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Occupy Wall St - Occupy Everywhere, Occupy Together!

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I prefer these remarks by Dennis Kucinich


To the young men and women who are braving the overreaction of local authorities to raise their voices against the corruption and manipulation of our nation that emanates from Wall Street: I say to you that your presence is making a difference. You are exercising the right every American holds most dear, the right of freedom of expression, and with that expression you are finally getting the attention of the nation.

Wall Street banks got billion-dollar bailouts but the American people get austerity. Fourteen million Americans are out of work. 50 million people don't have health insurance and a million homes a year are lost to foreclosure. Our policies take the wealth of the nation and accelerate it into the hands of the few.
Puddles said:
Why wouldn't the unions join in? This is an anti-corporatist backlash, and the unions have been hammered for decades now. Unionization helped the working class achieve an unprecedented level of prosperity in the 20th century which has been steadily pushed back since the 70s. They have as much of a reason to protest as anyone.

Yea, amid the discussion of co-option, a lot of libertarians have tossed out the idea that the occupy movement will be co-opted by the union arm of the democratic party. The irony of this statement is that the democrats amputated that arm in the 1990s. Moreover, most of the people in this movement want to show solidarity with the plight of the unions, who have been ground into nothing over the past few decades. If unions were as powerful as the right claimed, we wouldn't need to have these protests.


Foffy said:

It's like the Republican party is a comical bunch of super villains.

The sad thing is people will still vote for them.

I just can't believe that he really believes that people are pissed off and doing this because of the rejection of the Obama administration. The American people could care less who is in office; they are just tired of being screwed over.


Enron said:
Hey Jeff, that's great and all, but when am I going to get another NMH album you fuck!

haha, In the Aeroplane Over the Sea belongs to the people, now. Even Magnum can't follow it up.


cooljeanius said:
I can't believe he's becoming the frontrunner.

I can't believe you believe he is going to be the frontrunner. Herman Cain is a crazy talk show host from down here in Atlanta and is too stupid about anything that isn't business-related to be elected to shit.
magicstop said:
As far as the increased risk of arrest at protests, I really don't know the answer for that. Perhaps it's best for POC to sit some of that out if they are uncomfortable (and reasonably so), and let the white people risk the arrests? Perhaps we just need a strong front that doesn't allow for singling out (although fighting back against cops is bad news for anyone). We certainly won't be pressuring people who are uncomfortable to do things that they are disinclined to do.

We don't have all the answers yet, but I think we're asking some good questions.

I think POC are gun-shy about protesting because of the long history of police brutality. But if addressing racial inequality is presented as an important part of this movement, I think more POC will step up.

ToxicAdam said:

Yea, there's definitely a danger of co-option. Also, this bit from legendary shill Andrew Ross Sorkin was amazing:

I had gone down to Zuccotti Park to see the activist movement firsthand after getting a call from the chief executive of a major bank last week, before nearly 700 people were arrested over the weekend during a demonstration on the Brooklyn Bridge.

“Is this Occupy Wall Street thing a big deal?” the C.E.O. asked me. I didn’t have an answer. “We’re trying to figure out how much we should be worried about all of this,” he continued, clearly concerned. “Is this going to turn into a personal safety problem?”

As I wandered around the park, it was clear to me that most bankers probably don’t have to worry about being in imminent personal danger. This didn’t seem like a brutal group — at least not yet.

At least he's honest about who he's working for.
Perhaps the truest remarks regarding this movement.

....So the point is, real-life things blind people to the great class struggle you're waging in lower Manhattan. You, and the rest of America's three-tenths of one percent.

You can take some consolation from that next year when you sacrifice your principles, abandon the Global People's Liberation Party (or whatever), and vote to re-elect President Obama


Sirpopopop said:
As a minority - I know I want nothing to do with a bunch of unwashed dirty hippies.

Take a shower. Shave yourself. Look respectable. Don't turn away politicians willing to help your cause.

(Says the hipster with the Neutral Milk Hotel album cover avatar.)

Much easier to communicate when you open with an insult, right?

Anyway, it's obvious Sirpopopop is a corporate billionaire so of course he would feel this way.

