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Occupy Wall St - Occupy Everywhere, Occupy Together!

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remnant said:
Should clothing be free like other necessities?

If you're very poor, you should be able to get free or very inexpensive clothing at Goodwill, Salvation Army, etc. I don't believe the expense of clothing is hard enough on the poor that the government needs to step in. See, even us socialists believe private charity is sufficient for some things!

Healthcare is another story.
SolKane said:

Handy map:


It's funny how I've read so many news stories about Russia and India being countries where great wealth and great poverty live side by side, but according to the hard numbers, they are both more egalitarian societies than the US.


Something Wicked said:
The bottom 10% of the US is brought down by the constant influx of poor immigrants, which has been occurring in Scandinavia (more so in Sweden than Norway & Finland), yet not for as long as in the US and in much lower total numbers.

Your fascist is showing.
pj said:
There were a lot of people outside the building where I work..



The area around the big orange thing in the last image is the park where the protestors have been staying. I walked over there a few minutes later and overheard a cop who was standing on top of a van say "it's completely full of people"


How diverse would you say the crowd was?
Angry Fork said:
Most people in midtown/downtown Manhattan are white.
Aren't people coming from all around for this? Regardless shouldn't there been an increase in non-caucasians there and not just a reflection on Midtown demographics, unless those communities are not interested in these protests.

Angry Fork

pj said:
And here's a video I shot..


Gets super drunk-vision at the end for some reason
looks like the line for Wii at Nintendo World in 2006/2007

lol @ barricading a protest though, that shit is so lame that's what I was talking about earlier in this thread about police just throwing civilians a bone and saying here fine do this here. i find it insulting like these people have been robbed blind and are trying to voice themselves and the only thing they're allowed is 10 ft. on the side of the road. fuck that block everything all traffic all roads and disrupt the natural order of things (inb4 dark knight joker/fight club i know)

Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Aren't people coming from all around for this? Regardless shouldn't there been an increase in non-caucasians there and not just a reflection on Midtown demographics, unless those communities are not interested in these protests.
I think they're interested but not enough to join yet. I'm in the bronx so I wouldn't go out of my way to go down there unless something big was happening. I'm assuming only people around the midtown/downtown area are going. People in uptown Manhattan probably feel similar to me and feel that it's too far to justify when I'm not sure the protests are really doing anything right now. (Uptown Manhattan is generally where minorities are, ignoring places like Chinatown and stuff which are just small areas downtown)

Does anyone know what happens at night? Do people go home and shit or do some stay with sleeping bags or something?
Angry Fork said:
lol @ barricading a protest though, that shit is so lame that's what I was talking about earlier in this thread about police just throwing civilians a bone and saying here fine do this here. i find it insulting like these people have been robbed blind and are trying to voice themselves and the only thing they're allowed is 10 ft. on the side of the road.

Yea, I don't care for this either. I think there needs to be peaceful disobedience. The protesters need to cross those barriers and truly occupy the area. It's not freedom of speech if the police state designates where and when it's expressed.
Total BS from the Police in Minneapolis.


Posted this on the occupymn facebook page with my response.

From the story...

Port-o-pottys are a 'maybe,' a soup kitchen is a 'no,' and bringing tents is a 'no' but sleeping bags will be fine. Stanek says protestors can stay overnight outside the Hennepin County Government Center.

"Likewise, we discussed with them some of our expectations, that it be safe and orderly and respectful," said Stanek.

My response:

Really? It's going to be "safe" in minus 30 below temps without a place to seek refuge(a tent) to warm one's self up? Soup kitchen is a no because who needs food? It's going to be "orderly" by people pissing on a tree in the middle of the night when all other toilets are closed because Port-o-pottys are a "maybe"?

Seriously. Whoever is talking to the police tomorrow...please show them this post and point out their hypocrices. Sounds like they want this to fail badly and be over with ASAP.

I then added: I should also note...that none of their plans for our protest are "respectful". Can't pee. Can't get a free warm meal. Can't stay warm and be protected from the elements. What good does a wet sleeping bag do? Total BS.


That looked like a tough position to be in as those cops.

But, I have to ask, why does this movement insist on shutting down bridges and such? Don't they care about the working Americans who have to get to their jobs?
PKrockin said:
That looked like a tough position to be in as those cops.

But, I have to ask, why does this movement insist on shutting down bridges and such? Don't they care about the working Americans who have to get to their jobs?

Joke post?

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
They look like they were trying to stampede the cops in one video. Looks more like restraint on the part of the police officers.
Cmagus said:
Uh id have to disagree on this one they were obviously surrounded and being forced upon I don't blame them in this situation.

