Going through the motions is a good way to describe it.
They do that every time this time of year.
Football kills them and they set their mania plans so early (not sure if its good or bad) that they don't really know what to do before the Royal Rumble.
If it wasn't for Network numbers dipping last year they never would have committed to a survivor series program and even that didn't matter in the end.
I mean right now the focus of the program is on Roman Reign's "Anyone but you" program and Rollins being a shit champ while Cena outshines him from both a win loss record and a talent level.
I mean that's it. Everyone else is trading win and loss records and they change opinions on guys so fast they can never create a star.
On NXT they film 5 weeks of TV in one day so guys don't get over exposed, they are forced to stick with a plan, and they understand the crowd in the arena. Plus they get to keep it simple because they don't have to pretend that they are a soap opera.
However the Network is a fantastic product that is really only lacking in new features.