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October Wrasslin' |OT| Celebrating 20 Years of the YET-AY!



...what is that?


That RAW rating....holy crap that is bad. How low will they have to go before they start pushing the envelope in creative and giving pushes to guys people actually want to see?
This will never happen until Vince is dead.
Until then they're going to keep on doing what they've been doing and expect different results.

...what is that?
Looks like The Wall... standing on top of a larger wall.


They don't know how to do that. They lucked into the Attitude Era by having larger than life personalities like Rock and Austin who could overcome shitty storylines (and make no mistake, there were just as many of them back then). The guys you want to see will turn into the guys you hate real quick.

Not true. Undertaker vs Kane, Austin vs McMahon, Rock joining the corporation, Mankind finally rebelling against his father figure Vince, USA vs Canada, Shawn turning heel and creating DX due to fans not forgiving him for accidentally costing Undertaker the title were all fantastic wrestling storylines. Any one of them is way better than anything we got in the last several years.

Austin and Rock were still there in the end of 2001 and beginning of 2002 when the decline already happened. Because the stories and feuds were awful at that point.


Hey guys where do I start at for the Heel Bret era. I purchased the 3month card.
Wouldn't you want to dive in right after Mania XIII? I mean, the double-turn match sort of kicked things off unless you want to relive the "Face Bret is a Whiny Bitch" era that predated it.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Wouldn't you want to dive in right after Mania XIII? I mean, the double-turn match sort of kicked things off unless you want to relive the "Face Bret is a Whiny Bitch" era that predated it.

Survivor Series 1996. He doesn't actually turn full heel until the night after WM XIII, but you'll appreciate it more if you see the build up. I especially would not skip any of the PPVs as RR 1997 and Final Four are especially important to the story.
Wouldn't you want to dive in right after Mania XIII? I mean, the double-turn match sort of kicked things off unless you want to relive the "Face Bret is a Whiny Bitch" era that predated it.
Ok I'll start where you recommended. After the podcast they showed top 10 crybabies and Bret was on there. And watching that made me forgot how Bret was during that.

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
to be fair it was like the one time Brock botched it. He was doing it flawlessly before and at house shows.

shit happens

Point was that he didn't need to do it. It never fit his character.

Giant could do a moonsault once upon a time but he didn't because it didn't make sense for his character


Debut on Smackdown. As a love interest. During the lowest ratings WWE has been getting in recent memory. They are setting him up to fail. I don't really like
but this is just cruel and unusual punishment.
You expected something different? They set all of their talent up to fail. Even talent they like. Like Roman Reigns.
¡HarlequinPanic!;182397230 said:
I think the summer's boyfriend gimmick could work for breeze, willing to see how it plays out

All those close to Summer are doomed.


and now it's Breeze's turn.
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