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October Wrasslin |OT| Are you a Kane guy? Hell NO! I'm the tag team champions!


NeoGAF's smiling token!
How about some Dynasty Warriors?
WWE needs to get on that, HHH could slay hordes of jobbers and Vince would be all "You are a true pillar of this company" do it with Cena and he'll be all "Merchandise sales have never been better" do it with Punk "MY FUCKING RATINGS!"



Only game I'm for sure getting in 2012 is Halo 4. I'ma play that shit so much this holiday.

I'll probably borrow my friend's Assassin's Creed III. I kinda cooled down on the series after Revelations to be honest.


Me too, Revelations wasn't very interesting. I don't give the slightest of fucks about Altair. The whole game was basically a retread of Brotherhood, but with more gray and brown. I am looking forward to 3, just because I really enjoy the gameplay. I think I just burnt myself out after playing 1-Rev with in a 3-4 month period. But after 3 and WWE 13, I'll probably cut my gamefly account since there is really nothing else I'm particularly interested in. And I'm getting really annoyed that I haven't had a single game in my top 5 sent to me in 4 months. Even when the games are in high availability or available now. I just wanted to play the Amazing Spiderman. Nope. I'm getting shit that is upwards of 10 on my list getting sent to me every time.
Gamefly was garbage. I had it one summer a few years ago, and I would never get the game I wanted. And multiple games I got that I did want were all scratched up and didn't work.


I've enjoyed it. There are a lot of games I wouldn't have played without it. I just don't have any upcoming games I'm particularly interested in outside of WWE 13 and AssCreed 3. It is annoying that I keep getting games from the bottom of my list sent to me, but they are still games that I wanted to play. Just not in the order I played them. I'm sure I'll end up buying 13, be it from Gamefly or used somewhere else. I have a feeling it will be January or February before I get it sent to me from them, though.


The Claudio vs Justin Gabriel match from Superstars a couple weeks ago is awesome. Like, holy shit, this match is great awesome. If they had that exact match on Raw or a PPV, they'd both get over huge. Has to be the best match Claudio has had on TV. Most of the match was him being mean and showing off his crazy strength. And JG being a great underdog babyface. Although, I find it kind of weird that he has so much gray in his beard. Just looks strange being that he looks so youthful. It's probably the best WWE TV match this year that didn't involve Punk or D-Brine.
On the topic of Zack Ryder, I think he needs to go full on 1980's guy. I'm talking Member Only jackets, the use of surfer lingo (He should sound like he does now plus a little bill and ted thrown on top), Miami Vice style suits and his hair should be slicked back. Oh and give him a theme heavy on the synth.

It would be perfect. People on the internet still like Ryder and he gets decent pops at live events but he can't really do much more with his character. It's always compared to Jersey Shore and now that show is done, so popularity will only fade. Plus, tapping into that 80s attitude and style opens him up to be an 80s style asshole if he turns heel. Think Wall Street and the Boneitis guy from Futurama.

And keep him away from John Cena!
He's losing his hair. He needs to be put in a hair vs. hair/mask match, lose, shave his head, and go heel.

That's all that's left for him

i dont know what youre into bro

if you dont like the games normal people play you can import some japanese rape sims and coop with Plywood, Aiii and Gfex.



So at some point during my ban Linda raided youtube and took a whole bunch of attitude era shit down. I've been making my way through the attitude era and I'm now stranded in October 2000. Kurt Angle has just been buried by HHH and Jeff Hardy did a swanton from the top of the cage. Anyone know where I can watch full raw episodes from the good old days? I can't be only watching new shit.

And Dailymotion isn't going to fly. There are full episodes but the quality is god awful and they have commercials. Although I must say the dude flipping between Raw, Nitro and Monday night football is pretty amusing.


If Ryback can get through the match looking powerful and botch-free, I'm all for a changing of the guard right now. I love Punk, but the guy's been spinning his wheels a bit lately.


I'd love for Punk to be top 3 longest title reign. Who's the top 10 and what's the days? I imagine Hogan, Hitman,SCSA or Cena are the longest.

e: apparently wwe did a thing on it.


cena be #1

and punk is easily top 5 now. Pretty close to beating Nash. Can't believe who is number 2.

punk a made career off one prewritten "shoot" and then coasted on his company cock juggling skills

so he would certainly fit in with the rest of that list
I'd love for Punk to be top 3 longest title reign. Who's the top 10 and what's the days? I imagine Hogan, Hitman,SCSA or Cena are the longest.

e: apparently wwe did a thing on it.


cena be #1

and punk is easily top 5 now. Pretty close to beating Nash. Can't believe who is number 2.