I don't see what you guys are seeing. I think you're making assumptions without knowing what was happening prior. I'm not defending the protesters, I just don't think there is enough from those videos to come to any conclusion.


PKrockin said:
That looked like a tough position to be in as those cops.

But, I have to ask, why does this movement insist on shutting down bridges and such? Don't they care about the working Americans who have to get to their jobs?

cutting the nose to spite the face.the protests are nice and all. but can't they just say it with their pockets.


That one cop that was flailing with the baton for a few seconds was completely surrounded until the handful of others come rushing in. Cops live in fear of this shit - it's the main reason why they want this shit to get over with as soon as possible. Crowds are very unpredictable.


Canadians burned my passport
It's hard to make out either way what's happening in that video. I don't think anyone should be making judgements right now.


Water is not wet!
number47 said:
this is why i can't care for news these days. its a less than 50 sec video of cops beating people. BUT would they care to show the 5 minutes prior?
nope, remember a half truth is still a lie.
The previous 5 minutes was of the protesters beating the police?
Enron said:
That one cop that was flailing with the baton for a few seconds was completely surrounded until the handful of others come rushing in. Cops live in fear of this shit - it's the main reason why they want this shit to get over with as soon as possible. Crowds are very unpredictable.

This ain't ending soon. Too bad for them. ha.

If they didn't want to be surrounded maybe they should stop getting so close to the protesters...you don't need to watch over every action they make.
Enron said:
That one cop that was flailing with the baton for a few seconds was completely surrounded until the handful of others come rushing in. Cops live in fear of this shit - it's the main reason why they want this shit to get over with as soon as possible. Crowds are very unpredictable.

They're citizens exercising fundamental rights. Whatever concerns cops have take a back seat to that. We don't exist for cops. Vice versa.


Water is not wet!
empty vessel said:
They're citizens exercising fundamental rights. Whatever concerns cops have take a back seat to that. We don't exist for cops. Vice versa.
Its amazing how many people either forget this or were never aware of it to begin with. The police work for us, not the other way around.


empty vessel said:
They're citizens exercising fundamental rights. Whatever concerns cops have take a back seat to that. We don't exist for cops. Vice versa.

So, you fully support a crowd swarming over a handful of cops? What fundamental right is that, exactly?


Enron said:
That one cop that was flailing with the baton for a few seconds was completely surrounded until the handful of others come rushing in. Cops live in fear of this shit - it's the main reason why they want this shit to get over with as soon as possible. Crowds are very unpredictable.

Live in fear of regular lawful citizens? Why is he a goddamn cop then? This is the problem. Too many cops are cowards. Hell yeah I said it.


akira28 said:
Live in fear of regular law citizens? Why is he a goddamn cop then? This is the problem. Too many cops are cowards. Hell yeah I said it.

In fear of hundereds of people vs. a handful? Let's see how well you fare in the face of a pissed off crowd moving in and surrounding YOU. Somehow I don't think you are going to be Johnny Courage either.

The NYPD are cowards? Police are cowards? Wow.


Karma Kramer said:
There is zero evidence to suggest the protesters assaulted the cops. Anyone saying otherwise right is feeding you bullshit.

Well people that are polarized to begin with on the topic are more likely to champion their side. For me, I believe that the NYPD is mostly a valued group of individuals, but in a line of work like that it's going to attract people that would enjoy abusing their position.

Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
The second one is where they appear to be swarming him and the officer is defensively using his baton. He didn't run after people to use it or use it near the head, simply to force them from trampling him.

Really? Cuz it looks like a large group of protestors and the cop feels threatened in spite of no one appearing to swarm or be armed or pose a threat at all other than the crowd swelling because of its size, and anxiously he decides to make some breathing room.

I guess we see it differently.
Karma Kramer said:
There is zero evidence to suggest the protesters assaulted the cops. Anyone saying otherwise right is feeding you bullshit.

Pretty much.

It's laughable that the cop was surrounded when there are cops all behind him.

Maybe someone in the crowd was causing shit... but I find that doubtful.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
The second one is where they appear to be swarming him and the officer is defensively using his baton. He didn't run after people to use it or use it near the head, simply to force them from trampling him.

"they appear" , the context of the situation depends entirely on what happened before... it's pointless to suggest you know what went down until we get a more complete recording


Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
The second one is where they appear to be swarming him and the officer is defensively using his baton. He didn't run after people to use it or use it near the head, simply to force them from trampling him.

You looking at the same "second one" where the crowd isn't actually moving toward him at all, and where the only guy standing up not covering his face is on the left, holding out an outstretched, open hand, clearly saying "I'm not trying to fight, I'm not trying to hurt you"?
That one?

Also, I was hoping you'd respond to my PM.
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