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October Wrasslin' |OT| Celebrating 20 Years of the YET-AY!



You guys have probably talked about this, but are they setting up the Wyatt Family vs. The Underfrasier & Friends at Survivor Series? If so, who will be on Team Taker? I predict:

  • Stinger
  • Kane
  • Big Show

My thoughts last night were Ambrose, Roman, Taker, Kane.


Brock and Taker had the match last night that Triple H tried to convince everyone he had with Taker in that End of An Era match

This really felt like 2 That Motherfuckers from a bygone era going at it.

Triple H's match was like the Divas Revolution version of it.
What got the Dudley Boyz over was beating up women and the elderly.

It's 2015.

So, the Dudley Boyz should take on Undertaker and Kane in a tables match?

And there's your #DivasRevolution right there. Team Bella wants to take revenge on behalf of the various women the Dudley Boyz abused through the years. Nikki pins Bubba, D-Von, Spike, Sign Guy, and New Big Dick with Strong Style Nikki Elbows in a traditional Survivor Series match.


Absolutely pathetic part deux
I haven't watched the preshow match yet but my match of the night was actually Charlotte and Nikki. I was excited for Del Rio coming back for after his LU run, I actually think he can get good matches out there.


Care about what? He only came back because he couldn't butt heads in UFC and needed the money. He outright said this himself. He has zero passion for being involved. He doesn't commingle with the roster, he gets his notes the day of and does the job. Doesn't even throw ideas back. Just comes in, 'what do i need to do?', checks out. imbask cares more about the product than he does.


I don't care about the product, I hate people and all I wanna do is hunt deers somewhere in Minnesota

but seriously I care about good wrestling, don't care if you're a scumbag outside the ring. If you put on a great show every match you're cool in my book. I might not like your character, ie Bayley and DEMON Balor, but you're still cool because you put on good matches
Care about what? He only came back because he couldn't butt heads in UFC and needed the money. He outright said this himself. He has zero passion for being involved. He doesn't commingle with the roster, he gets his notes the day of and does the job. Doesn't even throw ideas back. Just comes in, 'what do i need to do?', checks out. imbask cares more about the product than he does.


I think it would be difficult to consistently put on compelling matches if he didn't care at all.
People's perception of Wyatt is absolutely fucking laughable. I'm sick to death of all this bollocks about how he loses all the time. It isn't true, it's total bullshit and even worse he's one of the most protected people in the entire company. He has wins over Cena, Orton, Reigns and Ambrose all clean in the past 18 months, what other heel in the company has that? None.

And don't even get me started on the feud with Ambrose. What a load of bollocks, couldn't seem to lose to him clean if his life depended on it. That finish with the TV pissed me off to high heaven.


People's perception of Wyatt is absolutely fucking laughable. I'm sick to death of all this bollocks about how he loses all the time. It isn't true, it's total bullshit and even worse he's one of the most protected people in the entire company. He has wins over Cena, Orton, Reigns and Ambrose all clean in the past 18 months, what other heel in the company has that? None.

And don't even get me started on the feud with Ambrose. What a load of bollocks, couldn't seem to lose to him clean if his life depended on it. That finish with the TV pissed me off to high heaven.
Since when does winning via a singing demon child equal a clean win?


I really wish they went all out with this year's Survivor Series and had like 4-5 legit Survivor Series matches.

Brock leading a team of shooters vs a bunch of millennials would be money.


What if Reigns had Heyman or Zeb to cut promos for him, and only had PPV matches just like Brock? that's money, i'm telling you folks


Brock does care just a little I think. Or he doesn't care to the point that he's up for whatever

It's not like Brock is Kevin Nash, where he wants to show up and do his boot and corner elbows, then leave with his paycheck. Brock obviously wants no part of "the wrestling business" but he always puts full effort into his actual matches.
Even in his book he made it clear the only part of his tenure in WWE (this was written while in UFC) he enjoyed was actually wrestling matches, everything else from the travel grind to backstage nonsense sucked.

He wants it to be a job rather than a lifestyle.


No. They were fine for the surprise, but what can the Dudley Boyz show you in 2015 that you haven't already seen from them?

