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October Wrasslin |OT| Are you a Kane guy? Hell NO! I'm the tag team champions!


Actually, you guys are right. The WWE has been trying to build up new guys a bit, but their list of main eventers is extremely slim at the moment.

So, what's the problem? Is it the booking? The writing? The wrestlers themselves?

What's wrong with the WWE right now? IS there something wrong?
Quoting for the new page, because I wasted 30 minutes on this shit!

Feud of the Week for October 1-7th: The Freebirds vs the Von Erich Clan, by Sunflower

Feud of the Week for October 9th - 15th: Mitsuharu Misawa vs Toshiaki Kawada

If there's one feud that defined Japanese puroresu throughout the 90's, it was the Misawa vs Kawada feud. Both guys were on their way to the top in the late 80's, and they soon found themselves teaming together against some of the top names in All Japan. The feud of the day was between Genichiro Tenryu and Jumbo Tsuruta, but after Tenryu finally overcame Jumbo to win the Triple Crown, he quit AJPW to form the short-lived SWS promotion (which had inter-promotional ties to WWF). Jumbo was the top guy in the company and needed someone to feud with. Up stepped his student Tiger Mask II, who unmasked, revealed himself to be Mitsuharu Misawa and formed a faction named 'The Over Generation Army'. Picking his tag partner Toshiaki Kawada and rising star Kenta Kobashi to be his stable-mates, Misawa's faction waged war against Jumbo throughout 1990 and Misawa scored a huge singles victory over Jumbo, firmly cementing him as one of the top talents in All Japan. Meanwhile, he continued to team with Kawada and the two found tag success in the annual Real World Tag League, winning the titles in 1991.

However, in 1992 a certain animosity began to grow between the tag partners when Misawa achieved the top goal in All Japan by winning the Triple Crown, defeating the legendary Stan Hansen for the championship. The stage was set for another Jumbo vs Misawa confrontation, albeit now with the student on top. But Jumbo's health problems and subsequent retirement in 1993 changed all that. All Japan again needed someone for the top guy to feud with, and they found the perfect opponent in Toshiaki Kawada. Smaller in stature than Misawa, Kawada had to claw and fight his way to success, while Misawa had seemed destined for success from day 1. While Misawa was rightly loved by the fans, Kawada was the natural face of the feud, a perennial underdog who tried so desperately to defeat his former partner and friend on so many occasions, only to fall short time and time again. After their first singles match in 1992, it became apparent that this feud was something special, and indeed, almost every time they encountered one another over the next 13 years, it was very special indeed.

But despite all the changes made to All Japan's well laid plans somewhat forcing their hand, Misawa vs Kawada is often cited as a perfect example of long-term booking, when in reality all the pieces just fell perfectly into place. The result was an amazing, career-spanning feud that would define both men's careers and provide the fans with one top tier match after another. Below, are a few of my favourite Misawa vs Kawada encounters;

Mistsuharu Misawa (c) vs Toshiaki Kawada - (AJPW 10/21/92)

Their first singles encounter. They were still teaming together at this point, and although battered and beaten, Kawada's pride prevents him from staying down.

Mitsuharu Misawa vs Toshiaki Kawada - (AJPW 03/27/93)

Early in 1993 Misawa & Kawada lost the tag titles to Terry Gordy & Steve Williams. It would be the last time they held tag team gold, and one of the last times they teamed. This is their first singles match since then, and while things aren't entirely acrimonious as of yet, the tension is starting to build.

Mitsuharu Misawa (c) vs Toshiaki Kawada - (AJPW 07/29/93)

Since their last meeting, Kawada has again become a tag champion, this time with Akira Taue and Misawa and his partner Kenta Kobashi failed to dethrone the new champions. But Misawa is still Triple Crown champion, and it isn't long before Kawada steps up to challenge him. For the first time, the hate between the former tag partners is palpable.

Mitsuharu Misawa (c) vs Toshiaki Kawada - (AJPW 06/03/94)

This is THE match. Simply, one of the greatest matches of all time. Storytelling, psychology, hard-hitting, edge of your seat action. I can't overstate how MUCH I love this match.

Mitsuharu Misawa & Kenta Kobashi (c) vs Toshiaki Kawada & Akira Taue - (AJPW 06/09/95)

Much like the previous match is one of my favourite singles matches of all time, this epic match right here just might be my favourite tag match of all time. It's seriously amazing. One note; Kawada broke Misawa's orbital bone just two months before during the Champion Carnival. Here, I cringe everytime Kawada kicks him in the face.

Mitsuharu Misawa & Jun Akiyama vs Toshiaki Kawada & Akira Taue - (AJPW 12/06/96)

Another fantastic tag match here, as Misawa teams with young Jun Akiyama to take on the Holy Demon Army in the Real World Tag League.

