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October Wrasslin' |OT| Celebrating 20 Years of the YET-AY!


could never

Too big, but thought it was of too high quality not to share.


- Show-long build
- 6-man tag was fun
- Good Main Event
- Wyatt segment was mysterious and clearly they're building it slowly
- Crowd was mostly on point

- Divas segment. Them fucking up the Paige thing over the prior weeks really left this one laughable at how shocking they were trying to make it.
- Mexamericans... >_> <_< wut?
- New Day losing, especially Big E since Ziggler didn't eat the pin in the Main Event
- Breeze had no reason being out there, and didn't interact with Ziggler at all
- Miz taking 3 hours to beat The Rock in a video game

Score: 6 out of 10

Definitely the best Raw in weeks. 3 Raws like this in a row would be great, since the last 2 months have been 1 to 3 out of 10 shows.


So WrassleGAF... for better or for worse... whether we like the dude or feel he's ready or anything else... are we ALL... for the first time ever... in collective agreement... that Roman Reigns should win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship from Seth Rollins at Survivor Series?

Because I think we are.
I'm rooting for Sheamus.


Booking around Mania sucks. Stalling on the title change until then will make the Mania build terrible... and the post-Mania programming where they clearly won't take the belt off of him under any circumstances also terrible.

I say they need to pull the trigger on Reigns now. This is especially critical at a time when all of their other belts are treated as meaningless.

Belts mean something for WWE when it suits them. Its just their main editor doesn't have so much patience anymore...

My line of thinking is Brock gets the belt in RR, Roman wins RR, Roman faces Bork again at WM. Sheamus fail cash in, I guess? I like Sheamus but I realize many of the hardcore don't... I would like to see Sheamus as champ but its gonna be Roman's first chance with the belt... unless he wins it at WM and then Sheamus cashes it in right after. And then Roman chases Sheamus. I dunno...


I think Wrestemania's main event will be Cena v. Reigns for the Title with Cena winning the Rumble.

Brock will face Rock

Taker will face...uh...I dunno


Wasnt that the rumoured plan as of Summerslam?

And if history has shown us anything is that leaked plans 9 months early for mania are normally true until the last minute when they panic.

I think a Shield 3 way might get though OK this time.
I doubt Summerslam had any plan whatsoever going into it other than "fuck it, just do Lesnar vs Undertaker again!"


They're clearly trying to set up an Ambrose turn of sorts, with his rather eager support of Roman over the past few weeks. Which I'm all in favour of, as we may get that triple threat at some point...
I'm confused about Zeb's alignment. Wasn't he a face when Rusev injured him? Why is he suddenly a heel now? Did everyone just forget? And why are we supposed to boo an anti anti-foreigner gimmick?


So not worth it
Why am I just me reading this

You should read the rest, like this part:
And here's one thing I'm going to talk about : They need to let the wrestlers be more hands-on and yank the wrestlers who are in the television production meeting out of those meetings, because it's a separate agenda. They need to give the damn business back to the boys. I'm not saying the people who are in creative now can't come up with good ideas, but when they try to write them out verbatim and tell you to follow them, you become a follower instead of a leader. To be a good hand in the ring, you gotta be a leader. To go out there with some words some sumbitch writes on a piece of paper, and he's going to tell you what to do and you do it, that's not what this business is all about. We ain't actors. Same thing with the matches. The matches move too fast. These aren't quick answers on how to change the business, but I think they will. Bottom line is, it's got to go back to being a competition. It's not a performance. You've got performers in WWE right now, not workers. Go back to what it's supposed to be. And I'm not running down everybody backstage. I'm just saying, you just stick any two random guys, or any two random girls, and say, "Hey, you guys are having a match, and let it fly and see what happens." That's the only way you're going to put any feeling back in the business. Take the business away from the writers and put it back into the wrestler's hands, because that's where it's supposed to be. This is a whole different animal from Hollywood.



You should read the rest, like this part:

Almost every major wrestler has said this sometime in the past 15 years, but Vince just keeps on trying to turn this into some type of corporation despite it not being fit for that.

Just a bunch of carnies trying to convince themselves that they're anything more than that.


So WrassleGAF... for better or for worse... whether we like the dude or feel he's ready or anything else... are we ALL... for the first time ever... in collective agreement... that Roman Reigns should win the WWE World Heavyweight Championship from Seth Rollins at Survivor Series?

Because I think we are.
save us, sheamus


Karma bites me today, as my not-so-legal method of watching last night's RAW stops suddenly halfway through the final match. Guessing the guy accidentally hit the 'Stop' button.

I'll live. Still not paying £50 a month to watch one programme.

