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October Wrasslin' |OT| Celebrating 20 Years of the YET-AY!

Speaking of "in 2015"...
Would it be safe to say that this may well be the weakest year for WWE since the doldrums of 2008/2009? I'm struggling to think of any strong moments from this year and I ain't counting NXT.

Rollins cash in at mania was great at the time (well as great as a cash in can be after being driven into the ground) but seeing the miserable reign it's led to I find that takes all the wind out of those sails.

We had the Kevin Owens/John Cena series of diminishing returns, the Cena US Open Challenge matches, and New Day shenanigans. It hasn't been a total waste ofa year.
Speaking of "in 2015"...
Would it be safe to say that this may well be the weakest year for WWE since the doldrums of 2008/2009? I'm struggling to think of any strong moments from this year and I ain't counting NXT.

Rollins cash in at mania was great at the time (well as great as a cash in can be after being driven into the ground) but seeing the miserable reign it's led to I find that takes all the wind out of those sails.
Those years at least had HBK, Edge, Taker, and Jericho feuding. We have nothing at all now.


It has lost the element of surprise.

Agreed. Plus after seeing CENAWINSLOL happen to Rusev, Owens, and Rollins the open challenge has simply turned into typical Cena booking with a few more false finishes and finisher spam. The only way the open challenge would surprise me now is if we got someone like Rock to show up and answer the challenge. Or have Real Ass Stone Cold show up and beat him while calling him a dumb sunnova bitch for stealing his move.
yeah this year has been the absolute shits. wrestlemania was a fun watch, that 3 way at the rumble was great, the entire crowd shitting on reigns at the end of the rumble was certainly "memorable"... but that's about all that comes to mind.
The triple threat match at the rumble was the only other thing to come to my mind as well.
The whole Reigns/Rock thing was hilarious but for all the wrong reasons.

To continue putting nails in WWE's 2015 coffin...
- Remember the elimination chamber match which crumbled to pieces as a boring and organised mess that Dolph Ziggler of all people had to try and save mid match by directing traffic as they say? almost as lacklustre was the following weeks MitB match which while not as slapdash was incredibly rote and won by the one man in the match who would garner the most indifference.

- Speaking of Ziggler, his feud with Rusev was the drizzling shits and a prime contender for the worst of the year.

- The divas revolution

- They brought back the King of the Ring tournament, rushed through it to crown Barrett king and then job him like they'd never jobbed him before, also axed the bad news gimmick because it was gaining traction.

In a way I think it says it all that one of the recurring highlights of this year has been John Cena and his US title run, the very man who stagnated so heavily over the last decade is one of the better things about 2015.

it's the weakest year since WCW 2000

The ultimate damnation, very valid as well.


I would take this year over 2006 DX-PG or 2007 Reign of Khali in a heartbeat. Go back and watch some of those PPVs. Ugh.

Shit, this year was better than last year strictly due to Mo' Lesnar.

It looks like this year may be as underrated as 1999 WWF is overrated.
I would take this year over 2006 DX-PG or 2007 Reign of Khali in a heartbeat. Go back and watch some of those PPVs. Ugh.

Shit, this year was better than last year strictly due to Mo' Lesnar.

It looks like this year may be as underrated as 1999 WWF is overrated.

Valid point, can't quite forget the 2006 Smackdown era of eternal tag team match playa featuring Booker T, Finley, Lashley and Batista.

WWE's 2015 pretty much went to shit not long after Mania as far as I'm concerned
We should've known something was up when Raw after Mania ended with a whimper.
Taker somehow looks in better shape than Kane and that amuses me

A year ago Kane was in prime physical condition, when he was doing fuck all ring wise. Now he's back as the big red machine and it looks like he's got a dang gut going on. Guy needs to plan that gym schedule better.

Anyway - excited for Stone Cold and Brock tonight!


The Cena Open Challenge has honestly lost its luster to me.

Yeah even with that in mind, it is the only compelling thing about HiaC or Raw tonight. Cena has to drop the belt while he's gone (unless lolcena) and I feel they'll want to do it on Raw so they can drive that as SOMETHING that happened on live, free TV instead of this endless upsell to mediocre PPVs.

