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October Wrasslin |OT| Are you a Kane guy? Hell NO! I'm the tag team champions!


Punk needs to win with a tazor. That way the internet will not know if it should mark out for the hilarity of ending his streak the same way Goldberg's ended, or be driven crazy by poor booking and upset over BURYING Ryback so soon. And those will be divided over if he deserves to get buried, while another portion will argue that losing a match doesn't mean burial. Then we'll have GANG WARZ!





more money than God
Wouldn't it be great if nothing happened? It comes time for the match, and the show just ends without explanation, and the WWE just acts like nothing happened?


Bane took Mistico II's mask?

Wouldn't it be great if nothing happened? It comes time for the match, and the show just ends without explanation, and the WWE just acts like nothing happened?

Would be great if they want nobody to go to their next show in Atlanta.
People will pay to see Rock even if Punk drops the belt to Ryback then magically gets it back. Ryback's streak has more potential value than Punk's super long reign.
The only logical way for them to get out of this is destroying the ring, the cell, no fewer than 3 refs, and building security until the whole thing ends up in a no contest because Roidback and Punk couldn't control their rage. That way, we get a solid 20 minute PG HIAC spotfest, 94 dead bodies strewn about ringside, and everyone goes home happy with neither worker looking weak.


more money than God
Would be great if they want nobody to go to their next show in Atlanta.
Wouldn't it be great if they just said, "fuck Atlanta", and just laughed. I've got an idea. When it comes time for Ryback/Punk, just have Kane and DB sit in the middle of the ring, read a newspaper, and just give their thoughts on what they read. Have stuff like

Bryan: Hey, looks like it might rain on Tuesday.

Kane: Yeah, I expected it. It's always raining this time of year.


I don't know. The only result that no one thinks will happen is Punk winning cleanly, which is why I think it might happen. I'd actually love for Punk to get a clean victory, although I have a feeling that if he does win it will be with outside help and with the use of a foreign object. Oh, and John Cena will probably get involved at some point.

I really wonder if Ryback would be getting this push if Cena wasn't still injured. As much as I want to commend the WWE for trying to build a new star, I really wonder if it's happening because their head guy is injured and they had to do something to fill the gap.
If WWE breaks Punk's title reign to Ryberg, then they deserve all the bad ratings they've been getting the last 3 months.

The ratings Punk has been the face of the company during?

The easiest way to end the match is have Punk run away through the crowd, out the arena and have some chumps get beaten up by Ryback to end the night. Just a generic no contest.


I don't know. The only result that no one thinks will happen is Punk winning cleanly, which is why I think it might happen. I'd actually love for Punk to get a clean victory, although I have a feeling that if he does win it will be with outside help and with the use of a foreign object. Oh, and John Cena will probably get involved at some point.

I really wonder if Ryback would be getting this push if Cena wasn't still injured. As much as I want to commend the WWE for trying to build a new star, I really wonder if it's happening because their head guy is injured and they had to do something to fill the gap.

But that would effectively destroy Ryback and cement him as mid-card faster than you can say FEED ME MIZ.


But that would effectively destroy Ryback and cement him as mid-card faster than you can say FEED ME MIZ.

Easy fix. Have Cena accidentally distract Ryback, allowing Punk to win the match, and then starting a Cena/Ryback feud which would still keep Ryback in the upper card. Face versus face. What do you think?


The ratings Punk has been the face of the company during?

The easiest way to end the match is have Punk run away through the crowd, out the arena and have some chumps get beaten up by Ryback to end the night. Just a generic no contest.
Punk is not the face of the company.


wrasslegaf people posting in the gaf facebook group is weird, i always imagine you guys as your avatars

someone make a separate wrasslegaf group over there
There is only 3 ways this match finishes.

Cena interfers/ is special. Ref

Lesnar interfers setting up a survivor series match

Punk wins while making ryback look good. I say put him through a table


He debuted on TV in September 1997. Became WCW US Champion in April 1998. Became WCW World Champ in July 1998.

Difference there was Goldberg was the second most over and popular wrestler in the world, second only to Stone Cold, at that point. It somewhat justified his rapid ascent. Ryback is over, sure, but he's not THAT over, and he's skipping Goldberg's mid card part and going into world title matches.
He debuted on TV in September 1997. Became WCW US Champion in April 1998. Became WCW World Champ in July 1998.

Ok thx... So kinda seems McMahon is so stuck in the past...Its about the same time for Ryback right?

Also after Ryback which Nexxus member is gonna get their chance at a title. Theres been 3 correct with a title shot or have been champ?
Are you being serious or sarcastic here?

I'm glad that there is a new face in the main event picture, but I don't think he has had the proper buildup in getting to this point.

A little of both.

I mean he's obviously not ready, and isn't especially good, but I find him interesting and more compelling a concept than any other babyface they could have thrown in there.
I would argue since the mid 90s that Mexican wrestlers have been pushed more than European guys in America. Eddie, Rey, Chavo, ADR, multiple Mexican/Hispanic stables in TNA. How many European world champions, or title holders in general have there been in WWE/WCW/ECW/TNA in the past 10-15 years?

Sheamus is the only world champion I can think of and the way the relationship between the UK and Europe proper makes that kind of borderline case. In fact, nearly all European wrestlers in the big leagues are from the UK exclusively. Besides Claudio, I really don't know of any non-UK Euros that have made it to the bigger companies in the US. If you go back farther you get...Ludvig Borga, Andre, and Bruno, I guess. But even then, of all the big UK wrestlers that have been over here, Sheamus is the only world champion. I would say Regal is the most known and successful guy of the whole group, but after that the success rate really drops off to meaningless midcard titles and under.

