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October Wrasslin |OT| Are you a Kane guy? Hell NO! I'm the tag team champions!


In ROH news, PWInsider is reporting that Jim Cornette is gone as booker of the company, but will stay on to work behind the scenes and on-screen - the reins have now been handed solely to Delirious, who was booker for a short while between the Pearce & Cornette eras.


It looks like Cornette is done on the screen:

Cornette will be written out of ROH storylines with an angle where he was attacked backstage by an irate Jay Lethal in the fallout of the no contest with Kevin Steen in Rahway. ROH will be running stories on their website to explain the changes with Cornette's exit from his authority figure role.


pwinsider also has an interesting article of important dates for CM Punk's title reign:

As of today he has held the title for 323 days, the 10th longest reign in WWE history.

November 12, 2012: On this day, CM Punk will tie Kevin Nash for the 9th longest reign in WWE History, at 358 days, matching Nash's 1994-95 reign as Diesel. This would require Punk to make it as Champion until the "Go Home" edition of RAW prior to the Survivor Series. Exiting that show as champion would give him ninth place to himself.

November 18, 2012: On this day, CM Punk will tie Hulk Hogan for the 8th longest reign in WWE History, at 364 days, matching Hogan's second reign which began at Wrestlemania V. This would require Punk to make it as Champion heading into Survivor Series. Exiting that show as champion would give him eighth place to himself.

November 25, 2012: On this day, CM Punk will tie Randy Savage for the 7th longest reign in WWE History, at 371 days, matching Randy Savage's first reign which began at Wrestlemania IV. This would require Punk to make it as Champion through the week of TV following Survivor Series (and the next weekends house shows). If he shows up on RAW on 11/26 still as the WWE Champion he will have seventh place to himself.

December 4, 2012: On this day, CM Punk will tie John Cena for the 6th longest reign in WWE History, at 380 days, matching John Cena's third reign which began with a 2006 TLC win over Edge and continued until he was stripped after his 2007 pectoral tear. This would require Punk to make it as Champion through RAW on 12/3. Completing the 12/4 Smackdown taping still as the WWE Champion would give him sixth place to himself.

And that is where for all intents and purposes, this climb of CM Punk up the list of longest champions ends. Here are the dates below that we know he won't get to.

September 12, 2014: Punk would have to keep the belt nearly two more years in order to tie Pedro Morales' reign for the 5th longest reign of all time.

April 10, 2015: Punk would have to come out of Wrestlemania 31 still as the WWE Champion (and hold it for a little beyond whatever date that was) in order to tie Bruno Sammartino's second reign as WWE Champion for the 4th longest reign of all time.

December 3, 2015: Punk is still over three years away from being able to tie Hulk Hogan's first reign as Champion for the 3rd longest reign of all time (and the longest reign of the Wrestlemania era).

September 24, 2017: Punk is a little less than five years away from being able to tie Bob Backlund's first reign as Champion for the 2nd longest reign of all-time. Note: Technically, Wiki lists this as three reigns of 648, 672, and 763 as Backlund lost the title to Antonio Inoki and then had it held up in a match with Greg Valentine. If WWE recognized those changes then Punk would currently be 12th, not 10th.

July 24, 2019: Punk would need to go nearly seven years more in order to tie Bruno Sammartino for the longest Championship reign of all-time.

That December 3rd Raw should be a huge show.....I expect one last Cena vs Punk match for the title there.


I feel like Punk vs Cena is the new Macho vs Hogan, except Punk always wins, but Cena acts like they don't count. They'll feud off and on every few months until one of them is gone. And then they'll do it in TNA.

Jamie OD

Only just getting around to ordering and watching the New Japan iPPV now when my early attempts to didn't work for some reason. Looks like I'm in for one heck of a show.


I feel like Punk vs Cena is the new Macho vs Hogan, except Punk always wins, but Cena acts like they don't count. They'll feud off and on every few months until one of them is gone. And then they'll do it in TNA.

It's basically because WWE has no big feuds for Cena anymore. At one time they had Orton, Edge and Batista lined up but they've ended those feuds. Now who else do they have that is legit booked to be on Cena's level? Daniel Bryan? Sheamus? I can't think of many.


