Oh god, how basic.#PumpkinSpiceFriday
yes plz
Oh god, how basic.#PumpkinSpiceFriday
yes plz
CrunchyRoll (Anime/Japanese Drama streaming site) just announced that they have 700,000 paying subscribers. Soon there will be more people paying for Anime than sports entertainment.
But WWE said that WWE Network is Netflix only better!Since we're doing some false equivalency stuff
Netflix has over 65 million subscribers. That's a whole lot more people interested in various movies and shows on demand instead of WWE Network! LOL!
You're saying this like Dog isn't more entertaining than RAW.
You're saying this like anime isn't more entertaining than wrestling.
Oooh, this is interesting. From the guy writing the New Japan book's twitter, from a podcast with LOLTANAHASHIWINS:
Some, If not all OF the Revolution Pro/NJPW show WILL be on New Japan World, after RPW have an exclusivity window. Ospreay/Okada included.
My boy's going places!
Jolly Kane is really great, and while the New Day are getting a bit repetitive, they're still the best the WWE has to offer, by far.
Edit: Oh shit, new paige
I'm saying that a product whose viewers likely don't speak the language is able tp create a strong footing and grow while the WWE has never grown the audience it once had in 1998-2004.
Since we're doing some false equivalency stuff
Netflix has over 65 million subscribers. That's a whole lot more people interested in various movies and shows on demand instead of WWE Network! LOL!
I'm saying that a product whose viewers likely don't speak the language is able tp create a strong footing and grow while the WWE has never grown the audience it once had in 1998-2004.
Not to mention CrunchyRoll faces competition from other services that offer the same content (Funimation, Hulu, Netflix, Amazon, and others).
Where is the growth? Other than raising ticket prices at their one big event they haven't really grown.
is Netflix, Hulu etc. available in Europe ? (available as in officially, without the need of VPNs, proxys and other stuff like that)
Fire the entire writing staff. Retire Vince McMahon. Send Stephanie home. Bring Shane back. Go back to two hours. Remove the Authority from TV. Stop opening every show with 20 minute promos.
Oh, and, you know, make the show fun to watch.
I'm saying that a product whose viewers likely don't speak the language is able tp create a strong footing and grow while the WWE has never grown the audience it once had in 1998-2004.
Not to mention CrunchyRoll faces competition from other services that offer the same content (Funimation, Hulu, Netflix, Amazon, and others).
Where is the growth? Other than raising ticket prices at their one big event they haven't really grown.
so what you are saying is the NWA is the future?
Japanese stuff is generally superior in all mediums, if we're being serious here. I would rather deal with HK bootleg quality subtitling to watch some fuzzy quality anime than sit through Smackdown nowadays.
Why is Shane always seen as the saviour? Apparently his ideas for creative were apparently terrible. As sad as it sounds, maybe Stephanie really is just the better option of the two.
your telling me that you would rather watch I wanna be the strongest than Smackdown?
I had no idea what this was until I googled it, but yes. Yes I would.
your telling me that you would rather watch I wanna be the strongest than Smackdown?
You got any other ideas to boost the ratings?
It is one of the worst show I have ever seen , it make Smackdown look like Citizen kane.
Renegotiate their contract with USA channel and make it so that RAW and Smackdown is an hour each starting 2016.
It is one of the worst show I have ever seen , it make Smackdown look like Citizen kane.
NJPW is so popular because it appeals to the hipster millennials that wouldn't watch wrestling otherwise. It's the same reason why NXT and Lucha Underground are so successful while Raw isn't. Niche culture is what dominates pop culture now, but WWE refuses to acknowledge how niche it truly is and tries to be some horrid amalgam of the NFL and SNL.I'm saying that a product whose viewers likely don't speak the language is able tp create a strong footing and grow while the WWE has never grown the audience it once had in 1998-2004.
NJPW is so popular because it appeals to the hipster millennials that wouldn't watch wrestling otherwise. It's the same reason why NXT and Lucha Underground are so successful while Raw isn't. Niche culture is what dominates pop culture now, but WWE refuses to acknowledge how niche it truly is and tries to be some horrid amalgam of the NFL and SNL.
Is that why the only reason any of us talk about them is because of how bad the programming is or how bad the ratings are?But wwe is more poplar than alll three of those promotion combination together.
But wwe is more poplar than alll three of those promotion combination together and LOL at lucha Underground being successful.
Is that why the only reason any of us talk about them is because of how bad the programming is or how bad the ratings are?
Face it bro, underground is the new mainstream.
Well yeah, I wouldnt watch something if I didnt enjoy it.do you actually enjoy RAW
be honest
Well yeah, I wouldnt watch something if I didnt enjoy it.
I actually think most people in this thread who comment on Monday Night do enjoy RAW and it's only a few sad sacks who watch all three hours (an eighth of your day!) yet claim to hate it.
Could it be better? Absolutely. The base wrestling in WWE has gotten to the point though where almost every match is somewhere between a bit below average to pretty damn good. There's usually one or two good skits along with about 4 or 5 bad ones.
I haven't full episode of Raw in a month, so ha!
Shots of the old GWF characters...who will make the cut on the new ones?
Vince McMahon thought his ideas were terrible and shot them all down. Not just creative but business decisions.Why is Shane always seen as the saviour? Apparently his ideas for creative were terrible. As sad as it sounds, maybe Stephanie really is just the better option of the two.
The PPVs are the only part of the core WWE programming that I legitatmely enjoy now. With that said, Night of Champions was pretty underwhelming.¡HarlequinPanic!;182680884 said:regardless of whatever is going on monday nights, I'm actually fairly hyped for Hell In A Cell, I think most of the card is gonna deliver save for the main event, which will still be fun. Every PPV we get to wonder what fuckery will let seth slide out with the title intact.
also lol at the soulplaya caw.
Vince McMahon thought his ideas were terrible and shot them all down. Not just creative but business decisions.
If Vince shot them down, I'm pretty sure they were decent or good. We know how one of Shane's biggest ideas worked out.
Definitely not a bad show onto it's self. Problem is that it's the same fucking thing now week after week.I was watching just the main event of Raws for a bit but I decided to tune in for this week's show and it was pretty good imo
Thing for many is i can just tune into the ppv on the network every month without watching for month. I get a recap on all the events just prior to x match. I dont need to see raw or smackdown each down..but wwe still get my money. This is probs also a cause of decline in ratings
Yeah it seems they are just treading water until the Rumble for now. Wonder if football season has anything to do with it? They know they're gonna be down anyway so might as well just slow it down until the NFL passes.Definitely not a bad show onto it's self. Problem is that it's the same fucking thing now week after week.
EDIT: even with the various special appearances, they managed to not shake anything up.
Yeah it seems they are just treading water until the Rumble for now. Wonder if football season has anything to do with it? They know they're gonna be down anyway so might as well just slow it down until the NFL passes.