Seriously.
Angry Fork said:Because one is harmless and one isn't?
Fucking hell why do people keep acting like these protestors are just as bad as the 1% for "breaking the law" as if all crime is the same? It's just crazy.
Angry Fork said:I'm more of a Malcolm X type than MLK (in terms of ideology). When Malcolm X said he wanted the march on washington to show the anger and power black people had, that's something I get goosebumps reading and completely agree with. MLK and co. succeeded in the end without violence but I don't think the same is possible in today's world.
And first the ones who cause the most harm? Any police in the wall street building right now? Any investigations for fraud or anything of the like?Sunflower said:Here's a wild idea - arrest all who break the law. All!
ClovingSteam said:Really? Then how did the Egyptian revolution take place? How did the Tea Party accomplish what they did? Yes, they were bankrolled by big donors but they didn't use violence. Once the movement begins using violence the support they have from those outside of the movement will disappear.
Angry Fork said:And first the ones who cause the most harm? Any police in the wall street building right now? Any investigations for fraud or anything of the like?
If Hitler (lol godwins law) was on the street, and a guy who drove drunk is on the street, yea you'd arrest both, but I think you should go for Hitler first don't you think? Instead hundreds of officers are dedicated to the drunk guy right now, for what?
Angry Fork said:And first the ones who cause the most harm? Any police in the wall street building right now? Any investigations for fraud or anything of the like?
If Hitler (lol godwins law) was on the street, and a guy who drove drunk is on the street, yea you'd arrest both, but I think you should go for Hitler first don't you think? Instead hundreds of officers are dedicated to the drunk guy right now, for what?
Angry Fork said:I don't understand how people can have sympathy towards the 1% AT ALL. It's shocking really. But I'm not a fan of capitalism in general so I don't know, maybe people think all of the 1% worked hard and made billions out of pulling their own bootstraps. They all deserve their money and deserve to continue taking it from people they deem to be worth less.
And the police are okay with this too. Clearly sleeping in tents in a park is much worse than all of that. It's inexcusable. They should take off their uniforms and join.
Sunflower said:What is with "you people" and having no concept of both sides being wrong? Seriously.
Sunflower said:Here's a wild idea - arrest all who break the law. All!
Actually at that point in time id say the drunk driver has a better chance of killing someone than hitler.Angry Fork said:And first the ones who cause the most harm? Any police in the wall street building right now? Any investigations for fraud or anything of the like?
If Hitler (lol godwins law) was on the street, and a guy who drove drunk is on the street, yea you'd arrest both, but I think you should go for Hitler first don't you think? Instead hundreds of officers are dedicated to the drunk guy right now, for what?
This turning violent would be worse for both sides, 100% admitted.Alucrid said:If the 1% want to squash this they should give angry fork an airing on cable news. That's sure to leave everyone with a bad taste in their mouth about ows.
Angry Fork said:I just personally don't think it's possible for billionaires to see some people holding arms on a street down below and say "hmm ...maybe we should change guys".
captmcblack said:This protest exists because your point literally doesn't happen.
minus_273 said:how did the russian revolution take place? the long march? great leap forward? cultural revolution?
Sunflower said:Here's a wild idea - arrest all who break the law. All!
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:I have no clue what occurred in this image stream that the Daily News just posted
lawblob said:Ouch
I definitely do. If I was given 100 grand right now I would feel rich, but 25 billion? I wouldn't know what to do with it. Why not give it all away and help everyone else? who wasn't as lucky as I might've been, or didn't have the same resources for education and connections.powersurge said:Lets use Steve Jobs as an example. Do you think that the government has the right to take large amounts of his wealth simply because he has a lot of it?
powersurge said:Lets use Steve Jobs as an example. Do you think that the government has the right to take large amounts of his wealth simply because he has a lot of it? I do agree that some of the tax loop holes that have been used by the wealthy should be closed and that everyone should pay roughly the same % wise.
This. Both "sides" have been wrong. Be it violence (and vandalism) by both sides during these protests or the events leading to them.
I know it's odd. Perhaps the wound was on the back of the head, considering it rainy outside it could be a small cut and well like Pro Wrestling lots of juice.Sunflower said:Strange, he's not bleeding while on the ground.
Fenderputty said:Fine ... can we agree to start with the people that threw the country into a wild recession?
