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Occupy Wall St - Occupy Everywhere, Occupy Together!

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Funky Papa

FlightOfHeaven said:
That's the equivalent of saying DTL represents manga-GAF's taste, or that ThunderMoney is GAF's spokesperson.
I'd be delighted to have ThunderMonkey as my spokesperson.


Bad_Boy said:
those seem to be the demands of one person posting on the OWS forum. thats like saying doom_bringer is the voice of gaming gaf.

Oh, if that's what they're referring to, then never mind. It's irrelevant.

I don't see the silly minimum wage thing in the OP's list.


Okay okay, so I jumped the gun.

I have to assume the actual demands won't look anything like that right?

The actual demands I can get behinds, all but for the Revamping of the SEC.
akira28 said:
Anyway, it's obvious Sirpopopop is a corporate billionaire so of course he would feel this way.

This movement would be counter to my own interests. This is true. I'm not just a billionare, I'm a trillionaire.

They turn away politicians because they don't want to be co-opted in media or in message. Especially when every 3rd question from every horse-race minded reporter is asking which party they support. They're not too happy with the Democrats, but they're probably fairly angry at the Republicans. They expect someone from the outside to try to either adulterate the movement or to knock them off track. Right now getting close to the Democratic Party or doing something like going Green or 3rd Party or something like that wouldn't be good for them, not while they're still developing organically. They want campaign finance reform as a start, they want corporate and wall street money out of the electoral process, they want investigations and punishment for the wall street problems. They have a lot of demands and it's not just about starting the next football season like it is to a lot of the status-quo pushers.

Their list of grievances is a lot more expansive than that.

Also, a lot of this is just silly conspiracy talk - "Adulterating the movement," "knocking them off track." You can't seriously believe that, can you? The Democrats don't view this as a threat at all. If anything, the majority of them will see this as validation. Much of what you listed are also items supported by the Democrats. Heck, I'm sure you can find traction for the GMO argument amongst the Democrats.

They don't want to just show up and jump on the first bandwagon that drives past. IF you don't grok that, do what you believe, but don't stop others from doing the same. If you think they're wrong you'll have to use your voice.That's what democracy is all about. It's why Rush Limbaugh is worth 600 million and the radio and TV owners are billionaires. The media, the politicians, the corporations, the system in general is part of what these people see as the problem. And we can see "the problem" basically bashing on the gates.

Oh yes, the grand conspiracy.

This, coming from a fan of a tv show that was created just to push toys for a company that is part of the "system."

I'm not stopping anybody here. Your movement's members on NEOGAF leaping at the throat of anyone who doesn't display 100% allegiance to your views is doing that for you.
90% of the people who ask, "what crimes did Wall Street commit?" are trolling. Very few of them are legitimately interested in an answer. And none of them will respond to these posts:

dave is ok said:
You're actually wrong.

You're not allowed to bet against the same investments you sell while advertising how great they are. That is illegal.

Divvy said:
Fraud, fraud, insider trading, fraud.


Neo Member
Sirpopopop said:
Also, a lot of this is just silly conspiracy talk - "Adulterating the movement," "knocking them off track." You can't seriously believe that, can you? The Democrats don't view this as a threat at all. If anything, the majority of them will see this as validation. Much of what you listed are also items supported by the Democrats. Heck, I'm sure you can find traction for the GMO argument amongst the Democrats.

That's exactly the problem. The democrats do not view this as a threat and will try to validate their control through this movement if given the chance. It's best to view both parties as pro-business, just different sectors. The democrat party hasn't been progressive for decades now and there is no reason why they would experience a day transformation just because of OCW.
AiTM said:
wow I just read the list of nerd demands. I like the last line, DOING THIS WILL CREATE SO MANY JOBS...YOU DONT EVEN KNOW.

good luck creating jobs when your forced to pay every new employee at least 20 an hour. I hope that list of demands is a huge troll, no one can be that idiotic.
you seem to not know how demands work.

They cry 20, the government says no, they cry 15, the government says maybe, they go to 10, they get the okay.

You don't start off with middle of the road demands, you start with extreme demands and work your way down. You should know this, as the GOP are masters of it, and many of our problems these days comes from Democrats not going extreme enough in their demands, leading to further right compromises.


kame-sennin said:
90% of the people who ask, "what crimes did Wall Street commit?" are trolling. Very few of them are legitimately interested in an answer. And none of them will respond to these posts:

simply typing 'wall st crimes' into google turns up half a dozen links to Matt Taibbi's spectacular reporting on the subject. You're totally right, people aren't interested in the answers, the answers are easy to find.

