You should write to HHH and demand your money back. You got a b show finish to wrestlemania
The Triangle Ladder Match was worth it, yo
As was Foley taking everyone to Botch City
You should write to HHH and demand your money back. You got a b show finish to wrestlemania
Fuck, I really want to participate in that idea you have Sunny but since I'm basically just WWE these days my card would be boring :/
about as boring as your Fave Five lists with your narrow horizons, pal. Branch out, sucka
I think the only way to get a A level wrestling show would be to mine different styles and rosters and put together something that flowed well but appealed to different senses throughout (comedy, sex appeal, action, violence, etc.) So it would ultimately probably be some kind of WWE/New Japan/Ultimate Surrender/CZW supershow. friendths. Let'sth play ahmchayaah bookah, ala Duddy Road.
Book a supershow. All feds. Only current. You can bring someone out of retirement if you wish but they operate at their retired level (meaning you're not gonna get something very great out of them)
Ten match limit.
I'm revisting my WM2000 review.
off the top of my head
Sasha vs Lita vs Trish triple threat
Young Bucks vs Time Splitters to get the crowd hyped
Dudleys vs Hardy Boyz TLC match
Owens vs Zayn with Balor as a special guest referee
Angle vs Lesnar
Taker vs Shawn
Okada vs Rollins
main event: Daniel Bryan vs Shinsuke Nakamura
edit: add HHH vs AJ Styles because why not
main event for interpromtion supercard:
Triple H vs. Jeff Jarrett
Will Max Landis handle the creative side?
Listening to Colt Cabana's podcast with Taz. Taz explains the timeline of him jumping from ECW to the WWF.
Taz expected his final ECW show to be the Anarchy Rulz show where lost the ECW World Title and got pinned in 30 seconds.
Vince Russo's original plan for Taz was to debut immediately and feud with Ken Shamrock. Shamrock was leaving to do a UFC return, so they needed a way to write him out. Shamrock was going to have an open challenge for his Lion's Den gimmick, which Taz would answer. Taz would beat Shamrock and take over the Lion's Den gimmick until Shamrock returned from UFC and got his win back. Taz said it didn't happen because Russo jumped to WCW and Shamrock left earlier than expected. So he's just sitting around doing nothing and asked if he could go back and work some ECW dates just so he could stay sharp, which is why he came back to work against Rob Van Dam at November to Remember 1999.
Taz also tells a pretty sad story about his debut against Kurt Angle at Royal Rumble 2000. He said when Madison Square Garden popped so huge for him, he knew as soon as he got to the back he was fucked because Vince didn't create that pop. "I already knew enough that since the WWF machine didn't make that pop happen, I figured I'd be getting a makeover very soon." He said he watched the PPV the next day and heard both Ross and Lawler talking about how the Tazmission was an illegal choke. He said the choke angle on his finisher was never discussed and he believed Vince made Ross say that. He also said Ross only referred to him as the "Human Suplex Machine" once at the start of the match. All of it confirmed his suspicions.
Not sure what top five HHH burials would be....
but Taz is on there!
heh heh heh heh heh
Let's all talk about Wrestlemania 2000 for our pal, DM. friendths. Let'sth play ahmchayaah bookah, ala Duddy Road.
Book a supershow. All feds. Only current. You can bring someone out of retirement if you wish but they operate at their retired level (meaning you're not gonna get something very great out of them)
Ten match limit.
Let's all talk about Wrestlemania 2000 for our pal, DM.
Hey, remember that awesome tag match Kane had?!
what's wrong with WM2000? the greatest champion of all time won the main event against The Rock and 2 other loser
Hey, remember when Hardcore Holly won and he looked like he was pissed he wasn't in the main event.
If anyone had hopes that the Dog/Rusev will end soon, they even announced a fight between Lana and Summer for next month. friendths. Let'sth play ahmchayaah bookah, ala Duddy Road.
Book a supershow. All feds. Only current. You can bring someone out of retirement if you wish but they operate at their retired level (meaning you're not gonna get something very great out of them)
Ten match limit.
Remember when Vince supposedly freaked out about the ratings and demanded changes?
Remember when Vince supposedly freaked out about the ratings and demanded changes?
Remember when Vince supposedly freaked out about the ratings and demanded changes?
Why should WWE build up stars when they have the ratings draw that is Steph
I've honestly never seen someone so tone-deaf about their portrayal as Steph
Before like 2012, she totally got it. She'd take bumps, put people over, etc. Now she's still the same uber condescending heel, but there's never going to be any payoff. Even Rousey didn't chuck her around. Brie should've buried her six feet deep during their match, not the other way around. Just constant misses.
Trips is totally cool with being a colossal stooge now that he's not active, but she's the complete opposite
Michael Elgin & Tomoaki Honma vs Daisuke Sekimoto & Luke Harper
Tetsuya Naito vs Neville
Killer Elite Squad vs Angelico & Jack Evans
Go Shiozaki vs Tyler Breeze
The New Day vs The Young Bucks (for curiosities sake)
Koto Ibushi vs Cesaro
Will Osperay vs Roderick Strong vs Kevin Owens vs Finn Balor
Minoro Sukuzi vs Kurt Angle
Seth Rollins vs Hiroshi Tanahashi
I hate myself for fantasy booking the Young Bucks but hey, I gotta see that combo one day.
17 MINUTE INTERVIEW WITH THE NEW DAY (extended version of the one with Eden)
i'll put Tanahashi in one of my matches if he accepts to drop the stupid air guitar thing
Rougeau asked Hogan how old he was, and Hogan said 43, and Rougeau's said he asked his age, not how many years he'd been wrestling. [2/97]