The only thing left really is for them to powerbomb Hornswaggle and Torito through a table, hopefully at the same time.

Especially when WWE just totally disregarded everything Bubba did as Bully Ray and reverted them to the most basic 2000 version of the team.


People's perception of Wyatt is absolutely fucking laughable. I'm sick to death of all this bollocks about how he loses all the time. It isn't true, it's total bullshit and even worse he's one of the most protected people in the entire company. He has wins over Cena, Orton, Reigns and Ambrose all clean in the past 18 months, what other heel in the company has that? None.

And don't even get me started on the feud with Ambrose. What a load of bollocks, couldn't seem to lose to him clean if his life depended on it. That finish with the TV pissed me off to high heaven.

I would like to ask what your definition of "clean win" is.


Meltzer legit marked out during the podcast when he talked about the ground and pound spot. I haven't heard him mark out like that for a WWE event/spot in a long ass time.


Especially when WWE just totally disregarded everything Bubba did as Bully Ray and reverted them to the most basic 2000 version of the team.

It isn't just that, but the WWE totally pulled a TNA and shit on the entire existing tag division (as such was) and threw the Dudleys right at the top.
Prime Time Players...where did they go?
Where is anyone else now?
Dudleys vs New Day going on the fourth time in a row now?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
People's perception of Wyatt is absolutely fucking laughable. I'm sick to death of all this bollocks about how he loses all the time. It isn't true, it's total bullshit and even worse he's one of the most protected people in the entire company. He has wins over Cena, Orton, Reigns and Ambrose all clean in the past 18 months, what other heel in the company has that? None.

And don't even get me started on the feud with Ambrose. What a load of bollocks, couldn't seem to lose to him clean if his life depended on it. That finish with the TV pissed me off to high heaven.
That is what I said and people got all indignant. Whether it's clean or not doesn't matter with Wyatt for one and two, he wins feuds still. It's pretty clear to me that the people behind the scenes very much like Bray Wyatt given they put him in feuds with main event talent all the time, give him his own faction and 10 minutes every week to give basically the same rant. Out of all of the "new guys that don't get pushed" I don't think Wyatt is a good example at all.


the more I think about it the more I want Reigns with a manager

also drop the damn bulletproof vest it's breaking kayfabe

I think getting rid of it would get him bigger pops from women too and hell some men.
Combine Jason Mamoa's Conan and his Game of Thrones character and make Reigns a monster. Give him a mouthpiece or just have him wreck shit and growl and bark some thing that sounds like words with the general meaning that he is going to skull fuck your entire bloodline past/[present/and future and let him loose.
Meltzer legit marked out during the podcast when he talked about the ground and pound spot. I haven't heard him mark out like that for a WWE event/spot in a long ass time.

Lol, I was just listening to that. Its great when Meltzer really gets into something. Shows why he's been writing about this stuff for 30 years.
I would like to ask what your definition of "clean win" is.

Pinned Reigns in the six man tag at EC clean, Ambrose in the ambulance match, Cena in the cage which admittedly wasn't clean and I read wrong about Orton, they haven't feuded. Let's pray they don't.

But even so, Wyatt has a higher PPV win ratio than Reigns. So for all the people crying about how Wyatt needs to win a few matches please, get a grip.


Pinned Reigns in the six man tag at EC clean, Ambrose in the ambulance match, Cena in the cage which admittedly wasn't clean and I read wrong about Orton, they haven't feuded. Let's pray they don't.

But even so, Wyatt has a higher PPV win ratio than Reigns. So for all the people crying about how Wyatt needs to win a few matches please, get a grip.

That EC match was more than 18 months ago, and what's more, it was a six man tag. No one has ever beaten Reigns clean in a singles match.

The Cena "win" was possibly the dirtiest and lamest win of all time. Somehow in winning the match, Wyatt looked like a bigger chump than had he lost in 5 minutes.


People complaining "the story doesnt make sense if Wyatt lost"? As of now, it makes perfect sense.

