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October Wrasslin |OT| Are you a Kane guy? Hell NO! I'm the tag team champions!


God damn food poisoning. I'm dying.....

I just need some Vince in the background.

"He's gonna, he's gonna, HE'S GONNA PUKE!"

over and over again...


So not worth it

Intercontinental Championship: Kofi Kingston vs. The Miz
Remember when Cody Rhodes brought back the white title and we were all like, OMG THEY'RE TAKING THE TITLE SERIOUSLY AGAIN, and then he lost it and it's been in a different hand every two months or so. I think it went from Big Show to Cody to Christian to Miz and now to Kingston since April? Yeah, that's why nobody gives two shits about this match now. Predictions? Kofi jumps alot, Miz does some cocky posing and says awesome once or twice. Miz wins and regains the IC Championship.

Divas Championship: Eve vs. Kaitlyn vs. Layla
That said, I think this is the first time I care (a tiny bit) more for a divas match then every other match on the card, that it inself is an accomplishment for WWE Creative I think. Okay, the storyline is horrible and the only good actor in the bunch is Eve, so it's hard to make people care like that. It's looking to be a 2 on 1 handicap match with Layla and Kaitlyn vs. Eve, meaning there's only one outcome possible and it's Eve retaining. With AJ finally out of the GM role she can go back to wrestling, lets give Eve and her a decent feud and revitalise the divas division on the backs of the two most popular divas atm.

Randy Orton vs. Alberto Del Rio
So honestly guys, I don't care about either of these guys. They can have a great match together, but it's hard to get behind Del Rio's bland "Rich foreigner" gimmick which is just not interesting to anyone. The only reason I like it when Del Rio's music hits is because I get to see some Ricardo Rodriguez comic bits. As for Randy Orton, he utterly sucks as a face, he sucks on the mic and I'm so tired of the SURPRISE RKO OUT OF NOWHERE-spot you see a mile coming unless you're a WWE announcer or wrestler (in the same catagory as Kane's ring-pyro). If any match on the card needed a gimmick to be interesting is this one, give Randy Orton props, tables, ladders, hardcore match, whatever, he's awesome at busting ass. Anyways, face goes over, this is WWE. Randy Orton wins.

WWE Tag Team Championships: Team Hell No (Kane and Daniel Bryan) vs. Team Rhodes Scholars (Cody Rhodes & Damien Sandow)
Damien Sandow and Daniel Bryan on commentary this past Smackdown was the highlight of the week as far as WWE goes. These two really are the best talkers (go back a year and tell somebody we'd be saying this about Bryan btw) in the company right now. Kane is the funiest guy and Cody, well he's just there to make Sandow look amazing by handling the wrestling parts (Sandow isn't bad by all means, but he's by far better as a character then as a pure wrestler), which he does well. Anyways, this should be the match of the night, I hope they get at least 20 minutes for this. There will be some comedy spots for Bryan and Kane of course, but in between we should see some great wrestling. I hope this feud continues for another month (or two), so that's why Team Hell No retain the Tag-Team Titles.

World Heavyweight Championship: Sheamus vs. Big Show
So this is gonna be simultaneously the most boring and the most exciting part of the night. Sheamus is a pretty good big-man wrestler, Big Show however is incapable of having entertaining match unless it's against Mark Henry (apparently). Which brings me to the following prediction, in a 10-15 minute snore-fest, Big Show is kicking out to one or two Brogue Kicks, before he hits the W.M.D. and wins the WHC. After which, a returning Mark Henry comes out of nowhere, kicks his ass and then, finally, Dolph Ziggler cashes in and wins the Championship. Survivor Series will see a 4-way between these guys, in which hopefully Ziggler capatalizes and retains, but I'm getting ahead of myself.

