No Aries in that picture? The fuck?
#respecttnaNo Aries in that picture? The fuck?
No Aries in that picture? The fuck?
Fantastic interview with Daniel Bryan. This guy deserves to be at the top of the company.
Ryback ripped Goldberg in the latest WWE Magazine.
"I just think people are misinformed," said Ryback in an interview addressing comparisons between their wrestling personas. "People see a big guy with a shaved head who's intense, and they draw those comparisons. I will say this: Goldberg did this for the money. He was never a fan of wrestling. I do this because I have a passion for it, and that's the biggest difference between Goldberg and me. I'm not here to make five million dollars and then walk away. I'm here for life. And, I firmly believe that I'm much better than he was in the ring. He was great, and I was a fan of his when I was younger. But, I feel I'm a better athlete and wrestler than Goldberg ever was, and people are going to see that over time."
Ryback ripped Goldberg in the latest WWE Magazine.
"I just think people are misinformed," said Ryback in an interview addressing comparisons between their wrestling personas. "People see a big guy with a shaved head who's intense, and they draw those comparisons. I will say this: Goldberg did this for the money. He was never a fan of wrestling. I do this because I have a passion for it, and that's the biggest difference between Goldberg and me. I'm not here to make five million dollars and then walk away. I'm here for life. And, I firmly believe that I'm much better than he was in the ring. He was great, and I was a fan of his when I was younger. But, I feel I'm a better athlete and wrestler than Goldberg ever was, and people are going to see that over time."
So we all know Bully is going to turn on Sting and be revealed as the guy behind A&8, right?
So we all know Bully is going to turn on Sting and be revealed as the guy behind A&8, right?
I hope not
I want it to be Jarrett that is the leader of the group.
Always the black man. Smh...It's not Bully
It's not Sting
It's not Jay Lethal
It's not Kenny King
It's D-VON
It's not Bully
It's not Sting
It's not Jay Lethal
It's not Kenny King
It's D-VON
I could totally see D-Von's not resigning as being a swerve.
Ryback ripped Goldberg in the latest WWE Magazine.
"I just think people are misinformed," said Ryback in an interview addressing comparisons between their wrestling personas. "People see a big guy with a shaved head who's intense, and they draw those comparisons. I will say this: Goldberg did this for the money. He was never a fan of wrestling. I do this because I have a passion for it, and that's the biggest difference between Goldberg and me. I'm not here to make five million dollars and then walk away. I'm here for life. And, I firmly believe that I'm much better than he was in the ring. He was great, and I was a fan of his when I was younger. But, I feel I'm a better athlete and wrestler than Goldberg ever was, and people are going to see that over time."
I really hope he doesn't wrestle at HIAC. I mean, I don't like the guy as a wrestler/personality, but I don't want to see him get hurt or burned later on.
Just watched Bret Hart vs. Mr. Perfect at Summerslam 1991 when Bret won the Intercontinental title. A few things...
-they made a huge deal about Bret kicking out of the perfect plex..."NO ONE HAS EVER KICKED OUT!" And then Perfect selling disbelief was just amazing.
-after Bret won, they had a guy with a mic run to Bret's parents for an in-the-moment interview. "AN EMOTIONAL SCENE! HERE COMES BRET!"
-the announcing was fantastic; they focused on the match, sold both guys, and sounded emotionally invested. Bobby the Brain was so good.
-the moves! Crucifixes, small packages, suplexes, atomic drops...where have some of these moves gone?
Man, the WWE used to be so much better.Sad going back and realizing how far they've fallen from the glory days.
That was the first SummerSlam I ever watched on PPV. You look at that match and were the promos/program great leading into it? Probably not, but back then it was either about the spectacle or the wrestling. Now, it's just spectacle unless you're getting booked like the 80s with Jim Cornette.
Mr Perfect was a great intercontinental champion. That title meant something back then. They usually put it on their best worker (with the exception of Honky Tonk and Warrior).
If the wrestling is great and you sense that both guys really want to upstage and just plain beat the other guy, that creates the spectacle.
It's not necessarily because of how the WWE presents the matches. The wrestlers just aren't as good as the guys you're describing. It's as simple as that, really. You can't talk about guys like Hart, Michaels, Hennig, and wonder why things aren't as good as they used to be. Those guys spent years perfecting their craft in the independent scene before they got to the WWE. These days, you mostly just spend some time in FCW, then get called up. Jericho mentioned recently how when he worked with Ziggler, Ziggler still didn't know how to properly call and do spots, but that's just due to inexperience. Of course, it would help tremendously if the WWE called matches like real wrestling encounters, instead of just entertainment matches, but they truthfully haven't really done that since 1998.I think this is the case for ROH, New Japan Pro Wrestling and to a lesser extent TNA.
