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October Wrasslin |OT| Are you a Kane guy? Hell NO! I'm the tag team champions!


Now that you mention it, everyone's talking about how much fun Hell No are having. Rhodes Scholars seem to be really enjoying themselves too. As much as I want to see Cody in the main even hunt, what he's doing now is arguably just as, if not more interesting. Especially considering a World Heavyweight title feud would probably just be him getting fed to Sheamus.

Cody is still only young, Edge was in the WWE seven years before he got to the main event, Cody will get there too in time, there's no question.

They've just got Sheamus on a stranglehold on the SD main event at the moment, hence why Del Rio and Big Show are the only feuds he's had, they're expendable. Hopefully Ziggler is cashing in at HIAC, but it seems like they've been putting that off forever now.

I would love to see them become the #1 contenders but I can't shake the feeling that Rey and Sin Cara will become them. They should just make a triple threat tag team match at HIAC.
I was thinking they'd have the PTP cost Rey/Cara the match, leading to Hell No/Rhodes Scholars and PTP/Rey and Cara at HIAC, but I'm not too sure.
Now that you mention it, everyone's talking about how much fun Hell No are having. Rhodes Scholars seem to be really enjoying themselves too. As much as I want to see Cody in the main even hunt, what he's doing now is arguably just as, if not more interesting. Especially considering a World Heavyweight title feud would probably just be him getting fed to Sheamus.

At this point i'm liking the tag team division a whole lot more than the whole WHC title scene (though I imagine we all do), then again that scene has been a two man dance for the last few months with Ziggler trying to sneak in only to get Brogue'd back out.
I think up and coming talent has a far better shot at getting over with the fans in a tag team right now than suffering through the Sheamus scene, lets hope WWE can keep this tag team momentum going.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I would love to see them become the #1 contenders but I can't shake the feeling that Rey and Sin Cara will become them. They should just make a triple threat tag team match at HIAC.

PTP were robbed!



Ziggler's gimmick is so boring.

His entrance gets no pop or heat or anything. It's all Vickie. :/

Because Ziggler isn't enough of a detestable heel to earn more than "you're bad so i'm not supposed to like you" boos, and he's popular enough with some of the "smarks" that he gets cheers.

So you get a tepid mixed reaction. The worst possible reaction.


No One Remembers
Ziggler's gimmick is so boring.

His entrance gets no pop or heat or anything. It's all Vickie. :/

That's the problem - he has Vickie. The dude can handle himself on the mic well enough that he doesn't need Vickie. Swagger, though, needed Vickie to do the talking.

If Ziggler came out and did his schtick on his own, he'd probably get some more proper heat.

Like Cagey said, the other problem is that a lot of smarks like him, so they cheer for him.


Does anyone know what kind of shape Austin's neck is in? I was always under the impression that his neck injury was the reason he retired when he did. Did he receive additional treatment for it, or is it just that he's had all this time to let it heal?


I was thinking they'd have the PTP cost Rey/Cara the match, leading to Hell No/Rhodes Scholars and PTP/Rey and Cara at HIAC, but I'm not too sure.

PTP were robbed!


I definitely wanted PTP in the top tier but I guess with this "tourny" for the #1 contender, I don't see what they could do with them right now. Hell, even a fatal 4 way tag HIAC would be crazy.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I definitely wanted PTP in the top tier but I guess with this "tourny" for the #1 contender, I don't see what they could do with them right now. Hell, even a fatal 4 way tag HIAC would be crazy.

Could be, but I feel that the cage should only be used for Punk v whomever. Keep it special.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Basing PPVs around a single match type is dumb.

100% agreed. Forces stips into feuds that don't necessarily call for it.

Call the event Hell in a Cell

Only the main event is in the Hell in a Cell



I think a 4 way tag team match would be insanely fun.

I don't think it's stupid. And yeah a 4-way tag match would be fun, but I also don't think they should have gimmicked PPVs. Except Bragging Rights, when that was a thing. Even then, it did get in the way of feuds.

WCW did gimmicked PPVs right. Halloween Havoc was ALWAYS good.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Also if you order any Big LG clothing from barbershopwindow.com and you're one of the first 100, you'll get a free autographed pic from Gallows himself.

I'm kinda biased because I love the dude.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Also if you order any Big LG clothing from barbershopwindow.com and you're one of the first 100, you'll get a free autographed pic from Gallows himself.

I'm kinda biased because I love the dude.

fuck BSW

I ordered a shirt at the start of last month and I still haven't received it :mad:


While I think a fatal 4 way tag would be amazing in TLC, I can see the HIAC being pretty awesome for those 4 (8). Every part of the cage could be used.


It had a cooperative cart-wheel. Easily.



So awesome.

WCW did gimmicked PPVs right. Halloween Havoc was ALWAYS good.