If Wyatt beats Reigns clean, what does he need the Family for?The last few months of the feud don't make sense, and as a Heel we have no reason to boo him.

The story has always been that Wyatt has needed to cheat to get ahead-AS IT SHOULD.

Reigns VS Wyatt-Wyatt wins with Harpers help.
Reigns/Ambrose Vs Wyatt/Harper- the faces win, Wyatt gets Strowman to help their odds.

So it makes perfect sense that Wyatt would lose to Reigns and THEN go after Taker. He knows now he needs more soldiers, so he got the strongest one of them all at a moment when Taker was vulnerable.

Last nights PPV was good, Big Match Reigns delivered again.
The women's match was sloppy but meh, still probably Nikki's best outing even if she did a thigh slap on missing her kick spot.

HCTP cheated a bit by having idle/standing animations for individual wrestlers plus wrestler specific move transitions.
It did but it worked and they dropped it in typical fashion of this series.
You know, we talk a lot about WWE missing the boat on a lot of wrestlers, and it does happen. But I was thinking about Beth Phoenix today in my liquidsnake ways and really realized how much more they probably could have done with her. She was a powerful, experienced wrestler who looked intimidating but never hit that 'sideshow' level that they went for with Nicole Bass or Chyna. She remained a top level focus for her whole tenure in the company, but they rarely did anything interesting with her. I think the only interesting thing they did with her was the Glamarella stuff and they didn't do enough with that. She never really got enough time or enough interesting feuds to make use of her talents, but she was always solid at everything she did.

I guess I would have liked to seen her go to somewhere like STARDOM for a tour after left WWE, but I imagine she was ready to settle down at that point.
Beth deserved much better and the women's division was worse off when she left, she had some injuries which maybe hurt her career but she should've succeeded Trish been the face of the division.

I like how it just doesn't stop and loops so well.
They're so Twins, I don't even know which one got hurt.

I guess it was the one not married to Naomi, that's pretty much the only way I tell them apart. Thanks Total Divas!

Remember when they abducted Kane?

Because I sure do.

No one in WWE did it seems.

I hope Bray wins his next feud.
Yeah that's not going to happen.

What was Bray's hang up and motivation against Reigns again? All I remember and maybe it's because I tune out on Bray Wyatt promos now, is his whole "anyone but you" thing.

So if you're going to have Bray end the show with attacking Taker, don't you think it would have made the entire moment more epic if Bray had won his match that night?

It would've but WWE is in this whole "wins/losses don't matter" bullshit thing that shows just how much Vince has lost it.

I actually agree with you, up to a certain point. His character is strong enough where he can survive losing feuds. But man, it's hard to take him as a serious when he hasn't won a feud in god knows how long.

He kind of won that Bryan fued you know except then Bryan went to main event WrestleMania while Bray jobbed to the Undertaker. Umm, Ambrose? No, a stupid exploding LCD spot won that. So... *Shrug*
It did but it worked and they dropped it in typical fashion of this series.

It's quite baffling that they had perfectly great animations that looked almost exactly like how they were performed by the wrestlers (e.g. Austin's stomps, Rock's punches, HHH's knee drop, Kane's side slam, etc), and then replaced them with generic shit that looks nowhere near as impactful or accurate to the real wrestlers.




That one incident aside, however he has the win over Cena which is an accomplishment in itself. But he's protected as shit.
There's many who think he's the Ryback/Ambrose of PPV W/L. He's not. And he's a heel! Heels are always going to lose more, and that's how it should be. In losses, there should be more DQ and countouts though. But you look at his feuds since he's come on the show: Kane, Bryan, Cena, Jericho, Ambrose, Reigns, Ryback, he's beaten them all, but only until yesterday, lost in three of those matches in one on one situations, As a heel, he's protected far better than Rollins or any other non-Lesnar character on the show.
That one incident aside, however he has the win over Cena which is an accomplishment in itself. But he's protected as shit.

