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October Wrasslin' |OT| Celebrating 20 Years of the YET-AY!


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
I'm happy Wyatt is feuding with Taker again; it means he'll be staying away from the faces I'd prefer he'd not face right now since he has no momentum. Wyatt has faced all the top faces so far in the WWE and only has mid-tier and enhancement talent left in front of him without digging up old feuds.

Perhaps they could have went after the Dudleys and built that up for tag team matches.

All the male titles are held by heels right now so don't see Wyatts messing around there either. There is a chance that they could go after Lesnar if they wanted a new feud for all parties.
I love Alberto, but man what a fucking slap to the face of Mid-carders like Dolph Ziggler, The Miz, Ryback, etc. Work "hard" all year, doing shit feuds and storylines, never getting a shot at holding a title.

While a guy who left for almost 2 years randomly comes back, after leaving by complaining, and he instantly get's a Title on his first night back. Hilarious.

EDIT: Lol they used Alberto's older theme-song, instead of the newer one he had that hid more of a Mexican vibe to it. I liked the old one haha, Was more feisty.
I love Alberto, but man what a fucking slap to the face of Mid-carders like Dolph Ziggler, The Miz, Ryback, etc. Work "hard" all year, doing shit feuds and storylines, never getting a shot at holding a title.

While a guy who left for almost 2 years randomly comes back, after leaving by complaining, and he instantly get's a Title on his first night back. Hilarious.

Tonight's main event was part-timer vs part-timer. I think those guys know the nature of the business by now.
Tonight's main event was part-timer vs part-timer. I think those guys know the nature of the business by now.

Yeah but Brock Lesnar is single handily carrying the business right now, plus he's badass as fuck and everyone loves him. They know he's on the top of the board, deservedly so. Bro even makes matches against The Big Shoe sort of decent.

Undertaker is well respected and he's been a huge draw and a hard worker for like two decades, no one should feel bad being billed below him.

What did Alberto ever do? Have a shitty year long feud with Sheamus, and never won despite being the only challenger to Sheamus' WHC for literally 8 PPVs?
Yeah but Brock Lesnar is single handily carrying the business right now, plus he's badass as fuck and everyone loves him. They know he's on the top of the board, deservedly so. Bro even makes matches against The Big Shoe sort of decent.

Undertaker is well respected and he's been a huge draw and a hard worker for like two decades, no one should feel bad being billed below him.

What did Alberto ever do? Have a shitty year long feud with Sheamus, and never won despite being the only challenger to Sheamus' WHC for literally 8 PPVs?

He's a big name, just like those other two guys are, which is why they can jump to the front of the line.
He's a big name, just like those other two guys are, which is why they can jump to the front of the line.

Is he a big name? Honestly never seemed like any of the fans really cared about him. They acknowledged he could maybe become a Top-Star, but he never really lived up to that potential. However, we all know who's fault that is.

Is he in the same boat as The Great Kahali? He's so big in his Country that WWE pushes him to get them views and sales from Mexico?
Pre-show match was a great building block for Cesaro - he shined brightly and felt like he would be perfect to win the US Title here. Then ALBERTO RETURNED WHILE STILL AAA WORLD CHAMPION. He and Cena had an okay, but nothing memorable match. I dig the superkick being his finisher instead of the armbar, at least for this match - gives him another weapon to win with. Roman vs. Bray wasn't much, but it had a couple of video game-style highlights. Dudleys vs. New Day sucked and the champs retained. Charlotte vs. Nikki was largely sloppy, but got good-ish kinda towards the end. Team PCB are now just besties again. Seth vs. Kane was pretty bad, but at least Seth won. Ryback vs. Owens was worse than Henry vs. Owens from Raw, but again, at least the right guy won with Owens retaining.

Taker vs. Brock was absolutely nuts. Each guy bled, Brock clearly bladed AND THREW THE DOCTOR. We got some exposed boards, a tombstone...near them because Taker isn't about to fuck his knees up anymore bumping on that and then a big F5 on the boards - so Brock wins this war. Taker's next war was built up with the Wyatts attacking him and...then no one helping Taker. They could've had the exact same scene of Taker being carried away, but with a slew of faces also being laid out - but no, Roman didn't help. Dean didn't help, and neither did Kane. Ending visual was at least cool though.


