Shadow Broker
Did anyone Gif Asuka and Emma at the end of the match?
First of all, I wanna apologize. I'd like to apologize to all my fans over in Germany. I'd like to apologize to all my fans over in Great Britain. Actually, I like to apologize to all my fans all over Europe. All over Japan and the far east. I like to apologize to my fans in the middle east. All the way as far down as South Africa. And I especially like to apologize for all my great fans in Canada. And to you, my great fans across the United States of America, to you I apologize for nothing! You know, it seems real strange to me that no matter how much I try that when I beat Professor Beef to a bloody pulp, I thought to myself, no matter how much I win, when I walked back to the dressing room. The way you American fans treat me across the United States of America, I feel like I lost. I mean I took a gutless creep like Professor Beef and beat him to a bloody pulp even though he knows and you all know that he lost, you cheer him on the way back to the dressing room like he won!
BATISTA: It was weird. It wasn't like a normal response. It was almost like a personal attack. It had to do with factors that were not in my control, factors and things that were going on in the company with other people, stuff that really had nothing to do with me. To me, it was a little frustrating, a little confusing, and, you know, I don't want to say I completely took it personal, but I did somewhat.
What I heard over and over was, "Batista doesn't deserve this," and that's what I took personally, because it's like they forgot about my 10 years of pain and suffering and sacrifice. When I left the company, I gave plenty of notice, I left the right way, I did everything right. And also, my very last match, I broke my back. So I literally broke my back for the fans. And for me to come back and for them to say that I didn't deserve the spot that I was being put in? For one thing, I didn't ask for that spot. And here's my thing with wrestling, and I tell this to everybody: If you get an opportunity, take the opportunity, and if you pass it up, you're a fool. And if you hate on a guy just because he's taking advantage of an opportunity that's given to him, then you're an idiot.
WWE.COM: Apart from the WrestleMania match, you had some great battles with Superstars like Dolph Ziggler. Looking back, is your return up to par with what you had set out to accomplish?
BATISTA: Somewhat, it is. It is within myself. But I still feel like, with the fans and the audience being really wrapped up in internet rumors and whatnot, they really missed out on a lot of good entertainment. And thats a shame, because I had some good matches, man. Like you said, I had some really good matches with Dolph. There were a few people that were paying attention, but I think a lot of people missed out on it, man. Maybe because there wasnt that built-in story behind it, but we made the best we could out of it. Even going back to when I started with Alberto Del Rio. We had some good matches. We had a good pay-per-view, we put our hearts into it, but the fans were so intent on booing for no reason, they werent even paying attention to the match. Thats a shame, because we were out there killing ourselves to entertain people. So thats the only thing that I feel like is a downside, you know?
WWE.COM: Some WWE fans did get pretty creative in finding ways to bash you. They got things like Bootista and Bluetista to trend on Twitter during your matches, and you actually heckled them back a bit.
BATISTA: I did, especially with the Bluetista thing, because, you know, we had six guys beating the crap out of each other but people were focused on me wearing blue! I dont get that, man. I just dont get it!
And if you hate on a guy just because he's taking advantage of an opportunity that's given to him, then you're an idiot.
Lmao.Freck is the modern day Jericho of the thread.
That sounds like an insult tbhFreck is the modern day Jericho of the thread.
When you post something that actually confirms what you're trying to say, then maybe you'll get one.
Until then enjoy the warm embrace of Pepsi and dream since the three of you only post around here when one of you gets called out for your general trolling
Crowd(male demo 18-34) turned on Roman no matter what he did after that shoot.
So Kana used the flying butt attack at NXT
why isn't everyone complaining about that like when Naomi does it?
That's when you just ignore posts, like I do 😊Sorry, Bluekaveli. I find it equally dumb that I have to defend a perfectly reasonable position with numerous sources, especially about professional wrestling.
That said, I'm not going to let this dude continue to talk down to me because he disagrees and wants to form his perfect little world. I may disagree, and often do, but I'm never belittling my fellow WrassleGAF members because of it. My criticism is directed at the entertainment.
That's the last of this you'll hear from me. It's going to be fun and playful from here on out.
Did I say Punk said anything bad about Roman? No I did not, go back to the original post.That's horseshit and you know it. Punk never said anything bad about Roman on Colt's podcast, only mentioning that 1) Roman was chosen over Chris Hero for The Shield (which Punk didn't have a problem with) and 2) that they wanted Punk to make Roman "look really, really strong," (which Punk was willing to, and was only bitching about how nonsensical it was to try and do that when Punk was going to go over the whole Shield in a 3-on-1 match, and unsuccessfully tried to get it changed so that The Shield would go over them instead). The reason people turned on Roman was because of the DISASTROUS booking between the beginning of 2015 and Wrestlemania, especially them bringing Bryan before the Rumble just to get eliminated before Roman even entered the match, since most fans felt Bryan still deserved to be champ.
