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October Wrasslin' |OT| Celebrating 20 Years of the YET-AY!

It's hard to have a personality or a character once you got nothing going on at all.

Wasn't hard for the New Day. Wasn't hard for Rock. Wasn't hard for Stone Cold. The great ones rise above the shit sandwich creative hands them. The midcarders stay midcarders because they settle for what they are given.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Hahah yeah dickbags, concerned about keeping their jobs. What assholes.

Probably shouldn't complain about not getting a push then, should he? No one should aspire for anything in the WWE. They should just wait til the bossman comes by and gives them their turn to have a push. Oh yes sir please and thank you sir.

Wonder how far Punk would have gotten in his career with 'being concerned about keeping his job'


Kane is capable and doing his best with the storyline. He's the only good part of it. Cesaro has the personality of a wet piece of cardboard and that's why he's tag teaming with Mighty Mouse right now.
When has having the personality of a wet piece of cardboard when Randy is a 8 time world champ.
Wasn't hard for the New Day. Wasn't hard for Rock. Wasn't hard for Stone Cold. The great ones rise above the shit sandwich creative hands them. The midcarders stay midcarders because they settle for what they are given.

Look the onus is on Cesaro whether he wants to do something about it or not. But to say he has no personality is a bit far-fetched from what I watch because my eyes stay glued to the screen when he's in it. Which is something I can't say for any other person that are given the spot they really shouldn't be in.

Randy's weird schizo shit he does in the ring goes over well with the fans. Meanwhile, Cesaro...pumps his fists. Oh and he's the "king of swing".

Then that's just on you then. Watching his matches with Sami and Cena where there's a story and most importantly, I GIVE A FUCK. It says wonders for Cesaro's potential and the current squandering of it all.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Randy's weird schizo shit he does in the ring goes over well with the fans. Meanwhile, Cesaro...pumps his fists. Oh and he's the "king of swing".

Don't forget he gets the Cesaro Section! And the Brass Ring! You know, two things that the fans created and not him and two things that most people on tv have no fucking clue what they're talking about with
Wasn't hard for the New Day. Wasn't hard for Rock. Wasn't hard for Stone Cold. The great ones rise above the shit sandwich creative hands them. The midcarders stay midcarders because they settle for what they are given.

Going by what Woods, E, and Kingston said in their Table for 3, this is definitely false.
Look the onus is on Cesaro whether he wants to do something about it or not. But to say he has no personality is a bit far-fetched from what I watch because my eyes stay glued to the screen when he's in it. Which is something I can't say for any other person that are given the spot they really shouldn't be in.

You must be seeing something nobody else does. Outside of his in-ring technical work, he's a bore.
Wonder how far Punk would have gotten in his career with 'being concerned about keeping his job'

Exactly. Punk never being satisfied with his position, while it eventually drove him to leave, also clearly drove him to heights nobody ever expected him to reach, both popularity and creatively. He had almost carte blanche, made them pay for Cult, etc etc etc


Neo Member
Hahah yeah dickbags, concerned about keeping their jobs. What assholes.

Supposedly I've heard and read Vince WANTS you to challenge him/his ideas and he respects people that do. Obviously I don't know how true that is but when you look at a lot of the folks that were successful, they were vocal about what they wanted. The New Day alluded to them going to bat for themselves with Vince in the Jericho podcast and look where they are now.
The only thing randy has is that RKO looks cool, other than that he is boring as fuck.

Fans go ape shit still when he does his viper slam on the ground shit. They eat up his in ring storytelling. You might not like it, but it's over, far more over than anything Cesaro's ever done. People like to claim Vince is out of touch but don't recognize that they are too.

My point is, that if creative went to Cesaro today and told him "forget your old gimmick/angles, do whatever you want, you have carte blanche to create your own character and get him over" I don't think he'd have any idea what to do.
Wasn't hard for the New Day. Wasn't hard for Rock. Wasn't hard for Stone Cold. The great ones rise above the shit sandwich creative hands them. The midcarders stay midcarders because they settle for what they are given.

The only reason why The New Day is as over as they are is because of the WM crowd. They took advantage of it for sure, but the WM help set that in motion.


Probably shouldn't complain about not getting a push then, should he? No one should aspire for anything in the WWE. They should just wait til the bossman comes by and gives them their turn to have a push. Oh yes sir please and thank you sir.