Okay, main roster televised matches only. No houseshow matches, no dark matches, no matches on Main Event or Superstars since Wyatt's debut:

SummerSlam: Ring of Fire match, Bray Wyatt d. Kane
8/19/13 Raw: Wyatt d. R-Truth
9/9/13 Raw: Wyatt d. Ziggler
9/24/13 SmackDown: Wyatt d. Ryder
Battleground: Wyatt d. Kingston
8/10/13 SmackDown: Wyatt d. Del Rio (count out)
11/18/13 Raw: Punk, Rhodes, Bryan, Goldust, Usos d. Shield & Wyatts
11/25/13 Raw: Punk & Bryan d. Wyatts
11/26/13 Smackdown: Punk, Rhodes, Goldust, Mysterio, Usos d. Shield & Wyatts
TLC: Wyatts d. Daniel Bryan
12/17/13 Raw: Wyatts d. Rhodes, Goldust, Bryan
12/30/13 Raw: Bryan d. Wyatt (DQ)

A bunch of random wins, and you could say he won the feud against Kane because he won the Ring of Fire match. The feud with Daniel Bryan starts in November.

Feuds won: vs. Kane

1/13/14 Raw: Cage match: The Usos d. Bray Wyatt and Daniel Bryan
Royal Rumble: Bray Wyatt d. Daniel Bryan
2/3/14 Raw: Wyatts d. Ziggler, R-Truth, Xavier Woods
2/4/14 SmackDown: Wyatt d. Goldust
2/10/14 Raw: Wyatts d. Rhodes, Goldust, Mysterio
2/17/14 Raw: Wyatts. d. Los Matadores & Sin Cara
2/18/14 SmackDown: Wyatts d. Rhodes, Goldust, Mysterio
Elimination Chamber: Wyatts d. Shield
2/24/14 Raw: Wyatt d. Roman Reigns (DQ)
3/3/14 Raw: Wyatts d. Shield
3/11/14 SmackDown: Wyatt d. Kingston
3/17/14 Raw: Wyatt d. Kingston
3/25/14: Wyatt d. Big Show
3/31/14: Wyatt d. R-Truth
WrestleMania XXX: John Cena d. Bray Wyatt
4/7/14 Raw: Wyatts d. Big E, Cena, Sheamus
4/21/14 Raw: Cena d. Wyatts (DQ)
4/29/14 SmackDown: Wyatts d. Sheamus & Usos
Extreme Rules: Steel cage match: Wyatt d. Cena
5/5/14 Raw: Wyatts d. Shield
5/6/14 SmackDown: Wyatts d. Cena & Usos
5/12/14 Raw: Cena & Usos d. Wyatts
5/27/14 Smackdown: Last Man Standing match: Wyatt d. Jimmy Uso
Payback: Last Man Standing match: Cena d. Wyatt
6/9/14 Raw: Ambrose, Cena, Reigns d. Wyatts
6/10/14 Smackdown: Wyatt d. Ambrose
6/16/14 Raw: Sheamus d. Wyatt
6/17/14 Smackdown: Cena, Reigns & Sheamus d. Del Rio, Wyatt, Cesaro & Orton
6/23/14 Raw: Cena, Reigns & Sheamus d. Del Rio, Wyatt, Cesaro & Orton
6/24/14 SmackDown: Sheamus d. Wyatt (DQ)
Money in the Bank: WWE World Heavyweight title ladder match: Cena d. Del Rio, Wyatt, Cesaro, Kane, Orton, Reigns & Sheamus
6/30/14: Wyatts d. Sheamus & Usos
Battleground: Jericho d. Wyatt
7/22/14: Wyatt d. R-Truth
SummerSlam: Wyatt d. Jericho
8/25/14 Raw: Cena, Mark Henry & Big Show d. Wyatts; Cena d. Wyatt (DQ)
8/26/14 SmackDown: Reigns d. Wyatt (DQ); Henry, Reigns & Big Show d. Wyatts
9/2/14 SmackDown: Jericho, Cena, Henry, Reigns & Show vs. Kane, Rollins, Wyatts (NC)
9/8/14 Raw: Steel cage match: Wyatt d. Jericho
9/15/14 Raw: Big Show d. Wyatt
9/16/14 SmackDown: Wyatts d. Los Matadores & Big Show
11/11/14: Wyatt d. Sin Cara
Survivor Series: Wyatt d. Ambrose
12/1/14 Raw: Wyatt d. R-Truth
TLC: Wyatt d. Ambrose
12/22/14 Raw: Street fight match: Wyatt d. Ambrose
12/30/14 SmackDown: Wyatt d. Rowan
1/5/15 Raw: Ambulance match: Wyatt d. Ambrose

