Sittin' on the floor, not wearin' shoes, gonna watch some wrasslin.
Nice, I was actually about where you were but to your right.
Sittin' on the floor, not wearin' shoes, gonna watch some wrasslin.
Can't wait for nitro tonightoh crap it's monday again
ot a great match. Match was slow, some stuff with Naito using Tanahashi's moves. Naito threw Tanahashi into ref Red Shoes. There was a guy under a Naito mask the entire match who ran in and it was Takaaki Watanabe. He was wearing a suit and had eye liner like Kevin Sullivan. They were beating on Tanahashi until Goto and Shibata came in. Naito used a low blow but Tanahashi kicked out of the pin. Tanahashi came back with a sling blade, crossbody off the top and high fly flow for the pin. After the match, Watranabe laid out Goto with a uranage, so that's his direction. Good match but felt very much like a TNA main event with the ref bump and interference.
Just a reminder that our good friend and communal poster Pristine_Condition was the first to speak on Portia Perez.Portia Perez retired
One of the many photos that make it super clear that Stephanie is just a much a pain in the sides as Vince and Dunn appear to be.
"Har Har you are so good, just you wait we will make sure you really hate your job and career choice. Just you wait, Har Har"
It's called being happy for someone, marks.Poor Sasha, knowing that will will be the last time she'll ever have a moment like that in wrestling as long as she's a part of the main roster with Vince and Dumdum in charge and it looks like Stephanie is reminding her of that.
I hear you gave it a D-I'm watching Nitro right now.
It's called being happy for someone, marks.
She's shoot happy for the work that was worked.Is she shoot happy or work happy?
I hear you gave it a D-
Is Gedo drunk. You have 2 of the best heels and bring suck ass watanabe in for a random heel turn
Eh, the Usos aren't that bad. Its not like they're gonna defeat New Day their first day back and win the titles? New Day are the hot hand right now.
John is taking time off because after working 24/7 7 days of the week for you the appledoughs for 10 years now he is entitled to taking time off without people knowing why he is taking time off.Do an of you inside guys know why John is taking time off?
It's called being happy for someone, marks.
Do an of you inside guys know why John is taking time off?
Do an of you inside guys know why John is taking time off?
I don't watch wrestling. I watch WWE.You watch wrestling.
Either you're a smark or a mark.
That's it. don't watch wrestling. I watch WWE.
When is John going to call it a career? I was hoping that other interests would make themselves available so he would leave. Too much to ask I guess.
inb4 John Cena shows up in CMLL
When is John going to call it a career? I was hoping that other interests would make themselves available so he would leave. Too much to ask I guess.
Just keep him away from theIf Cena can ever land the starring role in a movie that ends up doing good (and isn't bankrolled by Vince), he's going to be gone from WWE faster than Rock.
If Cena can ever land the starring role in a movie that ends up doing good (and isn't bankrolled by Vince), he's going to be gone from WWE faster than Rock.
I'd pay good money to see Rock and Cena double star in a buddy cop movie.
actually, i would too
Both of them have a knack for comedy. Hell, remake Lethal Weapon with Rock as Murtaugh and Riggs as Cena if you must. But that kind of flavor. Gotta be R-rated.