Their huge announcement is that they will be having The Great Khali die in the ring on their watch?
Then again, I said the same thing about Jeff Hardy and Angle...
So RAW will be shit we all know that for sure but the podcast could be amazing. I hope Brock flips the table and they square off face to face because why not...
Apparently Khali is doing some superstar search that puts an Indian wrestler on the TNA roster.
Not sure why anyone would want a roster spot for a company with no TV-deal, but there you go.
Ready for Real Ass Stone Cold and Brock
John Cena dealing with RASC would be amazing.I don't think anyone on the WWE roster today could handle a Real Ass Stone Cold feud.
He'd hurt their feelings.
So RAW will be shit we all know that for sure but the podcast could be amazing. I hope Brock flips the table and they square off face to face because why not...
I am somewhat impressed that TNA managed to get their entire roster on a single poster...
¡HarlequinPanic!;182183064 said:Angle looking straight up gleeful here.
I don't think anyone on the WWE roster today could handle a Real Ass Stone Cold feud.
He'd hurt their feelings.
Oh, and then Stone Cold should become Sasha Banks' manager and go RASC on the Divas Revolution.
Tears will flow.
I bought something I'd never thought I'd use.
Main event stars in the WWE, 2015.
Main event stars in the WWE, 2015.
They went back to the old logo?
if austin cuts a real ass stone cold promo to brock tonight i'd lose my shit
that tease when heyman was on the podcast was so good. I don't even care if it's not happening at mania.
Main event stars in the WWE, 2015.
Main event stars in the WWE, 2015.
Biff Kensington III said:File this away in the LOLWWE category: so the stipulation for the World Title match on Sunday is that if Kane loses, he's no longer the Director of Operations, a title that no one really cares about. But check this: Kane has actually been doing a really good job with this split personality role, so much so that he's entertaining when doing his Bull Shannon routine (and ungodly terrible when going as Demon Kane). So the WWE sets up a scenario where one of three things happens, and all of them are dumb: either they kill off Korporate Kane just as it's getting good and leave us with Demon Kane, they find a way to work around the stipulation like they always do and just make Sunday pointless, or they actually put the World Title on Kane.
That my friends is the definition of 'no win situation'. This on top of the fact that it's 2015 and KANE IS CHALLENGING FOR THE WWE TITLE.
I thought he was still with WWE.
a lot of you guys were still defending Kane last week, i'm glad you came to your senses now that the PPV is just around the corner and the TITLE MATCH INVOLVES MOTHERFUCKING KANE
lmao How many times did La Parka do this to him?
24 hour Kane title reign, just like old times.
Speaking of "in 2015"...
Would it be safe to say that this may well be the weakest year for WWE since the doldrums of 2008/2009? I'm struggling to think of any strong moments from this year and I ain't counting NXT.
Rollins cash in at mania was great at the time (well as great as a cash in can be after being driven into the ground) but seeing the miserable reign it's led to I find that takes all the wind out of those sails.
24 hour Kane title reign, just like old times.
24 hour Kane title reign, just like old times.
Speaking of "in 2015"...
Would it be safe to say that this may well be the weakest year for WWE since the doldrums of 2008/2009? I'm struggling to think of any strong moments from this year and I ain't counting NXT.
Rollins cash in at mania was great at the time (well as great as a cash in can be after being driven into the ground) but seeing the miserable reign it's led to I find that takes all the wind out of those sails.