They turn away politicians because they don't want to be co-opted in media or in message. Especially when every 3rd question from every horse-race minded reporter is asking which party they support. They're not too happy with the Democrats, but they're probably fairly angry at the Republicans. They expect someone from the outside to try to either adulterate the movement or to knock them off track. Right now getting close to the Democratic Party or doing something like going Green or 3rd Party or something like that wouldn't be good for them, not while they're still developing organically. They want campaign finance reform as a start, they want corporate and wall street money out of the electoral process, they want investigations and punishment for the wall street problems. They have a lot of demands and it's not just about starting the next football season like it is to a lot of the status-quo pushers.

They don't want to just show up and jump on the first bandwagon that drives past. IF you don't grok that, do what you believe, but don't stop others from doing the same. If you think they're wrong you'll have to use your voice.That's what democracy is all about. It's why Rush Limbaugh is worth 600 million and the radio and TV owners are billionaires. The media, the politicians, the corporations, the system in general is part of what these people see as the problem. And we can see "the problem" basically bashing on the gates.


Marleyman said:
I just can't believe that he really believes that people are pissed off and doing this because of the rejection of the Obama administration. The American people could care less who is in office; they are just tired of being screwed over.

This is what I'm spooked about; not a single soul that has the potential of being a presidential candidate seems willing to change any of the problems we have going on.

Every year, I seem to aspire to want to live in another country more and more. It's just so insulting to see the troubles normal people have that seem hilariously medieval in the type of society we have today. And that nobody we dare elect wants to fix any of it.


Put your snobby liquids into my mouth!
marrec said:
What the hell? Why are hippies so against GMO foods? Science helps feed millions of people everyday damnit.

This is why we can't have nice things hippies!
GMO foods are engineered so the seeds are sterile, effectively stripping humans of the basic right to get a seed off the ground, plant it with your own hands and grow something edible. Corporations want to make sure fertile seeds are their legal property so that no one but them can grow crops and feed themselves or sell the food to others without paying them.
GMO tomatoes are corporate tomatoes, property of the corporation, you can pay to eat them but they are not yours. The plan is to erradicate free tomatoes so you only eat corporate tomatoes. This sounds silly but it's true and nobody tries to hide it, go read it up


Marleyman said:
I just can't believe that he really believes that people are pissed off and doing this because of the rejection of the Obama administration. The American people could care less who is in office; they are just tired of being screwed over.

He knows that's not the case but he's using them for his purpose.

Politicians play a game called echo where they take what you say and repeat it to you with their own meaning tacked at the end. So you tell them you're upset, and they tell the media how they understand that you're upset about the Obama administration, etc.


Foffy said:
This is what I'm spooked about; not a single soul that has the potential of being a presidential candidate seems willing to change any of the problems we have going on.

Once you get into the Washington machine you are no longer free; you are owned by multiple lobbyists, corporations and such. There will NEVER be a real President, who isn't bought and paid for, until there is major reform or a civil war.

Foffy said:
Every year, I seem to aspire to want to live in another country more and more. It's just so insulting to see the troubles normal people have that seem hilariously medieval in the type of society we have today. And that nobody we dare elect wants to fix any of it.

I am on the opposite end of this. I want to stay here because I believe in this country. People just need to get upset and not take it any longer and demand change, peacefully.


Enron said:
"You are correct, but.......THEY REALLY HAD NO CHOICE" is what I'm reading.


At any point during this process, had people just stopped and thought about it, did the research, run their own numbers, read the fine print, done their due diligence for something as important as purchasing a home they could have realized it was indeed too good to be true and walked away. Ultimately, we are the ones that can get up from the table and walk away from what is being offered at any time. People just chose to hear what they wanted to hear.

At some point deep down people had to know this didn't sound quite right - a 300k home on a 40k year combined household income - or somesuch - is just too good to be true but they allowed themselves to be hoodwinked into it. The greedy financial institutions nor the 99% are free of blame.
And to push this further, this mentality needs to change as well. Are any of the occupy protestors willing to say no to homeowner subsides and deductions that encourage people to spend beyond their means and take on riskier loans themselves?
No. In fact they are encouraging it.


