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October Wrasslin |OT| Are you a Kane guy? Hell NO! I'm the tag team champions!

That gif truly is legendary. I mean, it's perfect. I need that captioned and high res'd.

Punk is a mega douchebag and deserves whatever he has coming to him if he did this.

Edit: Judging by a few witnesses, seems like the guy was the one being the douche, and he apparently pushed Punk before the camera showed Punk's reaction. In which case the gif becomes even more legendary.

Mr. Robot

As we all know, Punk has this fame of being a jerk to the fans, but i still believe that there is more to what the camera caught, punk clearly saw who taped him on the shoulder, so that is not the reason he punched the guy, or maybe Punk just doesn't deal with it guys...


No One Remembers
Uh oh, the guy behind CrankyVince may have tweeted from the wrong account? :lol


Probably not :(

Will Punk fight himself like he was going to fight Chris Brown? Same situation, seemingly, gender difference aside.

If Punk is suspended then what do they do? This whole deal could be really bad for WWE and the fans. This angle was starting to get pretty good.


Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Punk hits a fan, in a really unprofessional and classless moment, and CrankyVince is outed.

It's good to be home. Hi everyone!
Punk always has the best interactions with fans. Calling the fans idiots for liking TNA, calling fans derogatory sexual preference names. Oh and getting slapped in the face by a grandma and then having her ejected from the building
Missed RAW, what happened?

Best to worst:
- CM Punk shooting supa hot fire on WWE Chairman Mr. McMahon
- Tyson Kidd vs Antonio Cesaro in the most PWG match you'll likely see on Raw in a long time
- Punk doing his Kevin Steen impression on a fan's face
- Three (!) tag team matches in even more specific best to worst: Hell No vs Ziggler/ADR, Los Luchas vs PTPs, Rhodes Scholars vs Comedy Jobbers - though really all were pretty good in terms of quality
- Vince vs Punk in basically a streetfight, very good - I wouldn't have booked Vince so strongly but the dude was working his ass off and took a shiner in the eye so it left me happy
- Barrett vs Sheamus fought to a DQ or something, glad they didn't spoil this feud already as it was pretty fun
- McMahon issuing Punk an ultimatum - fight Cena or Ryback
- Ryback does the Ryback on Team Puerto Rico
- Divas~! (honestly, Kaitlyn and Eve are improving every match so I'll give them that
- John Cena excited for everyone here tonight and also Punk is gay!
- Something with Larry King/Miz/Kofi and something Brodus Clay/Ron Killings, lol didn't watch
Best to worst:
- CM Punk shooting supa hot fire on WWE Chairman Mr. McMahon
- Tyson Kidd vs Antonio Cesaro in the most PWG match you'll likely see on Raw in a long time
- Punk doing his Kevin Steen impression on a fan's face
- Three (!) tag team matches in even more specific best to worst: Hell No vs Ziggler/ADR, Los Luchas vs PTPs, Rhodes Scholars vs Comedy Jobbers - though really all were pretty good in terms of quality
- Vince vs Punk in basically a streetfight, very good - I wouldn't have booked Vince so strongly but the dude was working his ass off and took a shiner in the eye so it left me happy
- Barrett vs Sheamus fought to a DQ or something, glad they didn't spoil this feud already as it was pretty fun
- McMahon issuing Punk an ultimatum - fight Cena or Ryback
- Ryback does the Ryback on Team Puerto Rico
- Divas~! (honestly, Kaitlyn and Eve are improving every match so I'll give them that
- John Cena excited for everyone here tonight and also Punk is gay!
- Something with Larry King/Miz/Kofi and something Brodus Clay/Ron Killings, lol didn't watch

Wow, sounds like I missed some stuff.


Will Punk fight himself like he was going to fight Chris Brown? Same situation, seemingly, gender difference aside.

Same situation. Punk swinging at a fan after getting hit or shoved is the same as holding down and beating the fuck out of a 90 pound girl for a half hour? A "slightly warm face" and broken glasses is the same to you as what Rihanna looked like? Come on, son. There is nothing similar at all between that and this besides someone getting hit in the face.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Thanks fellas, tis a most auspicious day for the ANIMAL to return.

I make no excuses for the MMA debut of Batista. It was ugly, but he knows he's not going to be champion and he's following his heart. I'm glad he's undefeated as of uh, right now. :)


Thanks fellas, tis a most auspicious day for the ANIMAL to return.