Definitely. Also, Wargames! (That'd be cool if somehow done right.)


So not worth it
I can understand if you don't find Raw stellar or anything, but has it really been that bad in the period between WM untill now? Like totally unwatchable and horrible?

Because honestly? I think this year has been their strongest in at least the last 4 or 5 years.


I can understand if you don't find Raw stellar or anything, but has it really been that bad in the period between WM untill now? Like totally unwatchable and horrible?

Because honestly? I think this year has been their strongest in at least the last 4 or 5 years.

Raw is definitely picking up the pace. But there has been some horrible shows between now and WM. I can't remember them because I refuse too but I recall some in the month of April or May where it was just squash match after squash match and boring Sheamus/Cena promos. I mean, remember when Hornswaggle was "revealed" as the anonymous GM? That was so dumb. You can go away now Santino.

Luckily they've developed some decent story lines since then.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
What does this even mean? Some of you are starting to run out of Kane jokes.

THERE we go I was hoping you'd wake up soon! It worked!

Naw, but Kane's entrances haven't differed a hell of a lot, to be honest. Just from an entrance perspective.


more money than God
THERE we go I was hoping you'd wake up soon! It worked!

Naw, but Kane's entrances haven't differed a hell of a lot, to be honest. Just from an entrance perspective.
Well, yeah, but it's pretty significant. I wanted to see the explosion, then the blackout, then him standing in the midst of red smoke. It would have been cool. It's been his best entrance style since the original, which they also fucked up!

I like this one. To add to it, I Kane always count on you Soul.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.

*Bitter grumble*


Raw has been pretty good since Punk's heel turn for me. I'm such a mark for that guy. I haven't been such a huge fan of a wrestler since Bret Hart was in the WWF.
I can understand if you don't find Raw stellar or anything, but has it really been that bad in the period between WM untill now? Like totally unwatchable and horrible?

Because honestly? I think this year has been their strongest in at least the last 4 or 5 years.

Hmm... 2011 was really weak but there was a sharp increase in quality starting with All-Star Raw between May-September (because of Punk), then Nov/Dec were pretty good (likely because of the switch to SuperShow and an expanded Raw roster, but this came at the expense of good Smackdown! product).
2010 may have been my least favourite year, with the exception of about a months worth of awesome Nexus storyline and the phenomenal build up to Michaels/Taker. This also had a couple of months of CM Punk on commentary, which drastically improved my enjoyment on the show.
2009 was pretty weak for Raw, with the only real highlight being JeriShow. Special recognition should also go to Michaels/Taker for their build up this year as well, but I preferred 2010's story of Michaels looking for redemption.

It should also be noted that 2009/2010 had a pretty great SmackDown! to offset the often grating Raw.

2012's biggest issue is that they keep failing to realize the potential that they have. CM Punk/Kane/Daniel Bryan (and CM Punk/Bryan alone, and the continuation Bryan/Kane into Hell No) has been the only real program that was as good as it should have been. Lesnar was misused, Jericho was misused, Triple Haitch was misused, Taker was misused.
They've had a lot of greatness in there, they just fail to deliver on the potential.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Wonderful WWE13 thread went up over at GameFAQS - a friend pointed me this way. It's titled: "Why dont moms understand the importance of games like wwe 13"

tmacbooking said:
So like, im really excited about wwe 13, especially with the news on universe! i pre-ordered today cause my mom grocery shops next to gamestop! so im sitting in the car, starimg at the receipt and she comes in and i tell her i got iron mike tyson! shes like what and i say its wwe 13! she asks all mad if i bought it today but im like no duh its not out until october 30th!..she says how am i gonna get to gamestop AND work in that tuesday and i said i put in for that day off. she flips a lid and says im not taking that day off! i told her, im 33 and i can do whatever i want!....does anyone elses mom harsh their gaming time? im like uber pumped for it, but then im like brought down by this kinda stuff? seriously if i had to pay rent for the basement i would insist on some serious changes. i have a wwe 13 poster on the wall downxtairs cause she made me take it off the front door. she said it was embarrassing. it was CM PUNK!...i got news when i get this game im leaving the door open all day and a sign that says Wwe 13 open challenge, and anyone in my hood can face me! if i went to work that day, itd be irresponsible....im not gonna leave the door open with no one home and let strangers play my game while im gone. anyway...anyone elses mom not understand wwe 13?


Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
So I'm watching NXT, and this Big E Langston guy...he's not a particularly good wrestler, but I'll be damned if he isn't entertaining. He's like Ryback if he had any sort of charisma.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Yknow if WWE wanted to do something exciting and new..ish - they should have another Rybackesque dude do another huge undefeated monster streak and push.

It's happened before, but not in RECENT memory, and fans haven't seen two TITANS collide!
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