I hope they regret not letting Cody win it forever. Fuck Sheamus.I wonder how they feel about the decision to give Sheamus the briefcase right now.
I actually like Dean. They fucking blew their chance to make him a top guy when they sidelined him getting revenge on Rollins just to put in in a program with fucking Bray Wyatt. Of all the dumb decisions....
Oh so Bray what's the reason you attacked Taker? Oh a bunch of bullshit jibberish? Got it.
All I'm saying is this whole thing is totally setting up the Triple Threat Shield match as the headliner at WM.
It would be hilarious if this was how they got rid of older guys in kayfabe.He's a cannibal now.
I wonder how they feel about the decision to give Sheamus the briefcase right now.
Guys, WWE is qualitatively bad. Really bad and watered down. I don't give a shit about almost anything just reading or listening about it.
Kane? Stale.
Cena? Stale. (2015 has been good for him, though)
Orton? Stale.
Ambrose? Already stale.
Reigns? Stale.
Ziggler? Who cares?
Rusev? Storyline and booking hell.
Wyatt? Same as Rusev.
Very few guys who feel "must-see" or have any kind of unpredictability or "energy" about them that makes them special. Just Brock.
And the other one -- Triple H's constant reference to me taking my ball and going home. "You want me to pull an Austin?" or whatever. Here's a guy who needs to stop worrying about me -- I"m not even with the company right now. He needs to worry about his own character and drawing big money for the company. "Oh, but the business is in a down cycle." That's very convenient. In my view, he's not where he should be with the amount of TV time invested in him. So, don't worry about Stone Cold because somewhere along the line, in the transition from being a Greenwich snob to being the toughest guy ever to walk in the ring who walks down the ramp all jacked up spewing water, I missed it. And you know what? When I look back at old films from when I was gone in 2000, that was the year Triple H stepped up huge. That was the year Triple H was a hell of a hand. So knock off 25 pounds and go back to doing that and being one of the best. It's *bleep*ing simple.
Roman really needs to work on his facials. Stop shaking your head like the Ultimate Warrior all the time, and stop looking like a pouty 10 year old when you try and act mad. His in ring stuff comes across very unnatural. He really can't pull off the cocky smartass thing he tries to sometimes. They'd be better off playing him up with quiet intensity like Goldberg.
Why do that when we can focus more on the Authority and Kane?Wow. I feel like I just watched a Sunny in Philadelphia episode.
It's such an injustice that this kind of stuff is never shown on TV.
I don't understand why Raw is THREE
I think Roman's facials in-ring are fucking great. He sells the idea that he's getting his ass kicked far better than Cena ever did, and he wrestles with more psychology and intensity than the majority of the roster.
Take it off...slow.
His facials are terrible. Just last night in the Cell with Bray Wyatt he was looking like he's just joking around with the man who went after his daughter or whatever. Then when he's getting his ass beat he sells it like he's falling asleep but pops right back up. So much for psychology.
You know who needed to work on his facials? Jimmy King.
That was a great RAW. Fresh matchups, storyline advancement, and one of the better main events I can remember in months.
As much as ive defended Cena on here, he wasnt missed tonight. Neither was Orton.
Roman is the guy. Give him the ball.
Jimmy King's facials were so top tier that he had to don a wig and glasses to keep people from recognizing him. It was only his two most loyal subjects that were able to see through it.
2k16 is just like the real thing in the sense that nobody fucking gets pinned by a finisher
His facials are terrible. Just last night in the Cell with Bray Wyatt he was looking like he's just joking around with the man who went after his daughter or whatever. Then when he's getting his ass beat he sells it like he's falling asleep but pops right back up. So much for psychology.
Well, you bizarrely hated that match, when the parts of it that I watched were quite good.
It's the IWC. Every favorite of theirs should win all the time, and Cena & Reigns should lose to all of them.
The Table for 3 with New Day when Kofi tells the story of doing his Jamaican at a Taco Bell and yelling out "give my compliments to the chef" had me literally loling.
The show has lots of great, funny moments. I just started watching the series and they're way better than I thought they would be.