Hell in a Cell for the WWE Championship: CM Punk vs. Ryback
So the question for this match is not IF CM Punk retains, but rather HOW he does it. Now, this being HIAC, there are only a few options. I'm personally thinking we won't see Lesnar back for this one, his dates are limited and it seems a waste to have them here. We could finally see the Heyman-stable I've personally been asking for, so if there is interference, it will be by Cesaro (yes, Heyman, Punk, Cesaro, at some point Lesnar and hopefully eventually AJ will be this new stable). The other option is the good-old cage breaking when Ryberg does his famous spear on Punk through the side. It's also possible we'll see a double KO somehow, where Ryback knocks himself out as well as Punk. Anyway, Punk will retain no doubt, he's keeping the title until the Rumble and Ryback is far from ready for the big spot now, but they'll make him look strong and this match will help him alot getting there. I like that this match is on there, contrary to some, I like Ryback and I like that WWE (was forced to push/) is pushing a new talent in this spot, it gives us a match-up we haven't seen yet and that makes me excited to see it at least. Good way to show how Punk tries to outsmart the unstoppable monster, should be very entertaining imo.

All in all a very boring card, only two interesting matches (main event and the tag-team match) and a bunch of boring ones. Ziggler should cash in and win though, with Vickie away from him in her new role, he should finally be the face, he's been getting more pops lately then boos (unless on Main Event and Smackdown of course) and he should get a huge pop cashing in on the heel Big Show, Cena's injury has shown that WWE desperatly needs a new face now that they turned CM Punk. It's the right time to do it, so I hope they pull the trigger on that one.


So not worth it
Not for Punk, but for Cesaro, who is gonna be a huge star but could really benefit from Heyman's presence, that's why.

Also, the guy is build like a tank, he's a believable opponent for Ryback's next big feud.


It would be better if Cesaro was with some NXT talent in a stable, rather than with Punk and Heyman. Of course, this is assuming WWE wouldn't bury them by one of their faces.


Cesaro's gimmick and well, fan interest is pretty average at best.

In fact he was sort of buried by Cena already with the nipples comment.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
So what kind of push does everyone think Justin Gabriel will be getting? Obviously there's something in store for him, since he beat Cesaro on Raw last week. I've always liked the guy, so here's hoping he's at least getting bumped up out of lower-card hell.


So not worth it
Cena mentioning is one of the reasons I believe he's gonna get a big push. That promo had more meaning then it appeared to have when he opened that Raw, see also the AJ storyline.

They're high on Cesaro, they're in need of building new stars, putting Cesaro with nobodies does nothing for him, putting him with Heyman will help him alot.

So what kind of push does everyone think Justin Gabriel will be getting? Obviously there's something in store for him, since he beat Cesaro on Raw last week. I've always liked the guy, so here's hoping he's at least getting bumped up out of lower-card hell.

Actually, he still got the jobber entrance. I'm thinking one more match where he gets destroyed really.
Thank Jeebus Booker T unbanned the massively dangerous Bro Kick, Sheamus wouldn't have a chance without such a masterful technique against such an imposing foe.

Also, hasn't Ziggler already cashed in his MITB briefcase like 5 times already? I thought you could only cash it in once.


House shows probably have zero impact on what's on TV the week before, but I'm attending the Smackdown tour in Hamburg on Friday and the lineup, including the very recent roster changes they've made, lead me to believe that Ziggler won't cash in (successfully) and that team Hell No will retain their championships.
Being normal is terribly overrated.
Damn right, unless you stray off too far and become like the unique enigma Jeff Hardy.

WWE needs to get on that, HHH could slay hordes of jobbers and Vince would be all "You are a true pillar of this company" do it with Cena and he'll be all "Merchandise sales have never been better" do it with Punk "MY FUCKING RATINGS!"
WWE dynasty warriors would be the tits, i'd love to see one of the games elaborate openings with smirking john cena spinning clotheslining 100 jobbers off the ramp with his trademark smug expression and then it cuts to Vince in the ring looking over at the destruction with a sinister grin, all to cheesy wailing guitar music.

