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October Wrasslin' |OT| Celebrating 20 Years of the YET-AY!


My predictions:

Daniel Bryan will challenge Cena and lose.

Kane will tombstone the ref after a screwy DQ finish.

Brock vs Undertaker will be fun but not be as good as their 2002 encounter.
It's got a strong story and characters(except for one character which is focal to the story and feels like the biggest mary sue in gaming history that no one seems to notice), but the more you play it the more you want to go 'man fuck this'. And if you wanted a good story, I'd say there's tons of games out this year with better, more cohesive ones that don't force you to deal with the pain of playing said game while trying to get through it.

The mary sue
Is Ciri right? She is just ridiculously '2 kool 4 skool' the whole game. She was alright, but I agree it was definitely wish-fufillment.
I can't knock the game, even if the gameplay is pretty average. The world is too damn good, got suckered in hugely.

On wrasslin' though, lets hope big match John can innovate his way out of his mystery man opponent. And I'm calling Woods shenanigans during the tag match.
I need to play that witcher 3DLC that came out. Also Witcher has Gwent which is better than most games that came out this year.

Also while not a 2015 release I'm enjoying Phoenix Wright 5. Finally getting around to it. It's real dam good but I don't care for Athena ability at all.

Ace Attorney vs Layton is stil my favorite
Xavier's likely not at the PPV (marriage this weekend, the table spot was to write him off so people wouldn't wonder why he wasn't on SD, probably won't be back until SD taping)
I need to play that witcher 3DLC that came out. Also Witcher has Gwent which is better than most games that came out this year.

Also while not a 2015 release I'm enjoying Phoenix Wright 5. Finally getting around to it. It's real dam good but I don't care for Athena ability at all.

Ace Attorney vs Layton is stil my favorite

I have to agree that the mood matrix is my least favourite ace attorney gimmick by far.
Xavier's likely not at the PPV (marriage this weekend, the table spot was to write him off so people wouldn't wonder why he wasn't on SD, probably won't be back until SD taping)

Hmm. Well new day aren't winning clean. Is it time for a new member? All we have to do is...


But really could you imagine?


Are there any good wrestling books or shoots or documentaries that cover the 1997 period of WWF well?

After the link to Bret's promo on the go home raw before Wrestlemania 13 last night it made me realise what a crazy period it all was and how I know so little about 1997
Are there any good wrestling books or shoots or documentaries that cover the 1997 period of WWF well?

After the link to Bret's promo on the go home raw before Wrestlemania 13 last night it made me realise what a crazy period it all was and how I know so little about 1997

Would recommend getting s observer sub and going through the archives. It is a really good source and a fun read.
Are there any good wrestling books or shoots or documentaries that cover the 1997 period of WWF well?

After the link to Bret's promo on the go home raw before Wrestlemania 13 last night it made me realise what a crazy period it all was and how I know so little about 1997
Shawn speaks about 97 in his book. Obviously you know the points he talked about
I haven't even played Layton vs Ace Attorney. Doesn't seem like it'd be a good fit.

AA5 was awesome, though AA4 probably was my least favorite. The systems it had in the final trial in particular are...dumb as hell


Are there any good wrestling books or shoots or documentaries that cover the 1997 period of WWF well?

After the link to Bret's promo on the go home raw before Wrestlemania 13 last night it made me realise what a crazy period it all was and how I know so little about 1997

Jim Cornette did a long 1997 timeline video.

If you want to read summaries and opinions on Raw, I recommend John Petrie's recaps of Raw. He was the best recapper at the time.

Here's what he had to say about Bret Hart's heel turn the following week. The night after WM. Such a good write up of how great the turn was.

