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October Wrasslin |OT| Are you a Kane guy? Hell NO! I'm the tag team champions!

December 4th is a Tuesday. Soin my mind, Punk has three hurdles right now - Hell in a Cell, Survivor Series and Monday Night Raw on December 3rd, which falls pretty much directly half way in between SS and TLC.

If I were a booking man I would say that there will be a Team Heyman vs Team [Cena] at Survivor Series which grants Cena a title match. Cena chooses December 3rd in order to protect his legacy. Punk uses CM Punk magic to retain leading to a final blow off match with Cena's last shot at Punk's title in TLC.


Something stupid is going to happen.

Punk losing will be stupid, Ryback losing his first main event match will be stupid. How is supposed to end?

Even a double pin would be stupid and taint Ryback.

Brock comes in to double team Ryback, enabling Punk to get the victory?


December 4th is a Tuesday. Soin my mind, Punk has three hurdles right now - Hell in a Cell, Survivor Series and Monday Night Raw on December 3rd, which falls pretty much directly half way in between SS and TLC.

If I were a booking man I would say that there will be a Team Heyman vs Team [Cena] at Survivor Series which grants Cena a title match. Cena chooses December 3rd in order to protect his legacy. Punk uses CM Punk magic to retain leading to a final blow off match with Cena's last shot at Punk's title in TLC.

I would hope Vince sees that Cena has to have a title shot on the December 3rd Raw....I mean it makes since to anyone looking at booking the CM Punk reign now.
That Raw was so boring and that ending so completely rage inducing that I might take a break until RR.

It was all background noise, the only reason I turned my head to look at my TV was to see either Punk or Bryan.
This is how i've felt for the last two months, I wouldn't even call the show bad right now but it's just there as background noise as you said, heel Punk is completely lost on me, I tune out of almost every promo he's been in recently because the material he has to work with is just so cookie cutter heel that i've heard it all before.
The tag team champs have been my main source of entertainment but they've been in limbo waiting for new rivals to pop up from the number one contenders tournament so they just fill time right now.
Barrett still has no storylines, Smackdown is Smackdown and Sheamus is obnoxious and only really enjoyable at ppvs and now he gets to feud with Big Slow in a rivalry that no one asked for.
With Cena injured for even the shortest of times WWE has realised the lack of depth in their face side of the roster and have had to bring up Ryback of all people, this is literally his first feud out of crushing jobbers, at least it's something new I guess and preferable to more Cena.

And for my controversial point, Ziggler is sinking into a pit of complete blandness, he's solid in ring if perhaps a bit overrated but anything outside of that and he's my equivalent of what everyone here thinks of Kofi Kingston with similar lacking mic skills (making barely audible quips off the mic is like his gimmick? I think the three man band are all more exciting). Being MITB holder he really should get booked better and get more proper promo time to improve, I simply don't buy him as a champion due to his shoddy booking and if he wins the belt I foresee a reign that's like Swagger's forgotten run with even less charisma but better matches at least, whoopee.

Cute. You guys think Punk will lose.
But Rayback is an undefeated destroy machine!
Problem with Ziggler is that in every match he is in, you just have a feeling that he is going to lose. How many times can he face Shaemus or Orton? As mentioned, the WWE feels very stagnant and the loss of Cena clearly reflects that. While they have done a great job building up Ryback, he is just a flash in the pan right now. I feel like that he is a variation of Ryder. Over with the crowd but at the end of the day, is just another guy.

People will be excited if he wins the title, but only for that moment.
The fuck is Jack Swagger? He's been gone for over a month

He took a break, remember? AJ was begging for him to come back because she knew RAW is screwed without Swagger.

No Jericho.
No Punk.
No Swagger.

She was right. RAW is in shambles all because Swagger walked out.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
He took a break, remember? AJ was begging for him to come back because she knew RAW is screwed without Swagger.

No Jericho.
No Punk.
No Swagger.

She was right. RAW is in shambles all because Swagger walked out.

He said, last time he was on screen, he's "taking some time out". Hopefully he's getting a new gimmick when he returns. Otherwise he's off to TNA.

Yes I remember all of this. There hasn't been a hint of his return at all. Big Show got fired and showed up 6 days later.


more money than God
He said, last time he was on screen, he's "taking some time out". Hopefully he's getting a new gimmick when he returns. Otherwise he's off to TNA.
He should return as Kane's son. Instant heat, lifetime employment.

Someone must continue the legacy. Then, debut Paige as Kane's daughter.
The fuck is Jack Swagger? He's been gone for over a month

Hitchhiking across the midwest, trying to find the true spirit of America. When he called himself the All American American American before it was just an empty sentiment, but through a journey of self discovery he'll be able to tap into the powers of Liberty and Justice for all.


Brock comes in to double team Ryback, enabling Punk to get the victory?

