Actually it's coming to Europe, only UK won't have the bundle.
Feels like both Microsoft and Square are trying to forget this Tomb Raider deal ever happened.
Actually it's coming to Europe, only UK won't have the bundle.
The TR bundle isn't coming to the largest retailer in the US and thus its impact in NPD will be negligible
Also the FO4 / Battlefront / Black Ops combo in November is going to be fucking crazy. So many people getting all 3
Is the largest retailer for gaming Walmart or Gamestop?
Is the largest retailer for gaming Walmart or Gamestop?
GameStop, but this bundle is missing both iirc.
GameStop, but this bundle is missing both iirc.
Feels like both Microsoft and Square are trying to forget this Tomb Raider deal ever happened.
SE? Sure, it's a possible bomb in the making.It just ended up in the worst case scenario. No Uncharted 4 to go up against and try to divert sales and lumped between massive third party titles coming the week before and the week after. This is all the while launching on the same day as another big third party title.
I'm not sure how this will end up not being disappointing for SE and MS.
I wonder if the backlash had a lot to do with it?
Not really. The thing is that now MS has to hard marketing dollars for Tomb Raider if it wants to grab attention from the onslaught of ads for Fallout, Halo, Star Wars and Call of Duty. The initial goal was to hype up Uncharted 4 vs. Tomb Raider and piggy back that console war to the bank. That's gone.
Im confused...
People keep saying dont forget the august preorder rank for the halo xbox one.... but don't preorders not count until the actual release date
It feels pretty bizarre. Like they went totally all in on competing with Uncharted 4 but were more shocked than the fans by the delay. The deal, in the way we see it now, really only makes sense as a limited attempt at providing an equivalent alternative to Uncharted (while also having Halo etc). Or Microsoft were just totally grasping at exclusive third party deals and didn't really know what to do with the one they got which has poor performance in their biggest market and good performance in markets they're irrelevant in. If they're not chasing Europe and they're not growing the TR brand in America and they're now not competing with Uncharted then what's the point of the deal. I don't think either MS or SE knows at this stage.
It feels pretty bizarre. Like they went totally all in on competing with Uncharted 4 but were more shocked than the fans by the delay. The deal, in the way we see it now, really only makes sense as a limited attempt at providing an equivalent alternative to Uncharted (while also having Halo etc). Or Microsoft were just totally grasping at exclusive third party deals and didn't really know what to do with the one they got which has poor performance in their biggest market and good performance in markets they're irrelevant in. If they're not chasing Europe and they're not growing the TR brand in America and they're now not competing with Uncharted then what's the point of the deal. I don't think either MS or SE knows at this stage.
Yup. It seems like the TR deal was an attempt to go right up against Uncharted.
Gonna be funny seeing MS try to position Quantum Break as such. You just know they're gonna try.
Well, I'm waiting for the final update to make my predictions and hopefully more insight from posters who work in other retailers and maybe even Microsoft's PR for Halo 5. But I'm seriously getting some April vibes from the monthly charts.Amazon Monthly Update (Not Final)
PS4 got ahead of Halo!:
23) Uncharted PS4 Bundle
24) Halo XB1 Bundle
28) Star Wars LE PS4 Bundle (Doesn't Count)
40) TLOU PS4 Bundle
48) Destiny LE PS4 Bundle
49) CoD LE PS4 Bundle (Doesn't Count)
94) Gears XB1 Bundle
So, with one more Amazon Monthly Update missing, what do you guys think? PS4 win?
Halo 5 seems to be doing pretty bad if we're looking at the Twitch viewer numbers. Overwatch beta and Blade and Soul beta are beating it. And of course Hearthstone, DOTA2, LoL and CSGO.
Overwatch has been beating it since the launch though.
Halo 5 is at 17k and even Destiny is at 14k at the moment.
Amazon Monthly Update (Not Final)
PS4 got ahead of Halo!:
23) Uncharted PS4 Bundle
24) Halo XB1 Bundle
28) Star Wars LE PS4 Bundle (Doesn't Count)
40) TLOU PS4 Bundle
48) Destiny LE PS4 Bundle
49) CoD LE PS4 Bundle (Doesn't Count)
94) Gears XB1 Bundle
So, with one more Amazon Monthly Update missing, what do you guys think? PS4 win?
