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Occupy Wall St - Occupy Everywhere, Occupy Together!

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travisbickle said:
HAahahahahhaha a*wipes tear*HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHahahahahahaaahahahhhahahahahahah ... *phew* You loser.
That's a great argument against the cost benefits store like wal-mart and amazon have created. Ignorant laughter


remnant said:
It's not even worth my time.
Do you even live in Europe? Did you ever go to Europe? We have a crapload of regulations.

-Is modifying genetic structure of food allowed? No. US? Yes.
-All the stuff in every European (eatable) product needs to have those E-substancials, that means substancials that are tested by the EU
-regualtions for battery disposal
-regulations on herbal medicine
-regulations on selling eggs by dozen (for real lol)
-Motorbike regulations
-Car exhaust regulations
-Teeth whitening regulations
-Privcay Cookie regulations for web companies
etc etc

I can go on and on about all the stuff we get regulated here. And this is only the things that get regulated by the European Union, let alone the countries.
remnant said:
That's a great argument against the cost benefits store like wal-mart and amazon have created. Ignorant laughter

Cost benefits? They have created a wealth distribution to the point where the top 1% own around 50% of the wealth of the country. Do you understand what that means?

50% of Businesses, buildings, ("public" and private), other assets, stocks, shares, everyone's debt is owned by 1% of the people in the country.

Walmart reaped from local communities and sewed the riches amongst the richest.


Wazzim said:
Do you even live in Europe? Did you ever go to Europe? We have a crapload of regulations.

-Is modifying genetic structure of food allowed? No. US? Yes.
-All the stuff in every European (eatable) product needs to have those E-substancials, that means substancials that are tested by the EU
-regualtions for battery disposal
-regulations on herbal medicine
-regulations on selling eggs by dozen (for real lol)
-Motorbike regulations
-Car exhaust regulations
-Teeth whitening regulations
-Privcay Cookie regulations for web companies
etc etc

I can go on and on about all the stuff we get regulated here.
Those are your examples of regulation unique to Europe? All of that is done in Ameica, except maybe egg cartons and some of that is done at the state and federal level.

There are thousands of rules, regulations, etc etc sometimes just in one industry on both sides of the Atlantic. Cherrypicking one or 2 things doesn't really mean much.

The reality is Western society is moderately regulated. On a big scale the U.S. is not the wild wild west some people believe it is, especially compared to eastern countries like China, Japan, India or Russia.





travisbickle said:
Cost benefits? They have created a wealth distribution to the point where the top 1% own around 50% of the wealth of the country. Do you understand what that means?

50% of Businesses, buildings, ("public" and private), other assets, stocks, shares, everyone's debt is owned by 1% of the people in the country.

Walmart reaped from local communities and sewed the riches amongst the richest.
No I'm pretty sure big retailers like Walmart and amazon have offered consumers a wide arrays of products at a cheaper price than mom and pops.

The rest of your post is just the usaul talking points ascribed to amazon instead of a bank.
remnant said:
No I'm pretty sure big retailers like Walmart and amazon have offered consumers a wide arrays of products at a cheaper price than mom and pops.

The rest of your post is just the usaul talking points ascribed to amazon instead of a bank.

Of course it's at a cheaper price but at what price? 1% of the population own 50% of the wealth. Without huge chains like Walmart the distribution of wealth would be fairer, fact.


travisbickle said:
Of course it's at a cheaper price but at what price? 1% of the population own 50% of the wealth. Without huge chains like Walmart the distribution of wealth would be fairer, fact.
Repeating a mantra is not a great argument. Would it be fairer if walmart and amazon didn't exist, yes because we would be poorer.


EV can be a smart guy but why the fuck does he always play the fucking "you're a crazy person" card in every fucking argument. It gets tiring. Also the cop hate is a pretty vast generalization.


Gold Member
travisbickle said:
Why would we be poorer?
There's an opinion that companies like Walmart and Amazon put downward pressure on prices for consumers. I read somewhere that without companies like Walmart many lower income people wouldn't be able to afford food. I don't know if that's true, it's just what I read.
The issue is going to have to literally smack you in the face before you even flinch isn't it?

If things don't change they are going to get a lot worse before they get better.