The Bottom Line: Bret Hart's heel turn has been one of the most deftly
crafted angles the WWF has done ... maybe ever. There's nothing "standard"
or cartoonish about it. We saw his return in November ... his vow to "clean
up the WWF" and how the fans balked at this. We saw him claim he was being
"screwed" by the WWF, and to a certain extent he was right. He WAS screwed
out of a win at the Royal Rumble. Even after finally winning the belt again,
he lost it due to Steve Austin's interference. Virtually everything Hart
said in his speech this week was true, and that's what makes his turn so
genuine and relevant. We've actually seen Hart's frustration build. Taking
into account his inability to re-attain the top, and seeing the fans stop
cheering for his "type" of wrestler, has made his turn logical, realistic,
and perhaps, inevitable.

Compare this to Hulk Hogan's heel turn at "Bash at the Beach": he walks out
to the ring ... he drops a leg ... he's a bad guy! Sure it was a shock, but
was it logical? Did it make sense? All his turn had to draw on was what the
fans have always percieved as a huge ego-which Hogan identified as the
basis of his turn ("I made wrestling what it is today!"). If you hated
Hogan before, the turn gave you no reason to stop hating him. Even if you
liked him, it was his actions that followed more than his words that made
you, as a fan, turn on him. Sneak attacks from behind, and cowardly retreats
are all that keep the fans booing him. He has gone from being the shallowest
babyface in wrestling history to the shallowest heel. Any words he speaks
sound more like prewritten speeches than anything indicative of the "real"
Hulk Hogan. We hate him because we are supposed to, according to WCW.

Hart, on the other hand, has earned his new heel status. We've seen a once
admirable person-one who'd only get "extreme" if pushed too hard-go
completely over the edge. What most other wrestlers would merely accept,
Hart has lingered over and dwelled upon. He still hasn't accepted his loss
at last year's Wrestlemania. He still blames Michaels for his loss to Sid at
last December's In Your House (the only real weak part of the whole buildup
to this turn). He blames the refs for his loss at the Royal Rumble. What
started as a minority view by a few wrestling fans ("Bret is a crybaby")
became apparent to the majority. Despite Bret's own claims to the contrary
of moving beyond those setbacks, it's apparent that he hasn't. He still
cannot stand Shawn Michaels, even though Shawn was clearly the better man at
WrestleMania XII. If Hart were "the better man," he wouldn't keep bringing
up the fact that he "didn't lose that match."

The whole turn has been draped in realism. Hart's comments about the
American fans sting because they smack of the truth. Hart won the match
versus Steve Austin at WrestleMania, yet he was booed. Would Shawn Michaels
have been booed as loudly? The Undertaker? Probably not. Steve Austin is as
despicable a character as there's ever been in wrestling and the fans
cheered him on. Any criticisms Hart levels at the American fans are dead-on
in that respect.

But Hart has gone beyond that-he's had to-to complete the turn. The above
only establishes him as unpopular, (to American fans), but not a heel. What
completed the turn, fleshed out the canvas if you will, was the attack on
Michaels. Even if you believe that Shawn "faked" his injury, (a notion the
average fan will probably dismiss), his attack from behind shows just what a
fundamental change Hart has undergone. The "old" Bret Hart would never
attack someone from behind, not to mention doing so to a person who was
supposedly injured already. This was the furtherance of the actions began at
the end of his match against Austin.

Add in to all this Hart's personal verbal attacks against the WWF's other
upper echelon wrestlers: calling Sid a fraud, his disparaging remarks aimed
at the Undertaker. He went just short of outright accusing Shawn of being
gay, for crying out loud! This wasn't simply empty name calling like we see
so often by heels (WCW's in particular). These were comments delivered with
conviction, perhaps seeming more genuine because (just perhaps) Bret
actually believes some of these things. Bret Hart is now accusable of being
everything including a "crybaby," a "sore loser," a "bigot," and "jealous."
Whether any of these labels are accurate or true, Hart has established that
we, as fans, are entitled to call him such.