How Wyatt fared in the Bryan feud is up to you. He won their singles match, but he didn't accomplish turning Daniel Bryan into a Wyatt. You could argue that the Wyatts beat the Shield. Wyatts crushed the Usos throughout 2014. Cena wins at 'Mania; Wyatt wins at Extreme Rules; Cena wins at Payback. Cena wins that feud. Jericho and Wyatt trade wins at Battleground and SummerSlam, and Wyatt beats Jericho in a cage match on Raw. Call that a feud won for Wyatt. Then, Wyatt vs. Ambrose starts. He beats Ambrose at Survivor Series, TLC, and on Raw. He wins the feud against Ambrose.

Feuds won: vs. Bryan, Shield, Usos, Jericho, Ambrose
Feuds lost: vs. Cena

1/19/15 Raw: Wyatt d. Bryan
Royal Rumble: Wyatt did not win.
2/2/15 Raw: Wyatt d. Ziggler
2/9/15 Raw: Wyatt d. Ziggler
2/10/15 SmackDown: Wyatt d. R-Truth
2/23/15 SmackDown: Bryan, Cena, Henry & Reigns d. Wyatt, Kane, Rollins & Big Show
WrestleMania 31: Undertaker d. Wyatt
4/7/15 SmackDown: Wyatt d. Rowan
4/17/15 SmackDown: Wyatt d. R-Truth
Payback: Wyatt d. Ryback
5/18/15 Raw: Wyatt d. Ambrose
5/19/15 SmackDown: Ambrose d. Wyatt
6/1/15 Raw: Reigns d. Wyatt
6/30/15 SmackDown: Wyatt d. Ambrose
Battleground: Reigns d. Wyatt
8/3/15 Raw: Ambrose, Orton & Reigns d. Wyatt, Harper & Sheamus
8/18/15 SmackDown: Cesaro, Ambrose, Orton & Reigns d. Wyatt, Owens, Harper & Sheamus
SummerSlam: Ambrose & Reigns d. Wyatt & Harper
8/24/15 Raw: Ambrose & Reigns d. Wyatt & Harper
Night of Champions: Wyatts d. Jericho, Ambrose & Reigns
9/28/15 Raw: Wyatt vs. Reigns (double count out)
10/5/15 Raw: Amborse, Orton & Reigns d. Wyatts
10/6/15 SmackDown: Orton & Reigns d. Wyatts
10/19/15 Raw: Wyatts d. Ambrose, Reigns & Rollins (DQ)
Hell in a Cell: Hell in a Cell match: Reigns d. Wyatt

In 2015, Wyatt's lost the Undertaker and Reigns feuds.

Feuds won: none
Feuds lost: vs. Undertaker, Reigns

In the end, Wyatt's deepest feud is against R-Truth, who has been pinned by Wyatt every year since Bray's debut. He lost his feud against Cena, but everyone loses against Cena. He and the other Wyatts beat the the Shield, 2014 was in general a pretty good win/loss year for Wyatt. But the wins came with some truly stupid stuff in the Ambrose feud, and the Jericho feud was both short and fairly meaningless. The feud against the Usos isn't remarkable because they're in the context of those six-man tags on TV. So, in the highest profile instances (Undertaker, Cena, Reigns), Wyatt's lost. Maybe that's why there's a perception that he's a weak loser.
I like how it just doesn't stop and loops so well.

I like to think that its not a gif and actually just a live stream and that Brock is still punching Undertaker, right now, as we speak.

Anyway, I just uploaded my photos of my trip to Japan. If anyone is interested there's a bunch of photos from the King of Pro Wrestling event on the 12th. Not a huge fan of how the pictures turned out, the camera I brought with me was kinda not great.

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