Would have made more sense if it were Punk vs Cena. At least then it would've set up Punk/Brock vs Cena/HHH for Survivor Series. They aren't going to trust Ryback to do anything to Brock.
Problem with Ziggler is that in every match he is in, you just have a feeling that he is going to lose. How many times can he face Shaemus or Orton? As mentioned, the WWE feels very stagnant and the loss of Cena clearly reflects that. While they have done a great job building up Ryback, he is just a flash in the pan right now. I feel like that he is a variation of Ryder. Over with the crowd but at the end of the day, is just another guy.

People will be excited if he wins the title, but only for that moment.
Yep, they should have had him beat Orton but nope it's Golden Boy Orton, they could have him effectively mind game Sheamus with the briefcase to give him a psychological edge but instead he just has failed cash ins, as such he still feels like a midcarder, not big enough to actually hang with the top talent (which is like 3 people but oh well), Bryan managed to make something out of the shaky hand he was dealt as the losing MITB holder who won the belt in a cheap way but that was Daniel Bryan, he used the slow burn heel turn for a fantastic transformation, I can't see Ziggler pulling off anything close to that if he wins the belt though i'll be more than happy to chow down on crow.
And as I said Zig's mic skills don't help at all (let alone he's overshadowed by the heat magnet that is Vickie), when he actually gets mic time he feels like the heel equivalent of the Kofi face promos that everyone here (understandably) find so crushingly bland, his show off stuff in matches actually works well though so it's not all bad, he needs an edge to his character though, with the way he's booked his showing off gimmick looks more like his downfall.

Okay that's enough from me on Ziggler, at the end of the day at least his matches are good, hmm that goes for Sheamus as well I guess.

The fuck is Jack Swagger? He's been gone for over a month
I never liked that Swagger got treated like a joke in the Ziggler/Swagger duo, he's pretty much on the same level as Zigs but for some reason WWE seemed desperate to throw him under the bus after their failure to book his title run effectively.
Hopefully he's gone to get a gimmick revamp, drop the ankle lock, it's worthless in the hands of a low card heel who has made like two or three jobber tap to it if anything.


Alex Riley has been hurt I believe. He showed up on NXT a few times, but I'm pretty sure he's been injured for the past few months. As for Zeke and Mason, I don't know why they fell out of favor and were taken off TV. I don't think Mason has been on TV since before WM, and Zeke hasn't been on in months.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I had a big update at my current job today - I need some more guinea pigs to test it. If you play games, ping me via PM and I could use you briefly. Laserfrog already did it :)


Mason Ryan fell off during Zack Ryder's self-powered push, I believe. If I recall correctly, they were trying to push him as a face going after Ziggler's US title, but then Ryder's popularity reached critical mass and Ryan got pushed to the side and basically hasn't been seen since.


Mason Ryan fell off during Zack Ryder's self-powered push, I believe. If I recall correctly, they were trying to push him as a face going after Ziggler's US title, but then Ryder's popularity reached critical mass and Ryan got pushed to the side and basically hasn't been seen since.

Punk killed Mason Ryan.

He needs to kill Ryback now.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Hey, how are you liking XCOM, buddy?!

The word for how much I'm liking XCOM is probably "shitloads"

I am having a great time, it's just like the original! Kinda! But it makes me super happy.

Currently I named my team after the Expendables, but also tossed in Wesley Snipes. Good shit my friend.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Mason Ryan fell off during Zack Ryder's self-powered push, I believe. If I recall correctly, they were trying to push him as a face going after Ziggler's US title, but then Ryder's popularity reached critical mass and Ryan got pushed to the side and basically hasn't been seen since.

He was hanging with AW on Raw when Primo and Epico were hot.


The word for how much I'm liking XCOM is probably "shitloads"

I am having a great time, it's just like the original! Kinda! But it makes me super happy.

Currently I named my team after the Expendables, but also tossed in Wesley Snipes. Good shit my friend.

I'm really liking it too, but I screwed up and lost Argentina and on the verge of losing Mexico and Canada. I think I should just start over and learn from my mistakes.


i liked how Raw was utelizing Swagger and Ziggler for a few months as main eventers. even though they were obviuosly going to lose. they still outperfmed whoever they were wrestling.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I'm really liking it too, but I screwed up and lost Argentina and on the verge of losing Mexico and Canada. I think I should just start over and learn from my mistakes.

Make sure you add Sonny Flowers into your squad :)


I can't think of too many guys whose careers ended up for the worse after winning the title. Swagger is at the very top of that list, though. His career went to shit after becoming WHC. The TITLE buried him.


Would have made more sense if it were Punk vs Cena. At least then it would've set up Punk/Brock vs Cena/HHH for Survivor Series. They aren't going to trust Ryback to do anything to Brock.

