ayyy lmao
someone make a compilation vid of all the wacky shit in this game please
I know you guys have warmed up for #ReignsEra, but I'm actually much more open to Sheamus Era, provided he wins with #TeamEuroTrash on his side, and provided that they all reign supreme.
Sheamus is actually likeable when he acts as the enforcer with his Euro bros.
Probably not. Still will provide fun in other ways I'm sure.So is 2k16 a good game?
Reigns poised to beat Rollins.
Sheamus cashes in. Steals title.
I'll give credit where credit is due and say this is pretty cool
Wade Barrett's victory barrel roll was one of the highlights for me last night.
Also look how happy Rusev is, LOOK AT HIM
Anyone else think they should just make a EU stable with Barrett, Rusev, Sheamus, Lana (when she returns). They seem to be teamed up in tag matches 80%. Why not just let them heel it up full time together. It would give New Day someone else to feud with and whenever Sheamus tries to cash in he would have goons for backup.
lmao shit
The United Kingdom, featuring an Irishman.
Bulgaria is now a European Union member.
Becky Lynch
The Wyatt Family represents America.
It'll be like TNA's World X Cup Tournament mixed with gang warfare.
What is the grit in clam chowder? Am I eating sand?
My DVR didn't record RAW
Anyone give me a rundown?
What sucks about Shaemus, is that at his age and hes still young, he peaked talent wise. That is very concerning.
yep, someone didn't wash those clams very well
Haven't been online much as my laptop's dead, but I thought Roman did really well in what was quite a plodding match with Bray. Certainly won't go down as a classic, but I thought it was one of Roman's best performances to date. There were a number of little things he did that show he's really starting to get it, that Sister Abigail counter for one thing, he moves with a lot more confidence now and seems to be thinking more on his feet rather than thinking too much about what his next series of moves are.
Haven't been online much as my laptop's dead, but I thought Roman did really well in what was quite a plodding match with Bray. Certainly won't go down as a classic, but I thought it was one of Roman's best performances to date. There were a number of little things he did that show he's really starting to get it, that Sister Abigail counter for one thing, he moves with a lot more confidence now and seems to be thinking more on his feet rather than thinking too much about what his next series of moves are.
Haven't been online much as my laptop's dead, but I thought Roman did really well in what was quite a plodding match with Bray. Certainly won't go down as a classic, but I thought it was one of Roman's best performances to date. There were a number of little things he did that show he's really starting to get it, that Sister Abigail counter for one thing, he moves with a lot more confidence now and seems to be thinking more on his feet rather than thinking too much about what his next series of moves are.
Grew up in the Pierce era. That's the face I always associate with Bond.
I don't understand that chart. Is it saying Brosnan Bond only killed 20 or so guys?
What's crazy is that I'm pretty certain Daniel Craig is still younger than when Roger Moore was when Moore first got to play Bond.
Per film
Hey we can't always get what we want but we all know the truth.Brosnan should have been the #1 Bond ever. He was basically a fusion of all the previous Bonds without any of their downsides. Too bad after GoldenEye he got stuck with probably the worst series of movies in the franchise.
Car trunk was June 2014, and gift box surprise was August 2014.
Hot dog cart was October 2014. Hologram was October 2014. Exploding TV was December 2014.
Are we saying that there was a 2 month period where Dean Ambrose approached Real Ass Dean Ambrose? That's probably not enough time to qualify for Real Ass, especially in the PG era.
Get one where Cesaro enters and does his Swiss taunt and turns around into a Big Shoe WMD.
Seems fair.Stro always said
Brosnan had the worst movies, Dalton was brilliant and would have been the GOAT had the world been ready for the Craig style movies in 1987. But as it is, DC is the best bond. Casino Royale is the GOAT