Is Kelly the one that freaks out with SUPERKICK PARTY!!!!, or is that other doofus?
HEY Corino is the Best!!
Is Kelly the one that freaks out with SUPERKICK PARTY!!!!, or is that other doofus?
Anyone use ROH's subscription thing? How is it? Also YouTube doesn't sound like the dumbest idea.
Pivotshare just needs Android/Android TV apps, then it's perfect.
seems dumb, it so convient. tho every promotion needs to have the abiality to buy indivudal shows. dont see an option on ICW channel.
i mean CZw has their entire library on there. !!
I've seen nothing of PROGRESS. Someone gimme their login.
Goddamnit Bronson, they have a FREE show that's totally FREE and I'm sure has been mentioned about a dozen times in WrassleGAF....FREE! - Devitt vs Zack, get on it fool.
AIW sucks tho
Goddamnit Bronson, they have a FREE show that's totally FREE and I'm sure has been mentioned about a dozen times in WrassleGAF....FREE! - Devitt vs Zack, get on it fool.
they moved up a ton of people and they're (the majority of them) failing hard
I think they might be on the verge of ruining Kevin Owens too, the IC belt is cursed
So he can injure the entire roster?
She never looks bad to meOh and Steph needs to get the hell off of TV if she can't take a bump or look bad
Everyone should watch this, especially if you complain about Raw
i've been skipping through it, I think i'm with Aiii... no hard camera + bad lighting makes it really hard to watch
If somebody were to F5 steph in the ring would they be cheered or booed?
The lack of hard camera was because of a technical issue, also the reason they gave the show away for free. Nothing wrong with the lighting, imo - more promotions need to use nightclub-style venues instead of shitty highscool gyms and National Guard armouries.
She never looks bad to me
But what? She can bump. She had a MATCH at last year's SS.
The lack of hard camera was because of a technical issue, also the reason they gave the show away for free. Nothing wrong with the lighting, imo - more promotions need to use nightclub-style venues instead of shitty highscool gyms and National Guard armouries.
IfIf somebody were to F5 steph in the ring would they be cheered or booed?
Why do you keep spreading that sentiment? it's a dangerous one and not even true, I would guess.
Try to get into indie lucha and then you'll know what it's like to be spoiled by cameras
Why do you keep spreading that sentiment? it's a dangerous one and not even true, I would guess.
And she basically killed all of Brie's momentum dead. She can't let anyone get the better of her, ever ever ever ever, and that's a waste. It's wrestling. You're a character or you're not. Trips gets it, he sells like a maniac for everyone ever
Why do you keep spreading that sentiment? it's a dangerous one and not even true, I would guess.
Still not buying that it comes down to Rollins messing up.
Brie had no momentum, she was riding purely off of Daniel Bryan's momentum. Plus, lets be honest, Brie absolutely sucks. She's horrible when she gets near a microphone, she has no character, she sucks in the ring - Steph w/ 10 years of ring rust had to carry Brie through that match. Brie losing to Steph at least opened the door for the Bella Twin that remotely gives a fuck to step up.
Brie had no momentum, she was riding purely off of Daniel Bryan's momentum. Plus, lets be honest, Brie absolutely sucks. She's horrible when she gets near a microphone, she has no character, she sucks in the ring - Steph w/ 10 years of ring rust had to carry Brie through that match. Brie losing to Steph at least opened the door for the Bella Twin that remotely gives a fuck to step up.
Even the suggestion of violence against women pops the crowd. It's not crazy. It happens. It was worse in the Attitude Era (usually because we GOT violence against women a lot) but it pops the crowd. It's ridiculous.
Wait I don't even think the "You Suck Cena" chants made it to television, did it not?
the violence against the women that popped the crowd was always against women who were heels tho
Brie had no momentum, she was riding purely off of Daniel Bryan's momentum. Plus, lets be honest, Brie absolutely sucks. She's horrible when she gets near a microphone, she has no character, she sucks in the ring - Steph w/ 10 years of ring rust had to carry Brie through that match. Brie losing to Steph at least opened the door for the Bella Twin that remotely gives a fuck to step up.
the violence against the women that popped the crowd was always against women who were heels tho
kane tombstoning dx tori got one of the biggest pops
It did give us that great moment where HHH cornered Brie by trapping her with the desk during the contract signing.They main evented a show with one of those Brie/Steph/Nikki segments despite the fact that they weren't ratings draws. they were all in on that angle, until they weren't
what a crazy terrible feud is reporting that the WWE currently has no plans to push Cesaro anytime soon due to Cesaro reportedly "in the doghouse" with WWE Management.
Bryan Alvarez did not offer an explanation on this situation, but it had been rumored that Cesaro possibly got involved in an incident backstage.
Also read: ​Report: Major WWE Plans For Cesaro - Daniel Bryan'ish?
After losing to Kevin Owens at SummerSlam which was described as an excellent match, Cesaro has lost to the Big Show a couple of times and was demoted to Superstars and Main Event last week.
Followed by one of the best looking pedigrees ever.It did give us that great moment where HHH cornered Brie by trapping her with the desk during the contract signing.