I don't understand this. Why is there such an apprehension to work with Ryback? I feel it's just a made up impression from those that dislike Ryback. Yes, he is big and has a powerful move set. He isn't as dangerous as Kofi ..
I can't think of too many guys whose careers ended up for the worse after winning the title. Swagger is at the very top of that list, though. His career went to shit after becoming WHC. The TITLE buried him.

Mysterio was certainly stronger in his build to the title than his first WHC title run. But that may just be due to Eddie Guerrero proximity and it's not like his career took a hit from that subpar title run.

The first WHC run for Punk was pretty shitty as well, he was booked so much better in his IC run later that year.

I don't understand this. Why is there such an apprehension to work with Ryback? I feel it's just a made up impression from those that dislike Ryback. Yes, he is big and has a powerful move set. He isn't as dangerous as Kofi ..

He's dropped a ton of people on their heads and they had to use local talent for most of his build because he was too green to work with any contracted talent. He also broke his own ankle during the Nexus storyline due to his own fuck up.
I think last night was the first time Kofi has hit any move with any sort of impact...


I feel the only way WWE will get heels right is if they hire whomever books and writes Bobby Roode and Bullay Ray from TNA and give him/her some slack to work with.
We should start a list!

I was reminded today that:
Mason Ryan
Big Zeke
Alex Riley

Were actually people who still work with the company.
Alicia Fox is pretty inactive too, yet every single time the WWE does some charity work, she's one of the people to talk and give her piece.


I feel the only way WWE will get heels right is if they hire whomever books and writes Bobby Roode and Bullay Ray from TNA and give him/her some slack to work with.

Gotta feel bad for Punk.

He may be the WWE Champion, but he never looks like the champion should unless he's steamrolling the mid card as a babyface.

Such a shame. WWE lol

And what is Heyman doing? He's fluff atm.


He's dropped a ton of people on their heads and they had to use local talent for most of his build because he was too green to work with any contracted talent. He also broke his own ankle during the Nexus storyline due to his own fuck up.
I think last night was the first time Kofi has hit any move with any sort of impact...
I don't think I've seen a sloppy Ryback match. He was supposed to be stiff with those local guys to get him over. People were saying how dangerous Brodus Clay was when he had only wrestled in two and a half minute matches that mostly contained dancing. I feel like people just make up shit.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
I don't think I've seen a sloppy Ryback match. He was supposed to be stiff with those local guys to get him over. People were saying how dangerous Brodus Clay was when he had only wrestled in two and a half minute matches that mostly contained dancing. I feel like people just make up shit.

Let's be fair to the local talent - they aren't very good. Sometimes bad shit happens you can't prevent. When you use local talent you run that risk even moreso.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Would you rather see Punk/Cena 16 or Punk/New Guy?

Rather see Cena go against Kofi Kingston or Cody Rhodes


I don't understand this. Why is there such an apprehension to work with Ryback? I feel it's just a made up impression from those that dislike Ryback. Yes, he is big and has a powerful move set. He isn't as dangerous as Kofi ..

Ryback is just too new. This is WWE we're talking about. They wouldn't put people they're paying millions of dollars to work with someone who isn't seasoned enough. They wouldn't put the Rock in with him either. Hell, I don't even think they'd put Cena in the ring with Ryback for fear that Cena could get injured.

I don't even really blame Kofi for that kick Miz took last night. It was more of an unfortunate timing that Miz bounced off the ropes too fast or something. I think the spot looked like Kofi thought he'd be hitting Miz behind the head but Miz turned around instead.


He dropped one guy (Swagger) on his head. Kind of Albert, I guess. Mind you, Brock hurt a number of dudes in 2002 and it really wasn't an issue. Including Albert with that disgusting F-5 that somehow didn't paralyze the big guy. And breaking Bobcore's neck (although that was at least 50% his own fault).

How did Ryback break his ankle? Was it a freak accident or did he try some Sid shit?


Gotta feel bad for Punk.

He may be the WWE Champion, but he never looks like the champion should unless he's steamrolling the mid card as a babyface.

Such a shame. WWE lol

And what is Heyman doing? He's fluff atm.

I mean, I can count many, many times Bobby Roode has taken short cuts, but he comes off strong still. Bully Ray loses many, many matches but he always comes off as a threat. They should be the models people work from, and AA's heel run was a breath of fresh air. He comes out as a heel, calls himself the greatest man to ever live and not only that he backs it up by beating people clean and looking strong. He's never buried anyone either that I can recall, no one came off feuds with him looking weak - see where Zema Ion is now. Roode also had a few matches where he'd just come out and beat people without shenanigans.

I cant even remember the last time Punk won any kind of significant match cleanly. I dont even think he has as a heel.



Kofi, nailed Miz in the head.
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