Sting and The Steiners vs. Rick Rude/Arn Anderson/Bobby Eaton
That's like a first ballot Wrasslegaf HOF list there. And Bobby Eaton.
That's like a first ballot Wrasslegaf HOF list there. And Bobby Eaton.
Sting and The Steiners vs. Rick Rude/Arn Anderson/Bobby Eaton
That's like a first ballot Wrasslegaf HOF list there. And Bobby Eaton.
Sting and The Steiners vs. Rick Rude/Arn Anderson/Bobby Eaton
That's like a first ballot Wrasslegaf HOF list there. And Bobby Eaton.
You dare besmirch the good name of Sir Robert of Eaton?!?
They probably finally realized Sting was one dimensional Surfer Dude. Goth paint on a surfer brah but it's still a surfer brah
They probably finally realized Sting was one dimensional Surfer Dude. Goth paint on a surfer brah but it's still a surfer brah
That and Hogan sandbagged him badly to protect his spot, which was never really in doubt.
I'm not even talking about the not fast fast count, but how for literally the first time since the heel turn Hulk Hogan isn't wrestling as a chickenshit and is instead 1984 unstoppable Hulk.
He puts over Macho/Lex/The Giant/and no hips looking kinda like AJ Styles Hot Rod in the past eighteen months but when it comes time for him to actually lose in the biggest match of all time he can't fucking do it.
Sounds to me like Sting was worse than Macho, Lex, The Giant, and Roddy Piper and Hogan saw through the gaudy Crow bullshit
My favorite thing about The Big Show is that they kept the continuity of him being Andre's son from WCW to WWF. Like that someone thought, 'That's so brilliant! We have to use it' from one set of writers to another
this topic
and the woman herself who cannot stop branding every word she says
has made me hate stephanie
when i came in i was all 'ha, she's fun and playful!'
now i hate her
i still like cena
fuck many of you
also i love you
that's my poem
F baseball. Will watch fuckball. Hyped for Star Wars. And end with watching West Coast feed of Raw.Raw goes against:
Star Wars trailer
tomorrow night
The ending.Hechicero vs Trauma I seems like fun lucha hold craziness
buy this game friends
She's the Chief Brand Officer.
So it's been what? 15 years now but the whole Hogan and JJ think, when Hogan commented on why the company is going to shit was that real? Or scripted also, how much is Russo's "worked" shoot crossed the line? Someone give the full story on this.
I never watched much WcW except Saturday nights and Thunder. And the first hour before raw.
Goldberg's WWE debut is pretty funny. Literally the night before was Austin's last match. The next raw, The Rock comes out (as a heel again) and they say
Goldberg's one year run in the WWE looks amazing on paper.
Beat Rock
Beat Jericho
Beat HBK
Beat Orton
Beat Triple H
Beat Lesnar
Then he left forever.
Wow, didn't know he did all that. And people say his run sucks, though, right? So were the matches no good? Cos like you said, on paper that looks like some fun.
Wow, didn't know he did all that. And people say his run sucks, though, right? So were the matches no good? Cos like you said, on paper that looks like some fun. I've seen of Goldberg's WWE run is him coming out the spear The Rock. He manages to make a 30 second promo be lame and unconvincing. He spears Rock. He leaves. It was very ho-hum.
tbf to Goldberg it'd be almost impossible to match beating Hogan on Nitro for the title, based off the reactions of the crowd alone.
An interesting thought from the Austin/Raven podcast: Raven said the ol' Irish whip reversal should be a high spot, as opposed to a regular occurrence. What do you guys think? Another welcome back-to-the-basics approach or would this be going too far back in time?
From Meltz today:
The original plan for Punk's return after the Pipe Bomb + Title win was for Triple H to lay him out on his first return to Raw.
So hey guys, that storyline could have been worse!
An interesting thought from the Austin/Raven podcast: Raven said the ol' Irish whip reversal should be a high spot, as opposed to a regular occurrence. What do you guys think? Another welcome back-to-the-basics approach or would this be going too far back in time?