Mitsuharu Misawa (c) vs Toshiaki Kawada - (AJPW 06/06/97)

Kawada pinned both Misawa & Kobashi in the Champion Carnival finals, earning him a shot at Misawa's Triple Crown championship. But with his first singles victory against Misawa under his belt, can Kawada pull out all the stops when it counts?

Mitsuharu Misawa (c) vs Toshiaki Kawada - (AJPW 05/01/98)

Six years after their first singles encounter, we come full circle as Kawada has his best chance yet to realise his dream and defeat Misawa for the grandest prize in All Japan.

Also, I just read that Irish wrestler and former SHIMMER alum Rebecca Knox is making a return to wrestling, after she suffered severe cranial nerve damage in 2006 :)

And, dear god WTF;



Actually, you guys are right. The WWE has been trying to build up new guys a bit, but their list of main eventers is extremely slim at the moment.

So, what's the problem? Is it the booking? The writing? The wrestlers themselves?

What's wrong with the WWE right now? IS there something wrong?

It's a bit boring at the moment. They need to spice up the midcard stuff with more creative storylines. You have to give some more leeway to create a personality for some of these guys. Ziggler and Del Rio are two of my favorite guys, but they don't utilize them enough in creative storylines. It's just "I want the belt" over and over again, which is understandable, but you have to mix it up a bit with other stuff when they're not near getting the belt.

I've been watching old Raws, and a hilarious storyline is Val Venis and Ken Shamrock's sister. I mean, I know the WWE isn't that raunchy these days, but the belt seems like it's spice in that storyline, rather than the meat of the meal.

I apologize if none of that makes sense, but I'm delirious because I can't pull the trigger on these shirts and Blu-Ray.


So I'm reading Brandon's column for the week, and got to reading this particular section:

The Best And Worst Of WWE Raw 10/8/12: I’ll Stand Here, Where Nothing Bad Could Happen
10.09.12 Written by Brandon Stroud

Best/Worst: The New Usual

I’m officially calling this feeling “the new usual”. It’s that feeling you get when a segment features people you like saying and doing things that seem compelling, but are either totally misguided, badly-written or hurtful to the show/narrative. A great example of this is the CM Punk/Mick Foley segment from Raw two weeks ago. I like Punk. I like Foley. They’re both good at what they do, and they sound great. But Punk’s just regurgitating what he’s been regurgitating for months, and Foley’s saying things that don’t make any sense. YOU HAVE TO BEAT JOHN CENA BEFORE YOU CAN CALL YOURSELF THE BEST IN THE WORLD. BEAT JOHN CENA ALREADY? SEVERAL TIMES? UH, BEAT HIM AGAIN, OR ELSE

Last night’s Punk/Vince mouth-off was The New Usual. I like Punk. His new shirt made me really miss the New Nexus. I like Television Character Vince, despite his roughly 60-40 shot at ruining the show with something. Punk and Vince have great chemistry together, and when they’re in the ring (especially with Heyman in tow), it feels like it’s going to be an important moment.

What’d we get? Vince telling Punk his t-shirt is ugly. The t-shirt that Punk has just debuted, which WWE created and designed and hopes to sell to people watching at home. Vince saying he doesn’t like Punk and pull a “how dare you” when Punk compares himself to people like Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels or Stone Cold Steve Austin. How dare you, 5-time champion CM Punk, compare yourself to 6-time champion Austin, 5-time champion Hart or 4-time champion Michaels? How dare you compare yourself to Andre the Giant, who never held the championship and was a draw because wrestling used to more blatantly be a freak show? HOW DARE YOU. Vince is telling the 300+ day WWE Champion that he’s nobody, and that nobody makes the WWE a success except the WWE Universe, and when he says “WWE Universe” he means “John Cena”. Vince tells Punk he’s not important. The guy whose 3-disc retrospective DVD was released today. The guy on the cover of WWE ’13, released this month.

On the other side, you’ve got Punk delivering his lines with gusto, but lacking that believability that made his criss-cross applesauce manifesto so engaging. He says the WWE fans don’t respect him. The WWE fans chant “CM Punk”. He says fans chanting CM Punk are doing so ironically, and that nobody respects him. He’s a bad guy, sorta, sure. But he’s in the ring with the KING OF THE BAD GUYS, a guy doing nothing particularly babyface, running him through the mud because he’s the guy who runs the company and can do that for kicks. Punk’s raging against this horrible darkness, but still pretending to be a condescending coward because that’s on the whiteboard. It doesn’t make any sense, and it doesn’t get us anywhere.

The new usual. A great segment featuring great people doing a great job of saying terrible things.