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
marrec said:
When did this happen? Because he won a Straw Poll? Straw Poll wins does not a frontrunner make.

Ask Ron Paul.

Ever since it was discovered that Rick Perry owned land named after a racial slur.


I think the idea of electing a president that isn't 'bought and paid for' is meaningless anyways. The way our government is set up, Congress can essentially handicap any president they don't agree with. Aside from the tremendous power he wields via the military, it's a pretty toothless position. It's not even a good bully pulpit anymore.

--- /// ---

I am kind of incredulous at the people that would resist this movement. As long as it remains non-violent and productive, it can only benefit you. At the very least, it gives voice to people that feel frustrated. Which any psychologist will tell you is healthy and could prevent any future major unrest that would have been built up. At the best, it will exact some change (or shift the national political conversation in a positive way).


DKnight said:
GMO foods are engineered so the seeds are sterile, effectively stripping humans of the basic right to get a seed off the ground, plant it with your own hands and grow something edible. Corporations want to make sure fertile seeds are their legal property so that no one but them can grow crops and feed themselves or sell the food to others without paying them.
GMO tomatoes are corporate tomatoes, property of the corporation, you can pay to eat them but they are not yours. The plan is to erradicate free tomatoes so you only eat corporate tomatoes. This sounds silly but it's true and nobody tries to hide it, go read it up

It does sound silly and I currently grow plenty of Heirloom Tomatoes every year.

Their evil plan will fail! My Heirlooms will repopulate the worlds tomato crop!

I love GMO Foods because eventually they will Genetically Modify chickens to the point where I stop being allergic to their eggs and can then recieve basic vaccinations that are currently unvailable to me because of my severe egg allergy.

Ya, I'm backing the evil guys.

richiek said:
Ever since it was discovered that Rick Perry owned land named after a racial slur.

Wait, that's going to stop Republicans from voting for him?


Marleyman said:
This Herman Cain guy says some ridiculous shit.

This quote by Cain...my god
Lets be honest here, this is what the majority the voters he's courting are thinking as well. This is smart politics.

edit: the part where he says it's your own fault of you're not rich and don't have a job, then it's your own fault that is.


He could sent a marine battalion to hold Congress at siege. And maybe ask Lou to authorize some drones to follow Cantor's SUV.


magicstop said:
Also, if you haven't figured it out by now, remnant is trolling and there's no reason to respond to him. Just ignore him and move on. Seriously :D I am glad he posted that list of involved groups. I hadn't seen that even though it was on their site. Must be a newish addition. I will be updating the OP with that list shortly. Thanks remnant!
How the hell am i trolling? Seriously.

New idea. Until your username turns red, don't tell me I'm trolling because I disagree with you


steals Justin Bieber DVDs
Door2Dawn said:
Lets be honest here, this is what the majority the voters he's courting are thinking as well. This is smart politics.

Well, that's essentially the American Dream, isn't it? It's been indoctrinated to every one of us that as long as we work hard, we'll be successful. Now due to the financial crisis, people are slowly realizing that this is no longer the case.
theBishop said:
How is this different from every other snarkpiece? Why go moderate? Ann Coulter expresses the same viewpoint.
Don't know. I just enjoy the truth of the last sentence. It was all just a show.
But now with the big campaign donors heavily involved (organized labor), I imagine the Democrat ears will perk up. They'll talk some shit, make some promises, and then everything will be back to the same ol same ol following the election.


ToxicAdam said:
I think the idea of electing a president that isn't 'bought and paid for' is meaningless anyways. The way our government is set up, Congress can essentially handicap any president they don't agree with. Aside from the tremendous power he wields via the military, it's a pretty toothless position. It's not even a good bully pulpit anymore.

True. Congress isn't any better; in fact they are easier to manipulate.


remnant said:
How the hell am i trolling? Seriously.

New idea. Until your username turns red, don't tell me I'm trolling because I disagree with you

Basically, if you disagree forcefully enough you are a "troll" and magicstop tells everyone to ignore you it seems.


