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October Wrasslin' |OT| Celebrating 20 Years of the YET-AY!


I would love to see Brock in the Rumble at #1 and just squash all 30 people. It would probably be more entertaining in theory than practice, but Brock eliminating people and then pacing angrily while he waits would be pretty fun.

I doubt they'd go that extreme, but it would be very interesting to see how they book Brock in the RR.

I don't know if he'll be heel going in or turn in the match, but I only see WM ending with Reigns as the new heel champ.
I thought Brock was going to be facing 'Taker at WM, but they're advertising this HIAC match as the absolute last time you're going to get to see them wrestle. Whether that's an opportunity for a swerve or not, I don't know.

I don't necessarily buy that Rock is gonna come back and wrestle again after needing SURGERY following a pretty low-impact match with safe-ass John Cena, but I guess I could see Rock vs. Brock Lesnar, if they can land him.

Otherwise, who can Brock even face? They're not going to do John Cena again, I don't think, and there's nobody else on the card with even a shred of the credibility necessary to go hard in the paint with The Beast. Much as I love Rusev and think he's a star waiting to happen, I doubt they're going to give him his Macho Man reunion with Lana and face turn by then. I think they pretty much HAVE to do Roman Reigns, just because nobody else is going to be anywhere near Brock's level come Wrestlemania, unless someone just randomly breaks out huge in the next two months.

Nah, we'll just get to a point where Cena and Miz are considered old timers and they're the ones constantly brought back for Rumble pops, ratings boosts, and Mania matches

The era that's really gonna suck is when Reigns is in that position. Imagine old man Reigns. #Pray4MeAndVerendus
The only way they boost ratings is if they're below 1.0 and they boost them back up to 2.0.
I thought Brock was going to be facing 'Taker at WM, but they're advertising this HIAC match as the absolute last time you're going to get to see them wrestle. Whether that's an opportunity for a swerve or not, I don't know.

I don't necessarily buy that Rock is gonna come back and wrestle again after needing SURGERY following a pretty low-impact match with safe-ass John Cena, but I guess I could see Rock vs. Brock Lesnar, if they can land him.

Otherwise, who can Brock even face? They're not going to do John Cena again, I don't think, and there's nobody else on the card with even a shred of the credibility necessary to go hard in the paint with The Beast. Much as I love Rusev and think he's a star waiting to happen, I doubt they're going to give him his Macho Man reunion with Lana and face turn by then. I think they pretty much HAVE to do Roman Reigns, just because nobody else is going to be anywhere near Brock's level come Wrestlemania, unless someone just randomly breaks out huge in the next two months.

I think they'll put him in a short squash at WM where he kills Big Show and Mark Henry simultaneously or some shit just to keep him hot and put him against something that, at least on paper, sounds like a threat (even if everyone knows they're basically jobbers). Roman's probably going to be going up against Seth for the title, and they'll save Lesnar/Reigns II for WM33.

That video suuuuuucks. Remember when America was GREAT, when journalism was GREAT when it was just white men? And not this gosh darn generation.

"We acted like men."

"We used to be able to do these things because we were informed by great men."

It suuuucks. That show sucks too. Everything about it sucks. You suck. I suck. I want to redo that video so it's about when aaron sorkin's shows were good.


eh, maybe

if Austin or Rock are out then that leaves pretty much Roman or Orton as far as big names on the roster that he hasn't had one on ones with

I see your point...

Brock v Roman is money, I'd love to see that match. But it just don't see Roman going over.


You guys all forget Rock is with Ronda and fighting against HHH and Steph

I'm guessing Taker v Cena for the title. Taker wins RR, Cena is champ at the time. Taker leaves on....nevermind, Cena would win.

So Taker v Kane? Have Kane put Taker out for good?

Brock v Roman

Cena v Seth

Ambrose v Ziggler because why would they have a real story for either of them

Bray v one of his family members who isnt crazy anymore

Hopefully Sasha v Paige for Divas, but more likely Bella v some random Divs no one likes


Rousey won't be at WM32 due to a movie, I think. So HHH v. Rock

Roman v. Rollins for the Title. Honestly? Let it be a squash at this point.

Cena v. Taker. I don't think this match has ever happened despite Cena's interaction with Taker on his debut.

Usos v. Dudleys v. The New Day v. Prime Time Players for the Tag Team Titles that's not on the Pre-Show

Sasha v. Becky for the Women's Championship if they ever stop coddling Charlotte

Sheamus v. Daniel Bryan...yup

Bray v. Ryback

Kevin Owens v. Sami Zayn for the IC Title

Brock Lesnar just sits at Ringside and waits for every match to end, where he just destroys the shit out of each match's loser for fun!


Storyline idea:

+Rollins vs. Kane at Hell in a Cell
+Rollins wins and ummasks Kane
+Rollins puts on Kane's mask to mock him
+The mask is actually cursed with the Demon Kane
+Demon Kane possesses Rollins
+Demon Kane Rollins runs roughshod over the WWE
+Glenn Jacobs vs. Demon Kane Rollins at Royal Rumble
Roman v. Rollins for the Title. Honestly? Let it be a squash at this point.

yes please

Storyline idea:

+Rollins vs. Kane at Hell in a Cell
+Rollins wins and ummasks Kane
+Rollins puts on Kane's mask to mock him
+The mask is actually cursed with the Demon Kane
+Demon Kane possesses Rollins
+Demon Kane Rollins runs roughshod over the WWE
+Glenn Jacobs vs. Demon Kane Rollins at Royal Rumble


MC Safety

Storyline idea:

+Rollins vs. Kane at Hell in a Cell
+Rollins wins and ummasks Kane
+Rollins puts on Kane's mask to mock him
+The mask is actually cursed with the Demon Kane
+Demon Kane possesses Rollins
+Demon Kane Rollins runs roughshod over the WWE
+Glenn Jacobs vs. Demon Kane Rollins at Royal Rumble

Maybe divested of the demon, former Kane returns to his life as a sadistic dentist.

