Is SmackDown even canon?
nothing ever changes because the show is trash, that's not because of the fans. Fans get behind good storylines, we all yes-yes'd Dbry all the way to the top and had a good time
the show is trash because it's trash, don't blame the fans
It's the WWE when it listens to the fans. Taking some cues is fine, but you compromise your vision. It's just like everyone over on gaming side crying about "oh, there's nothing original out there" yet this is what the fanbase wants. They don't want original. They want familiar.
WWE should not listen to its fans. This ensures a unique product, if the person in charge of it has stories worth telling, and they do. The crowd as a whole can be help correct things when you have a surprise ala Daniel Bryan, but relying on the entire group to shape the whole story is a fool's errand and ensures the whole "we focus tested this to hell so MOST people would like it" is poor storytelling.
It's the WWE when it listens to the fans. Taking some cues is fine, but you compromise your vision. It's just like everyone over on gaming side crying about "oh, there's nothing original out there" yet this is what the fanbase wants. They don't want original. They want familiar.
WWE should not listen to its fans. This ensures a unique product, if the person in charge of it has stories worth telling, and they do. The crowd as a whole can be help correct things when you have a surprise ala Daniel Bryan, but relying on the entire group to shape the whole story is a fool's errand and ensures the whole "we focus tested this to hell so MOST people would like it" is poor storytelling.
It does mean: Listen to the crowd reactions to what you're doing and adjust the book accordingly.
It does mean: Book based on the needs of the audience of today. Don't act like it's 1995 and book for audiences that no longer exist, if you never change you won't gain new viewers and you'll just end up losing the ones that remain one by one until nobody's watching.
Good news:
WWE has reportedly signed Tough Enough competitors Mada Abdelhamid and Daria Berenato to developmental deals, according to PWInsider.
Both Mada and Daria started at the WWE Performance Center on Tuesday. This comes after Patrick Clark was also signed in the past week. He reported to work on Monday.
WWE has now signed Mada, Daria, finalists Zamariah ZZ Loupe and Amanda Saccomanno, as well as winners Sara Lee and Josh Bredl.
Honestly, Mada NEEDED to be signed. Dude has good things all around him.
Did you think this would make you look cool or something? Notice how not a single person acknowledged your post after, not one person did. If I had called you a bitch and a motherfucker like you just did me you would've tattled to the mods. Your reply was on tilt for no reason other than trying to come off like a badass and you failed to do one even acknowledged your post.Well good news: I'm about to. Also a pre-emptive fuck you for making me have to waste my "serious post" quota this month.
This suggestion is so close-minded I don't even know where to begin. Wrestling right now is pretty much WWE, and then everybody else. Not very many feds aside from them are popular, so the thread idea you're proposing just wouldn't work. Those other threads don't even relate to the shoddy point you tried to make, particularly the Marvel/DC comparison. Sit down before you hurt yourself.
Exactly. I admittedly don't watch much wrestling anymore, let alone WWE programming, but I don't bitch and complain when people talk about other feds. It's awesome that people have other feds to talk about in the first place. Let them talk about the stuff they want, Heavy, you selfish bitch. God forbid that WWE becomes literally the only wrestling in the world.
Now my morning/afternoon is actually ruined. I'm going to play Sonic Heroes now because I apparently hate myself.
why would 2K even try to make a good game when people buy it anyway
If you bought it, please raise your hand
Shame list :
-Vince McMahon
Did you think this would make you look cool or something? Notice how not a single person acknowledged your post after, not one person did. If I had called you a bitch and a motherfucker like you just did me you would've tattled to the mods. Your reply was on tilt for no reason other than trying to come off like a badass and you failed to do one even acknowledged your post.
"My one serious post per month"'re the reason why a thread on Raw ratings in Off-topic is better than any official Wrasslin OT for the past year+. It's because the thread is run rampant with gimmick posters like yourself that make "one serious post per month".
Did you think this would make you look cool or something? Notice how not a single person acknowledged your post after, not one person did. If I had called you a bitch and a motherfucker like you just did me you would've tattled to the mods. Your reply was on tilt for no reason other than trying to come off like a badass and you failed to do one even acknowledged your post.
"My one serious post per month"'re the reason why a thread on Raw ratings in Off-topic is better than any official Wrasslin OT for the past year+. It's because the thread is run rampant with gimmick posters like yourself that make "one serious post per month".
Good news:
WWE has reportedly signed Tough Enough competitors Mada Abdelhamid and Daria Berenato to developmental deals, according to PWInsider.
Both Mada and Daria started at the WWE Performance Center on Tuesday. This comes after Patrick Clark was also signed in the past week. He reported to work on Monday.
