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October Wrasslin |OT| Are you a Kane guy? Hell NO! I'm the tag team champions!


more money than God
Makes sense. He's too old for this thread. A dying breed.

Let the New Blood rise.
So, how about those A's, huh?



okay that was kinda funny

WWE needs to keep having Randy Orton show up out of nowhere.

He should show up the way Batman leaves.


Yep, but it's easily fixable and realistically a better alternative to the logo being ironed on:
1. Get any sharp knife from your kitchen. Should be as thin as possible, I used a paring knife.
2. Carefully go underneath the stitching of the merchandise tag and cut.
3. Repeat until the tag is removed.

After doing this the only people who can tell it's a WWE shirt are those who have seen it before or who know what a CM Punk is and as long as you do it right there should be no trace of the tag ever being there.

You mean the stitching that you can see on the inside of the shirt?

Still curious about this before I do anything.


more money than God
Hey Soul are Mean Mark and GGG good frineds in real life.
I wouldn't necessarily call them "good friends", as it's not like they hang out on a regular basis, or something, but they are friends. Taker has had nothing but great things to say about Glenn, and vice versa. Apparently, Kane and Michelle McCool really liked each other (in a friendly manner), and according to Kane's wife, they all try to hang out when they can. So, yes, they certainly are friends. Like I posted earlier, there's a pretty recent picture of Taker with Kane's son-in-law, which was not at a wrestling show, so they do all get together if they're in the area.


more money than God
thats what i expected, just watched the 2001 rumble and they looked like they have a good time in the ring
Yeah, at this point, they're just two guys in their mid forties who are family men. I'm sure they're just glad to be able to talk to someone who understands their situation, and the last thing they likely discuss outside of the ring is wrestling. They all seem to have a friendly laid back demeanor. I mean, GGG's wife has joking called McCool his "girlfriend".



Cena is being an honorary New York Jets captain this week.

What'cha think about that, Lunchbox? Pats fan doing Sanchez's dirty work.

His feud with Rey was good.

That's it.
His feud with all these guys isn't his work ethic or ring work. He's great in that department. It's what WWE does wrong with 90% wrong with the rest of the roster, poorly books them. No one gives a shit about him because they've pushed him to look like nothing. What they've done all summer by jobbing him to Sheamus is similar to what they did with Christian to Orton last summer.
Still curious about this before I do anything.

You should be able to see stitching on top of the tag along the border which connects it to the shirt, if you cut a few of those then you will be able to get your paring knife in between the tag and the shirt. The tag is only attached by that stitching around the border so once you get in it's really easy to remove the rest.

Here's my Punk shirt so you can see there's no damage post-surgery (besides being dirty as fuck right now):


Junior Member
So I was at physical therapy today. And I look down and I see a hulking mass of a man and like huh?

And as it turns out, it's John Cena getting rehab for his elbow. He must of been there for two hours getting help for it.

I didn't act like a mark or fan. I didn't ask for his autograph. I just let the man do what he came there to do.

I will say he really is ridiculously huge. And he wasn't wearing his trademark jean shorts.

I guess his arm really is in bad shape right?


You should be able to see stitching on top of the tag along the border which connects it to the shirt, if you cut a few of those then you will be able to get your paring knife in between the tag and the shirt. The tag is only attached by that stitching around the border so once you get in it's really easy to remove the rest.

Here's my Punk shirt so you can see there's no damage post-surgery (besides being dirty as fuck right now):

I'm sorry I'm an idiot, so you're saying cut the stitching on top of the tag itself first, then cut the stitching out on the underside of the tag, not the inside of the shirt?


I guess his arm really is in bad shape right?

That or he's trying to speed up the healing as much as possible so he will be cleared to work HIAC. I think all these speeded up, early returns from injury he's done over the years will come back to bite him later, he's going to have a major physical breakdown.


That or he's trying to speed up the healing as much as possible so he will be cleared to work HIAC. I think all these speeded up, early returns from injury he's done over the years will come back to bite him later, he's going to have a major physical breakdown.

I really hope he doesn't wrestle at HIAC. I mean, I don't like the guy as a wrestler/personality, but I don't want to see him get hurt or burned later on.
I'm sorry I'm an idiot, so you're saying cut the stitching on top of the tag itself first, then cut the stitching out on the underside of the tag, not the inside of the shirt?

There will be stitching along the border of the tag that connects it to the shirt, you can get a knife between the tag and the shirt to cut that stitching but it will be easier if you remove some of the stitching from the top first.

The other alternative to a knife would be stitch remover or embroidery scissors if you have a basic sewing kit around the house.

EDIT: I just found something I can demo on if needed


Junior Member
That or he's trying to speed up the healing as much as possible so he will be cleared to work HIAC. I think all these speeded up, early returns from injury he's done over the years will come back to bite him later, he's going to have a major physical breakdown.

Like Kurt Angle in 2006 where he had all these fast recoveries from injures and then just broke down.


Like Kurt Angle in 2006 where he had all these fast recoveries from injures and then just broke down.

Or Kurt Angle today. He gets injured all the time and never takes off for them. He's barely been able to walk for the past month, yet he's still in the ring every week.