Wonder how far Punk would have gotten in his career with 'being concerned about keeping his job'
Some people are just more passive in life. People who aren't super aggressive can be successful too in the right situations. NXT is a prime example. Work hard and show you have talent and they'll book the best program they can for you, even if stepping on toes sometimes is not in your nature.

But yes, with Vince 100 percent running things on the main show, you absolutely have to stand up for yourself to reach any personal goals you might have. It is frustrating seeing these guys just float from the outside but who am I to judge? I don't know what Cesaro or Ziggler actually think or deal with on a daily basis.


Randy's weird schizo shit he does in the ring goes over well with the fans. Meanwhile, Cesaro...pumps his fists. Oh and he's the "king of swing".

Sheamus is brain dead and has 2 punchlines which he repeats over and over again yet he's in every segment and every feud

sometimes it's about how you get booked

New Day are an anomaly, not everyone on that roster can make it the way they did. And they did succeed because they got the initial push


I bet Cesaro could easily get over in New Japan. Especially since they'd probably let him do whatever he wanted for ring entrances and his general presentation.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Orton is over because he IS the look. It has nothing to do with his wrestling or promos anymore, so you can't compare yourself to Orton because you're not winning that competition., It's why Orton doesn't carer because he knows, and has said publicly, he knows his spot is guaranteed because his look is money.

It's the same as wondering why Goldberg or Sid got so many pushes instead of so and so. Because they looked awesome to people. You need to look at other main eventers and compare to them, not Orton.


Fans go ape shit still when he does his viper slam on the ground shit. They eat up his in ring storytelling. You might not like it, but it's over, far more over than anything Cesaro's ever done. People like to claim Vince is out of touch but don't recognize that they are too.
People go ape shit when ceasro goes for the Swing, hell at his lowest point whenever he does the swing the who crowd pops.Only difference between randy and ceasro is that is a Vince guy and the other isn't. One gets books to look good while the other doesn't, if they were to swap noting would change.


Orton is over because he IS the look. It has nothing to do with his wrestling or promos anymore, so you can't compare yourself to Orton because you're not winning that competition., It's why Orton doesn't carer because he knows, and has said publicly, he knows his spot is guaranteed because his look is money.

It's the same as wondering why Goldberg or Sid got so many pushes instead of so and so. Because they looked awesome to people. You need to look at other main eventers and compare to them, not Orton.
Orton could be awesome as fuck if booked properly. He always feels like one of the most wasted talents they have. Loved his early legend killer stuff.

Still enjoy Orton but yeah, just a bunch of forgetful feuds these days.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Whatever the New Day did that was entertaining is already getting old because they do it full-speed every week.

Xavier still has the fucken trombone.


Balor basically said you can do whatever, but you won't get any guidance at all.

Balor is going to fail on the main roster too, don't you forget

He's just "a dude who wrestles", Vince doesn't care about those. If he bites on the Demon thing it'll be the worst
People go ape shit when ceasro goes for the Swing, hell at his lowest point whenever he does the swing the who crowd pops.Only difference between randy and ceasro is that is a Vince guy and the other isn't.

There was nothing else to do with him beyond that. You can't build a character around a guy who swings guys by their legs. Even Paul Heyman couldn't sell it. He's just empty. He is where he belongs.


New Day are the new Spirit Squad. They will likely last as long as well and be sent off in a similar fashion

Well they are more entertaining than the Spirit Squad ever was, but you have merit.
Sadly they are one person's bad day away from being jobbed out to put Big Show over
I still remember some 2k panel before SummerSlam '14 where Cesaro was given a softball question to talk himself up and just kept droning on and on about something before Cena had to butt in and hold his hand and lead him to putting himself over..

That shit was sad, but Cesaro is probably the best wrestler in all of WWE and should have a spot based on that alone. Just give him Sheamus's spot.
I still remember some 2k panel before SummerSlam '14 where Cesaro was given a softball question to talk himself up and just kept droning on and on about something before Cena had to butt in and hold his hand and lead him to putting himself over..

That shit was sad, but Cesaro is probably the best wrestler in all of WWE and should have a spot based on that alone. Just give him Sheamus's spot.

Give Cena a stable of underachievers and jobbers and let him put them over. Cesaro, Ziggler, Rusev and Zack Ryder.