Read more: http://withleather.uproxx.com/2012/10/the-best-and-worst-of-wwe-raw-10812/3#ixzz28qh67D8T

He kinda makes a good point. Yes, Punk is supposed to be heel, but he's still got a pretty good amount of people chanting for him, despite the fact that's he supposed to be a dick.

Not to mention everyone shitting on him despite STILL holding the damn WWE title for well over 300+ days now. And a funny bit of irony since Punk has all this stuff going for him (shirts, WWE 13, his DVD, and so on).

Probably the thing bothering me the most is that they're trying to revert Punk into that typical chickenshit heel who runs away the moment things aren't looking advantageous.
Kinda goes a little against the whole "I'm the Best in the World" thing when you're running away from a 60+ guy with a kendo stick. That should be nothing to him!

Then of course, they're still trying to shove Cena into this mess, with everyone saying that Punk HAS to beat Cena to get respect, despite beating him several times already.
There's no point! ("You're not the best in the world and can't get respect until you've beat me for the Nth time!")

Probably more doubly bizarre is the utter blurring of Face vs. Heel. Cena and Sheamus for the most part are just plain assholes, falling more in line with actual heels with how they act and berate their opponents. In fact, outside of the Heels being occasional assholes, you have to wonder just how they're in the wrong most of the time when the Faces are generally even worse than they are and getting cheered for it. (Yes, logic has no place in Wrestling, but come on!)

I will say they've done a pretty good job trying to get the Tag Team Titles relevant again, with Kane and DB being awesome. But it also doesn't feel like talent's really being elevated. Hell, Zigger's been on the cusp of winning a world title for SO LONG now, and hasn't gotten anywhere for it. (He's got the MITB at least, so we know it's eventual now.)

It's a bit boring at the moment. They need to spice up the midcard stuff with more creative storylines. You have to give some more leeway to create a personality for some of these guys. Ziggler and Del Rio are two of my favorite guys, but they don't utilize them enough in creative storylines. It's just "I want the belt" over and over again, which is understandable, but you have to mix it up a bit with other stuff when they're not near getting the belt.

I've been watching old Raws, and a hilarious storyline is Val Venis and Ken Shamrock's sister. I mean, I know the WWE isn't that raunchy these days, but the belt seems like it's spice in that storyline, rather than the meat of the meal.

I apologize if none of that makes sense, but I'm delirious because I can't pull the trigger on these shirts and Blu-Ray.

You make a good point. Right now though, the midcard's semi-diluted since they got the Tag Team stuff going on and then everyone else doesn't seem to be doing a lot.


Agreed that it's really boring right now. Outside of Punk and maybe Hell No, there's not a lot to get excited about. It's just guys coming out acting tough and saying they can beat the other guy, and not much else.


Yeah, I know it's typical for the heel to run away and just wimp out on nearly anything, but I thought it was kind of ridiculous they had him run from Vince. I know, he had a stick, but still, come on. I wish they just made him a heel in the sense that he did more low blows and illegal chair-shots or shit, but I guess that doesn't go well with the more family friendly WWE image.

Actually, you know what, I know I'm funneling the WWE money, but fuck that noise, I'm buying the Punk merch because he's that damn awesome!


Since I rarely go to gaming side, I wanted to ask you guys some advice......

Resident Evil Anthology



Which should I buy with my Amazon credit?


Agreed that it's really boring right now. Outside of Punk and maybe Hell No, there's not a lot to get excited about. It's just guys coming out acting tough and saying they can beat the other guy, and not much else.

I love Hell No so much. I can't remember the last time I've actually laughed this much at just team chemistry. Daniel Bryan's "No" schtick always get me.

EDIT: Get Dishonored for sure. But you can have a hell of a lot of fun with Borderlands 2 by yourself.

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Unconfirmed Member
Feud of the Week for October 1-7th: The Freebirds vs the Von Erich Clan, by Sunflower

Feud of the Week for October 9th - 15th: Mitsuharu Misawa vs Toshiaki Kawada

If there's one feud that defined Japanese puroresu throughout the 90's, it was the Misawa vs Kawada feud. Both guys were on their way to the top in the late 80's, and they soon found themselves teaming together against some of the top names in All Japan. The feud of the day was between Genichiro Tenryu and Jumbo Tsuruta, but after Tenryu finally overcame Jumbo to win the Triple Crown, he quit AJPW to form the short-lived SWS promotion (which had inter-promotional ties to WWF). Jumbo was the top guy in the company and needed someone to feud with. Up stepped his student Tiger Mask II, who unmasked, revealed himself to be Mitsuharu Misawa and formed a faction named 'The Over Generation Army'. Picking his tag partner Toshiaki Kawada and rising star Kenta Kobashi to be his stable-mates, Misawa's faction waged war against Jumbo throughout 1990 and Misawa scored a huge singles victory over Jumbo, firmly cementing him as one of the top talents in All Japan. Meanwhile, he continued to team with Kawada and the two found tag success in the annual Real World Tag League, winning the titles in 1991.