World Heavyweight Championship: Sheamus vs. Big Show
So this is gonna be simultaneously the most boring and the most exciting part of the night. Sheamus is a pretty good big-man wrestler, Big Show however is incapable of having entertaining match unless it's against Mark Henry (apparently). Which brings me to the following prediction, in a 10-15 minute snore-fest, Big Show is kicking out to one or two Brogue Kicks, before he hits the W.M.D. and wins the WHC. After which, a returning Mark Henry comes out of nowhere, kicks his ass and then, finally, Dolph Ziggler cashes in and wins the Championship. Survivor Series will see a 4-way between these guys, in which hopefully Ziggler capatalizes and retains, but I'm getting ahead of myself.
Well this finish is the only way to salvage this match up, I really want to believe.


So not worth it
House shows probably have zero impact on what's on TV the week before, but I'm attending the Smackdown tour in Hamburg on Friday and the lineup, including the very recent roster changes they've made, lead me to believe that Ziggler won't cash in (successfully) and that team Hell No will retain their championships.

I'm going to Smackdown in Brussels, and they're advertising Bryan for it. They're also advertising Bryan (and Kane) for a Raw one in Belfast the same night.

Now, unless the man has an Earl Hebner style evil twin, I wouldn't go so far as to call that entirely accurate.
But the question is, will his foot be able to reach that high?
There's a number of ways we can reach this finish...

Steel Steps: For that extra height but that's boring!

Sin Cara's old trampoline: Put some spring in that Brogue Step.

Stilts: Not with Ladders this time though, the real deal.

Crotch Kick 1: Brogue Kick to Show's nut sack.

Crotch Kick 2: Normal kick to Show's nads which have him keel over in position for a Brogue to the face.

Or obscure reference, Sheamus learns to "Jump Good" by training with some lucha guys over the weekend.
Big Show: Irish Fool! your efforts are in vain again, my head is still beyond your rea-What?! you can fly?!
Sheamus: No, jump good fella!


The Claudio vs Justin Gabriel match from Superstars a couple weeks ago is awesome. Like, holy shit, this match is great awesome. If they had that exact match on Raw or a PPV, they'd both get over huge. Has to be the best match Claudio has had on TV. Most of the match was him being mean and showing off his crazy strength. And JG being a great underdog babyface. Although, I find it kind of weird that he has so much gray in his beard. Just looks strange being that he looks so youthful. It's probably the best WWE TV match this year that didn't involve Punk or D-Brine.

Went back to watch this episode of Superstars, got a great Wade/Tyson Kidd match, and the Cesaro/Gabriel match is just after starting, and instantly, USA chants. I know Cesaro is a foreign heel, but does "From Cape Town, South Africa" just go in one ear and out the other?


They've already done Big Show winning and being cashed in on already. Not again please.

Just have Sheamus drop the title at Mania.


If the Heyman stable happens with Punk and Brock in there, they should come out to Miseria Cantare. Would be epic.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
I think Sheamus wins by some bullshit. Show gets pissed and uses the donkey punch to knock Sheamus out. ZIGZAG comes out and cashes in.


I think Sheamus wins by some bullshit. Show gets pissed and uses the donkey punch to knock Sheamus out. ZIGZAG comes out and cashes in.
I can see that.

Hopefully if and when Dolph wins the title, he doesn't get bullshit booking like Punk did early on, or the reigns of Swagger, Sheamus' first run after beating Cena in the Table match, or Miz (granted he held it long, but he had no substantial wins).


I can see that.

Hopefully if and when Dolph wins the title, he doesn't get bullshit booking like Punk did early on, or the reigns of Swagger, Sheamus' first run after beating Cena in the Table match, or Miz (granted he held it long, but he had no substantial wins).

Pretty sure he'll get bullshit booking. :/


If Ryback wins tonight, it changes the complexion of all future PPVs for the foreseeable future. I don't think WWE creative had planned on having Ryback come out champion until Cena's injury, and that they probably had tons of non-Ryback scenarios all planned out. However, I can see Vince pulling rank on this and making a panicky title change due to Raw's plummeting ratings.


I think Sheamus wins by some bullshit. Show gets pissed and uses the donkey punch to knock Sheamus out. ZIGZAG comes out and cashes in.

I think they want to solidify Sheamus as a legit main eventer with this match so I think he overcomes the height odds to hit the Brogue Kick (maybe a couple in a row) to KO Show.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
What's wrong with Sheamus first title run? He beat Cena for the title. Then he beat Orton clean at Rumble. He lost the title in a elimination chamber match. Everything after that was dumb.

