Excited for his one month reign
More like Go Shiozaki wants a NJPW paycheck.
Does animes GAF roleplay incest the same way some members here pretend to "wrestle" each other
During the latest installment of Ric Flair's WOOOOOO! Nation podcast, Flair mentioned to Michael P.S. Hayes of the Fabulous Freebirds that "Stone Cold" Steve Austin would boycott WrestleMania 32 if Hayes is not inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2016.
Nese needs to decide what the fuck he's good at and just stick to it - I hate the 'jack of all trades' indie style and he's probably one of the worst offenders.
Steve por favor
FallingEdge is on full display during Bailey/End
Nese needs to decide what the fuck he's good at and just stick to it - I hate the 'jack of all trades' indie style and he's probably one of the worst offenders.
Excalibur: "Montreal the pipeline for Pro Wrestling Guerilla, much like Pro Wrestling Guerilla seems to be the pileine for other places"
Chuck: "Not for all of us"
FallingEdge is on full display during Bailey/End
Shots fired
Shots fired
FallingEdge is on full display during Bailey/End
dope, post a pic, good sir![]()
Which is hilarious considering PWG booked a whole shitload of guys who started at CZW first.
Mind you they get used way better, but still
Which is hilarious considering PWG booked a whole shitload of guys who started at CZW first.
Mind you they get used way better, but still
IWA-MS as well. And JAPW.
Basically, if it wasn't for Zandig, Ian Rotten & Fat Frank, lots of indie dudes wouldn't have got quite as much exposure as they did.
It's extra funny because they said this while 2015's Best of the Best is in the ring and 2014's Best of the Best runner-up was in the previous match
Ricochet, the only good thing to come out of chikara
That's all CIMA's work though. Quack ain't taught him shit
HOLY SHIT that body transformation.
Gulak came out of Chikara too, right? And you could consider Claudio a Chikara discovery. Otherwise, bupkis.
Found Konnan and Rey
Gulak came out of Chikara too, right? And you could consider Claudio a Chikara discovery. Otherwise, bupkis.
Drew is the most CZW CZW discovery of all time. He came out of it and took it over basically.
Friend and I were ready to go all in on Rock Band 4 but I just found out today there's no online multiplayer... I was dumbfounded at first but now relieved that I'm not gonna get caught up in that again.
Friend and I were ready to go all in on Rock Band 4 but I just found out today there's no online multiplayer... I was dumbfounded at first but now relieved that I'm not gonna get caught up in that again.
So what's this I hear about Cena taking2-3 months off?
Was there any fervor for plastic instruments to come back? I feel like they announced Rock Band and Guitar Hero and it was like 'ok.... why?'
tbh Rock Band 4 looks like a huge cash grab so far, not quite on the level of THPS 5 but almost
Was there any fervor for plastic instruments to come back? I feel like they announced Rock Band and Guitar Hero and it was like 'ok.... why?'
He's going to be gone after HiAC (confirmed) until after Christmas (roughly).
Vince must be panicking so hard.
What old timer can they bring in next?
Yeah I bailed on the Rock Band 4 wagon once I saw the set list. Apparently there's no custom setlist option, the character creator is limited, no online play, you can't replace CPU band members with custom ones.