I'd say don't get into debt, use your savings to buy assets, and have kids as soon as possible its cheaper now.

I can't believe 20 somethings are defending a scenario of such disproportionate wealth which is just going to get worse.
remnant said:
Those are your examples of regulation unique to Europe? All of that is done in Ameica, except maybe egg cartons and some of that is done at the state and federal level.

There are thousands of rules, regulations, etc etc sometimes just in one industry on both sides of the Atlantic. Cherrypicking one or 2 things doesn't really mean much.

The reality is Western society is moderately regulated. On a big scale the U.S. is not the wild wild west some people believe it is, especially compared to eastern countries like China, Japan, India or Russia.

you clearly don't know much about European regulatory environment compared to the U.S.A. , they are as miles apart as the Atlantic that seperates them. Having a 'exhaust regulation' in name doesn't actually mean their implementation is in any way similar, they are simply analogues.

travisbickle i don't know what to say, it's to me so illogical and saddening that i don't think about it at all
ReBurn said:
There's an opinion that companies like Walmart and Amazon put downward pressure on prices for consumers. I read somewhere that without companies like Walmart many lower income people wouldn't be able to afford food. I don't know if that's true, it's just what I read.

Holy fuckin' shit, who believes this rubbish. Innovations in new technology and advancements in materials and production reduce the price of products. I designed and developed a chair while studying at university. It went into manufacture, I receive paltry royalties, and the reason it has reduced in price was because the company have been able to reduce material weight because of advances in plastics and manufacturing time has decreased with the introduction of new technology. Specifically speaking, the chair has reduced in price because of developments found in academic study.

All that pressurising by companies like Walmart does is force manufacturers to reduce wages, choose poorer quality materials, or go out of business.


lacks enthusiasm.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
No, I'm not, protest for a day, fine. When you squat like this and cause so much money to be wasted each day, you are hurting other people by causing that money to be wasted.
Wow. Nothing to say to this.

We had this retarded argument pages ago


gutter_trash said:

so Occupy Montreal go hijacked by the separatists

fuck that movement, what a waste and count me out

Occupy Wall-Street in NYC is alight but not Occupy Montreal

letting these separatist idiots hijack the protest, fuck that shit

The Patriotes were basically Occupy Wall Street of their time...

Seeing how english Canada has no problem hijacking our History for your own nation building bullshit, you should be proud of the pro-democracy uprising of your French brothers, fighting against the 1% of english oppressors.

But forget about that, we can't fight the banksters if we talk about democracy and the right to auto-determination! LONG LIVE THE QUEEN


Canadians in the 99% are fucking hypocrites if they support the monarchy. It's the very definition of the 1%.
Kurdel said:
The Patriotes were basically Occupy Wall Street of their time...

Seeing how english Canada has no problem hijacking our History for your own nation building bullshit, you should be proud of the pro-democracy uprising of your French brothers, fighting against the 1% of english oppressors.

But forget about that, we can't fight the banksters if we talk about democracy and the right to auto-determination! LONG LIVE THE QUEEN


Canadians in the 99% are fucking hypocrites if they support the monarchy. It's the very definition of the 1%.
auto-determination LOL

corruption is even worse on a Provincial level; if you separate to make a new country... you will be taking the corrupt cronies along with you since the whole current corruption scandal is worse locally on a provincial level and far far worse in municipal levels

you wanna make a new country with these corrupt law makers in power? it would get worse if they made their own country


gutter_trash said:
auto-determination LOL

you wanna make a new country with these corrupt law makers in power? it would get worse if they made their own country

What are you even talking about? You would not support a democratic movement because the current institutions have corruption issues? But you are fine with the Occupy Wall Street movement? How does that even make sense?
Some interesting polling. Why so Democrats want anything to do with the squaters? The potential backlash is not even justified by the potential rewards. The sample is admititly small, but it would be interesting to see if holds true for a larger sample.


The protesters have a distinct ideology and are bound by a deep commitment to radical left-wing policies. On Oct. 10 and 11, Arielle Alter Confino, a senior researcher at my polling firm, interviewed nearly 200 protesters in New York's Zuccotti Park. Our findings probably represent the first systematic random sample of Occupy Wall Street opinion.