Freck is the modern day Jericho of the thread.
But freckle at least is entertaining when he returns
That sounds like an insult tbh
More like how Corbin slammed dude on his face after the reversal lol.Can we talk about that rolling German that Gable did on Corbin? Cos damn.
That's when you just ignore posts, like I do 😊
How long ago was that Batista interview?
Did I say Punk said anything bad about Roman? No I did not, go back to the original post.
I said after that shoot they turned on him and no matter what he did it was seen as "oh they're trying to make Roman look strong." You don't need to look far to see how that phrase took off. Even larger communities latched on to the phrase and used it to demean and lessen his booking.
freck never put anyone over on his way out though, and when jericho comes back he tends to get a big pop instead of a middling "...he was gone?"Freck is the modern day Jericho of the thread.
Wrasslin' fans should be happy tonight.
except about Gable/JJ & Breezus losing
Did I say Punk said anything bad about Roman? No I did not, go back to the original post.
I said after that shoot they turned on him and no matter what he did it was seen as "oh they're trying to make Roman look strong." You don't need to look far to see how that phrase took off. Even larger communities latched on to the phrase and used it to demean and lessen his booking.
No one minded Roman's booking until Punk's shoot.
hell, everyone loved himNo one minded Roman's booking until Punk's shoot.
I assume you have proof? The search function works, after all.Bull. I remember a good deal of bitching about Roman's booking in the months prior to that podcast.
That maybe, yet don't you think Punk's statement did more harm towards someone still in the business than good? All it did was intensify scrutiny towards Roman as well as give validation towards those who can't see what WWE might see in Roman. It's like Beef said:Bull. I remember a good deal of bitching about Roman's booking in the months prior to that podcast.
It's clear to see Punk's shoot affected people still at the company.Let's not forget that as soon as the words "i'm dumb as fuck" left Punk's words re: Ryback, people would jump at the chance to say it.
idk man, i've been digging reigns lately, though he's still way better as a cocky heelpeople very much so minded roman's push the very moment Rey Mysterio showed up in place of Daniel Bryan, I'd even say the weeks leading up to the rumble when he was set up for it as well and bryan got randomly side tracked by the Wyatt's.
basically Roman was being forced on everyone and took what a lot of people wanted to be Bryan's place. We got told we wanted Roman, basically. People shit on it.
Everyone was fine with Roman in the shield, he's a fantastic hot tag and worked his best off of Dean and Rollins promos. He's a fantastic HBK's muscle Diesel. But stand alone? he's lame and corny and doesn't have even a bit of Big Sexy's charisma. Roman is like Kelly Kelly. Super attractive, but wildly untalented.
I honestly wish I could say Roman has improved, but he hasn't. I dont see it. I'd rather they wheel Bryan out and use his hairy skeleton in place of roman,
That being said, I like Roman where he is. He's enjoyable when he's not fighting the Wyatt family or Big show. He just needs a few decent feuds with guys that are capable of helping Roman's character grow. That's his weakness. He's got his typical WWE moveset that everyone eventually gets, but he needs some defining feuds. I dont care about Roman Reigns as a performer, nor as a character. I can usually rally behind someone if they just have one of those things in an overwhelming way, because once you get over with one, the other will come in time.
It was when the sheets were reporting about Roman being the next Cena after the shield split. It was all downhill from there.I assume you have proof? The search function works, after all.
people very much so minded roman's push the very moment Rey Mysterio showed up in place of Daniel Bryan, I'd even say the weeks leading up to the rumble when he was set up for it as well and bryan got randomly side tracked by the Wyatt's.
basically Roman was being forced on everyone and took what a lot of people wanted to be Bryan's place. We got told we wanted Roman, basically. People shit on it.
Everyone was fine with Roman in the shield, he's a fantastic hot tag and worked his best off of Dean and Rollins promos. He's a fantastic HBK's muscle Diesel. But stand alone? he's lame and corny and doesn't have even a bit of Big Sexy's charisma. Roman is like Kelly Kelly. Super attractive, but wildly untalented.
I honestly wish I could say Roman has improved, but he hasn't. I dont see it. I'd rather they wheel Bryan out and use his hairy skeleton in place of roman,
That being said, I like Roman where he is. He's enjoyable when he's not fighting the Wyatt family or Big show. He just needs a few decent feuds with guys that are capable of helping Roman's character grow. That's his weakness. He's got his typical WWE moveset that everyone eventually gets, but he needs some defining feuds. I dont care about Roman Reigns as a performer, nor as a character. I can usually rally behind someone if they just have one of those things in an overwhelming way, because once you get over with one, the other will come in time.