There was nothing else to do with him beyond that. You can't build a character around a guy who swings guys by their legs. Even Paul Heyman couldn't sell it. He's just empty. He is where he belongs.
The reason why heymen couldnt sell it was because he wasn't trying to , when he was his manager he would barely talk about ceasro instead he wold talk about Brock beating the streak. And his character is empty not cause of any fault of ceasro it because of wwe writing and booking If wwe book ceasro like roman he would be in a different spot.


I still remember some 2k panel before SummerSlam '14 where Cesaro was given a softball question to talk himself up and just kept droning on and on about something before Cena had to butt in and hold his hand and lead him to putting himself over..

That shit was sad, but Cesaro is probably the best wrestler in all of WWE and should have a spot based on that alone. Just give him Sheamus's spot.
Watching the Table for 3 with Cesaro, Ambrose, and Owens it became apparent that Cesaro is a just a big socially awkward dork in real life. It comes off as adorable, but I can now see why someone like Vince would shit all over Cesaro. Just not the personality traits he looks for in a main event talent.
Punk brought up a good point one time and said, "If I fuck up, then fire me." Now obviously they wouldn't fire them but the shit Cesaro gets in this thread saying he's where he belongs and such just seems so close-minded. How about giving him or someone else a chance. It'll either stick or it falls.

My main argument here is that why not actually try something new? Now I don't have the raw numbers or run a promotion but boy wtf man.
The reason why heymen couldnt sell it was because he wasn't trying to , when he was his manager he would barely talk about ceasro instead he wold talk about Brock beating the streak. And his character is empty not cause of any fault of ceasro it because of wwe writing and booking If wwe book ceasro like roman he would be in a different spot.

If they booked him like Roman he'd be in the same boat as Roman...boring and fumbling and incapable of delivering even the most basic of promos without sounding completely disingenuous, and people would hate him just like they do with Roman.

I mean, is Roman Reigns the standard you want to hold Cesaro to? Is that what you want for him? Roman Reigns is being handed a golden opportunity and he simply lacks what it takes to make the most of it. It's the same thing. He doesn't have the natural charisma and ability that the guys prior to him in this same position had, and that's why he's going to fail.
If they booked him like Roman he'd be in the same boat as Roman...boring and fumbling and incapable of delivering even the most basic of promos without sounding completely disingenuous, and people would hate him just like they do with Roman.

Switching Cesaro with Roman in the Mania 31 build would garner a significantly different reaction dude. He would get such a free pass cause of his interweb credz.


Punk brought up a good point one time and said, "If I fuck up, then fire me." Now obviously they wouldn't fire them but the shit Cesaro gets in this thread saying he's where he belongs and such just seems so close-minded. How about giving him or someone else a chance. It'll either stick or it falls.

My main argument here is that why not actually try something new? Now I don't have the raw numbers or run a promotion but boy wtf man.
The main point is there's only one way to get yourself over with Vince. And that's to fight back at Vince even if it means you might be fired. There's not a lot of in between.


If they booked him like Roman he'd be in the same boat as Roman...boring and fumbling and incapable of delivering even the most basic of promos without sounding completely disingenuous, and people would hate him just like they do with Roman.
But unlike roman he is one of the greatest wrestlers in the world, he wouldn't be hated., and I using Roman as example of a guy who was given a chance which cearso has never gotten.
But unlike roman he is one of the greatest wrestlers in the world, he wouldn't be hated.

It'd probably be more indifference than boos, but the idea that you can just shove someone with a cult following and thrust them into the spotlight and force people to like them seems crazy to me. He would need to put himself over, and he isn't capable of that, neither is WWE creative.
Watching the Table for 3 with Cesaro, Ambrose, and Owens it became apparent that Cesaro is a just a big socially awkward dork in real life. It comes off as adorable, but I can now see why someone like Vince would shit all over Cesaro. Just not the personality traits he looks for in a main event talent.

Yeah, I watched that and it was clear he just doesn't have that personality to come out on the mic, and neither does Reigns (but he's got the look).

Punk brought up a good point one time and said, "If I fuck up, then fire me." Now obviously they wouldn't fire them but the shit Cesaro gets in this thread saying he's where he belongs and such just seems so close-minded. How about giving him or someone else a chance. It'll either stick or it falls.

My main argument here is that why not actually try something new? Now I don't have the raw numbers or run a promotion but boy wtf man.

I agree, there's no reason not to experiment when ratings are shit and interest is seemingly at an all time low. Football season should give them some leeway to go with a Cesaro/Rollins feud just to see what happens.
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