Our research shows clearly that the movement doesn't represent unemployed America and is not ideologically diverse. Rather, it comprises an unrepresentative segment of the electorate that believes in radical redistribution of wealth, civil disobedience and, in some instances, violence. Half (52%) have participated in a political movement before, virtually all (98%) say they would support civil disobedience to achieve their goals, and nearly one-third (31%) would support violence to advance their agenda.

The vast majority of demonstrators are actually employed, and the proportion of protesters unemployed (15%) is within single digits of the national unemployment rate (9.1%).

An overwhelming majority of demonstrators supported Barack Obama in 2008. Now 51% disapprove of the president while 44% approve, and only 48% say they will vote to re-elect him in 2012, while at least a quarter won't vote.

Fewer than one in three (32%) call themselves Democrats, while roughly the same proportion (33%) say they aren't represented by any political party.
Kurdel said:
What are you even talking about? You would not support a democratic movement because the current institutions have corruption issues? But you are fine with the Occupy Wall Street movement? How does that even make sense?
what I am talking about? looks like you are not up to current events on construction scandal going on here

Occupy Wall-Street is okay, they got a clear message that got their shit down and they making sense

Occupy Montreal is a mix salad of randomness, the separation group hinders the unity of the Montreal protests


Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Some interesting polling. Why so Democrats want anything to do with the squaters? The potential backlash is not even justified by the potential rewards. The sample is admititly small, but it would be interesting to see if holds true for a larger sample.

It's tough to be for the squatters. No one gets them except the most liberal and both sides agree that the economy sucks (Duh) through bad management on the government's side with the help of greed & corruption on the corporate side.

However, the implication is extremely clear - It's rich people's fault period for whatever the gripe is which few people know in any particularly concrete way. Democrats have tons of rich people in their camp that don't feel the need to support something that's calling them corrupt.

The rich people that fund campaigns are needed far more than a bunch of discontents who say they aren't going to vote for you. They'll come around when they see what their options are or they won't vote which is a valid response too. No point in bending over backwards for them.


gutter_trash said:
what I am talking about? looks like you are not up to current events on construction scandal going on here

Occupy Wall-Street is okay, they got a clear message that got their shit down and they making sense

Occupy Montreal is a mix salad of randomness, the separation group hinders the unity of the Montreal protests

I am fully aware of what is going on, and I still don't understand what your point is. You seem pro-democracy, but discard a certain movement because you don't agree with it. Then you bring up corruption issues on a provincial level to somehow discredit a political ideology that has been present ever since the original occupation? An occupation that still exists in the form of a parasitic royal family and antiquated governmental institutions?

I think all voices are equal, and the symbol of the Patriot uprising should be admired by anyone who believes in democracy, really.

If you want to feel butthurt about another countrys problems, just move to the US. We have our own democratic battles to be fought. And by that I do not mean independance, but the horrible state of the National and Provincial governement. A paraplegic senate, the Queen of Canada and the lack of a distict executive branch would be nice starting points for reform.


Well, maybe they did. But unlike the US, we have low hanging fruits that are ripe for the picking in the fight for a more democratic Canada.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Wow my dad wasn't kidding when he said there wasn't more than 300 tops.

Ehh, tough count. It's hard to tell from the pictures, I'd wager, honestly, more around 500-600 people. I heard some counts of 1,000, and that certainly could be true, but I'm not the best when it comes to estimating crowds.
PS3GamerKyle said:
Ehh, tough count. It's hard to tell from the pictures, I'd wager, honestly, more around 500-600 people. I heard some counts of 1,000, and that certainly could be true, but I'm not the best when it comes to estimating crowds.
Its possible, he was speaking more to people squatting in front of City Hall. It make sense that the numbers increase on weekends, when not as many people work and there is a specific event occurring, those people though are only a temporary increase.
Kurdel said:
I am fully aware of what is going on, and I still don't understand what your point is. You seem pro-democracy, but discard a certain movement because you don't agree with it. Then you bring up corruption issues on a provincial level to somehow discredit a political ideology that has been present ever since the original occupation? An occupation that still exists in the form of a parasitic royal family and antiquated governmental institutions?