SE? Sure, it's a possible bomb in the making.
At what level would you consider it to be a bomb?
Amazon Monthly Update (Not Final)
PS4 got ahead of Halo!:
23) Uncharted PS4 Bundle
24) Halo XB1 Bundle
28) Star Wars LE PS4 Bundle (Doesn't Count)
40) TLOU PS4 Bundle
48) Destiny LE PS4 Bundle
49) CoD LE PS4 Bundle (Doesn't Count)
94) Gears XB1 Bundle
So, with one more Amazon Monthly Update missing, what do you guys think? PS4 win?
I think H5 will do the job for MS this month, did anyone check if there is a correlation between Amazon stats and monthly NPD? People like to use it and I wonder how telling is it.
About TR, why people are assuming FO4 crowd and TR are the same? I think TR can sell pretty well.
I think this means that Halo 4 and the MCC damaged the brand more than anyone could have imagined.
One thing is for sure.. MS won't make another deal like that for the next TR, or any 3rd party imo.
Prepare yourself.Holy shit, is it happening? It can't be happening.
I think this means that Halo 4 and the MCC damaged the brand more than anyone could have imagined.
The game sold well and the bundle is $500.
Yeah, Microsoft managed the Tomb Raider exclusivity very badly, it's something that should be much more important for Xbox One.
Don't know if the moneyhat will be enough for S-E, but for Microsoft I think the result will not be good. The game should launch in 2016 with Uncharted 4. This simple fact would give more visibility.
The game sold well and the bundle is $500.
The conclusions from Amazon stats have been really strange this month IMO. Too many bundles and split sales.
We won't know how the game sold until next Tuesday and October's NPD.
The fact that MS hasn't boasted about day 1 sales yet should be raising a few eyebrows...
The fact that MS hasn't boasted about day 1 sales yet should be raising a few eyebrows...
The fact that MS hasn't boasted about day 1 sales yet should be raising a few eyebrows...
The fact that MS hasn't boasted about day 1 sales yet should be raising a few eyebrows...
So, who's gonna sell more units? PS4 or XB1?
Wii U.
I believe they tried to money hat mass effect and got turned down. If I remember correctly.I wouldn't be so sure about that, especially since Sony just moneyhatted SF5, they're gonna need to moneyhat more games to compete, they just need to make better decisions regarding that, TR will never be big on Xbox, it's always been a Playstation/PC franchise, perhaps they should have moneyhatted Mass Effect instead, which is much more likely to do well in the US.
I don't understand the guy's comment either, but we really don't know how well it sold yet, and especially which reference point should be used to define "well".
Is the comparison relative to previous entries, or other games in October? What woulf be defined as selling well in your opinion?
At what level would you consider it to be a bomb?
300k or less = flop.
350K - 500k OK.
600K> pretty good.
1m - great.
I think this means that Halo 4 and the MCC damaged the brand more than anyone could have imagined.
That Halo 5 bundle is a freaking $500 bucks. Personally I think MS missed the boat here. Should of been priced at $349 or $399.99.
I still think Amazon on average is more skewed towards PS4 than Xbox. There has been months where the PS4 beats the Xbox on Amazon yet the Xbox One sells more for the month (namely April if I recall?). I think when it comes to retail, in places like Target and Walmart, the Xbox One does very well. I definitely think it will be close, as in a 100k difference max at best.
2m - excellent.
2.5m - orgasmic!
I may be wrong but im pretty there were only 2 months when amazon was wrong
That Halo 5 bundle is a freaking $500 bucks. Personally I think MS missed the boat here. Should of been priced at $349 or $399.99.
I still think Amazon on average is more skewed towards PS4 than Xbox. There has been months where the PS4 beats the Xbox on Amazon yet the Xbox One sells more for the month. I think when it comes to retail, places like Target, Xbox does very well. I definitely think it will be close, as in a 100k difference max at best.
At what level would you consider it to be a bomb?