WWE has now signed Mada, Daria, finalists Zamariah ZZ Loupe and Amanda Saccomanno, as well as winners Sara Lee and Josh Bredl.
Honestly, Mada NEEDED to be signed. Dude has good things all around him.
Apparently Bobby Eaton's final form was Bobby Heenan
Dude is only 27. Shame he is stuck with such a limited gimmick. He'll be Fandango'd until he gets into something different.
I never understood why Breeze was over in NXT. He has a pretty boy gimmick and makes selfies, can it get more obnoxious? The last guy i remember who had a pretty boy gimmick was Cody Rhodes, and he made it work.
And now Breeze will be Fandango'ed on the main roster.
I like to pretend that these posts go together.
Speaking of bad decisions, 2k16 bought. Feel free to send your GWF submissions in on the PS4 platform.
In my defense, I
I go into mourning whenever anyone with talent from NXT gets "promoted" to the main roster to be wasted.
Summer Breeze is the next Savage/Elizabeth, friend
Hahaha. You actually did it. I have so many questions:
- Is the game out now?
- What is GWF?
- Does Redbox do PS4 games yet (in Tulsa)? I'd totally rent it to create a dude.
Bobby Eaton can be any age he damn well pleases. A+ dude.
I think Mada marks the first time an Arab Superstar has been signed since...ooooof.
So stoked to see his growth.
Did you think this would make you look cool or something? Notice how not a single person acknowledged your post after, not one person did. If I had called you a bitch and a motherfucker like you just did me you would've tattled to the mods. Your reply was on tilt for no reason other than trying to come off like a badass and you failed to do one even acknowledged your post.
"My one serious post per month"'re the reason why a thread on Raw ratings in Off-topic is better than any official Wrasslin OT for the past year+. It's because the thread is run rampant with gimmick posters like yourself that make "one serious post per month".
So we're preemptively going "he was never any good anyway, he deserved to be buried" with Breeze this time.
What's the hold up on Gigi, Vince?
1 - not yet, I think it's next week
2 - we did a Gaf Wrestling Federation. It was fun. When 2k15 came out on PC I tried to do a revival of it, but it was SO gimped in such a bad way it didn't really seem possible. This one should have more content, but still be trash to play which is fine. CPU vs CPU fights. Heavy went on a tear with a crazy undefeated streak, Ithil dumped his tag partner and turned into Dark Ithil, Bootaaay had a love affair with Stephanie McMahon and it was ridiculous. Here's a brief clip of the joy:
3 - I have no idea, but I think they lock uploads behind a online code? I'm not sure if they did away with this or not.
Good news:
WWE has reportedly signed Tough Enough competitors Mada Abdelhamid and Daria Berenato to developmental deals, according to PWInsider.
Both Mada and Daria started at the WWE Performance Center on Tuesday. This comes after Patrick Clark was also signed in the past week. He reported to work on Monday.
WWE has now signed Mada, Daria, finalists Zamariah ZZ Loupe and Amanda Saccomanno, as well as winners Sara Lee and Josh Bredl.
Honestly, Mada NEEDED to be signed. Dude has good things all around him.
Here's a brief clip of the joy:
Hey, speaking of Renee Young and, really, this gen's roster...
I was reluctant to watch Unfiltered w/ Renee young but am glad I did.
1) First off, she's a cutie. I get her allure and am now a fan. Yeah, I said it.
2) I love the way these guys carry themselves offstage. Seth Rollins is an intriguing guy. He seems very thoughtful, great humor, but really comes off as introverted and alone. He has mentioned several times that he feels alone. He goes to bars alone, to the gym alone...everything alone. I wonder if this is to deliberately curb politicking in the back. Either way, I like the guy a lot.
Kevin Owens is another. HEaring him talk with this huge smile on his face, talk about his son. Dude is just so grounded and laid back.
Listening to Randy talk about his new wife. Here's a dude that wears his heart on his shoulder.
Bad News Wade of Barrettington. I....simply put...I am just astonished how underused he is. I really really like the guy and his love for English music.
I just really love getting into the minds of these guys because in contrast to how we viewed the show back in the 90s, here we get to know real people and root for them to find success with their characters. It's a much different pov on my end. I like being connected with the person behind the wheel.
and then you get to Brock who doesn't give a shit.
Orton doing a US Challenge and continuing the tradition could be good. Orton is a great wrestler and there's a lot of matchups I haven't seen with him that I'd like to. I'd cry of Sheamus is the first, though.SO fam, is this Orton thing a swerve so that he can be the one to take Cena out on Sunday and take the US title?
Or will they just twist the knife in our backs and have it be Big Show?
Or go really oddball and go with Stroman their new monster.
There was a stupid rumor that it would be Breeze but that is obviously shot to hell.