WrassleGaf Informer Update

Wrasslin Thread has come to terms with Frankman and has agreed to renew his contract for an unspecified number of years. Frankman will be performing on NXT until his deal has been finalized which should take close to one month. We will have more on this story as it develops.
It's basically because WWE has no big feuds for Cena anymore. At one time they had Orton, Edge and Batista lined up but they've ended those feuds. Now who else do they have that is legit booked to be on Cena's level? Daniel Bryan? Sheamus? I can't think of many.

No one is at Cena's level. No one. Not even Punk, despite beating him a half-dozen times.

I mean, this is a WWE Universe where a face Cena can tell Punk that he's the main event even without the title as if that's somehow Punk's fault, as if Punk somehow dropped the ball and not because WWE are so deathly afraid of making Cena look weak, or not having him as the focus of the show month to month.

John Cena is pretty much the worst thing in wrestling. I don't want to hear about what a great fucking guy he is, about how he's dissatisfied with his character that's been stale for 5+ years now, how he's a great spokesman and face of the company, and how, love him or hate him, you've got to respect the man, etc. I don't fucking care. The man is death to my entertainment and enjoyment and is only watchable when dragged to a good match by his betters. /rant
I miss Cena quite a bit, at least more and more every week. He gets the biggest pops, all eyes always on him, gets the most attention from the crowd, he's the star and the show is missing its star. No other guy on the roster is at his level. Even Wrasslegaf gives him the most attention... when Cena is doing a promo I guarantee 9/10 times there are more posts during that promo than any other part of Raw the same time length, so despite all the hate you're affected by Cena the most. He needs to get back soon because this idiot with the gut that looks like a dirty bum cannot carry the product.


formerly cjelly
I miss Cena quite a bit, at least more and more every week. He gets the biggest pops, all eyes always on him, gets the most attention from the crowd, he's the star and the show is missing its star. No other guy on the roster is at his level. Even Wrasslegaf gives him the most attention... when Cena is doing a promo I guarantee 9/10 times there are more posts during that promo than any other part of Raw the same time length, so despite all the hate you're affected by Cena the most. He needs to get back soon because this idiot with the gut that looks like a dirty bum cannot carry the product.



It's basically because WWE has no big feuds for Cena anymore. At one time they had Orton, Edge and Batista lined up but they've ended those feuds. Now who else do they have that is legit booked to be on Cena's level? Daniel Bryan? Sheamus? I can't think of many.

I'd be down for a Cena vs D-Brine feud, even if Cena dominated it. Or Cena vs HUNICO!


Junior Member
I miss Cena quite a bit, at least more and more every week. He gets the biggest pops, all eyes always on him, gets the most attention from the crowd, he's the star and the show is missing its star. No other guy on the roster is at his level. Even Wrasslegaf gives him the most attention... when Cena is doing a promo I guarantee 9/10 times there are more posts during that promo than any other part of Raw the same time length, so despite all the hate you're affected by Cena the most. He needs to get back soon because this idiot with the gut that looks like a dirty bum cannot carry the product.

He was gone one week WTF.
He gets the biggest *seagull* pops

Heavy said:
No other guy on the roster *is given a chance to be* at his level.

Fix'd, lol.

Heavy said:
Even Wrasslegaf gives him the most attention... when Cena is doing a promo I guarantee 9/10 times there are more posts during that promo than any other part of Raw the same time length, so despite all the hate you're affected by Cena the most.

And they squander that attention entirely, by refusing to do anything remotely interesting with his character. As long as Cena is the perennial focus of the WWE and remains his bland, boring, kid friendly self, he'll keep driving away paying fans like me. The number of WWE PPVs I actually pay for is dwindling with each year. I'm up to 2 for 2012, and I can't see myself purchasing a 3rd. #ThanksJohn
He was gone one week WTF.