What I can't determine is if these people are averse to "The Hippies", or just reading.


kame-sennin said:
90% of the people who ask, "what crimes did Wall Street commit?" are trolling. Very few of them are legitimately interested in an answer. And none of them will respond to these posts:

So much so that everyone involved has been prosecuted. Oh, wait.

No doubt that there was probably SOME law being broken here and there, but the reason why this festered and went on as much as it did was because it WAS legal. Whether or not it should have been is another argument.


Not really related to the rally, but one thing they should be protesting is people being able to short stocks by betting they will go down. I've been following a particular stock closely and in the last week it has plummeted because people are releasing false articles on the outlook of the company, causing the stock price to drop. How this shit isn't illegal I don't know.
Sumebody said:
That's exactly the problem. The democrats do not view this as a threat and will try to validate their control through this movement if given the chance. It's best to view both parties as pro-business, just different sectors. The democrat party hasn't been progressive for decades now and there is no reason why they would experience a day transformation just because of OCW.

This is incorrect. Blue Dog Democrats as a rule, are pro-business.

Guys like Russ Feingold on the other hand - not so much.


theBishop said:
simply typing 'wall st crimes' into google turns up half a dozen links to Matt Taibbi's spectacular reporting on the subject. You're totally right, people aren't interested in the answers, the answers are easy to find.

What I can't determine is if these people are averse to "The Hippies", or just reading.

Man, these Rolling Stone, Democracy Now, and Activist Canada articles are clearly just the unbiased reporting I need to form an opinion one way or the other.


Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

I shouldn't be so flip, Matt Taibbi is the winner of the National Magazine Award for best commentary.


kame-sennin said:
90% of the people who ask, "what crimes did Wall Street commit?" are trolling. Very few of them are legitimately interested in an answer. And none of them will respond to these posts:

Hell, I'm a very liberal person, and I didn't even know they did anything that was actually illegal. I was under the impression that they did a bunch of shit that was technically legal, but should be illegal. I guess it was just the librul media brainwashing me. oh wait...


Enron said:
that list was just a posting in their forums of "proposed" demands. If their actual list look likes that, they can kiss the movement goodbye as everyone will just laugh and dismiss them.
Remember there is no hierarchy or official list of demands in this "movement". Ironically DOO13ER insult that I just looked at a dude's sign isn't a very unrealistic thing for most americans to do.
marrec said:
Man, these Rolling Stone, Democracy Now, and Activist Canada articles are clearly just the unbiased reporting I need to form an opinion one way or the other.


Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

I shouldn't be so flip, Matt Taibbi is the winner of the National Magazine Award for best commentary.

Show me a quote from any Taibbi article on the subject that is factually inaccurate.

KingK said:
Hell, I'm a very liberal person, and I didn't even know they did anything that was actually illegal. I was under the impression that they did a bunch of shit that was technically legal, but should be illegal. I guess it was just the librul media brainwashing me. oh wait...

That's why I said 90%. I know there are some people coming into this thread looking for information about the financial crisis because it's not available from the main stream media. But it's pretty easy to tell the two groups apart.


Enron said:
So much so that everyone involved has been prosecuted. Oh, wait.

No doubt that there was probably SOME law being broken here and there, but the reason why this festered and went on as much as it did was because it WAS legal. Whether or not it should have been is another argument.

The extent of the rampant fraud is laid out beautifully here:


It's true that crucial regulation was eliminated in the last 15 years, making some ugly practices legal. But the banks still broke the law with impunity.


Canadians burned my passport
marrec said:
Man, these Rolling Stone, Democracy Now, and Activist Canada articles are clearly just the unbiased reporting I need to form an opinion one way or the other.


Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

I shouldn't be so flip, Matt Taibbi is the winner of the National Magazine Award for best commentary.

I like how you don't mention the Forbes, Businessweek and Al Jazeera articles that are also on the first page.


marrec said:
Man, these Rolling Stone, Democracy Now, and Activist Canada articles are clearly just the unbiased reporting I need to form an opinion one way or the other.


Thanks for pointing me in the right direction.

I shouldn't be so flip, Matt Taibbi is the winner of the National Magazine Award for best commentary.

Oh I'm sorry, I didn't realize you only pay attention to the totally unbiased, wholesome, centrist, flag-waving, Jesus-loving, kitten-petting, apple pie-eating, American Job Creating press.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Enron said:
So much so that everyone involved has been prosecuted. Oh, wait.

