I can totally hear his voice in my head while reading this.
I can totally hear his voice in my head while reading this.
Combat Zone Wrestling will be bringing their biggest match attraction, The Cage of Death, to their live event at Wrestlecon over Wrestlemania weekend. It will be the first time that the COD, held annually by the promotion, is held outside that event.
CZW is also working on bringing in a lot of international names from promotions they work with - Big Japan, WXW in Germany and Fight Club Pro in the UK - in for Wrestlecon in order to have some unique attractions for the event as well as showcase the CZW product to fans who are usually not exposed to it.
Man, 2 CoD in 5 months. Kind of crazy. Whatever, it will be better than nexts month CoD. Seriously, Matt Tremont vs DJ Hyde will be gif worthy based on how bad it will be
That match will be horribad....but we'll watch it because it is Cage of Death.
I suspect the one at Mania will be one of the big multi-man matches.
Working on a Jericho vs Chavo w/pepe video and I want to ask you all the question:
Who made the most out of a shit gimmick?
Working on a Jericho vs Chavo w/pepe video and I want to ask you all the question:
Who made the most out of a shit gimmick?
Disco Inferno!!
...I know what kind of answer that is.Kane had a really good one!
Bootaaay, you and I need to start a blog where we review and gif awful wrestling like CoD and all that deathmatch wrestling
Also, i would love Team CZW vs BjW
I don't know whether i hate or love Drake Younger. He really is the most conflicting wrestler I have ever seen because he can clearly wrestle, but he's up there in terms of stupid deathmatch spots
Speaking of Drake Younger. I watched the first two matches of 2012 BOLA last night and Drake Younger vs Roderick Strong was one of them. Simply amazing, stiff match with a mix of hard hitting strong style and the most rule bending they could allow in BOLA to get some hardcore w/ chairs in the mix. I'll be watching the rest of night 1 tonight I think.
Man, 2 CoD in 5 months. Kind of crazy. Whatever, it will be better than nexts month CoD. Seriously, Matt Tremont vs DJ Hyde will be gif worthy based on how bad it will be
I read that first statement and thought you were talking about there being two Call of Duty games being released within 5 months. I was like, WTF? When did that happen lol.
The Kane gimmick was supposed to end at the first Inferno match. At the time, they were just creating characters for the Undertaker to face (remember Executioner?), and Kane was supposed to be the same thing. Due to the success of the character, however, they kept it going.Kane has got the most mileage out of a gimmick that should have died years and years ago when Undertaker was still full time and a major star. I don't think anyone expected the Kane gimmick to go 15 years without being altered.
AAW is slowly creeping up as the next big indy. The death of IWA:MS did produce one good thing, and that was let AAW become the main midwest promotion. I think they have a Elgin/Callihan match coming up soon
I read that first statement and thought you were talking about there being two Call of Duty games being released within 5 months. I was like, WTF? When did that happen lol.
I've been neglecting WrassleGAF for various reasons that are mostly noble, but I bring a review of WWE Main Event, if you didn't catch it Wednesday night:
It was like 40 minutes of Big Slow and Randy Boreton with filler montages and Kofi vs. McGillicutty (whose Saturday Night Slam match with Mysterio put the CUT in his name)
And then Kofi got to show off his lack of a personality before he jobs to Miz next week.
The End
I first checked out AAW when Tyler Black joined ROH, as I heard they were his home promotion, and I was really quite impressed - he was having some great matches with Silas, Jacobs & Jerry Lynn at the time.
I love this botch so much
Yeah, it really is an amazing botch - he goes absolutely nowhere at all, zero forward momentum.
I must have seen Tyler in IWA:MS around that time, but I guess I never really paid attention until he was in ROH - I probably ignored him for all that stupid moshing he did before his matches, lol.
My first exposure to Black was in IWA:MS, specifically the 9 way ladder match that is infamous for Marek Brave's botched SSP
I love this botch so much
I remember the match so vididly for the botch and for having one hell of a card. One of the few IWA:MS shows still in my collection
IWA-MS: We're no Joke (The most ironic title ever)
1. Brain Damage & Deranged vs. Team Underground
2. Vanessa Kraven & Daizee Haze vs. Mickie Knuckles & MsChif
3. 9 Man TLC Match: Marek Brave vs. Tyler Black vs. Trik Davis vs. Billy Roc vs. Dave Crist (Lotus) vs. Chuck Taylor vs. Ricochet vs. Jake Crist (Crazy J) vs. Darin Corbin
4. Sal, Vito & Brandon Thomaselli vs. Eddie Kingston, Larry Sweeney & Matt "formerly Spike Dudley" Hyson
5. Ruckus vs. Josh Abercrombie
6. Kevin Steen vs. Ian Rotten
7. Delirious vs. El Generico
8. Tank vs. Toby Klein
9. Low Ki vs. Necro Butcher
10. Milano Collection AT vs. Chris Hero
Also, DJ, was that the match where Marek kills himself again?
Also, DJ, was that the match where Marek kills himself again?
Kevin Steen makes his demands of Ring of Honor.
Edit: Yeah, they're definitely going off the Punk angle....Steen's demands are probably not going to happen and Glory By Honor will be interesting.
I wonder if someone at Ring of Honor saw that they were blowing their load too soon and wanted to push Elgin vs Steen back to Final Battle, and make it Champion vs Champion or something like that.
My first exposure to Black was in IWA:MS, specifically the 9 way ladder match that is infamous for Marek Brave's botched SSP
I love this botch so much
How long have Indy promotions been taking advantage of Wrestlemania weekend?
How long have Indy promotions been taking advantage of Wrestlemania weekend?
I want to say since Ring of Honor did the first Supercard of Honor in 2006 where they had the first Dragon Gate Six Man that gained a five star rating, but I may be wrong.
That was a fun match but no way 5*
My first exposure to Black was in IWA:MS, specifically the 9 way ladder match that is infamous for Marek Brave's botched SSP
I love this botch so much