I think all voices are equal, and the symbol of the Patriot uprising should be admired by anyone who believes in democracy, really.

If you want to feel butthurt about another countrys problems, just move to the US. We have our own democratic battles to be fought. And by that I do not mean independance, but the horrible state of the National and Provincial governement. A paraplegic senate, the Queen of Canada and the lack of a distict executive branch would be nice starting points for reform.


Well, maybe they did. But unlike the US, we have low hanging fruits that are ripe for the picking in the fight for a more democratic Canada.

no worries, your problems aren't our problems par se, but we are all struggling for a better democracy and better society in the contexts of our own nations. That goes beyond petty differences always.

Solidarity and good fortune to your side of the fence
Alpha-Bromega said:
no worries, your problems aren't our problems par se, but we are all struggling for a better democracy and better society in the contexts of our own nations. That goes beyond petty differences always.

Solidarity and good fortune to your side of the fence

imagine having Southernists with Confederate Battle Flags ruining the party... it's like that


gutter_trash said:

imagine having Southernists with Confederate Battle Flags ruining the party... it's like that

... I'll chalk it up to you just being ignorant.

It's more like an American flag being waived 200 years after a failed american revolution.

But details, right? Democratic movements that are for human rights are the same as slave owners becuase they are separatists, right?
Not sure if this was posted, but at 2:30 am occupy Tijuana was disbanded by the police:

At 2:30 am sharp, members of the Federal Police proceeded to take down the Occupy Tijuana encampment that had been raised in the Río Zone of Tijuana since last October 15th. Since the evening of October 17th, members had been informed that the police would act in this way. There are approximately 40 persons arrested, and it seems they have been transferred to the Zona Norte Police Station. The encampment had displayed exemplary conduct, no type of disruption had occurred.

We ask you let the press know and for you to intervene any way you can in order to help them be liberated immediately.

It is important to know that the violence was only by the police, the protesters did not use violence...
The men have been taken to the Police Station known as 20 de Noviembre

They are starting now to disrobe the men and take pictures.. one of the partners is telling us that that the police got there without sirens and that they were not dressed as police but had civilian clothes.. and they had weapons....

Thank you for your support and we continue to resist.
Movimiento Occupy Tijuana


Mexicans should be occupying against cartel violence, that's doing more damage to their economy than anything.

But occupying against drug cartels is like occupying against Stalin. So I understand the need to pick softer targets.


Gold Member
travisbickle said:
Holy fuckin' shit, who believes this rubbish. Innovations in new technology and advancements in materials and production reduce the price of products. I designed and developed a chair while studying at university. It went into manufacture, I receive paltry royalties, and the reason it has reduced in price was because the company have been able to reduce material weight because of advances in plastics and manufacturing time has decreased with the introduction of new technology. Specifically speaking, the chair has reduced in price because of developments found in academic study.

All that pressurising by companies like Walmart does is force manufacturers to reduce wages, choose poorer quality materials, or go out of business.
Don't shoot the messenger. The "Walmart effect" is something that people study as their full-time job. I'm not making this up.

Your example is anecdotal and one-dimensional. The cost to produce something is not the only factor in determining its final price. If your chair were to be mass produced and you wanted to sell it at Walmart they would tell you how much they would pay you for a million of them and they would set their own price at retail, which would likely be lower than any other place that sells it. Your choice as manufacturer is to take it or leave it. Chairs aren't a commodity and lots of people make them, so Walmart doesn't compete to be able to get them. They don't need you to supply chairs because they have a dozen other vendors that will do it.

With Walmart how much it costs to produce something is largely irrelevant. If you want your products to be sold in Walmart you have to decide if you can afford to do it their way, or you find some other way to bring them to market. Lots of companies sell to Walmart at or below cost to be able to compete, because the cost of not doing business with Walmart is higher than selling their product below their cost.

The result is that wages are kept lower because companies that sell to Walmart have to cut costs to stay competitive. Local business can't compete because they can't buy their 100 chairs at the same unit cost as Walmart buys their 1,000,000. Customers are loyal to Walmart because their consumer pricing is better. But customers don't always win because Walmart may be the reason they are unemployed or underemployed, or why they haven't had a raise in two years.
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