No doubt that there was probably SOME law being broken here and there, but the reason why this festered and went on as much as it did was because it WAS legal. Whether or not it should have been is another argument.
The SEC is toothless and their head of enforcement has openly stated the banks can police themselves. It doesn't mean laws weren't broken.
A corporation fronted the money for me to go to college, and now expects me to pay it back at reasonable rates that I agreed to. I am the 99%.

Doing it right?


The Albatross said:
A corporation fronted the money for me to go to college, and now expects me to pay it back at reasonable rates that I agreed to. I am the 99%.

Doing it right?

You should start by asking why citizens have to take on thousands of dollars in debt in order to learn skills our country needs to have some semblance of a modern economy.
theBishop said:
You should start by asking why citizens have to take on thousands of dollars in debt in order to learn skills our country needs to have some semblance of a modern economy.
People value their employers far more when they're saddled with debt and worried about being downsized. Basic economics.
theBishop said:
You should start by asking why citizens have to take on thousands of dollars in debt in order to learn skills our country needs to have some semblance of a modern economy.

I thought about that question. And I think the answer, for me, is that I was taught by experts in their respective fields who I think deserve to be paid for sharing their expertise.

I am the 99%


Flying_Phoenix said:
So the podcast is tonight at 8PM Central Time USA.

It will be on Class Warfare and Occupy Wallstreet.

Anybody down?

I am. Count me in.
remnant, I'm calling you out for trolling based on the fact that you are trolling. I don't have to have a red name to call a spade a spade.
Flying_Phoenix said:
So the podcast is tonight at 8PM Central Time USA.

It will be on Class Warfare and Occupy Wallstreet.

Anybody down?
That's 9 PM Eastern, right? I might be back from work by then...


The Albatross said:
I thought about that question. And I think the answer, for me, is that I was taught by experts in their respective fields who I think deserve to be paid for sharing their expertise.

I am the 99%


Who was teaching in 1978, hobos?


Bulbo Urethral Baggins said:
Stating facts is not trolling. At least they are honest about what this so-called movement is actually about now. Big labor.

Big Labor is an oxymoro... oh, it's Bulbo.


Canadians burned my passport
The Albatross said:
I thought about that question. And I think the answer, for me, is that I was taught by experts in their respective fields who I think deserve to be paid for sharing their expertise.

I am the 99%

Neither of those things are mutually exclusive.


magicstop said:
I am. Count me in.
remnant, I'm calling you out for trolling based on the fact that you are trolling. I don't have to have a red name to call a spade a spade.
So basically exactly what Enron said.

Flying_Phoenix I have to do some scripting animation tonight but I have the time I'll join in. I'll PM you when I'm back at my computer.
Enron said:
So much so that everyone involved has been prosecuted. Oh, wait.

No doubt that there was probably SOME law being broken here and there, but the reason why this festered and went on as much as it did was because it WAS legal. Whether or not it should have been is another argument.

I agree that, due to their aggressive and organized lobbying efforts to deregulate and fend off oversight, Wall Street effectively was given legal cover to engage in its crimes. But that a criminal has the clout to obtain official sanction for his acts doesn't change their character.

But even notwithstanding that, systematic criminal fraud was still committed, including but not limited to collective embezzlement (using the corporation as a vessel for personal enrichment), misrepresentations (often to investors) and fraud (making agreements that knowingly could not be paid out). That these acts weren't prosecuted is not evidence that they did not occur. In fact, it's evidence of precisely what has animated protests: systemic corruption.

Corruption is empirically correlated with income inequality, so it is not surprising that, as income inequality has increased dramatically over the last three decades, corruption has followed suit.


The Albatross said:
Oh, I just said, "for me." Personally, I wasn't alive in 1978 yet, so I couldn't have gone to college then, or agreed to take on student loans for college.


Just keep on marching...
And, just to continue it'd probably be considered a troll to go into a thread and post things that others who post in the thread may not agree with, but in so far as this is a leaderless movement, that claims to represent me, and that I am certainly not a Wall Street elite, I think that my opinion should still be considered part of the 99%.

Although I'd be willing to relent to the idea that some of the opinions of the 99% (like those contrary to mine) are more valid or more dignified than other opinions of the 99%. Like, this guy's opinion is probably more valid than mine, or, perhaps that video floating around of the guy shouting down the guy with the Yamulka as being a "jew ... with all the money."
The Albatross said:
A corporation fronted the money for me to go to college, and now expects me to pay it back at reasonable rates that I agreed to. I am the 99%.