It feels longer than a week or two. That's the kind of impact he has. Not trolling, I don't like some of the story lines he's in and some of his promos but he's the star of the show. Nobody on the regular roster is more over. Punk can't carry his jean shorts.
How on earth to you guys fall for Heavy's #trollpromos? lol

I *know* he's probably trolling. I just can't help responding in a serious manner. Like Bean's joke a few pages back about Tensai, Sakamoto & Yoshi being more than enough to satisfy fans puroresu. I can't help myself. It's a sickness.


The Phoenix New Times has an interview up with Bully Ray......

You've reinvented yourself over the past year, going from a goofy tweener to a badass thug. How come?

Well, you have to reinvent yourself in this business. I was part of the most successful tag team in the history of pro wrestling, other than the Road Warriors, for 15 years. Twenty-three major world tag team titles and I've done just about everything you could possibly do as a tag team on the planet.

So when you decide to venture off and go into a singles career, you gotta do something drastic and you gotta do something quick. You gotta make people forget that you were the part of a tag team. In only a short amount of time, I've gone from one of the most successful tag team guys of all time to an extremely successful singles competitor in just about a year and a half.

You've cut some killer promos in wrestling and are probably one of the biggest assholes in the business. What's been the key to getting people to hate you?

How do I get people to get pissed off and hate me? It's just me. There's no acting, there's no nothing. What you see is what you get. What you see on TV is the way I am in real life. You don't like me? I don't care. I don't care if people like me, I don't care if people hate me, love me, wanna name their first born after me, wanna throw a brick through my window. Don't give a damn. You gotta respect me for what I've done. This is real personality. When you hear me...I don't cut promos. I just talk. I just say what comes into my mind. What you saw in ECW, what you saw in WWE...In WWE, I didn't have as much time to really get [things] off my chest what I wanted to. in TNA, I do. There's no character here, buddy. No character, whatsoever.

What are your feelings about Devon leaving TNA?

I really could not care less about Devon. I haven't cared about Devon in almost two years. If Devon didn't let Chris Sabin kick out of the 3-D, I would've never blasted him in the back of the head and turned on him. Devon is not my concern. I have one business interest in Devon outside of TNA and that is [our] professional wrestling school, the Team 3-D Academy. Other than that, I really don't care about him.

Could you comment on Devon leaving TNA in a non-kayfabe way?

I don't understand. Non kay...what?

Not in character.

I'm giving you my legit answer. I...really...don't...care. Whatever he does with his time, and whatever he wants to do is fine. We have one business interest that is extremely successful, so we choose to continue with that successful business interest, which is our wrestling academy. Other than him deciding not to sign, his business. He doesn't want to be with TNA, his business. Whatever he decides to do with his life, his business.

I have to ask this: Are you behind Aces and Eights?

I do not know who's behind the Aces and Eights.

TNA has vastly improved over the past year. Are y'all on a quest to beat WWE?

When I sit back and look at the scope of professional wrestling these days, I definitely think TNA offers a much better product than anything else that you see right now. In my opinion, it's 'cause we give more variety of wrestling. Things like the X-Division, which are a bunch of high flyers, great personalities, great in-ring wrestlers, great brawlers. We're a much better buffet of pro wrestling than anything else out there. TNA has only been around for 10 years, so basically still in their [infancy]. I think the company's doing really well. I think what you see on TV is very entertaining and I see a tremendous light at the end of the tunnel with this company.

Once you win the TNA title, then what?

Once I get the TNA title, that's when I get to do what I said I wanted to do from day one. Sit back and watch the shock on people's faces. The horror that somebody that they never thought could ever become the world heavyweight champion did exactly what he said. It's not about money, it's not about titles, it's just doing what I want to do and pissing people off and upsetting the wrestling world. That's what actually brings me real satisfaction. And banging strippers.

And how often do you get to do that?

At least once a week.

What are the drawbacks of doing that?

Banging strippers? Venereal disease. Haven't you ever banged a stripper before?

Um...Were you inspired to...

Wait a minute, you didn't answer my question.

No, I haven't banged a stripper.

Oh, okay. That's your loss. Next question.

Does the chain around your neck ever get in the way?

Absolutely not. As a matter of fact, the strippers like it.