I still can't get over them putting Orton on the pre-show. ORTON. Ambrose, whatever they clearly don't give a fuck about anybody new that's not named Roman Reigns but Orton is a good hand wherever he's put and is a golden boy for them. If I was either or Orton or Ambrose I'd be pissed.


I do feel people forget that this very lacklustre period has been going on for quite some time as in years.

I thought the period when I started watching (HiaC last year) till the Rumble (ignoring the Rumble itself) was fine.

Mania was saved by the cashin and an RKO gif, The build was awful and everything after has been defined by an inexcusably terribly booked WWE Champ and the failure to get Roman over.


what would you say was year 1 of said period?

I've voiced before that 2006 was the start of this oddly booked very underwhelming build to big matches era.

Yeah there are bright spots but so much at the time left a lot to be desired. 2013 was a weird year, 2009 and even 2004 was quite dull.


Enjoy tonight's show!



ALMOST made the mistake of getting wrapped up in the OT side again...I need a chair to the dome next time that happens.


And they died 2 years later!


I was going to say Better to burn out than fade away...but fuck I miss Piper and Savage.
Why do we lose Piper, Savage, Henning, Pillman, Guererro, Rude...etc but still have what we have.
The higher powers must be doing some goat level booking and events.


WWE needs to give Reigns the belt, they keep marketing him and telling us he is a big star without any credentials to back it up beyond his family connections.


I was going to say Better to burn out than fade away...but fuck I miss Piper and Savage.
Why do we lose Piper, Savage, Henning, Pillman, Guererro, Rude...etc but still have what we have.
The higher powers must be doing some goat level booking and events.

When Flair, Arn and Tully pass on, Dusty better watch his ass in the Pearly Gates parking lot.


Man, Honma is great. He had a great match with Ibushi on 2/11. Then right after that was the Junior Heavyweight Tag title match which was also fun with Young Bucks winning over Timesplitters and Redragon.
I still can't believe this is real


It doesn't matter, though. The PPVs/LIVE EVENTS have been devalued, wins and losses don't matter, the champ has lost every match he's been in bar 1 for months. It doesn't matter where you are or what you're doing, as long as the brand is intact and strong.

They probably put them on cos the fans who go will want to see Orton and Ambrose, but they forgot to book anything decent for them this month. So they're on first in a match which is called the 'pre-show' but it'll be in the same arena, have wrestling, and people will be watching it on the same WWE network anyway so it's really just, uh, the show.

I'm not being facetious when I say I think it is absolutely part of the plan to make shows except Wrestlemania now unremarkable, to have WWE entertainment be something that is just constantly on, and one minute of it is the same as the other. They're on a deep branding expedition.


Is it your mission in life to have the worst opinions

meh, I don't HATE Ambrose, just like I don't HATE Bayley, I just don't like their characters. Ambrose is the CUHHHRAAAYZE one ohohohoho! and it's really boring... it got old super fast

his matches against rollins were great, but the storyline went in a dumb direction and died the instant he became the Mustard Spraying Joker


It doesn't matter, though. The PPVs/LIVE EVENTS have been devalued, wins and losses don't matter, the champ has lost every match he's been in bar 1 for months. It doesn't matter where you are or what you're doing, as long as the brand is intact and strong.

They probably put them on cos the fans who go will want to see Orton and Ambrose, but they forgot to book anything decent for them this month. So they're on first in a match which is called the 'pre-show' but it'll be in the same arena, have wrestling, and people will be watching it on the same WWE network anyway so it's really just, uh, the show.

I'm not being facetious when I say I think it is absolutely part of the plan to make shows except Wrestlemania now unremarkable, to have WWE entertainment be something that is just constantly on, and one minute of it is the same as the other. They're on a deep branding expedition.

Most of the ppvs are just extended Raws.
Only Rumble, Summer Slam and Mania matter.
Survivor Series used to be great, and a big deal and they buried that all to hell years ago.


I'm preparing for Real Ass Stone Cold tonight by re-watching Youtube videos of him on WWF Livewire in 1996.

So much realness.


Most of the ppvs are just extended Raws.
Only Rumble, Summer Slam and Mania matter.
Survivor Series used to be great, and a big deal and they buried that all to hell years ago.

Teddy Long and TV killed Survivor Series long, long ago. The concept was no longer unique or special.

Any team can be created any time, on any show.
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