Does that make the NYPD the heel?Manos: The Hans of Fate said:I know it's odd. Perhaps the wound was on the back of the head, considering it rainy outside it could be a small cut and well like Pro Wrestling lots of juice.
Actually I know it sounds odd, but I think something similar to that occurred.
HITLER IS DEAD YOU IDOIT HOW WOULD HE BE ON THE STREETS OF NEW YORK?!?@!Angry Fork said:And first the ones who cause the most harm? Any police in the wall street building right now? Any investigations for fraud or anything of the like?
If Hitler (lol godwins law) was on the street, and a guy who drove drunk is on the street, yea you'd arrest both, but I think you should go for Hitler first don't you think? Instead hundreds of officers are dedicated to the drunk guy right now, for what?
Angry Fork said:I swear I understand this side of the argument, I understand that getting something done through peace is much more meaningful and productive than through violence, but do you really think that's possible right now?
Civil disobedience becomes a sacred duty when the state has become lawless or corrupt. And a citizen who barters with such a state shares in its corruption and lawlessness...Every citizen is responsible for every act of his government...There is only one sovereign remedy, namely, non-violent non-cooperation. Whether we advertise the fact or not, the moment we cease to support the government it dies a nature death....My method is conversion, not coercion, it is self-suffering, not the suffering of the tyrant....I hope the real Swaraj (self-rule) will come not by the acquisition of authority by the few but by the acquisition by all of the courage to resist authority when abused. In other words, Swaraj is to be attained by education the masses to a sense of their capacity to regulate ad control authority.... Civil disobedience is the assertion of a right which law should give but which it denies...Civil disobedience presupposes willing obedience of our self-imposed rules, and without it civil disobedience would be cruel joke....Civil disobedience means capacity for unlimited suffering without the intoxicating excitement of killing....Disobedience to be civil has to be open and nonviolent....Disobedience to be civil implies discipline, thought, care, attention...Disobedience that is wholly civil should never provoke retaliation....Non-cooperation and civil disobedience are different but [are] branches of the same tree call Satyagraha (truth-force).... Coercion cannot but result in chaos in the end....One who uses coercion is guilty of deliberate violence. Coercion is inhuman....Non-cooperation with evil is as much a duty as cooperation with good... Nonviolent action without the cooperation of the heart and the head cannot produce the intended result....All through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall, always.
Okay this made me laugh, kind of surprised someone hasn't thought of it yet.Sunflower said:Thank god there's no likelihood of the brazzers watermark showing up in any of these pics.
Sunflower said:No start-withs - everyone. I'm not showing favoritism. All guilty, all do their time and accept their punishment. That's the way it should work, with no favoritism or prejudice. But yknow, it'll never happen.
But I wish it would.
Fenderputty said:Hint hint ... it wont' ever happen because people with the money have the resources required to prevent it from happening when most of us don't.
Sunflower said:If you break the law, you should go to jail. This is how the world works.
powersurge said:Lets use Steve Jobs as an example. Do you think that the government has the right to take large amounts of his wealth simply because he has a lot of it? I do agree that some of the tax loop holes that have been used by the wealthy should be closed and that everyone should pay roughly the same % wise.
Edit: Beaten by Manos. Goddamn you Manos... goddamn you...
Tweener mayberhfb said:Does that make the NYPD the heel?
.GqueB. said:Uhoh theyre marching to Union Square. The battle for the stairs begins. SO many deadbeat highschool kids over there. AND its 3 'o' clock? Sheeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttttttt
To be fair I'd say it's too strong to be in favor of a cop getting stabbed, but I'll say I neither agree nor condemn it.badcrumble said:I like how several of the posters who were shocked about a guy in favor of that cop getting stabbed were cheering on the fellow who ran a red light and ran over two protesters in Oakland about a week and a half ago.
.GqueB. said:Uhoh theyre marching to Union Square. The battle for the stairs begins. SO many deadbeat highschool kids over there. AND its 3 'o' clock? Sheeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttttttt
This Occupy Wall Steet protester suffered a head injury after he knocked off a police officer's hat - and set off a near riot in Zuccotti Park, according to our reporter John Doyle. Photos by Craig Warga/New York Daily News.
.GqueB. said:Uhoh theyre marching to Union Square. The battle for the stairs begins. SO many deadbeat highschool kids over there. AND its 3 'o' clock? Sheeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttttttt