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October Wrasslin |OT| Are you a Kane guy? Hell NO! I'm the tag team champions!


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Hahah... thanks man... though I'm not sure how amazing they will be this time. I'm thinking right now I'm going to be going the Ambrose route for my sign or possibly a "Millions of Dollars" something or another. Nothing is really hitting it off with me right now so I'm undecided. Hopefully the next few weeks will pick up and give me something better to work with.

Where will you be sitting this time around?


Don't make an Ambrose sign, nobody will recognize it and he won't be there!



formerly cjelly
Why does Miz's new shirt use the Angry Birds font?

Thinking back to last nights events i've got to wonder why WWE wasted two perfectly good star building victories in recent years of bloody Big Show of all people.

Last year Mark Henry was an absolutely top notch monster heel that charged you for air and you damn well paid the man less your wig get split. Golden Boy Orton who usually wins everything put him over two months straight cementing the fact that Mark Henry was not going to be some chump heel champ or so I thought.
In came Big Show having broken free from the hall of pain exhibit and coming for revenge and suddenly Henry was damn near running scared each week, shades of Kane's WHC reign decline the previous year.
But during all of this Henry had a sidestory with Bryan going which was really getting interesting, fortuntaely Bryan got over in the end anyway but a clean and hard earned win over the unstoppable monster Henry would have been a huge boon to any upcoming face, instead Big Show just punches the guy and wins to an almost non reacting crowd, of course when Bryan cashed in minutes later they were pretty pumped so safe to say Henry's loss was wasted on Show.

Moving onto this year, Sheamus is damn near undefeated this year (only clean loss was CM Punk at Main Event the other week I think and who the hell saw that?), he wins the rumble, squashes Bryan to win the belt and sits atop the Smackdown throne pushing back the constant attacks from Del Rio and Ziggler with a jolly grin, his finisher has become the new RKO to boot (ahahaha).
Suddenly Big Show enters the fray because...well fuck knows, he wasn't doing anything I guess and just got back from a break, but Sheamus has thwarted all challengers, he's the new Cena, he is Super Sheamus.
Alas he can't kick Big Show and thus he is finally defeated by a punch, the reign is over.
Meanwhile Ziggler has been gunning for Sheamus for like months it seems and then there's Wade Barrett whose elbow finisher could certainly have served a similar role in that match and could use some extra credibility, plus he's also been around Sheamus as of recent weeks.
But nope, a big heel victory to halt Super Sheamus clean with no shenanigans is wasted on Big Show of all people who will go on to have an uneventful reign no doubt.

The IC title at WM was basically wasted on Show with him dropping it back the following month (a WM moment it was not), the first money in the bank cash in failure was simultaneously ruined by Cena and Show, I mean damn I don't hate Show but they keep squandering some prime opportunities for other upcoming wrestlers on some guy whose main gimmick is being big and angry or big and jolly, the fans don't come to see him and don't even react much to anything he does.
Basically fuck WWE and their Big Show booking, he doesn't need any sort of rub, he's a flipping giant, he'll always be considered a threat to an extent.

Giving credit where it's due Show has had good matches when the titles at stake in both 2011 and 2012, must be that extra motivation.
I saw someone wearing a CM Punk shirt the other day at my school. He looked like the type of person I imagined would wear wrestling shirts in public.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Thinking back to last nights events i've got to wonder why WWE wasted two perfectly good star building victories in recent years of bloody Big Show of all people.

Last year Mark Henry was an absolutely top notch monster heel that charged you for air and you damn well paid the man less your wig get split. Golden Boy Orton who usually wins everything put him over two months straight cementing the fact that Mark Henry was not going to be some chump heel champ or so I thought.
In came Big Show having broken free from the hall of pain exhibit and coming for revenge and suddenly Henry was damn near running scared each week, shades of Kane's WHC reign decline the previous year.
But during all of this Henry had a sidestory with Bryan going which was really getting interesting, fortuntaely Bryan got over in the end anyway but a clean and hard earned win over the unstoppable monster Henry would have been a huge boon to any upcoming face, instead Big Show just punches the guy and wins to an almost non reacting crowd, of course when Bryan cashed in minutes later they were pretty pumped so safe to say Henry's loss was wasted on Show.