Matches just seem to fall by the wayside in the WWE, the story seems to be the priority. And with the number of hours, number of superstars, illogical booking, matches just don't have the "specialness" they once did.
Brett vs. Perfect was a big deal. Brett kicking out of the Perfect Plex was a big deal.
Brett vs. Shawn was a big deal. If it was today, Brett would've wrestled Shawn two dozen times and the conclusion to the matches would of had no consequence.
Anyways, changing gears. I thought the Punk Documentary was good. It didn't really focus on angles, more on his growing up and development in the wrestling industry.
I really do hate his Macho Man elbow drop. It just looks terrible and lazy. He doesn't jump high enough or drive the elbow into the person's chest.
It's not necessarily because of how the WWE presents the matches. The wrestlers just aren't as good as the guys you're describing. It's as simple as that, really. You can't talk about guys like Hart, Michaels, Hennig, and wonder why things aren't as good as they used to be. Those guys spent years perfecting their craft in the independent scene before they got to the WWE. These days, you mostly just spend some time in FCW, then get called up. Jericho mentioned recently how when he worked with Ziggler, Ziggler still didn't know how to properly call and do spots, but that's just due to inexperience. Of course, it would help tremendously if the WWE called matches like real wrestling encounters, instead of just entertainment matches, but they truthfully haven't really done that since 1998.
And only two of the guys you mentioned are on the WWE main roster. Out of the old guard, there's only Kane (yeah, there's Show & Henry, but they were never good wrestlers). Everyone else was trained in the WWE style, and that's it. It also doesn't help that guys never know what program they're in. In the same interview, Jericho mentioned how they told him at the last minute that he would be facing Ziggler, and when he asked what the storyline was, they just said, "don't worry, we'll figure it out next week." He had to insist on coming up with something. Even his last match with Ziggler, they came up with the MITB or leave WWE stipulation 10 minutes before the show. Back in the day, guys would know a while in advance who they would be facing, and they would spend weeks practicing spots. Macho & Steamboat (I mean, "Harley Race") spent a month rehearsing their match on their own before WM3. They don't give guys the opportunity to do that anymore. You can't rehearse stuff with a guy if you don't know who you're going to be facing until 10 minutes before the show.But are we talking about ALL wrestlers in general or the body builder/workers in the WWE?
Punk, Danielson, Jericho, , Joe, AJ Styles, Angle and a few others are great workers. And they obviously have a lot of independent experience. The ROH guys can't really get away with being poor workers, since there organization is based on quality ring work.
And you're right comparing superstars to Hart, Henning, Flair, Michaels, Rude, O. Hart, etc isn't fair.
And it probably isn't fair to compare superstars to Austin, Rock, Hogan, Sting (not counting TNA).
It's a weird time we live in, mainstream suffers probably because of the lack of competition and shrinking scene.
Edit: And Dan, you're right about the titles. Again, today, they're a meaningless prop for a storyline. Besides, Punk and Bobby Roode, no one really has sold the significance of the world title.
When Miz won it, it was like Gollum got his ring, but we didn't see the perks of it.
Oh, snap! ROH! ROH! ROH! And Elgin needs to stay for as long as possible. For Delirious' first time booking, sounds like he got things off to a good start. Hope he keeps it up.
Bound for Glory looks like a good card. Hope TNA has an awesome PPV so that people have another good option to go for wrestling.
That's a cool image. What exactly happened? I'm very excited to be going to Final Batlle in December.
BFG has a great card for tonight.
I still can't decided if whether or not Aries did actually shoot on Impact on Thursday. My better judgement says no he didn't and that's just TNA being TNA and swerving us.
I do expect Aries to win tonight. Hardy is just garbage.
That's a cool image. What exactly happened? I'm very excited to be going to Final Batlle in December.
Fuck the Ryback.Ryback ripped Goldberg in the latest WWE Magazine.
"I just think people are misinformed," said Ryback in an interview addressing comparisons between their wrestling personas. "People see a big guy with a shaved head who's intense, and they draw those comparisons. I will say this: Goldberg did this for the money. He was never a fan of wrestling. I do this because I have a passion for it, and that's the biggest difference between Goldberg and me. I'm not here to make five million dollars and then walk away. I'm here for life. And, I firmly believe that I'm much better than he was in the ring. He was great, and I was a fan of his when I was younger. But, I feel I'm a better athlete and wrestler than Goldberg ever was, and people are going to see that over time."
Look at all that tape.