Professor Beef
Things are gonna be ok, Sephzilla. I've been in a different but similar situation. Shit hurts, no doubt, but you'll get through it.
goddaamit, no!Ugh I was just reminded that the Usos will probably be back soon.
Ugh I was just reminded that the Usos will probably be back soon.
Sittin' on the floor, not wearin' shoes, gonna watch some wrasslin.
Make sure to antagonize La Sombra!Sittin' on the floor, not wearin' shoes, gonna watch some wrasslin.
One of the basic things they're missing - pair the girls with the boys, not other girls. They help each other get over. (See: Bliss, Alexa)Well, they've randomly paired her up with the most boring divas and all she has done so far is wrestle Paige for like 20 times, so I'm afraid that ship has sailed my friend...
Not like this, fam.
agreed, can't wait for cena to drop the title to baron corbinOnly one man hasn't accepted John Cena's US Title Open Challenge. It should be fitting that he win the Title.
Only one man hasn't accepted John Cena's US Title Open Challenge. It should be fitting that he win the Title.
Who's next?Only one man hasn't accepted John Cena's US Title Open Challenge. It should be fitting that he win the Title.
apologies if old but guess who's back?
Lacey <3
man that's great to hear, always loved daizee and got really sad when she retiredDaizee Haze was in the match as well. And Tomoka Nakagawa, in spite of her retirement earlier this year. The match also ended with Daizee vs Lacey, a decade after their original matches.
Rewatching some of the 2002 Smackdowns on the Network that they uploaded and it's really easy to look at the Billy and Chuck angle and go 'oh boy WWE is really going to fuck this up,' but compared to some of the other shit WWE has aired prior to this(see Lawler and Goldust), it's pretty tame. Not only that, but I'd say it's the best aspects of Billy Gunn and Chuck Palumbo's careers. They work really well together, they're funny(though sometimes the 'dur hur gay' shit shows up), they can do really heelish shit(I'll never forget Palumbo powerbombing Trish and acting grossed out by the fact that he ahd to touch her) and Rico worked really well as a manager. And they made surprisingly great babyfaces against 3MW.
Good timesI've been watching May/June 1997 WWF and a lot of little things start here that have a big impact. They do the Goldust interview to go along with Ellen outing her character/herself which leads to the famous Mick Foley sitdown interview. Austin and HBK become the first time the WWF has ever done the Tag Champions are upper card guys who HATE each other angle. King had his infamous promo on Goldust which Data West just referenced, Sunny days promo happens, Mr. Monday Night RVD fights Jeff Hardy in what would probably be a TNA main event a decade later. They finally turn the NOD into a racial angle, which is surprising in only that they took so long to do it!
This also might be my new favorite LOD run ever. They look in fantastic shape and have some rather enjoyable matches.
One of the basic things they're missing - pair the girls with the boys, not other girls. They help each other get over. (See: Bliss, Alexa)
Someone please think about the chil... kayfabe
Sittin' on the floor, not wearin' shoes, gonna watch some wrasslin.
WWE getting in on the kideo games merch racket"UpUpDownDown"-T-Shirt/W10436,default,pd.html
apologies if old but guess who's back?
Lacey <3
Can't wait to watch that show in November2016
She was off in China doing a PhD last I heard.Oh, buddy.
I loved that Lacey's Angels used "Date with the Night" as their theme, and the Minnesota Home Wrecking Crew was such a good name. This is very surprising since I thought she was raising a kid.
Hey now! They finally released Nicole Matthew's title win almost a year to the day after.This is optimistic. We will see Half Life 3, Rebuild of Evangelion 3.0+1.0, the next collected volume of Berserk, the next Game of Thrones book, and Star Citizen finished before SHIMMER's DVDs get caught up.
Omega is a comedy wrestler that plays a comedic villain for a japanese crowd.
Ziggler is trying to be a modern-age HBK in the US, without the talent of prime HBK.
He always got/gets his ass kicked. Makes a little more sense. His character is a little bit of an asshole, but that defines a lot of WWE babyfaces.Dolph Ziggler is just so phony as a good guy.
And he sucks.
so for whatever reason i decided to go to work today.
yeah, there's no way i'm going to be able to actually get anything done today.
Dolph Ziggler is just so phony as a good guy.
And he sucks.
Dolph Ziggler is just so phony as a good guy.
And he sucks.