There will be stitching along the border of the tag that connects it to the shirt, you can get a knife between the tag and the shirt to cut that stitching but it will be easier if you remove some of the stitching from the top first.

The other alternative to a knife would be stitch remover or embroidery scissors if you have a basic sewing kit around the house.

EDIT: I just found something I can demo on if needed

I have those scissors that are thin and bent...I think they are what you mean. I just don't want to fuck this up as I really like the shirt.

EDIT: After Googling, that does indeed seem to be embroidery scissors.

I don't wish misery on anyone, but if Cena was injured for Wrestlemania 29 I'd be pretty happy :(

I wouldn't really be happy, but at least it would cause the WWE to think outside the box for once.
My copy of PWG's Battle of Los Angeles 2012 turned up today, just got done watching Night 1 and thoroughly enjoyed it for the most part. Adam Cole vs El Generico was the stand-out match for me, but Kevin Steen vs Ricochet & Michael Elgin vs Davey Richards were both crazy awesome too. Also, Roderick Strong & Drake Younger just beat the absolute hell out of each other. Willie Mack vs Sami Callihan was a pretty good, hard-hitting match, while TJ Perkins vs Joey Ryan provided some solid technical wrestling in the opening match. The two matches I cared for the least were Brian Cage vs B-Boy, which never seemed to get going properly, and Eddie Edwards vs Kyle O'Reilly, which was OK, but O'Reilly's selling is so nonchalant it really distracts me from his matches. That, and the million and one faux-MMA strikes he insists upon. Still, amazing show, can't wait to watch Night 2 tomorrow, and Adam Cole is becoming so damn good so quickly, it's hard to fathom.

Here's a bunch of gifs (which I'm linking to for those who don't want to be spoiled);

. Roderick just throws Drake back first over the turnbuckle; http://i.minus.com/ic3uvIBGKPanD.gif

. Finish to Edwards vs O'Reilly; sick, but unnecessary; http://i.minus.com/iIrGaBNqtVg85.gif

. Steen powerbombs the hell out of Ricochet; http://i.minus.com/iUqMTchsC90sc.gif

. Awesome corkscrew plancha from Ricochet; http://i.minus.com/iMQd0FRAfo4FO.gif

. Steen counters a handspring elbow; http://i.minus.com/iBaNPFI1aKkxK.gif

. Sami Callihan hits a HUGE lariat; http://i.minus.com/ibd7faNaoGBn7S.gif

. Adam Cole counters Generico's turnbuckle leap armdrag in awesome fashion; http://i.minus.com/iXSvaaZsJ3w43.gif

. Michael Elgin catches Davey in mid-air with a powerslam; http://i.minus.com/iOMnNXzOwVtSN.gif
I wouldn't really be happy, but at least it would cause the WWE to think outside the box for once.

I don't think WWE is brave enough to do anything but Rock Vs. Cena II, and Wrestlemania 29 going off air with Cena triumphing after overcoming the odds once again is just so fucking boring that I'll take anything that doesn't involve a law being broken to stop it from happening. I think the whole card could be better as a result if everyone got bumped up a little.


Rock vs Cena II would leave Punk a little dry don't you think? Besides I don't think anyone wants to see that one again.


I don't think WWE is brave enough to do anything but Rock Vs. Cena II, and Wrestlemania 29 going off air with Cena triumphing after overcoming the odds once again is just so fucking boring that I'll take anything that doesn't involve a law being broken to stop it from happening. I think the whole card could be better as a result if everyone got bumped up a little.

Rock vs Cena II would leave Punk a little dry don't you think? Besides I don't think anyone wants to see that one again.


We don't want it, but we're going to get it shoved down our throats and we'll take it! Because we're all idiots that like some of the talent that happens to be attached to a shitty company. I mean, I'm fine with Cena on there, as that's one of their top guys, but no Punk? You have fucking Brock Lesnar, who never panned out, and continues to do nothing, and you have the Rock, who is definitely a star, but doesn't show up to 9/10 of the Raws every year? Come on.
Is it weird that I'm really really hyped by the idea of Punk vs Ryback in a cell?

I have those scissors that are thin and bent...I think they are what you mean. I just don't want to fuck this up as I really like the shirt.

EDIT: After Googling, that does indeed seem to be embroidery scissors.

Okay that's good, should be really easy for you then. Just did it for a tag on a jacket with a paring knife here:
1st Image: The "before" shot
2nd Image: Unthreaded/cut from above the tag to be able to get in
3rd Image: Cutting from between the tag/shirt
4th Image: Hard to see, but that's what the corners will look like, you'll find that there is a lot more stitching at the corners. For most of the tag you can find you'll just be able to "pull" on the tag and it will come unstitched but at the corners you'll need to cut through a lot of tighter stitching.
5th Image: "After" shot before I removed the excess threads. Couple notes: that tag got a bit mangled because it's made out of some kind of shitty paper material but the jacket was fine. In that image you can see where the tag was at one point, but the shirt's normal stitching will just sort of settle into place and that outline will completely disappear by the first time you wash the shirt.
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