Doing it right?

No, because you neglect to mention that the money was actually loaned out by the government. All the corporation did was make money without assuming any risk, and charged more for it than the government would have.

The Albatross said:
And, just to continue it'd probably be considered a troll to go into a thread and post things that others who post in the thread may not agree with, but in so far as this is a leaderless movement, that claims to represent me, and that I am certainly not a Wall Street elite, I think that my opinion should still be considered part of the 99%.

Then go join the tea party (which also claims to represent you). Nobody is forcing you to support this.


Sirpopopop said:

Thanks for invalidating any argument you'll ever try to have ever.

Also it's not a conspiracy, it's called politics. People with power want to hold on to it, and will do crazy things to do so. So out of your lane that you think it's a crazy conspiracy? Oh well.

I never said they were a threat to Dems, etc etc, I'm not sure what all you took from my statement and frankly I don't care.


Is this like an Anti-Tea party? If so, good thing some Americans actually realize that the american dream can only be achived by stomping on others trying to do the same thing.


The Albatross said:
And, just to continue it'd probably be considered a troll to go into a thread and post things that others who post in the thread may not agree with, but in so far as this is a leaderless movement, that claims to represent me, and that I am certainly not a Wall Street elite, I think that my opinion should still be considered part of the 99%.

People who support what they are doing, regardless of whether they agree with any specifics of the protest (of which, at this moment there are few other than logistical aims), simply want this to be a discussion. It's the same thing you hear coming from the protesters themselves, they claim the protest is a discussion. But when someone comes in and basically throws out some line we've already heard and beaten to death, contributing nothing except riling people up, it comes off as needless and antagonistic. And it just bogs down the discussion to an endless cycle of "he said, she said" vitriol.

If someone is truly interested in provoking a discussion, they can read through the thread and frame their thoughts via past discussion, asking questions or offering some insight. I don't think that should be limited to this thread only, but it's a good general rule of discussion. FWIW, I think the term "troll" is basically a meaningless word, but that doesn't mean we can't easily acknowledge who is or isn't posting in a disingenuous manner. I think we should just put that word on hold for the rest of the topic and see if we can't move on to a real assessment of what's going on.


PnCIa said:
Is this like an Anti-Tea party? If so, good thing some Americans actually realize that the american dream can only be achived by stomping on others trying to do the same thing.

Hopefully it's the reawakening of some longstanding American traditions. The kinds of traditions that brought us American-Dream-Stomping accomplishments like the weekend, the 8-hour working day, social security, the National Park Service, etc.
empty vessel said:
No, because you neglect to mention that the money was actually loaned out by the government. All the corporation did was make money without assuming any risk, and charged more for it than the government would have.

Sorry, I didn't think it was necessary to identify SallieMae as my lendor, that their rates may have been higher than the prime rate didn't change my opinion of whether I should pay them back or not. As an 18 year old waiter, I didn't think that I had a right to borrow at prime... I suppose, maybe I should have demanded that? I dunno, I think if I demanded to borrow at prime, as an 18 year old in 2002, then I would have had more trouble financing my education than if I accepted what I considered were pretty fair rates.

Regardless of whether it was straight from the Feds at prime or through the then quasae-governmental Sallie Mae at higher than prime, though, I am glad that my professors, food services, B&G, staff members, and so on, who helped me get to college could get paid.

Then go join the tea party (which also claims to represent you). Nobody is forcing you to support this.

I dunno, I haven't seen the "#99%" Hashtag, or the "I am the 99%" movement type stuff from the Tea Party? The occupy movements seem to be very clearly identified as representing those other 99%, who should stand up, and demand that their voices are heard. I don't feel like the Tea Party represents me. But, beyond that, should I not be part of the 99% anymore because I believe in paying my student loans?


You'll just have to trust me, I am not one of the 1%


I don't know if it has been discussed here but they are planning a protest on the 15th of Oktober in The Hague (Netherlands).
I kinda want to go but I'll probably wait to see how it plays out, don't want to stand there with 2 high school drop-outs in the rain. The media is already on it though, the state radio was already talking about it and it hasn't even started yet!


The Albatross said:
Although I'd be willing to relent to the idea that some of the opinions of the 99% (like those contrary to mine) are more valid or more dignified than other opinions of the 99%. Like, this guy's opinion is probably more valid than mine, or, perhaps that video floating around of the guy shouting down the guy with the Yamulka as being a "jew ... with all the money."

Holy lol @ the lotion man guy on youtube...........wow.
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