However, in 1992 a certain animosity began to grow between the tag partners when Misawa achieved the top goal in All Japan by winning the Triple Crown, defeating the legendary Stan Hansen for the championship. The stage was set for another Jumbo vs Misawa confrontation, albeit now with the student on top. But Jumbo's health problems and subsequent retirement in 1993 changed all that. All Japan again needed someone for the top guy to feud with, and they found the perfect opponent in Toshiaki Kawada. Smaller in stature than Misawa, Kawada had to claw and fight his way to success, while Misawa had seemed destined for success from day 1. While Misawa was rightly loved by the fans, Kawada was the natural face of the feud, a perennial underdog who tried so desperately to defeat his former partner and friend on so many occasions, only to fall short time and time again. After their first singles match in 1992, it became apparent that this feud was something special, and indeed, almost every time they encountered one another over the next 13 years, it was very special indeed.

But despite all the changes made to All Japan's well laid plans somewhat forcing their hand, Misawa vs Kawada is often cited as a perfect example of long-term booking, when in reality all the pieces just fell perfectly into place. The result was an amazing, career-spanning feud that would define both men's careers and provide the fans with one top tier match after another. Below, are a few of my favourite Misawa vs Kawada encounters;

Mistsuharu Misawa (c) vs Toshiaki Kawada - (AJPW 10/21/92)

Their first singles encounter. They were still teaming together at this point, and although battered and beaten, Kawada's pride prevents him from staying down.

Mitsuharu Misawa vs Toshiaki Kawada - (AJPW 03/27/93)

Early in 1993 Misawa & Kawada lost the tag titles to Terry Gordy & Steve Williams. It would be the last time they held tag team gold, and one of the last times they teamed. This is their first singles match since then, and while things aren't entirely acrimonious as of yet, the tension is starting to build.

Mitsuharu Misawa (c) vs Toshiaki Kawada - (AJPW 07/29/93)

Since their last meeting, Kawada has again become a tag champion, this time with Akira Taue and Misawa and his partner Kenta Kobashi failed to dethrone the new champions. But Misawa is still Triple Crown champion, and it isn't long before Kawada steps up to challenge him. For the first time, the hate between the former tag partners is palpable.

Mitsuharu Misawa (c) vs Toshiaki Kawada - (AJPW 06/03/94)

This is THE match. Simply, one of the greatest matches of all time. Storytelling, psychology, hard-hitting, edge of your seat action. I can't overstate how MUCH I love this match.

Mitsuharu Misawa & Kenta Kobashi (c) vs Toshiaki Kawada & Akira Taue - (AJPW 06/09/95)

Much like the previous match is one of my favourite singles matches of all time, this epic match right here just might be my favourite tag match of all time. It's seriously amazing. One note; Kawada broke Misawa's orbital bone just two months before during the Champion Carnival. Here, I cringe everytime Kawada kicks him in the face.

Mitsuharu Misawa & Jun Akiyama vs Toshiaki Kawada & Akira Taue - (AJPW 12/06/96)

Another fantastic tag match here, as Misawa teams with young Jun Akiyama to take on the Holy Demon Army in the Real World Tag League.

Mitsuharu Misawa (c) vs Toshiaki Kawada - (AJPW 06/06/97)

Kawada pinned both Misawa & Kobashi in the Champion Carnival finals, earning him a shot at Misawa's Triple Crown championship. But with his first singles victory against Misawa under his belt, can Kawada pull out all the stops when it counts?

Mitsuharu Misawa (c) vs Toshiaki Kawada - (AJPW 05/01/98)

Six years after their first singles encounter, we come full circle as Kawada has his best chance yet to realise his dream and defeat Misawa for the grandest prize in All Japan.

Don't miss this post - I'm going to watch this tomorrow at lunch. Awesome work Bootaaay, and I really appreciate you holding your end of Feud of the Week. Excellent! Can't wait!


TNA's Kurt Angle theme starts out more dramatic, no? and then the rap song sounds like a song that plays when Rocky gets ready to take on Apollo Creed!



"ive hit more men than Jenna Jameson in better days!"



This needs to be watched since it was lost in the feud of the week text. Its amazing



On a side note, does anyone else get chills whenever you hear a huge crowd pop? Especially when watching return videos. Always get a chill when I hear the fans get excited.

Definitely. I still mark out a bit when I hear some music...especially when it's a very good crowd. I cheer at home when I hear Daniel Bryan's music go off. And I'm not gonna lie, I do love Cena's music for the first 5-10 seconds. Then I get annoyed when he talks to the camera.

I marked out a bit during the Raw 1000 when APA came out. That music was so awesome.
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