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October Wrasslin' |OT| Celebrating 20 Years of the YET-AY!

Sounds like a tweet from your namesake, tbh. Straight shooting either way.
So with Brock/Taker coming up in a hell in the cell match, I figure there are three possibilities

- the match doesn't really take place
- it does take place, but again ends in a no-decision type scenario
- they actually just want to wrap up this angle and move on to different things for lesnar and undertaker in the run up to wrestlemania - regardless of who wins.

They've got to go with one of these three, right?

I hope it's the latter. There hasn't been any build for this re-match, though, which makes me think the match might be a non-event. Are they perhaps thinking they can ride on the build they did for the Summerslam match and the history of the feud? I mean that can work - regardless of build up, Brock is a guy who can deliver momentous events. His Reigns match is a great example - terrible build, excellent event.

So I'm still looking forward to watching the actual match. I wonder what they'll do with the hell in the cell stipulation. That Summerslam match was excellent. I don't know if they'll top it, especially on a B-show.


Quote from Bryan Alvarez "Bryan Alvarez noted on Wrestling Observer Live this morning that WWE officials are currently working on non-wrestling ideas for Eva Marie. No word on how this might affect the planned push into the NXT Womens Title picture originally planned for Marie." Source

Janitorial duty would be more her speed.
I can't imagine the match not taking place. The last thing they want to shake is customer confidence right now.

Yeah, I don't suspect that exactly either. It's just this booking doesn't make sense by the usual WWE rules. Usually, that means you need to look at swerve possibilities. Is an interference possible here? I dunno.

I will be quite surprised if they go ahead and have Lesnar definitively go over at this point. I'll be disappointed if they go with Taker - Brock is already pretty damaged as it is by this feud, in my opinion.


Yeah, I don't suspect that exactly either. It's just this booking doesn't make sense by the usual WWE rules. Usually, that means you need to look at swerve possibilities. Is an interference possible here? I dunno.

I will be quite surprised if they go ahead and have Lesnar definitively go over at this point. I'll be disappointed if they go with Taker - Brock is already pretty damaged as it is by this feud, in my opinion.

Interference is probably an easy out, because it lets Lesnar get the win without completely ruining UT for whatever he moves on to next, and I can't see them letting UT go over Brock after 2 years of promos about his dominance over UT etc.


Opinion time...

what was the bigger waste?

Lesnar/Show or Taker/Wyatt or Lesnar/Taker (poststreak)

Lesnar/Taker post streak basically sent Rollins's WC reign into "absolute joke" territory and has brought the whole main event scene to a KANE IN 2015 feud. Lesnar/Show is so throwaway I don't think it can even count. Taker/Wyatt....ugh poor Wyatt. Had to build the feud on his own. Got hurt day of the show. Jobbed in a bad match. In a complete death spiral right now.

I'm going to go with Lesnar/Taker poststreak though. They needed a match to sellout for Summerslam so gotta call the old dude.
Opinion time...

what was the bigger waste?

Lesnar/Show or Taker/Wyatt or Lesnar/Taker (poststreak)

lesnar/taker at summerslam was actively very good, the other two matches were non-events to get those names on the card. i dunno which could be said to be the biggest waste. i guess taker/wyatt since it made both of them look bad. lesnar/show was just 'okay, who cares?' before it happened and after it happened. nothing got wasted, it just happened.


Taker/Wyatt for sure. Instead of teleporting dick kicking, we could've had a really super dumb storyline where Wyatt stole UT's powers and it would've been the best stupid thing ever. One-sided promo build, a match that meant little once the streak was gone, and even they UT still won. Missed opportunities all around.
Yeah, 'Taker winning vs. Wyatt made zero sense. Taker being on a seeming losing streak after having his winning streak broken would have kicked Taker/Brock into overdrive AND made Wyatt look like a true monster.

Wyatt must be the strangest case of booking in the last ten years, where they obviously see him as someone who can make a lot of money for them, else they would not feature him so prominently on the card for so long, but who they have zero interest in establishing as anything other than a minor nuisance.
Taker should have put Wyatt over and given him his powers. Have Wyatt go over all those who defeated him in the past to put over his new found ability. Wyatt starts to build his own streak at Mania. Wyatt gets defeated by Roman at rando PPV that's not mania to put him over and cement him as the new face. Wyatt vanishes off TV, vignettes are shown throughout the months, one new one a month of a hooded Palpatine like Taker instructing Bray, almost as if he was teaching him how to use the powers that were bestowed upon him.