Screens -

Is he a big name? Honestly never seemed like any of the fans really cared about him. They acknowledged he could maybe become a Top-Star, but he never really lived up to that potential. However, we all know who's fault that is.

Is he in the same boat as The Great Kahali? He's so big in his Country that WWE pushes him to get them views and sales from Mexico?

Pretty much, yes. I'm just saying this is how the WWE views this, and why they would throw him into that match versus Rusev or Ziggler or Cesaro.
Pretty much, yes. I'm just saying this is how the WWE views this, and why they would throw him into that match versus Rusev or Ziggler or Cesaro.

should've just pushed Kalisto if they want to target that demographic, or build someone new

del rio had his shot, and his shot after that, and shot after that and so on and failed
should've just pushed Kalisto if they want to target that demographic, or build someone new

del rio had his shot, and his shot after that, and shot after that and so on and failed

if they wanted to build someone new you wouldn't see them constantly relying on Brock, Rock, Taker, Kane, Big Show, Jericho, ect...


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
I love Alberto, but man what a fucking slap to the face of Mid-carders like Dolph Ziggler, The Miz, Ryback, etc. Work "hard" all year, doing shit feuds and storylines, never getting a shot at holding a title.

While a guy who left for almost 2 years randomly comes back, after leaving by complaining, and he instantly get's a Title on his first night back. Hilarious.

EDIT: Lol they used Alberto's older theme-song, instead of the newer one he had that hid more of a Mexican vibe to it. I liked the old one haha, Was more feisty.

Del Rio was over with the crowd, we'll see if that lasts in non-Hispanic markets and how they book him

Del Rio vs Neville or Cesaro please
Taker, Kane, Dudleys vs Wyatts
Owens vs Ziggler
Sasha vs Charlotte
Rollins, Big Show, Sheamus, Barrett vs Reigns, Ryback, Ambrose, Henry
New Day vs PTP vs Big Cass & Enzo (mystery team 1) vs Usos (mystery team 2)

Something like the above for Survivor Series with one or two other matches added in.
Any PPV without Big Show, Miz, or Mark Henry gets a thumbs up from me.



Man, this 2/14 match of Liger/Chase Owens was bad. Chase Owens, I think an okay wrestler, just has no personality. That match was swing and a miss.


So Brock and Taker went into business for themselves tonight and Vince lost his shit?


Vince has all these robots in his WWE lately, he forgets how old school carnies used to do things.

Nose Master

Called "entire PPV will be clean as a whistle" as a joke at the beginning of the night, can't believe how close I was. Best mainline PPV in a while. Bray can (and should) fuck off already, though. Not sure what their obsession is with running shit in to the ground when it's clearly underperforming. "People like holding their cell phones up in dark arenas, he's a hit!"

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
Alberto Del Patron will show up at AAA at the next event, but he'll be a skinnier, less charismatic, worse worker for some reason. Then in a few years, Alberto Del Rio will return to Mexico as A.D. Patron
Post HIAC rankings (considering a number of variables) as decreed by the King

Tyler Breeze
New Day
Nikki Bella
Zeb Colter
Brock Lesnar
Bruan Strowman
Luke Harper
Kevin Owens
John Cena
Seth Rollins
Dog Ziggler
Del Rio
Bray Wyatt
Roman Reigns

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I liked Bray tonight and loved the entire last half hour of the show.

I'm always a sucker for post match angles that set up the next show. WWF went huge on this at the ass end of 1995 and early 1996 and it was great. Also another whopper of a SS match for this year.

I think we might get three of them this time.
Bray needs to take note from Foley and just be a good guy who admires a Samoan man. Bray can take a beating like Foley, and wont be able to get as fucked as Foley is because he's not dumb. Bray is Mankind. Just make it come out that he thinks Roman was so cool and wants to be his friend. Roman Reigns, this is your life!
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