I make no excuses for the MMA debut of Batista. It was ugly, but he knows he's not going to be champion and he's following his heart. I'm glad he's undefeated as of uh, right now. :)

When Batista flops he can come back to WWE and tag team with Lesnar to help him bring legitimacy back to the company.


Oh man I hope it's just a fine. Losing Punk would be awful. I don't know what this is or anything but I just hope it doesn't result in a couple things: Punk suspended/removed (anything that takes him off screen) and even tamer storylines.
They have done a great job in building up Ryback but I would like to see them hold off on giving him the title. Then again, him winning at Hell in a Cell would get a huge pop from the crowd. But I think after that, he would just fizzle out.


I honestly don't get why Vince was portrayed as being that tough.

I just feel like the cowardly heel that runs away should stop. Big heels like Big Show shouldn't be the only ones that can deliever an ass-whooping and leave.

Vince should have been wrecked and then CM Punk hops on the mic to talk about respect. Ryback music hits, they dance around in the ring until Punk slips away and then Cena catches him from behind swinging a lead pipe so Punk escapes through the crowd. He starts being cocky in the stands as Vince comes to and delivers his little speech about him picking between Ryback and Cena. Boom. Punk looks like a serious dominator but still vulnerable enough that he might be worried about both Ryback and Cena.

As it stands, I don't feel confident that Punk walks out champion at HiaC. Unless he faces Ryback and Cena, wishing to prove he can beat CM Punk for the title, screws over Ryback so Punk retains and they can go into Survivor Series for a "SERIOUSLY IF YOU BEAT ME NOW YOU'LL BE RESPECTED. I MEAN IT THIS TIME." match. Pink wins, goes into a program with The Rock and then until WrestleMania, Cena can fight Ryback.

They'll pay the guy off or something in the end.

Not if enough people come forth with eye-witness accounts of CM Punk getting provoked. Yeah, maybe Punk over-reacted but I'd probably be pissed if some jackass kept pushing or punching my back and head.

They have done a great job in building up Ryback but I would like to see them hold off on giving him the title. Then again, him winning at Hell in a Cell would get a huge pop from the crowd. But I think after that, he would just fizzle out.

If they put the title on Ryback anytime soon it would not only be super embarrassing and hard to book but would kill any build for the guy permanently. Ol' Skip is simply passable on the microphone and gets gassed far to early to have any matches or merit so he really couldn't carry the title or be the face of the WWE which goes beyond just showing up and squashing people 1/3 your size or struggling to beat people your size.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
So it sounds like several fans were pushing and shoving punk, and this guy smacked the back of his head, triggering punk's hits. Andi t also sounds like he's claiming that he never touched punk in his police report.


So it sounds like several fans were pushing and shoving punk, and this guy smacked the back of his head, triggering punk's hits. Andi t also sounds like he's claiming that he never touched punk in his police report.

Hopefully, Punk just gets a fine and this "fan" goes off somewhere and gets fucked for lying on a police report.

PS WWE has fired their top story writer to shake up the team and send a message that Vince isn't happy.


PS WWE has fired their top story writer to shake up the team and send a message that Vince isn't happy.

Even though that was the case, this episode didn't particularly seem like it was out of the ordinary from the past few weeks. If you told me someone new was writing the show, I definitely wouldn't have known.

Unlike when Bruce Pritchard took over for Russo on Impact and there was such an obvious change in who was writing the show.
In other news Hogan will be on Howard Stern's radio show tomorrow. Hogan is about to get grilled on the sex tape Howard wont miss this opportunity

Mr. Robot

Im going to sleep, but i wanted to get this in here before i went to bed


It didn't come off as i wanted, the letters should be behind punk and the pink guy, but i want to sleep now, maybe i'll fix it tomorrow.

Does anyohe know of a place to upload gifs?


I'm not sure I want to live in world where a pro wrestler can't punch a fan from time to time. That's just part of the game. How do indies not get lawsuits when, say, Davey Richards does his tope directly into the crowd, wiping out 4 or 5 people at a time? Or just general indie flip stuff that always ends in the people. Or CZW deathmatch shit. Surely some fans have been cut up by glass or tacks.
I'm not sure I want to live in world where a pro wrestler can't punch a fan from time to time. That's just part of the game. How do indies not get lawsuits when, say, Davey Richards does his tope directly into the crowd, wiping out 4 or 5 people at a time? Or just general indie flip stuff that always ends in the people. Or CZW deathmatch shit. Surely some fans have been cut up by glass or tacks.

Punk should punch a random fan every week from here on out. Would add a little excitement to this sterile show.
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