DOO13ER said:
Right, let's take the silliest of long list of evolving demands and grievances and paint with that brush. I guess because some jackoff got photographed with a sign demanding zero taxes at a Tea Party rally it's safe to write the entire sentiment of that movement off as a bunch of malleable idiots lashing out at the system responsible for the public works and social services they depend upon more than anyone. And because I've made this judgment call, I deem the entirety of the Tea Party hypocritical and ultimately irrelevant.


It's on their website.

Demand seven: One trillion dollars in ecological restoration planting forests, reestablishing wetlands and the natural flow of river systems and decommissioning of all of America's nuclear power plants.

Demand eleven: Immediate across the board debt forgiveness for all. Debt forgiveness of sovereign debt, commercial loans, home mortgages, home equity loans, credit card debt, student loans and personal loans now! All debt must be stricken from the "Books." World Bank Loans to all Nations, Bank to Bank Debt and all Bonds and Margin Call Debt in the stock market including all Derivatives or Credit Default Swaps, all 65 trillion dollars of them must also be stricken from the "Books." And I don't mean debt that is in default, I mean all debt on the entire planet period.

Yeah dude I totally just saw a sign somewhere on my way to starbucks.

Also i'm willing to bet money that when the Tea party did start, some guy did take a picture saying "lower taxes" and everyone called him an idiot. Or did you DOO13ER run to that mans defense? Something telles me no.

DOO13ER said:
I wouldn't be on you so much if you actually had a decent point to make. You know, other than that an organized movement with a tone and tenor anywhere to the left of the Tea Party must be made up of Obama apologists.
So in other words, Yes if I wasn't critical of the "movement", you wouldn't act like such a baby. Glad we agree


Bulbo Urethral Baggins said:
Don't know. I just enjoy the truth of the last sentence. It was all just a show.
But now with the big campaign donors heavily involved (organized labor), I imagine the Democrat ears will perk up. They'll talk some shit, make some promises, and then everything will be back to the same ol same ol following the election.

A big point of this whole Occupy idea is that electoral politics is not enough. Even if institutionalized elections weren't horribly corrupt, mobilized popular organizing is necessary to keep politicians honest.

Whether people from OccupyWallSt vote for Obama or Lenin isn't the point. Nixon governed to the left of Obama's candidacy because there were powerful people's groups forcing him in that direction.


remnant said:

It's on their website.

[Demand 7: Stupid Crap]

[Demand 11: Really stupid Crap]

Yeah dude I totally just saw a sign somewhere on my way to starbucks.

Also i'm willing to bet money that when the Tea party did start, some guy did take a picture saying "lower taxes" and everyone called him an idiot. Or did you DOO13ER run to that mans defense? Something telles me no.

Yep, these guys are idiots if those are the demands.

I officially don't like this political demonstration, they're clearly ignorant of actual facts.


wow I just read the list of nerd demands. I like the last line, DOING THIS WILL CREATE SO MANY JOBS...YOU DONT EVEN KNOW.

good luck creating jobs when your forced to pay every new employee at least 20 an hour. I hope that list of demands is a huge troll, no one can be that idiotic.


AiTM said:
wow I just read the list of nerd demands. I like the last line, DOING THIS WILL CREATE SO MANY JOBS...YOU DONT EVEN KNOW.

good luck creating jobs when your forced to pay every new employee at least 20 an hour. I hope that list of demands is a huge troll, no one can be that idiotic.

You're. And where does it say that?


time to take my meds
those seem to be the demands of one person posting on the OWS forum. thats like saying doom_bringer is the voice of gaming gaf.


that list was just a posting in their forums of "proposed" demands. If their actual list look likes that, they can kiss the movement goodbye as everyone will just laugh and dismiss them.


Clevinger said:
You're. And where does it say that?

Nerd demand #1. Last Line, "Another policy that must be instituted is raise the minimum wage to twenty dollars an hr."
theBishop said:
A big point of this whole Occupy idea is that electoral politics is not enough. Even if institutionalized elections weren't horribly corrupt, mobilized popular organizing is necessary to keep politicians honest.

Whether people from OccupyWallSt vote for Obama or Lenin isn't the point. Nixon governed to the left of Obama's candidacy because there were powerful people's groups forcing him in that direction.
Can't argue with those points
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