Moving onto this year, Sheamus is damn near undefeated this year (only clean loss was CM Punk at Main Event the other week I think and who the hell saw that?), he wins the rumble, squashes Bryan to win the belt and sits atop the Smackdown throne pushing back the constant attacks from Del Rio and Ziggler with a jolly grin, his finisher has become the new RKO to boot (ahahaha).
Suddenly Big Show enters the fray because...well fuck knows, he wasn't doing anything I guess and just got back from a break, but Sheamus has thwarted all challengers, he's the new Cena, he is Super Sheamus.
Alas he can't kick Big Show and thus he is finally defeated by a punch, the reign is over.
Meanwhile Ziggler has been gunning for Sheamus for like months it seems and then there's Wade Barrett whose elbow finisher could certainly have served a similar role in that match and could use some extra credibility, plus he's also been around Sheamus as of recent weeks.
But nope, a big heel victory to halt Super Sheamus clean with no shenanigans is wasted on Big Show of all people who will go on to have an uneventful reign no doubt.

The IC title at WM was basically wasted on Show with him dropping it back the following month (a WM moment it was not), the first money in the bank cash in failure was simultaneously ruined by Cena and Show, I mean damn I don't hate Show but they keep squandering some prime opportunities for other upcoming wrestlers on some guy whose main gimmick is being big and angry or big and jolly, the fans don't come to see him and don't even react much to anything he does.
Basically fuck WWE and their Big Show booking, he doesn't need any sort of rub, he's a flipping giant, he'll always be considered a threat to an extent.

Giving credit where it's due Show has had good matches when the titles at stake in both 2011 and 2012, must be that extra motivation.

Show is always fortunate he can look credible no matter how low he sinks, and he showed that he was last night.

I hear what you're saying about all the wasting they did, but almost everything can be reset with a return or repackaging, so hold the faith on Mark Hanrie.


What are the chances a "John Cena is Poopy" sign would get taken away from me. Poopy is PG isn't it?

Anti-face signs get taken regardless of their PGness sometimes.

Case and point:

- WWE was confiscating all “Goldberg” signs at Sunday’s night’s Hell in a Cell pay-per-view. With the show taking place from Atlanta (where Goldberg played for the NFL’s Falcons,), WWE did not want “Goldberg” chants breaking out during Ryback’s main event match.


And Toronto is eternally ignored. :(
Clearly Toronto crowds must be far worse than last night's terrific Atlanta audience.
When Toronto fans cheer for Cena and sit on their hands for everyone else like good little sheep, the WWE will return.

Just pretend he's Doug Gilmour or Wendel Clark or something.


Oh shit, Gamefly IS sending me WWE 13 right away. I'm amazed. I figured it'd be 3 months before it would make it to me, even though it was number 1 on my list. Should be playing it tomorrow or Wednesday, and I'll probably keep it. I've said I was done with DLC, especially on yearly games..but come on, this is the best WWE DLC ever.

I like that WWE only uses Chili of TLC to show her popping for or talking about other black wrestlers.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
hahaha I totally would do that. I'll also get your ryback avatar up at some point.

Don't rush it, stay dry!

I also went Str8 Fatso today at lunch and hit up Burger King and got an Angry Whopper since they're in 'season' briefly. Been a long time since I fucked with their food, and shit was alright. A+


I can't wait to create the NXT Arena and download the roster, then put all the mid carders on the show and make it the main promotion. Plus Generico and Steen. Probably Gangrel, too. And I'll have Ryback come in once a month to to 3 on 1 handicap matches.


Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
Can you just have one World Title for both SD and RAW?

And how much better is Universe mode?

The Universe has it's own storylines but they're not pre-determained so you don't have to follow a scripted story. I haven't messed with it too much but in the options, you can have teams forming/break up/turn on each other, fans reaction changing stories, injuries, and non-ppv stories. You can create your own WWE shows on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturdays with show exclusive titles. Can you have a unified champ? Probably.

I created a show on Tuesday Nights using the Over The Edge 98 set with Mike Tyson as the champ. He jobbed to the Bulldog after Paul Wight interfered. For some reason the crowd at my shows keep chanting ECW.

Oh..don't forget to turn blood on!
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