Where as Rey has been one of the faces of the biggest company of the decade, had a (shitty, but still) title run with the big belt, made the the cruiser and tag belts mean something, and is always a major star and focal point when he's not hurt. That goes without mentioning what he did in WCW. ADR debuted straight at the top and has been in the main event since his very first night, headlined many PPVs both as champion and challenger, won a Royal Rumble, is on as much or more promotional materials than Punk. Eddie was arguably the most over guy in the world from the end of 2003 until his final heel turn and death. And even then he was still one of the most popular guy in the company. And now he's been outright deified since his death. This also doesn't take into account his ECW and WCW work.

Then you have lesser guys like Chavo, Juvi, Psychosis, Super Crazy, Sin Cara (ish) who, while they weren't pushed as top guys, had long successful careers in the US where they were featured players and had time to have long matches on TV and PPV.

TNA has been pushing Hernadez hard for 6 years, Chavo is now there being treated as a bigger deal than he ever was in WWE (clean win over Kurt!), had a working relationship with AAA for about half the duration of company history. The only UK/Euro guys TNA has/had are Bigger Robbie, Doug Williams, and Brutus. Doug Williams gets submission injured by Zema Ion and Bigger Robbie wears tiny cardigans (which is actually awesome).

Mexican wrestlers have been given way more in America for close to 20 years now.
Of the first batch of Mexican wrestlers you've mentioned, except for Del Rio they're all American. The second group, Except for Chavo, are all Mexican nationals (or at least born in Mexico, not sure if they've changed citizenship).

The situation gets tricky because if you're speaking in terms of nationality, then you're saying Americans get pushed more than Europeans, which is a given. If your speaking in terms of race then you're saying Mexicans get pushed more than White wrestlers (I don't know of any non-white Euro wrestlers) which isn't true.

I understand what you're saying though, the Guerreros and Mysterio wrestled in Mexico and speak Spanish just like Juvi and Psicosis but they have an advantage in being American and being able to speak English well. Which is really the point I'm trying to make, being able to speak and being a good talker go a long way and it needs to be in English.

This also applies to your point about European wrestlers that find success largely being from the UK and Ireland, English speaking countries. Antonio Cesaro's gimmick is all about how he's fluent in 5 languages or whatever. Why have an Italian Superstar when you can make a Santino?

Also, there is a larger Hispanic audience in America then there are European ex-pats and people of European heritage who have pretty much completely assimilated into American culture. I'm not sure if the Latin American audience that tunes into WWE is larger than the European audience, though.


this notion of you need to have wrestlers from certain countries to get that audience is bullshit

during the attitude era they didnt need a cosmopolitan lineup to get over. if sheamus and wade barrett are good enough they should be over all over the world not just europe. same with sin cara and del rio. fuck keeping them around for mexican audiences, most of those mexicans cheered louder for the rock anyways

also fuck ryback



Mephisto is the best. That feud should be good. If Misticlone cant do good with Mephisto, who is the best mid tier rudo, there is no hope for him.

during the attitude era they didnt need a cosmopolitan lineup to get over. if sheamus and wade barrett are good enough they should be over all over the world not just europe. same with sin cara and del rio. fuck keeping them around for mexican audiences, most of those mexicans cheered louder for the rock anyways

Speaking of Mexico, the ratings for WWE are way down and the ratings for AAA are way up so theyre almost neck and neck. CMLL has gotten a boost too, but not as big as AAA. Attendence is slightly going up at the big cities, but the smaller cities have gone way down.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Ok thx... So kinda seems McMahon is so stuck in the past...Its about the same time for Ryback right?

Also after Ryback which Nexxus member is gonna get their chance at a title. Theres been 3 correct with a title shot or have been champ?

All members of the original Nexus except Ryback and Tarver had a title at one point.
this notion of you need to have wrestlers from certain countries to get that audience is bullshit

during the attitude era they didnt need a cosmopolitan lineup to get over. if sheamus and wade barrett are good enough they should be over all over the world not just europe. same with sin cara and del rio. fuck keeping them around for mexican audiences, most of those mexicans cheered louder for the rock anyways

also fuck ryback

They broadcast all over the world though. Think of poor Aiii, imagine how happy he'd be if they repackaged Jack Swagger as a Dutch guy who... plays soccer and... rides a bike and smokes pot and lives in a boat, or whatever, I don't know about The Netherlands, fuck.


I think arguing that Rey/Eddie/Chavo are American and not Mexican is just semantics. Their Mexican heritage is their biggest part of their professional identities. Rey has Mexican tatted on his stomach. They are Mexicans, who were Mexican wrestlers in Mexico, and then came to wrestle in America.

The argument was that Euro wrestlers get more of a push in the US than Mexicans, who get more of a push than Japanese. And I don't think that's really been the case over the past 15 years. I think there have been more Mexican wrestlers in more prominent positions in WWE/ECW/WCW/TNA since the mid 90s than Euro wrestlers. Just counting ADR, Rey, and Eddie, they've been more successful and prominent than all the Euro guys combined.

Are there any thriving promotions or wrestling cultures in Europe outside of WXW and the UK? Besides Kozlov and Ludvig Borga, Claudio is the only non-UK European I can remember in WWE since Andre. Which seems kind of weird.
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