Cena really isn't number one they purposely went longest reigns in the past 25 years to cut off the real number 1 Bruno Sammartino. Maybe Punk can hold it for 7 more years and break the record lol. I hope Punk wins tomorrow hes got everything against him right now Vince, Ratings, WWE Universe polls, Assaulting fans, Linda campaign, WWE Shop discount codes. Every reason to take the title off of him. If they do take the title off of him that was a horrible way to book him going in weak should mean he needs to come out on top.

A.E Suggs


Hogan couldn't even let Macho Man have the belt for more than one day. :(

Very Sad that hogan guy was at the time. Now that I think about it he couldn't even let nash have the belt one day either.

i dont know what youre into bro

if you dont like the games normal people play you can import some japanese rape sims and coop with Plywood, Aiii and Gfex.

I'd replace normal with another word but i'd probably get banned. But i'd really like to know your definition of normal when it comes to gaming. Last time I checked even nerds are normal people...well sometimes.


If Ryback wins the title tonight, the WWE needs to scrap all of their long-term booking going forward.

No CM Punk regaining the championship in a rematch.
No Rock winning the title at the Royal Rumble. You can't have Ryback lose to Dwayne.
He needs to remain undefeated and hold the title until at least Mania.

I hope Ryback wins and ratings plummet even further.
Well guy's I just filled out my WWE Fan Counsel survey for HIAC. If they listen to the fans like they say they do then The Ryback is going to be the new WWE Champion come Sunday!!!
So I DVR'ed Saturday Night Slam...totally worth it.

Derrick Bateman with more than a nod to USA Guy, the running the ropes with no contact gag, Miz selling it terrific on commentary.

I'm starting to like everything but RAW...Sandow & Brine on commentary during SD was awesome. Lame ending, though.


You know, the more I think about it, the more I reckon CM Punk should drop the title tomorrow. It really is one of those rare events where WWE can build a star that people will pay to see. Many might not like Ryback and you're right in thinking he still hasn't proven himself yet in lengthy matches, but it's an opportunity that comes once in a long, long time. I mean, they've been building it for a month, it's almost stupid not to have him go over at this point.

Give him the belt, give him a compelling storyline (where he friggin talks) and have him hold it for a couple of months before losing it to Punk after being screwed by another wrestler (Big Show? Seems like the natural progression). That'll give us a potentially awesome Rock vs Punk feud for Mania and will allow Ryback to continue to develop past a simple catchphrase.
So I've been away from WWE completely since the night of champions PPV (which sucked) and I find it hilarious that they've managed to get Ryback as over as they apparently have judging from how people have been talking about him. I'll be watching just to see how much of a train wreck this whole Ryback thing ends up being.

Also, I'm surprised that WWE has fucked up CM Punk's character this bad, he is so one-note now that it's embarrassing.


So I've been away from WWE completely since the night of champions PPV and I find it hilarious that they've managed to get Ryback as over as they apparently have judging from how people have been talking about him. I'll be watching just to see how much of a train wreck this whole Ryback thing ends up being.

Also, I'm surprised that WWE has fucked up CM Punk's character this bad, he is so one-note now that it's embarrassing.

Yeah, his character was dynamic for a fair while last year. Every promo was something new and something worth listening to. Recently? Same thing over and over and over. They had this badass character that went against wrestling conventions by overcoming the politics of the business. It was one of the freshest moments in the WWE, yet they managed to make it old and stale not too long after.

At his current state, I really couldn't care less if he retains or not. The 330 or days really doesn't feel significant as it should be.


What's really the worst that can happen from a Ryback win? Punk's fake title reign (you know, one of those imaginary brass rings he talked about in the pipe bomb) ending before he passes ____'s reign? Ratings are already terrible, it'd be hard to get much lower. He's a bomb and gets the title taken off of him within a month? Well, that happens all the time anyway.

Worst case scenario is he accidentally hurts Punk. But that's a risk in any match. If it works, you've created a new star. If it doesn't, things will go back to normal, no harm done. Even Steven, 50/50 booking will go on as if they didn't try something new and no one will care. So fuck it, might as well try something new.
Also, CM's current theme song is lame as fuck. Such a pussified song in comparison to This Fire Burns, which goes hand in hand with how neutered his character currently is I guess.
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