I boot up WWE 13 for the first time and Evolution's theme starts playing at the title screen. GOTY.

I think they want to solidify Sheamus as a legit main eventer with this match so I think he overcomes the height odds to hit the Brogue Kick (maybe a couple in a row) to KO Show.

If they wanted to put Sheamus over on Show, they wouldn't do that stupid finisher move calculation shit a couple of weeks ago. Show has the more powerful move and that's why I think Sheamus gets the punch after the match so people will understand how Dolph pins Sheamus.

The next PPV would probably be a 3 way or Dolph goes off on his own while Sheamus and Show keep bitch slapping each other.


I think Sheamus wins by some bullshit. Show gets pissed and uses the donkey punch to knock Sheamus out. ZIGZAG comes out and cashes in.

It makes sense for Ziggler to take it off Sheamus more since Ziggler is a heel and Sheamus is a face. After that, Ziggler and Sheamus feud with Ziggler getting an impressive victory. Maybe this even happens tomorrow on Raw as a ratings hook.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
The United States Champion is NOT in WWE 13

so much for title management.

fuuuuuuuuuuu the INTERNET championship is a real title on here



Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife

(I changed the IC to Kofi)

time to sim!

ahahahah Team Cobro is already on here. They've only been tagging for a couple of months.


I'm going to Smackdown in Brussels, and they're advertising Bryan for it. They're also advertising Bryan (and Kane) for a Raw one in Belfast the same night.

Now, unless the man has an Earl Hebner style evil twin, I wouldn't go so far as to call that entirely accurate.

The WWE app seems to be pretty up to date as far as the show roster goes, at least the section is updated. Bryan being at the Raw UK tour seems accurate because they've also dropped him from the TV adverts that we get during Raw and Smackdown here in Germany. Most recently they've removed Mysterio and Ziggler from the card with Ziggler also being at Raw.
When I got the tickets, Bryan, Cesaro and Sandow were a good possibility because they were Smackdown staples at the time, which would have been awesome, but none of them seems to be there. The DUMBEST mistake the WWE is doing with this tour is not having Cesaro in Germany and let him interact with the crowd. They're flying him in to Switzerland from the Raw tour for one gig only.


I don't think I will be watching the PPV today. If I'm not around while it airs, or if this thread reaches critical mass in the aftermath, remember to use the September thread.


I'm curious; will anyone be disappointed if Punk retains? Or does it matter how he retains? I really see this as a match with huge long-term effects for the WWE, and I believe that Punk and Ryback have been going over the choreography to try to produce a classic. At least, that's what I hope.


My reasons for not watching the PPV tonight are personal, nothing to do with the show. It's a family matter I would rather not get into. I might watch it if I'm around at that time or I might not. Depending on how I feel.


There's a number of ways we can reach this finish...

Steel Steps: For that extra height but that's boring!

Sin Cara's old trampoline: Put some spring in that Brogue Step.

Stilts: Not with Ladders this time though, the real deal.

Crotch Kick 1: Brogue Kick to Show's nut sack.

Crotch Kick 2: Normal kick to Show's nads which have him keel over in position for a Brogue to the face.

Or obscure reference, Sheamus learns to "Jump Good" by training with some lucha guys over the weekend.
Big Show: Irish Fool! your efforts are in vain again, my head is still beyond your rea-What?! you can fly?!
Sheamus: No, jump good fella!
Brogue kick from the top rope.
God damn food poisoning. I'm dying.....

I just need some Vince in the background.

"He's gonna, he's gonna, HE'S GONNA PUKE!"

over and over again...

That was me after my match last night. My stomach had been turning the whole show. After it ended one of the guys started doing that as I had to run to the bathroom.
My reasons for not watching the PPV tonight are personal, nothing to do with the show. It's a family matter I would rather not get into. I might watch it if I'm around at that time or I might not. Depending on how I feel.
You got Family Matters on DVD and are watching that instead.
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