Speak for yourself
I'm rooting for a shaemus cash in
They might wait until right before MITB next year for Sheamus to cash-in because of his movie appearance in TAINT 2 (Teenage Alien Invader Ninja Turtles).
They should put the Title on Reigns now because
- He's got momentum
- Rollins is weak
- Title Program is dull as shit
- Rematch would be at TLC, meaning a new program for RR/FL (Ambrose? Hunter?)
- The Rumble has a higher possibility of not being a complete shitshow because Reigns can't win it (This years' was an even bigger disaster than last years', where people were cheering for Reigns at the end)
- It's also a down period for the company, so doing a title change to a guy they believe in can potentially spark interest while Brock and Cena are gone, right before Football season ends and Smackdown coming to USA next year
Assuming Reigns wins the Title and holds onto the Belt to Mania, I think the winner of the Rumble will be Cena.