
Well that settles it
So WrassleGAF... for better or for worse... whether we like the dude or feel he's ready or anything else... are we ALL... for the first time ever... in collective agreement... that Roman Reigns should win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship from Seth Rollins at Survivor Series?
Because I think we are.
No, Rollins should hold the belt for 435 days.
Plenty of room for everyone on the Roman Reigns War Wagon. We don't exclude people, believe that.
So WrassleGAF... for better or for worse... whether we like the dude or feel he's ready or anything else... are we ALL... for the first time ever... in collective agreement... that Roman Reigns should win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship from Seth Rollins at Survivor Series?
Because I think we are.
Well that settles it
These silly "hold the belt hostage to erase CM Punk from existence" records are trite, self-serving and a detriment to the WWE brand.
The one that should of held the title that long was Bret. But then again the competition was harder, strongerNo, Rollins should hold the belt for 435 days.
Booking around Mania sucks. Stalling on the title change until then will make the Mania build terrible... and the post-Mania programming where they clearly won't take the belt off of him under any circumstances also terrible.Nah. Let Roman win at Mania.
These silly "hold the belt hostage to erase CM Punk from existence" records are trite, self-serving and a detriment to the WWE brand.
These silly "hold the belt hostage to erase CM Punk from existence" records are trite, self-serving and a detriment to the WWE brand.
It's the same thing with Bray. They clearly like the fucking guy and hover him around the main event status all the time. They have him work with main eventers and all the legends are huge fans as well as the writers. He loses a lot but WWE clearly thinks he's one of their top heels because they always fall back to him. He doesn't need the title to cement that for him. Whether it works for the individual fan or not is another thing entirely.At least on GAF, I would hope last night and now tonight would help put to rest any concerns about Kevin Owens getting "buried" or derisively referred to as "midcard status". WWE clearly loves the guy far more than anyone could have hoped watching him kill himself at Hammerstein Ballroom in ROH. He's not "midcard" in the way a random directionless wrestler (Barrett) is. He's "midcard" meaning "he's not fighting for the WWE Championship right this second" and that's about it.
I say let Seth win due to Dean shenanigans and have sheamus cash in.
Spare roman a sheamus feud .
Someone even did the math that Bray has a near main event level of not losing and yet people think he loses every match and feud like he was Kane.
Kane by the way has been getting crazy fan reactions for the last month.
It's the IWC. Every favorite of theirs should win all the time, and Cena & Reigns should lose to all of them.
I say let Seth win due to Dean shenanigans and have sheamus cash in.
Spare roman a sheamus feud .
Are you doing OK, JesseEwiak?
I'm great. AJ Lee's out of the company and has been rightly exposed as a bad worker, Damien Sandow is back where he should be as wrestling randomly on Superstars, Roman Reigns is going to be the top guy, and people are finally realizing that HULK HOGAN has two moves and male pattern baldness.
I can think of many revered wrestlers that had two moves and suffered from male pattern baldness.I'm great. AJ Lee's out of the company and has been rightly exposed as a bad worker, Damien Sandow is back where he should be as wrestling randomly on Superstars, Roman Reigns is going to be the top guy, and people are finally realizing that Dean Ambrose has two moves and male pattern baldness.
What a time to be alive.
I mean...literally the icon of professional wrestling!
I can think of many revered wrestlers that had two moves and suffered from male pattern baldness.
It's the IWC which I am definitely not a part of and also it's the cause of all my problems.
Yeah, except that guy was actually charismatic and wasn't doing a third rate Brian Pillman/Roddy Piper knock off.
I'm great. AJ Lee's out of the company and has been rightly exposed as a bad worker, Damien Sandow is back where he should be as wrestling randomly on Superstars, Roman Reigns is going to be the top guy, and people are finally realizing that Dean Ambrose has two moves and male pattern baldness.
Please have Roman say he doesn't want the push at all so I won't have to deal with that shit.
Matchwise Roman has been good to great since the Royal Rumble.
Nothing cool about that.Why??
Roman is fine and occasilly pulls out cool stuff like Papa Powerbomb-> Superman punch
have a feeling they are going to keep "screwing" reigns just to get the crowd on his side to win it officially at the next mania. Got a feeling roman will win but Sheamus will cash in
Nothing cool about that.
Instead of trying to push Roman like Cena or push Roman like D.Brine, I really wish they'd just push Roman like Roman.So the Daniel Bryan approach? Are they going to screw Roman out of the Rumble and have the Florida crowd shit on it like the past 2 years?
I miss this guy and Chris MastersSo the Daniel Bryan approach? Are they going to screw Roman out of the Rumble and have the Florida crowd shit on it like the past 2 years?
Not going to lie, that might get me back to resub.
But you know what cool is?
You're looking at it.
So the Daniel Bryan approach?
So the Daniel Bryan approach? Are they going to screw Roman out of the Rumble and have the Florida crowd shit on it like the past 2 years?
Not going to lie, that might get me back to resub.
But you know what cool is?
You're looking at it.
So the Daniel Bryan approach? Are they going to screw Roman out of the Rumble and have the Florida crowd shit on it like the past 2 years?
Not going to lie, that might get me back to resub.
But you know what cool is?
You're looking at it.
What was real?The thing is, the WWE Universe thought the Daniel Bryan stuff was real. Even people here on WrassleGAF thought it was real. Do you think they could do it again?
Instead of trying to push Roman like Cena or push Roman like D.Brine, I really wish they'd just push Roman like Roman.
Or Bill Goldberg. That could work too.
The thing is, the WWE Universe thought the Daniel Bryan stuff was real. Even people here on WrassleGAF thought it was real. Do you think they could do it again?
thing was, daniel bryan was wayyyyyyy over