Were you inspired by some of the biggest assholes in wrestling when creating your character, whether it was Ric Flair or Paul Heyman or someone like that?

No one has ever inspired me in wrestling. I grew up watching certain products and appreciating cetain products more than others. If you're asking me to talk about guys who I gravitated towards, yes, guys like Terry Funk, teams like the Road Warriors, absolutely. That's who I grew up appreciating and watching the most.

Would you ever go back to WWE? And do you think your new character could get over in WWE?
Pro wrestling is a business just like any other business, and you always go where the best opportunities and the best money is. So whenever it comes time to negotiate, I always leave myself open to make whatever the best decision is in my world, in my best interest. Sticking with TNA right now was in my best interest. When my contract is up with TNA, you never know. I might retire, I could end up with another company. You never know where you're going to end up and you never know if a company's gonna still want you around. So you always leave things open-ended. It's a smart move.

Ok so I wanted to only post the best parts but I only wound up omitting a boring contract negotiation question. The actual article is here: http://blogs.phoenixnewtimes.com/jackalope/2012/10/bully_ray_tna.php


I did a 5k Breast Cancer walk this weekend. I saw maybe half a dozen Cena pink merch. Pretty low percentage for a 30k turn out. But maybe about right compared to house hold and ratings for WWE these days.


So not worth it
It feels longer than a week or two. That's the kind of impact he has. Not trolling, I don't like some of the story lines he's in and some of his promos but he's the star of the show. Nobody on the regular roster is more over. Punk can't carry his jean shorts.

So what was your opinion on him attacking Punk from behind with a pipe? Or why everyone demands Punk must beat him at HiaC to really be the best in the world, even though he beat him on two consecutive Summerslam's, MitB 2011 and Night of Champions as well as on Raw 1000?


So not worth it


Junior Member
I did a 5k Breast Cancer walk this weekend. I saw maybe half a dozen Cena pink merch. Pretty low percentage for a 30k turn out. But maybe about right compared to house hold and ratings for WWE these days.

Was there a wwe house show or tv event in your area recently.


Reads like a terrible interview.

Speaking of the X-Division... Where the hell is Zema Ion? Seems to me the dude has less appearance dates in his contract then Brock Lesnar has in his.

They have been slowly bringing the x-division back on tv since the BFG series ended.
So what was your opinion on him attacking Punk from behind with a pipe? Or why everyone demands Punk must beat him at HiaC to really be the best in the world, even though he beat him on two consecutive Summerslam's, MitB 2011 and Night of Champions as well as on Raw 1000?

Punk stepped up to him in a threatening manner despite him wearing a cast.

The other question well maybe they've done all regular matches and now he should beat him in a steel cage.

Mr. Sam

The other question well maybe they've done all regular matches and now he should beat him in a steel cage.

The correct answer is that Punk has never beat Cena decisively or cleanly. Cena's been distracted or had his foot on the ropes or Big Show's lamped him. Hell in a Cell is a no holds barred match where no outside interference is (theoretically) possible.
The correct answer is that Punk has never beat Cena decisively or cleanly. Cena's been distracted or had his foot on the ropes or Big Show's lamped him. Hell in a Cell is a no holds barred match where no outside interference is (theoretically) possible.

Yeah, what Sam said.
The correct answer is that Punk has never beat Cena decisively or cleanly.

Because doing so would be a goddam miracle - I mean...Cena...putting someone over cleanly? Just doesn't seem plausible. Or, it's been so long since it last happened, I've forgotten that the man has it in him.


So not worth it
The correct answer is that Punk has never beat Cena decisively or cleanly. Cena's been distracted or had his foot on the ropes or Big Show's lamped him. Hell in a Cell is a no holds barred match where no outside interference is (theoretically) possible.

Cena is never booked to lose clean though. Ever. He loses maybe five matches a year incl. house shows and never ever clean.

It's the main reason he gets so much hate, he isn't remotely believable as a character.

Jamie OD

Even though I find Low Ki more tolerable in Japan than in America lately, I secretly long for the day someone legit knocks him out. Doesn't matter if it is intentional or not. Just someone go and give that little fucker a taste of his own medicine.
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