god dammit jobber... now i cant stop looking at her lol
I know what I'm doing this weekend.
Edge is about 6'5", and they seem to be the same height. Actually, he seems to be just a bit taller than Edge.Damn Kane's son-in-law is almost as tall as Taker
TNA announcers > > > WWE announcers at actually calling matches.
Great ending to the show. Aries is so awesome and slick on the mic. GREAT heel.
You and me baby!![]()
I know what I'm doing this weekend.
Oh god i know where that was filmed. Place is a dump. I remember XPW shows always happening there.
The American Legion? A dump? XPW? I think you have this place confused with something else
Transcript-spanish: "Le dije a Vince que el guión de la WWE apestaba, que Vince está haciendo lo que quiere y que la WWE está pasando por un mal momento sin hacer nada al respeto, sin escuchar a nadie y que ya no tiene el mismo control que antes". "Todo es una basura, y cuando la WWE se vaya al infierno, será todo culpa de él. Habíamos 4 personas en el mismo cuarto; Orton, Cena, un oficial de la WWE y yo."
Translate: "I told vince that the script sucked, and that he is not listening to anyone and no longer has the same control as before".
Not fat. Muscle mass, bulk, bad posture, bad knee bend, Kane is developing a hunchback, bad lighting, stars weren't aligned properly, camera angle.Someone get a fat shirt on that old man, stat.
kanes daughter is hotEdge is about 6'5", and they seem to be the same height. Actually, he seems to be just a bit taller than Edge.
The one in the black dress? Matt Striker used to date her, lol.kanes daughter is hot
The one in the black dress? Matt Striker used to date her, lol.
Whoa. That's interesting
Good contender for match of the year, right here;
Hiroshi Tanahashi (c) vs Minoru Suzuki - (NJPW 10/08/12)
My favorite Kane picture.
will watch when i get home
She looks like how Ke$ha should look.
You mean with breasts, and some semblance of an ass?
Bret Hart's WCW theme sucks :/
WCW had a lot of shitty themes. Just like TNA.
Can't watch a wrestling promotion that doesn't have a decent number of good entrance music.
Whoa. That's interesting
Watching it for the second time now and it's still just wonderful. That's proper targeting of a specific body part told as a story in the ring. I also like to pretend there is a slight feud between the two over hair styles, but that's just me.
What's that strange cancer growing on Kane there?
I think he means "looks human".
Bret Hart's WCW anything sucks. Such an awful waste all around. I bet Hart didn't even get any satisfaction out of it by defecting, it just turned too awful.
One of my main problems with TNA is the fact I know they have themes, but hell if I can ever really make them out during a show or PPV when I do watch due to how it is set-up and comes across on tele. Sometimes it's just random nose, sometimes I just can't hear it for whatever reason, and sometimes I just don't care because it's all so uninteresting.
I'm not asking for much, hell I'm a fan of simple and traditional instrumental music of Hong Kong indy shows for dog's sake, but I want something I can at least recognise and take notice of the moment it starts without words chanting in.
Few exceptions do exist though. Rhoode's obviously for the "mid-game boss" as people have mentioned, Mr. Ken...sigh... Anderson's, and just the start of Kurt Angles.
Oh and this wonderful mash-up http://youtu.be/Z3oRdRoOsBk
So I just watched the latest episodes of Main Event and NXT on Hulu. Is it just me, or are these shows actually better than the two main shows? Really surprised by how much I'm enjoying them.
The real issue is that everything is in the same key and tempo. And there is no space between themes, so they all just blur together. A guy comes out, gets in the ring, and then the other guy's theme immediately starts playing. Every song sounds like a continuation of the last. The only guys with themes that stick out are Hardy, Bully, Rooooooooooo, and Hogan. I think part of it is that they don't have a dedicated audio channel for their music like WWE does, so they aren't as clear. You hear all their music with an echo from the inside of the Impact Zone.
A Double is the worst offender. He's the god damn champion and you can't make out his theme from any X-Division guy.
Where did you get that from?Whoa. That's interesting
Lord FetuaoReal talk: Samoa Joe in WWEwould it work.
Real talk: Samoa Joe in WWEwould it work.