In the meantime, Roman has been building his slow burn to becoming the new top face, slowly winning the crowd over. One night, Ambrose gets fuckin' rekt and the lights turn on and Dean is all torn up, and he has a black sheep's mask over his face. This happens to all over Roman's new found face buddies throughout the year, all of them getting taken off television one by one. All the other heels on the roster taking advantage of this to get wins off Roman, taking the title off of him.

Money in the bank rolls around, this is the BIG DAWG'S chance! Leading up, Ambrose and the other faces that were taken out come back to rally with Roman against some heels, and they're all in the same MitB match. Bray is also scheduled to make his long awaited return, but no shows the event entirely. By the end of the match, everyone has been laid out and Roman begins his slow crawl to the top and just as his hand hits the case the lights go out. The lights come on. All of the faces that were taken out by Bray are surrounding the ladder in masks while Bray sits atop, cackling while Roman lays flat at the bottom of the ladder.

Leading up to Mania, Bray cashes in his title to become the champ. His minions, Roman's former friends are making it near impossible for anyone to even touch Bray's crown. But at each subsequent PPV Roman faces each member, and after defeating them, Bray's hold on their heart and mind gets broken and they join Roman's cause for freeing them from Bray's brainwashing ways.

The Rumble comes around, the last two are Roman and Ambrose, his closest friend, they have an emotional back and forth as Roman is hesitant, holding back against him as Ambrose goes to town, before Roman realizes what he has to do. He lays out Dean, eliminating him and punches his ticket to mania. He goes out to check on his friend and they embrace as if not seeing one another for years. An overjoyed Roman celebrates with Dean in the ring, pointing to the mania sign.

Brays numbers begin to dwindle down to one, just in time for Mania. Bray has this new obsession of surpassing his mentor and creating his own streak, and Roman wants to end Bray's reign. Roman Reigns Vs. the Reign of Terror.

The fans are behind Roman 10000%, finally getting his hands on Bray only to fall in a close bout, and becomes converted. Bray's streak begins as the company's new face comes up short. Roman is the strongest family member yet, defeating all his friends who attempt to save him as he did them. Only for a face turned Seth Rollins to save Dean from Roman and Bray's assault, as 2/3rds of the Shield reunite to save their friend, and allow for Roman to challenge for the title and take Bray down once and for all.

But it's not 2013 anymore and nobody gives a fuck.


Opinion time...

what was the bigger waste?

Lesnar/Show or Taker/Wyatt or Lesnar/Taker (poststreak)


At least with Taker/Wyatt there were people who actually thought that Wyatt might go over to start something.
Not one person thought Show would go over Lesnar and Show's body count leading up to it was just asinine.

Taker should have put Wyatt over and given him his powers. .

Wyatt did not and does not deserve anything near that level of a rub. His gimmick has grown tedious.


I'm catching up on NXT and just found out about Dash and Dawson.

Why wasn't I told Arn Anderson had 2 sons that wrestle and wear Rigma jackets?!!?


Opinion time...

what was the bigger waste?

Lesnar/Show or Taker/Wyatt or Lesnar/Taker (poststreak)

Is it Lesnar/Show at Royal Rumble 2014 or at MSG?

The MSG show wasn't really a waste since he's also having a match at HiaC so this was like the pre-show. For the one at the Rumble, Bork hadn't wrestled in like 5 months and they bring him back for a 2 minute squash over the fucking Big Show? That's the biggest waste IMO.
Fucksake, just had dinner with some US relatives who're visiting and they brought a meatloaf. I'm officially declaring that 'Merica can no longer comment on gross British food while they're eating this shit on the reg and spraying CHEESE out of a CAN like it's not the weirdest delivery method for cheese conceivable. Post-dinner the cheeseboard gets brought out and they're looking at the wide variety of actual cheeses like they're some alien substance, presumably because they weren't neon yellow nor jizzed onto the fucking plate.


How is there no legit copy of the Cage Lowering music on Youtube?

I would buy that shit just to walk into work with that playing. Gets me legit hyped.
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