lana and rusev are engaged irl
my precious kayfabeeeeeeeeeee
This Nitro has been great
The Steiners vs Hall & Syxx match is just straight up missing on this Network version of Raw.
It's even mentioned in the description. How does that happen? How does an entire match go missing from an upload?
Johnny Czeslaw, what a fucking legend.
Well my weekend went from fun to nightmarish tier horrible today
Came home from a hunting trip to find my girlfriend of almost 5 years gone. Apparently she's crashing at a friends house right now and is considering breaking things off with me.What's the matter champ?
I don't think I realized just how into wrestling some people are until I looked at the replies on a tweet about the Rusev/Lana engagement just now.
Came home from a hunting trip to find my girlfriend of almost 5 years gone. Apparently she's crashing at a friends house right now and is considering breaking things off with me.
I'm beyond numb right now. I feel like I've been shot.
Came home from a hunting trip to find my girlfriend of almost 5 years gone. Apparently she's crashing at a friends house right now and is considering breaking things off with me.
I'm beyond numb right now. I feel like I've been shot.
Came home from a hunting trip to find my girlfriend of almost 5 years gone. Apparently she's crashing at a friends house right now and is considering breaking things off with me.
I'm beyond numb right now. I feel like I've been shot.
I hope things work out.
Damn, dude, that sucks.
I've been either sobbing or so numb I don't even move all day. I haven't eaten. I have no idea how I'm going to sleep. Plus I'm still not over losing my dog. Works stressing me out.Damn man I can't imagine how that must feel
I've been either sobbing or so numb I don't even move all day. I haven't eaten. I have no idea how I'm going to sleep. Plus I'm still not over losing my dog. Works stressing me out.
I just don't fucking know what the fuck I'm going to do.
Came home from a hunting trip to find my girlfriend of almost 5 years gone. Apparently she's crashing at a friends house right now and is considering breaking things off with me.
I'm beyond numb right now. I feel like I've been shot.
I've been either sobbing or so numb I don't even move all day. I haven't eaten. I have no idea how I'm going to sleep. Plus I'm still not over losing my dog. Works stressing me out.
I just don't fucking know what the fuck I'm going to do.
Came home from a hunting trip to find my girlfriend of almost 5 years gone.
We're not officially "done" but she needs some few days to think things through. I'm worried as fuck. I'm upset. I'm numb. I'm basically all over the place right now.
I was going to put a down payment on a ring this week.
Fuck everything.
It's surprisingly accurate to how I felt.
I just don't fucking know what the fuck I'm going to do.
That little kid is a Trump voter.
You have been asking for years and we are about to take another step. So excited. 48 hours. #wwe #joinus #letshavefun.
With all these Oscar bait bio pics, do you think we get an Oscar bait-y Vince McMahon bio pic in the next 5 years?
Michael Fassbender as Vince McMahonWith all these Oscar bait bio pics, do you think we get an Oscar bait-y Vince McMahon bio pic in the next 5 years?
With all these Oscar bait bio pics, do you think we get an Oscar bait-y Vince McMahon bio pic in the next 5 years?
He was facing off against Wrasslegaf first ballot Hall of Famer Dean Malenko, so it's possible that kid was a little wrasslegaffer and was there for his man Deano
We're not officially "done" but she needs some few days to think things through. I'm worried as fuck. I'm upset. I'm numb. I'm basically all over the place right now.
I was going to put a down payment on a ring this week.
Fuck everything.
WrassleGAF first ever Hall of Fame inductees
Opening legend inductee: Kevin Nash - Maybe.
Woman inductee: Kaitlyn - No.
Mid-card inductee: Tully Blanchard - Probably.
Tag Team inductees: Steiner Bros. - Heck yes.
Celeb inductee: Oliver Platt - I was hoping this was the "how much does this fella weigh?" guy, but I was disappointed upon googling.
Foreign inductee: Tajiri - Eh.
RIP inductee: Kanyon - Who betta?
Main event/legend inductee: Disco Inferno - Nah.
Yeah, Art! Ha!Dennis Rodman and Art Donovan are definitely in the celeb wrasslegaf HoFnP
Hahahaha. Someone check out Owen at ~1:09:30 to laugh with me: (RAW Episode 214)
Vladimir Kozlov"Foreign" inductee?
Fantastic, right? I watched it multiple times... >_>How random that was by Owen... CANADA!