This sets up a fight between Isaac Yankem v. Rollins Kane for possession of the mask.
Storyline idea:

+Rollins vs. Kane at Hell in a Cell
+Rollins wins and ummasks Kane
+Rollins puts on Kane's mask to mock him
+The mask is actually cursed with the Demon Kane
+Demon Kane possesses Rollins
+Demon Kane Rollins runs roughshod over the WWE
+Glenn Jacobs vs. Demon Kane Rollins at Royal Rumble

I'd watch this unfold with great interest. I'd watch it again on the Network in 10 years time too. It's a modern day classic.
Why are you posting a gif of a LOSER
Would a loser be the king of the ring?

...yeah, I suppose you're right.

Storyline idea:

+Rollins vs. Kane at Hell in a Cell
+Rollins wins and ummasks Kane
+Rollins puts on Kane's mask to mock him
+The mask is actually cursed with the Demon Kane
+Demon Kane possesses Rollins
+Demon Kane Rollins runs roughshod over the WWE
+Glenn Jacobs vs. Demon Kane Rollins at Royal Rumble
Demon Kane Rollins would be a better character than current Rollins so lets do this.


I expect history to repeat for Taker/Lesnar but Seth should put Kane over seeing as he's Trip's protégée and all he should really make amends for the momentum killing that 2002 feud did to poor old Kane.
I could see them giving orton to lesnar for mania this year

That's actually a really great idea, and I totally forgot about Orton, but I dunno, it seems like they've really backed off of Orton in the last year or so. I get the feeling he may be wanting to start winding down his career, though obviously that's just a hunch.
That video suuuuuucks. Remember when America was GREAT, when journalism was GREAT when it was just white men? And not this gosh darn generation.

"We acted like men."

"We used to be able to do these things because we were informed by great men."

It suuuucks. That show sucks too. Everything about it sucks. You suck. I suck. I want to redo that video so it's about when aaron sorkin's shows were good.

Agreed. Everything about that show sucks. Except for Olivia Munn.


That video suuuuuucks. Remember when America was GREAT, when journalism was GREAT when it was just white men? And not this gosh darn generation.

"We acted like men."

"We used to be able to do these things because we were informed by great men."

It suuuucks. That show sucks too. Everything about it sucks. You suck. I suck. I want to redo that video so it's about when aaron sorkin's shows were good.

Let's not get on that Bin Laden scene.
Why do they keep using such old photos of the Undertaker? I noticed the same thing with the Summerslam DVD cover, it comes off as so ridiculously cheap, I know his hair isn't as impressive now but it's the same production value as those shitty indy posters.

Hey Ithil, what'd you do? get a haircut or something?

Wonder if the 2002 mask was harder to breathe or some shit.

Because it looks way better.

I never liked how cheap the 2002 mask looked, really that whole attire reminded me of a rushed Halloween costume.
What he's donned now ain't the best but I still prefer it.



Hey Ithil, what'd you do? get a haircut or something?

I never liked how cheap the 2002 mask looked, really that whole attire reminded me of a rushed Halloween costume.
What he's donned now ain't the best but I still prefer it.

Look closer, Nocturnowl.
So apparently Act Yasukawa (the one who got shot on in Japan) is retiring. Portia Perez is also retiring, as she needs neck surgery.

As sad as it is, I figured Act would retire soon. She's had a real bad go of it, life wise :(

Portia had a pretty long career, so while it's sad she has to retire as well, at least she's getting out (hopefully) pretty safely.
Don't have high hopes for commentary tonight

So much for "Doing their homework". Kelly and Striker were doing english commentary for the King of Pro Wrestling press conference (The show itself takes place tomorrow). The results sound...mixed:

E. Key Oide ‏@e_key_oide
Watching the English version of the KOPW presser now, and...wow, they really didn't give Kelly & Striker any b/g info, did they?

E. Key Oide ‏@e_key_oide
The feeling I'm getting here is that they just kinda flew Kelly & Striker over, put 'em in a corner, and said "talk."E.

E. Key Oide ‏@e_key_oide
"Eashy E" got a chuckle from me. I loved his stuff w/NWA! ;)

E. Key Oide ‏@e_key_oide
They should've really had some earpiece interpreters & running sheets. I feel so bad for @Matt_Striker_ & @realkevinkelly

E. Key Oide ‏@e_key_oide
"Tatsuya" Naito...
Just gave me flashbacks to JR saying "TAKA Mitchie No-ko"
or Joey Styles saying "Great Suzukay"

E. Key Oide ‏@e_key_oide
I know he has his off moments, but Striker...he's trying so hard here.
What can you talk about when you don't know what's going on?

E. Key Oide ‏@e_key_oide
Nice shoutout to @reasonjp for sending the befuddled duo a few comment summaries :D

E. Key Oide ‏@e_key_oide
35 minutes in, @reasonjp shoutout!
Striker "Thank you to Chris Charlton, at Reaso-NJP, for those translations."

E. Key Oide ‏@e_key_oide
I don't know who's been in Striker's ear, but his view on JP fan opinion of Styles seems a lil' dated.
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