Unfortunately, we've seen the high point of all this already. No doubt that
from now on Hart will play the more conventional heel, doing run-ins, saying
how much better he is than everyone else, etc. What would be even worse is
if the WWF turns Austin into a pandering babyface (like Michaels) to counter
this. My hope is that they won't. What can't be denied, though, is the
emotion that Hart's rallying cry "the Best there is ... " will raise in the
minds of those that hear it. Never has something that once seemed so true
become something so vile, venemous, and ugly.
You know another funny thing? In 98' Taker threatened Shawn of he didn't let Austin win he'd beat him so bad that he wouldn't ever wrestle again. 12 years later he ends his career.
I haven't even played Layton vs Ace Attorney. Doesn't seem like it'd be a good fit.

AA5 was awesome, though AA4 probably was my least favorite. The systems it had in the final trial in particular are...dumb as hell

It works surprisingly well. Game is half Layton gameplay(puzzles) , the other half is trials.(AA)

You cross examine 4 witnesses at once. There are also a character that does pro wrestling style run ins .

My Boy Miles Edgeworth needs to comeback
It works suprisngky well. Game is half Layton gameplay(puzzles) , the other half is trials.

You cross examine 4 witnesses at once. There are also a character that does pro wrestling style run ins .

My Boy Miles Edgeworth needs to comeback

It's for 3DS, right? I chucked that shit away a long time ago. Someone buy me one. #kappa


Jim Cornette did a long 1997 timeline video.

If you want to read summaries and opinions on Raw, I recommend John Petrie's recaps of Raw. He was the best recapper at the time.

Here's what he had to say about Bret Hart's heel turn the following week. The night after WM. Such a good write up of how great the turn was.

Wow thank you, that was a fantastic piece.


Soooo I'm already tired of three hours of Nitro... and I'm on the first three-hour episode. It just feels long-winded. It's kind of fun seeing everyone ever but it won't be on a weekly basis. Two hours truly is the sweet spot for wrasslin'.


Hey, HiaC is tonight. Haven't watched WWE TV in over a month and just been tracking wrestling with the LAW podcasts. I kind of like this method of consuming wrestling.
Soooo I'm already tired of three hours of Nitro... and I'm on the first three-hour episode. It just feels long-winded. It's kind of fun seeing everyone ever but it won't be on a weekly basis. Two hours truly is the sweet spot for wrasslin'.
it's a good thing WWE learned from the mistakes WCW made


Met Paige. She is smaller in person.

I never had her pegged as being too tall, but how small are we talking?

Soooo I'm already tired of three hours of Nitro... and I'm on the first three-hour episode. It just feels long-winded. It's kind of fun seeing everyone ever but it won't be on a weekly basis. Two hours truly is the sweet spot for wrasslin'.

It felt less hellish when you had two shows to flip between, to be honest. First hour of nitro unopposed, then back and forth during hours 2 and 3 with both hours of Raw.


I'm at the end of Phoenix Wright 3. Then there's Ace Attorney Investigations 1 (but 2 is never coming out in USA), then Apollo Justice, then 5, and then I gotta buy AA vs Layton as I don't have that one yet. 1 was great, 2 was good, 3 has been pretty killer so far.


It felt less hellish when you had two shows to flip between, to be honest. First hour of nitro unopposed, then back and forth during hours 2 and 3 with both hours of Raw.

It's true. But I was also 13 so I think I loved it for a while regardless.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
My predictions:

Daniel Bryan will challenge Cena and lose.

Kane will tombstone the ref after a screwy DQ finish.

Brock vs Undertaker will be fun but not be as good as their 2002 encounter.

At that point the crowd would riot.


If the 'concussion protocol' is anything to go by in the Breaking Ground segment about it, then Bryan is probably never wrestling again in WWE. He probably shouldn't. Probably an untold amount of concussions before WWE. Don't know how minor/major they were. But even if they were minor, from my readings about concussions at Deadspin, they could do big damage as well.


