This too. You really have to get creative in how you're going to make gold out of the sopping shit you've been handed by creative.Because they broke out of the shit gimmick they were saddled with, and a lot of the rest of the roster is incapable of doing that (including some of the IWC's faves like Cesaro).
To have a match with Cena, to get people to watch. Lots of people aren't interested in anyone but Cena, so it helps them get recognized, even if it's brief.
Vince probably finds them really entertaining. Also he's backed Big E from the beginning.
Cesaro is on top of my list of spineless asshats. Fuck that dude, the people want you and you do NOTHING with that.
Fuck you, you spineless, bald head failure.
lol you crybabies
Why don't you cry about someone besides Cena? I mean, wouldn't you cry if your fave was afflicted by a fuckin voodoo curse? What if Cena was throwing up green goo?
It's crazy to believe that Papa Shango was only around for a year and a half. A year and a half. How many bad gimmicks have lasted for such a short amount of time, yet are remembered so well?
We get it, Papa Shango. You vape.
Here's a great video by one of our HoF members of Papa Shango's Greatest Hits. It's fun.
lol you crybabies
Why don't you cry about someone besides Cena?
Cesaro just always looks like a tourist. He's been that way since the ROH days and it's why I'll never take him seriously
No one is more spineless than my boy D-Bry tho.
But at least he got his moment.
It's crazy to believe that Papa Shango was only around for a year and a half. A year and a half. How many bad gimmicks have lasted for such a short amount of time, yet are remembered so well?
There's a Kickstarter for a collection of wrestling comics called Muscle Temple. it features the likes of David Smith (Metalocalypse, Adventure Time), Zac Gorman (Ricky & Morty, Costume Quest), Box Brown (Andre the Giant: Life and Legend), and Zach Marcus (Star vs. The Froces of Evil).
It elevates mid-carders to get a chance to shine.
I thought that shit was a rib on the audience.Also, those fuckers Randy Orton and Dean Ambrose (the faces, mind you) said they wouldn't start Raw with a long, boring promo. They then proceed to cut a long, boring promo together.
lol you crybabies
Why don't you cry about someone besides Cena? I mean, wouldn't you cry if your fave was afflicted by a fuckin voodoo curse? What if Cena was throwing up green goo?
It's crazy to believe that Papa Shango was only around for a year and a half. A year and a half. How many bad gimmicks have lasted for such a short amount of time, yet are remembered so well?
We get it, Papa Shango. You vape.
Here's a great video by one of our HoF members of Papa Shango's Greatest Hits. It's fun.
I liked Muscle Temple's tumblr, but too much whimsy is too much whimsy.
I thought that shit was a rib on the audience.
There's a Kickstarter for a collection of wrestling comics called Muscle Temple. it features the likes of David Smith (Metalocalypse, Adventure Time), Zac Gorman (Ricky & Morty, Costume Quest), Box Brown (Andre the Giant: Life and Legend), and Zach Marcus (Star vs. The Froces of Evil).
Also, those fuckers Randy Orton and Dean Ambrose (the faces, mind you) said they wouldn't start Raw with a long, boring promo. They then proceed to cut a long, boring promo together.
Most of the shows you listed have fucking awful cheap ass art styles. I wouldn't want those people to make a comic book.
Call me when Rafael Gallur has a kickstarter
Who are these people?
The first guy is Bobcat Goldthwait
I dont buy into the idea that simply being in the ring with Cena elevates someone. It's hard to say someone is elevated at all when Cena gets his go home power boost where he then no-sells an entire match's worth of offense and makes his opponent look pitifully weak in the process. All it does is establish that everyone else is still beneath Cena, which long term hurts more than helps talent.
No one is more spineless than my boy D-Bry tho.
But at least he got his moment.
omg the silver travel package is already sold out
fuck me
guess I'm not going to mania
omg the silver travel package is already sold out
fuck me
guess I'm not going to mania
Cena is definitely not the part of RAW to be upset about at the moment. It's the entirety of the writing and direction. The cookie cutter presentation. And they're making molasses cookies. No one on Earth really loves molasses cookies. Sometimes there's ok, but usually they are disappointing in every way.
lol you crybabies
Why don't you cry about someone besides Cena? I mean, wouldn't you cry if your fave was afflicted by a fuckin voodoo curse? What if Cena was throwing up green goo?
Talk about moving the goal post.
No greater injustice in the world than Cesaro. If they wanted to do something bold but unconsequential, a month long Cesaro/Rollins program for the title would've been more interesting than FUCKING KANE. Like if it fails, it fails but ffs it's at least something.
Bryan isn't spineless, he was simply happy just wrestling. The guy doesn't care about anything else, he isn't ambitious.
Once the back is against the wall, call everyone a cry baby and change the subject to Papa Shango. Expected nothing better from a PewDiePie fan SMH
That's fine but no one is interested in a Kane title feud.Kane is capable and doing his best with the storyline. He's the only good part of it. Cesaro has the personality of a wet piece of cardboard and that's why he's tag teaming with Mighty Mouse right now.
Silver, gold, and platinum are already all gone.
Probably he has said many time that he wanted to evaluate the Ic belt.Do you think he was happy to be put in an opening multi-man IC title cluster fuck with little actual wrestling or story at the biggest event of the year, at which last year he was the star?
I can't say for sure, but I doubt it. It's just hilarious he put over WWE's guy and didn't even use it as leverage to get a decent spot on Mania.
Hahah yeah dickbags, concerned about keeping their jobs. What assholes.Cesaro is prob a total coward like Ziggler. Will complain online in hashtags about his push but won't say shit when Vince walks by.
Won't have his 'I'm not being Cowboy Bret Hart' moment.
It was about $1200 for stuff last year, but I was only flying from New Mexico to SF.I wonder if I can still get:
Round trip flight from Toronto to Dallas
3 nights hotel in Dallas
Decent Mania ticket
Decent NXT ticket
Decent Raw after Mania ticket
Transportation + food
For... less than $1000? less than $1500? ; _ ;
Kane is capable and doing his best with the storyline. He's the only good part of it. Cesaro has the personality of a wet piece of cardboard and that's why he's tag teaming with Mighty Mouse right now.
I wonder if I can still get:
Round trip flight from Toronto to Dallas
3 nights hotel in Dallas
Decent Mania ticket
Decent NXT ticket
Decent Raw after Mania ticket
Transportation + food
For... less than $1000? less than $1500? ; _ ;
I wonder if I can still get:
Round trip flight from Toronto to Dallas
3 nights hotel in Dallas
Decent Mania ticket
Decent NXT ticket
Decent Raw after Mania ticket
Transportation + food
For... less than $1000? less than $1500? ; _ ;