Thought it was a decent episode though, I even stopped playing Uncharted to focus and watch it rather than have it on in the background.


I think Roman's facials in-ring are fucking great. He sells the idea that he's getting his ass kicked far better than Cena ever did, and he wrestles with more psychology and intensity than the majority of the roster.
Selling better than Cena is hardly an accomplishment. Hell, it should be expected. Just like throwing a punch better than Cena should be expected.
And considering that his cousin Dwayne is one of the greatest sellers of offense this sport has ever seen, he's got a great role model to take after there.


Dudes are saying Roman Reigns is The Guy now? Hahaha...

I guess I just wasn't made for these tiiiiimes.

Oh, but I was coming to post that I reserved WWE 2K16 at the Redbox. I'll probably only be able to play it for a bit tonight and then I'll probably return. I hope to make a guy and possibly play a little Stunning Steve. :D
Only saw the main event from last night and it was great. It's nice that the crowd was still into the show by then too because that's not usually the case these days.

All hail the new king. #SaveUsRoman


Only saw the main event from last night and it was great. It's nice that the crowd was still into the show by then too because that's not usually the case these days.

All hail the new king. #SaveUsRoman

I haven't seen Raw yet but I look forward to seeing our emperor ascend to his rightful throne

Shades of CM Punk.

And when I busted my ass for the company and done what I done, and whenever I said I was hurt &#8212; and I rarely missed shots until I was taken out with serious injuries &#8212; if I tell you I&#8217;m hurt, I&#8217;m hurt. And I ain&#8217;t got the sniffles, I ain&#8217;t got PMS, I&#8217;m ****ing hurt. If I tell you something, it&#8217;s the truth. I busted my ass for that company. I damn near got paralyzed and turned into a quadriplegic &#8212; and that was a very, very lucky damn thing that didn&#8217;t happen to me. I came back from that. I came back from neck surgery, and I&#8217;ve got bad knees and I&#8217;ve got a lot of other problems. I&#8217;ve given this company everything I got. I&#8217;m not complaining about it, because they pay me. They pay me to give that up, and it provides me with income. So I&#8217;m not whining about it. I&#8217;m just saying, &#8220;I give you everything I&#8217;ve got, now you give me everything you&#8217;ve got.&#8221; I&#8217;m not talking about money. I&#8217;m talking about the best creative possible. Because I drew you a lot of money and I sold you a lot of ****. Now treat me like it. And not like a prima donna, because I&#8217;m not.

And putting Rock on blast.

There were some other things that went on while I was gone that pissed me off. Like during the smear campaign when I was sitting at the house and had to turn on the TV and see The Rock making a special appearance on RAW. This was during the &#8220;Get the &#8216;F&#8217; Out&#8221; campaign, when we had to change our name to WWE &#8212; which completely sucks. So all of a sudden, you&#8217;ve got Rock out there saying, &#8220;You know, if you don&#8217;t want to be here, then get the &#8216;F&#8217; out!&#8221; Well genius, I&#8217;d already been out and got out. To me, that was the thing that got my ass the most. Here&#8217;s a guy who I was a tremendous influence on his career in he ring. He&#8217;ll tell you the same thing &#8212; and if he don&#8217;t, he&#8217;s a liar. Anytime he needed advice for a problem, I&#8217;d give him the best advice I could. I always helped that guy out &#8212; I helped everyone who asked. If you wanted my honest opinion, I&#8217;d give it. so anyway, the problem was with me and Vince, it wasn&#8217;t with me and Rock. I thought that was the biggest chicken**** thing I&#8217;d ever seen done to me, so far in the business, for him to go out and call me out. That&#8217;s how he pays me back? That was pathetic.


Dudes are saying Roman Reigns is The Guy now? Hahaha...

I guess I just wasn't made for these tiiiiimes.
Look at it this way... because I think this logic applies whether you care for Reigns or you don't.

FACT: It's clear that he's the WWE's chosen one until he fails.
FACT: He's getting the world title no later than Mania 32.

So would you rather that they continue to stall and tap dance around this booking for the only title they bother to give any sort of credibility for the next 5 months while Rollins continues to get booked like the weakest champ of all time... only to give us the expected coronation at Mania in a title match with an obvious winner and no suspense.


Would you rather they pull the trigger on Reigns now so they can shift this program in any countless number of directions post-Survivor Series and thus build up both a Rumble with an unexpected winner and a Mania title match that may not have the winner be a foregone conclusion.

I know which of these two scenarios I'd rather have.

i'll come forward

Roman Reigns is way better than he was. His matches are good. I like him now

he needs a manager
Ambrose is his manager.
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