If the 'concussion protocol' is anything to go by in the Breaking Ground segment about it, then Bryan is probably never wrestling again in WWE. He probably shouldn't. Probably an untold amount of concussions before WWE. Don't know how minor/major they were. But even if they were minor, from my readings about concussions at Deadspin, they could do big damage as well.
One thing I'll give the WWE a ton of credit for is that they're taking concussions seriously. Certainly a hell of a lot more seriously than the NFL is... and I'm sure D.Brine's doctor that gave him the green light to wrestle again is probably the same guy Jordan Reed goes to when he suffers his annual concussion.


Not only did Bret have one of the best heel turns, but the turn had one of the best video recaps in WM13.


Can you name any other time WWE told the fans to put themselves in the shoes of the heel? "Imagine this happened to you, you're a legend and you get no respect, a man who you've done nothing wrong to is stalking you to build his career, fans are loving him, wouldn't you be pissed? Can't you see where he's coming from?"

According to the end of the video, all he would have to do is beat Stone Cold in the ring with his sharpshooter, prove he was the better man, and it would all be over. But that's exactly what Bret did. He beat Austin clean in the ring. And it didn't help anything! Fans cheered Stone Cold even more.


Bret's heel turn was perfection, and the amount of HEAT Bret was getting out of American and Canadian crowds was just insane.

And this was all happening while Raw was putting up all-time low ratings every week lol


Not only did Bret have one of the best heel turns, but the turn had one of the best video recaps in WM13.


Can you name any other time WWE told the fans to put themselves in the shoes of the heel? "Imagine this happened to you, you're a legend and you get no respect, a man who you've done nothing wrong to is stalking you to build his career, fans are loving him, wouldn't you be pissed? Can't you see where he's coming from?"

According to the end of the video, all he would have to do is beat Stone Cold in the ring with his sharpshooter, prove he was the better man, and it would all be over. But that's exactly what Bret did. He beat Austin clean in the ring. And it didn't help anything! Fans cheered Stone Cold even more.

They remade that video package with a new voiceover but the same script lol

Hey, HiaC is tonight. Haven't watched WWE TV in over a month and just been tracking wrestling with the LAW podcasts. I kind of like this method of consuming wrestling.
I watch a little and listen to Review a Raw, but I'm similar. It's nice. I have more available headphone time than tv time.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
It works surprisingly well. Game is half Layton gameplay(puzzles) , the other half is trials.(AA)

You cross examine 4 witnesses at once. There are also a character that does pro wrestling style run ins .

My Boy Miles Edgeworth needs to comeback

I just played VS a month ago. It's more or less the best Layton game (all good puzzles, barely any filler) and half of a really good AA game smooshed together.


Not only did Bret have one of the best heel turns, but the turn had one of the best video recaps in WM13.


Can you name any other time WWE told the fans to put themselves in the shoes of the heel? "Imagine this happened to you, you're a legend and you get no respect, a man who you've done nothing wrong to is stalking you to build his career, fans are loving him, wouldn't you be pissed? Can't you see where he's coming from?"

According to the end of the video, all he would have to do is beat Stone Cold in the ring with his sharpshooter, prove he was the better man, and it would all be over. But that's exactly what Bret did. He beat Austin clean in the ring. And it didn't help anything! Fans cheered Stone Cold even more.

Bret's road to Montreal was an insane angle that wasn't an angle but really changed WWE and how their business did. Without Montreal, Mr. McMahon isn't a character, and Austin-Vince isn't a story. You'd still get Bret-Austin for the Title at WM14, but the rest of it probably wouldn't have had much weight behind it.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I watched WW3 in the last few days.

Is the three tier cage better/worse as a gimmick?

Well, it depends.

The Double J/DDP/David Arquette triple threat in the triple cage...is surprisingly good.

WW3 sucks, all of them

The Nitro triple cage match is bad.

However, the DOOMSDAY TRIPLE CAGE MATCH is the worst of them all.
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